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Condor - We will Fly You
Condor - We will Fly You
While severe financial problems at Thomas Cook caused the company’s UK travel business and airline to go under, the group’s German airline, Condor, has been able to keep flying thanks to a Government backed bridging loan.
According to German travel trade magazine Reisereporter, the crew of a Mallorca - Duesseldorf flight came up with a novel way to celebrate the fact that they had made it through.

Freddie Mercury’s ‘We Will Rock You’ was played over the passenger address system, but instead of ‘We Will Rock You’, the passengers were encouraged to sing ‘We Will Fly You’ whenever the chorus came on.
The pilot then concluded this impromptu celebration with a talk about how he had been flying for the airline for 25 years, and was looking forward to flying for another 17 years until his retirement.
The event was captured and posted on YouTube by Sean Leifels, one of the passengers.