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KLM - My Dream Catcher

KLM has followed suit of many other airlines – including Delta’s iPad app and BA’s Inspiration app – by creating an inspirational app to help promote trips around its network. KLM’s app is called MyDreamCatcher and aims to provide specifical ‘local knowledge’ about destinations.


How it works (video): When a user enters the destination and travel dates into the app, a list of recommendations is shown that includes shopping, restaurants, bars, as well as events that are taking place during the selected dates. The key here is that the tool takes time into consideration for service recommendations.

When user selects one of the recommended service (for example, a hotel) to view more details, the application displays the hotel price range (pulled from TripAdvisor), reviews from Yelp/ Google+/TripAdvisor, video of the hotel from YouTube, number of Facebook likes for the hotel’s page, number of checkins for the hotel in Foursquare, and location of the hotel in Google map. And, for other service recommendations in sections like Entertainment, Restaurants, Bars, and Shopping, the application retrieves various other data from above 12 sites.

Interestingly, users will not be able to book any of the recommended items as all content displayed in the app is readonly. The ‘curated’ itinerary can then be displayed on a map for use on a smartphone, shared with friends via social media, or it can be printed out.

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