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Delta - Help the unseen

To mark Human Trafficking Awareness Day on Jan. 11, Delta released a powerful online video. In it, a young boy on a flight turns around and explains that the man dozing in the seat beside him is not really his “Uncle” after which he starts to tell a human trafficking story.

With seventy-one percent of labor trafficking victims report being trafficked into the United States on an airplane, the airline is raising awareness of the issue among travelers in airports and, for the first time, via in-flight entertainment screens.


Delta’s campaign was developed with anti-human trafficking experts Polaris. It calls customers to #GetOnBoard and shines a light on the estimated 25 million people enslaved today.

It includes enhanced signage in airports and an inflight video that puts a face and story to modern slavery,

depicting an unsuspected trafficking dynamic and highlighting indicators through the eyes of the young boy – the trafficking victim - in the online video.

Delta says that 56,000 employees are now trained to identify and report human trafficking at home, onboard or where ever their travels take them around the globe. The airline also offers volunteer opportunities in 13 cities to support survivors in their recovery.

Additionally, the airline offers apprenticeships for survivors at its Atlanta headquarters to provide career development and opportunities to learn professional skills.

Well done Delta, not only is the airline making an effort to tackle awareness of modern day slavery, it is also putting staff resources behind combating the problem and assisting survivors.

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