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Dubai Airports - Find Forky

Dubai Airports has teamed up with Disney to raise awareness of recycling and the need to eliminate single-use plastics, by setting up “Toy Story 4” activity stations around Dubai International Airport.

During July, young passengers are being shown how to transform recyclable materials into toys, by making their own “Forky” (one of the Toy Story characters).


As part of the activity, there is also a competition to “Find Forky” and win a family trip to Paris.

“Forky” - a spoon that doubles as a fork, has become so popular that according to NBC’s Today programme, people are making their own Forky toys at home.

With Toy Story 4 having received its world premiere on June 11th, this is just the latest in a series of airport / airline movie studio collaborations. For more examples, see our last issue where we covered the United Airlines / Spiderman Safety Video.

Earlier this year, Dubai Airports launched an extensive rebrand, with the aim of turning the world’s largest international airport into a ‘cultural hub.’

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