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VUELING - #StoriesThat DeserveA Plane
Airlines often given planes clever names to reflect their brand character, connect with followers, or simply have a bit of fun. But with its most recent aircraft naming campaign, Vueling has chosen to recognise people around the world who perform good deeds for their communities.
Through a new initiative called ‘Stories That Deserve A Plane’ , Vueling invites people to share stories of individuals whose actions contribute to a better society on a dedicated site . The airline selects stories it finds most touching and commemorates the individual’s social initiatives by naming one of thir teen aircraft after them.
The person who submitted a winning story on the site also wins two tickets for a Vueling destination, and those who share the stories Vueling selects on social media are entered in a draw for a free flight.
The airline has named five winners so far, including a New York couple who dry-cleans suits free of charge for jobless people going for an interview (video) ; the man who gave a job to the Syrian refugee who was infamously tripped by a Hungarian journalist (video) ; the man behind the Tutu Project to raise awareness of breast cancer (video) ; the founder of Juegaterapia, which collects used game consoles and donates them to hospitals with oncology units; and the bus of the future project, an initiative by a Moroccan 20 year old who raised funds to buy a coach so children living in remote Moroccan villages didn’t have to walk many kilometres to get to school.