Valentine’s Day is a popular annual event for airline marketing teams to build touching, love-inspired campaigns around. Like flight itself, love transcends borders and the “Day of Lovers” is celebrated by many cultures around the world.
ers would ‘go the distance’ for this Valentine’s day.
The original tweet – accompanied by an inspirational video – was retweeted 39 times, liked more than 200 times, and replied to 64 times with touching stories of This year, a number of airlines chose to love across distance. think more broadly about love, focusing on the love that exists between family and The airline selected a New Zealand womfriends, in addition to romantic love. On an who missed a long-time friend in EnJanuary 27th, in a campaign that aligns gland as their winner, and created a secwith their #goingthedistance tagline, Air ond video where she tells her story and New Zealand put out a call using Twitter gets a free flight to the UK to surprise the and Facebook, to see who their custom- friend. That well-liked video was posted 11