City and cities…. Sesión 1 Vocabulario. Sesión 2 Descripciones Sesión 3. Geografía Sesión 4. Pronunciación Sesión 5 . Juego de repaso. Sesión 6. Comprensión lectora 1. Sesión 7. Comprensión lectora 2.
Sesión 1. MAPA CONCEPTUAL sobre la ciudad y los lugares más importantes. LECTURA en voz alta de los lugares más relevantes. ELABORACIÓN de oraciones con las palabras aprendidas. Lectura de las mismas.
There are some public places in every city. Look at this picture, read each word and compare to your own town or city. Make sentences like these in your notebook. There is a library in my town (city) There isn´t a hospital in my town (city)
Sesi贸n 2. Description. Tell your partner what can you see.
Sesión 3. Aprendemos geografía Señalar los lugares más importantes: Mares, islas, condados, ciudades
SeĂąalar e identificar los estados de la UniĂłn. Identificar los nombres mĂĄs conocidos.
Pronunciation TEST . Read the words. The pronunciation is in green letters. Be careful, and repeat them. airport (érport) - aeropuerto art gallery (árt gáleri) - galería de arte arts center (árts sénter) - centro cultural avenue (áveniu) - avenida bank (bank) - banco bar (bar) - bar bicycle (báisikl) - bicicleta boarding house (bórding háus) - pensión, casa de huéspedes bookstall (búuk stol) - kiosco, puesto de libros botanical garden (botánical garden) - jardín botánico boulevard (búlevard) - bulevar bridge (brídch) - puente building site (bílding sáit) - obra en construcción buildings (bíldings) - edificios bus (bas) - autobús bus station (bas stéishon) - estación de autobuses bus stop (bás stop) - parada de autobús castle (kásl) - castillo cathedral (kazídral) - catedral cemetery (sémeteri) - cementerio church (chéerch) - iglesia
circus (sérkes) - circo city hall (síti hól) - ayuntamiento, municipalidad clock (klók) - reloj consulate (cónsulet) - consulado corner (córner) - esquina crossroads (cróssróuds) - cruce crosswalk (cróssuók) - paso de peatones cul-de-sac (kóldesác) - callejón sin salida curb (kéerb) - bordillo de la acera department store (dipártment stór) - grandes almacenes district (dístrict) - barrio, distrito ditch (dích) - zanja downtown (dáun táun) - centro de la ciudad drugstore (drágstor) - farmacia embassy (émbasi) - embajada fire brigade (fáier briguéid) - cuerpo de bomberos fountain (fáunten) - fuente gutter (gáter) - alcantarilla, cuneta hairdresser's (héerdrésers) - peluquería highway (hái uei) - autopista hospital (hóspital) - hospital
hostel (hóstel) - hostal hotel (houtél) - hotel house (háus) - casa information office (informéshon ófis) - oficina de información inhabitant (in hábitant) - habitante lane (léin) - callejón laundromat (lóndromat) - lavadero automático lawcourt (lóokort) - tribunal library (láibrari) - biblioteca litter (líter) - basura mail box (méil box) - buzón de correos market (márket) - mercado monument (móniument) - monumento mosque (mósk) - mezquita motorcycle (móutorsáikl) - motocicleta motorists (móutorists) - automovilistas movie theater (múvi zíater) - cine museum (miussíom) - museo
GAME PRIMARY LINES They are devoted to revise word families. Each line has three or four exercises, normally starting with a listen and repeat activity and following with some exercises and games. Enjoy the trip!
Line 1. Parts of the city Line 2 Buildings Line 3 Services Line 4 Lanscapes and monuments Line 5 Descriptions: there is/ are adjectives
SESIĂ“N 6.Read this text carefully. Answer the questions with full answers in your notebook or in an open office document. Send the document by email to (
THIS IS LONDON..... Every year, more than nine million people come from countries all over theworld to visit London. They go to the theatres and museums, they look at interesting old buildings, they sit or walk in the beautilful parks, or have a drink in a pub. They go to Oxford Street to look at the shops, or to Harrods. Two million visitors go to the Tower of London. It´s a big and beautiful city with lots to see and do. A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train. The trains run all day and most of the night. You can also see much more of London from one of its famous red buses. The journey takes about one and a half hours. London taxis are called "black cabs". Most of them are black but some are not. You can stop one if it has a "for hire" sign on it. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful. Why not take a boat trip along the River Thames? Boats leave Westminster Pier and Charing Cross Pier and they go to Tower Pier and Greenwich.
Questions. 1.How many people come to London every year? 2. Where are they come from? 3. Write five activities you can do chen you visit London? 4. Is it a PUB in Spain the same than in London? Which is the difference? 5. What can you do in Oxford Street? 6. Seach on internet HARRODS. What is it? 7. Write four methods of transport you can use in London. 8. When can you stop a taxi? 9. What is the name for a taxi in London? 10. Where do the boats leave from?
The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by France in 1884. It was a symbol of friendship and liberty that both countries shared. France and the United States both shared its expense. A French sculptor, Fredric Auguste Bartholdi, designed it and chose its location. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol that expresses freedom to people all over the world. Her crown bears seven spikes representing the light of liberty on the seven seas and seven continents. In her left arm she holds a tablet with the date of the Declaration of Independence. A broken chain at her feet represents the brokenness of a dictatorship. Millions of immigrants were "greeted" by her as they entered the United States seeking freedom and opportunity
Fill the spaces: The Statue of Liberty was given to the ________ by ______in 1884. It was a symbol of friendship and ________ that both countries shared. France and the United States both shared its expense. A French _______, Fredric Auguste Bartholdi, designed it and chose its location. The ______ of Liberty is a symbol that expresses ________ to people all over the world. Her _______ bears seven spikes representing the light of liberty on the seven ______ and seven continents. In her left arm she holds a _______ with the date of the Declaration of Independence. A broken _____ at her feet represents the brokenness of a dictatorship. Millions of _________ were "greeted" by her as they entered the United States seeking freedom and __________