Air Zoo Leading Edge Winter 2015

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Fall 2015 Newsletter

Letter from the President Another remarkable year at the Air Zoo has come and gone. I hope that you all had the chance to enjoy our new (and not-so-new) experiences over the past few months. Two summer traveling exhibits brought some exciting new content and interactives to our floor. “Black Wings: American Dreams of Flight” shared with guests of all ages some of the most remarkable, but often untold, stories of perseverance and courage in human air and space flight. “Da Vinci: the Exhibition” gave guests an in-depth look at the genius artist and inventor through display of many of his works of fine art and interactive inventions. Our new state-of-the-art simulators arrived at the end of the summer and will be providing pilots like you the flying experience of a lifetime for many years to come. And finally, our most popular (including a few new) summer camps engaged, inspired, and educated over 600 students from across our region in hands-on, interactive experiences from physics and chemistry to aerodynamics and spaceflight to engineering and forensics. The positive reception of these and many other initiatives has inspired us to do more. As we move through the holiday season, we will continue to build on this increasing positive momentum. Our new immersive exhibit on the Guadalcanal campaign, fully developed and built using Air Zoo materials and Air Zoo personnel, opened in late November. Winter Break Camps will

In This Issue Collections: Meet the Interns. . . . 2 Guadalcanal Exhibit OPEN!. . . . 2 Host Your Event at the Air Zoo! . 2 Education: Snow Experiment. . . . 3 Education: Science Update. . . . . 3 Education: This Month in History.3 Education: Winter Camps . . . . . . 4 A Season of Giving. . . . . . . . . . . 5

provide bigger, better, and more exciting learning experiences for students between the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. The Wildcat restoration is also going to heat up this winter as the Air Zoo’s restoration team is ready to bend some metal to start to bring the airplane back to its former glory. Finally, in February, another Open Cockpit month will put you inside the cockpit of some of the Air Zoo’s most iconic planes, and on February 20th we are thrilled to be hosting the third annual “Corporate Engineering Challenge”. I can’t wait to meet you all here at the Air Zoo!!

Ad Astra!

Preservation Report. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Members Update!. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Simulators!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Contact Air Zoo 6151 Portage Road Portage, MI 49002 269.382.6555 866.524.7966 (toll free) Membership. . . . . . . . . 350.2815 Monetary Donations . . 350.2812 Fly Buy Museum Store. . 350.2828 Hours of Operation: Mon - Sat: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun: Noon to 5 p.m.

Troy A. Thrash President and CEO

Online: For more information or to shop online visit FOLLOW US!

Collections Department: Meet the Collection Department Interns Christy Kincaid

Collections Registrar The Collections Department welcomed interns to our team this past Summer for the first time in many years. This dedicated team has helped with the new Guadalcanal exhibit, sorted artifacts, cataloged and created finding aids for our newspaper collections, and much more! Autumn received her undergraduate degree in Art History and a masters in Museum Studies. Jill received an undergraduate degree from CMU in History and Archive/ Museum Studies and is planning for a masters in Museum Studies. Shelby is a WMU Alumnus with a BA in Public History and is currently attending graduate school at Emporia State University. Elliott is an undergraduate student at WMU and currently completing 240 internship hours toward a BA in Public History.

Autumn, Jill, Shelby, and Elliott.

New Guadalcanal Exhibit OPEN! Laurie Burkhardt

Collections Manager Be sure to check out the Air Zoo’s newest permanent exhibit, Operation Watchtower: The Guadalcanal Campaign. Located between the WWII Hangar and Main Campus buildings this immersive exhibit takes you through a tour of Guadalcanal with hands-on interactive activities and artifacts from all of the naval and land battles that took place on Guadalcanal.

Events Department:

Host Your Event at The Air Zoo! Michael Martin

Groups and Events Manager We look forward to hosting your private event here at the Air Zoo! From fall weddings, to corporate holiday parties, to overnight scouting camps, experience the Air Zoo in a whole new light by booking the museum for your special occasion. The Air Zoo recently hosted the 1st Annual RPM Symposium, celebrating Reliability, Process, and Maintenance in the electrification, automation, and digitalization of the engineering industry. Sponsored by Siemens and HECO, the symposium featured industry vendors from across the country and held seminars for industry leaders in attendance. The symposium brought nation-wide exposure of the Air Zoo to many guests who had never before visited Kalamazoo. According to all in attendance, the event was a huge success, and we hope to host the 2nd Annual RPM Symposium in 2016! On November 5th, the Air Zoo hosted a job fair aimed exclusively at Michigan’s Veterans. In partnership with Michigan Works, this fair brought employers from across the state to the Air Zoo in an effort to hire our heroes. As always, stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for upcoming events, or feel free to contact the Group & Events Department to see how we can help you put together an unforgettable special event at 269-350-2848 or!

Education Department: Edge-ucation! Experiment: Make Your Own Indoor Snow


Is there not enough snow for you this season? Have you ever wanted to have an indoor winter wonderland and not have it melt? For today’s experiment, here’s what you’ll need: Disposable diapers, a pair of scissors, a large zip-top bag, and an adult.

October 2nd, 2015 12:30 PM ET // by Discovery News

Cut into the diaper and carefully pull out the fluffy insides, and place it into the bag. Gently shake the bag for a minute or two there will be a sandy powder that will accumulate in the bottom of the bag. This is the material we want for our snow! These are sodium polyacrylate crystals, the magical component of disposable diapers. Using these crystals, all you need to do to is add water to the sodium polyacrylate. Add some water, mix the gel. Add more water until you have the desired amount of wetness. The stuff will not dissolve, it’s just a matter of how ‘slushy’ you want your snow. Then play! Sodium polyacrylate “snow” feels cold to the touch because it is mainly water. You can also make it extra cold by putting this “snow” into the freezer and waiting 10 minutes. The snow will not melt; instead it will dry. If it dries out, you can rehydrate it by adding water. Superabsorbent polymers are the cause of this. Superabsorbent polymers are polymers that can absorb extremely large amounts of a liquid to their own mass. They can also create snow using that method. But if there is too much water, it will become like a gel. Sodium polyacrylate, also known as waterlock, is a polymer widely used in consumer products. It has the ability to absorb as much as 200 to 300 times its mass in water. When you’re done, DON’T FLUSH the stuff down the drain! You don’t want to clog it. You can mix it into your potted plants or just throw it away in the trash.

Woolly Mammoth Found by Michigan Farmers Two farmers in Lima Township, Mich. stumbled upon the find of their lives while digging a drainage ditch. About 8 feet down, the Detroit Free Press reports, they struck bone and realized something large was buried in their midst. Soon University of Michigan researchers were on the scene, and after a more extensive excavation they determined the two farmers had found an adult woolly mammoth skeleton. Scientists at the site said it was among the most complete woolly mammoth skeletons ever unearthed in Michigan. Found in the dig were the head, tusks, ribs, and a set of vertebrae. A university paleontologist told the publication it was likely killed by humans some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Its killing by humans explains parts of the mammoth that were missing -- they were likely eaten, An adult woolly mammoth is unearthed in Michigan. the expert said. The Credit: YouTube Screen Capture/Michigan Live creature was between 40 and 50 years old. This Month in History

December, 1954 - The Fastest Man Alive On December 10, 1954, Dr. John Paul Stapp earned the title “The Fastest Man Alive” when he rode the Sonic Wind I rocket-propelled sled to a land record speed of 632 mph. The sled’s rocket motors generated 40,000 lbs. of thrust and were stopped in 1.25 seconds. The test subjected him to the greatest G-forces endured by man in order to determine if a pilot could eject from an airplane at supersonic speeds and live. It was the equivalent of hitting a brick wall in a car traveling at 120 mph. Dr. Stapp sustained a host of painful injuries, but felt the data could save lives. Colonel Stapp went on to contribute to the design of improved helmets, safety test dummies, better aircraft seats, and advocated for required seat belt use which was signed into law in 1966. He lived until the age of 89.

Education Department: Winter Camps! This winter break, get out and have some cool fun in the always balmy Air Zoo! Be a CSI investigator, toy inventor, or an archaeologist in the Air Zoo’s fun and educational science camps.

Winter Break

This year there are more ways to enjoy your winter break than ever before:


Parent Take-a-Break Days Preschooler +1 Camps

Parents Take-a-Break Days

December 21

Go shopping without your kids! Have lunch without your kids! Or go to work, if you must. Drop-off your kids (ages potty-trained to 16) for a fun day at the Air Zoo while you take your own holiday break. Air Zoo staff will take charge of your kids while they enjoy exhibits, rides, and make holiday crafts and treats. Advanced registration is required.

Gifts and Glitter

Family Day

All Day Camps

December 28

Make Some Noise

This winter break, get out and have some cool fun in the always balmy Air Zoo! Winter Break +1 Camps PreK - K Be a CSI investigator, toy Kids, bring your adult +1 with you to camp and have twice the fun! These camps are for preschool to kindergarten aged children to attend with an adult chaperone. inventor, or an archaeologist December 22 December 23 December 29 December 30 Blast Off Santa’s Toy Workshop Dinos It in theI DigAir Zoo’s funBuild and educational science camps. Make festive holiday decorations and presents for your family and friends while enjoying all the Air Zoo has to offer. AZ_GG

Prepare for an exciting New Year with noisemakers, party hats, and face paint. Count down to a great time at the Air Zoo! AZ_MN

$25/child (one adult per child gets a free copilot wristband); 9 am – 12 pm; Limit 13 pairs

Suit-up for a morning of outof-this-world fun! Junior space explorers will launch rockets, dress as astronauts, and make space food. AZ_BO

Let Santa’s elves help you put together some science-themed toys and decorations to keep or give away. You can even wrap them before you leave. AZ_ST

Meet the meat-eaters, play with the plant-eaters, and dig up fun that you will be wild about. Follow us as we track the smallest to largest dinosaurs that roamed our prehistoric planet. AZ_ID

This camp is the blueprint for fun! Young architects will explore shapes and patterns while constructing towers, sculptures, pyramids, and other structures. AZ_BI

This year there are more ways to enjoy your winter break than ever before:

Winter Break Day Camps

K - 2nd and 3rd - 5th

Choose from a variety of science-based day-camp programs that engage and inspire children to learn about the exciting world of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Utilizing fun, exciting, and highly interactive programming, the Air Zoo guides young minds through creative and inquiry-based experiences that instill a life-long passion for learning.

Parent Take-a-Break Days

$50/child; 9 am – 4 pm; K – 2nd grade, Limit 25 & 3rd – 5th grade, Limit 25; After 4 pm, adults can purchase a wrist band for half-price to take their children on the rides.; After-care is available from 4 pm – 5 pm for an additional $10. Bring a bag lunch, or purchase a lunch for $6.

December Preschooler +123Camps December 29

December 22

North Pole Mystery

Help! Rudolph has been kidnapped by a jealous reindeer! Who will lead Santa’s sleigh now? Join the Air Zoo Bureau of Investigation to examine clues, rescue Rudolph, and bring the culprit to justice.

Santa’s Toy Workshop Imagination Station

Let Santa’s elves help you put together some science-themed toys and decorations to keep or give away. You can even wrap them before you leave.

All Day Camps Family Day

K - 2nd Grade: AZ_N1 3rd - 5th Grade: AZ_N2

K - 2nd Grade: AZ_S1 3rd - 5th Grade: AZ_S2

Inspired by the PBS show FETCH, this camp is for young inventors and innovators. Use your creativity to design your own pinball game and concoct potions, among other brain-boggling challenges.

December 30

Ancient Adventures

Examine the scientific mysteries of ancient people and creatures in this journey into archaeology and paleontology. K - 2nd Grade: AZ_A1 3rd - 5th Grade: AZ_A2

K - 2nd Grade: AZ_I1 3rd - 5th Grade: AZ_I2

January 2

Cool Chemistry Family Fun Day

All Ages

Have some cool fun in our warm building! Families can mix fizzy potions, play with polymers, investigate dry ice, and much more. AZ_CC

$2 per person with purchase of General Admission; 9 am – 5 pm; Limit – while supplies last

Register Register TODAY! TODAY! Contact Contact AirZoo AirZoo Events Events at at (269) (269) 350-2848 350-2848 or or

Advancement Department: A Season Of Giving Maria Suszynski

Director of Advancement This is the time of year when many of us are reflecting on the things for which we are most grateful - loved ones, health, employment, home and finding special ways to express that gratitude. Some give a gift. Some share quality time. And some simply say, “I appreciate you.” We at the Air Zoo want to express our gratitude for your continued support. Our partners and members mean a great deal to us, and you are an essential part of our success in delivering a world-class experience to our community and our visitors from across the globe. With your help, our 2015 attendance numbers are reaching record levels, and we are continually adding more S.T.E.A.M. Education programs to keep pace with the ever-growing demand. Midwest Living Magazine just named the Air Zoo among their list of “50 Midwest Museums We Love,” and the media is sharing our stories to audiences as far away as Sri Lanka! We are so excited and honored to share these accolades with you. The Air Zoo is certainly feeling the love.

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students engaged in experiential & interactive education programs

1146 received financial assistance through the

Science Inspiration Fund


Increase in Education Outreach participants

11 Education staff members

schools 43 represented at Educator Preview Night

59% increase in camp registrations

While you are making your giftlist during this season of thanks, we hope that you will consider adding the Air Zoo to your list. There are many ways in which you can continue supporting the Air Zoo. Give the gift of a Membership. Give a financial contribution. Give the gift of your time. Know that a gift to the Air Zoo is an important investment that will make a world of difference in the life of a budding scientist, a future astronaut, a history-lover, or a veteran. To make a financial contribution to the Air Zoo, please click HERE to make a secure payment through PayPal or mail your donation to “Advancement Team” at 6151 Portage Road Portage MI 49002. To renew your Membership or purchase a gift Membership, visit our WEBSITE. Thank you greatly for your wonderful support. We hope to see you soon and look forward to your visit. Have a wonderful holiday season, and may the New Year bring you much joy.

EAST CAMPUS: Preservation Report YOUNGEST AIR ZOO DONOR STEPS UP! Submitted by: Greg Ward, Senior Conservator On August 31st, 6-year old Nicholas “Nick” Bianco showed up for his semi-annual visit to the Air Zoo Restoration Center. Nick’s all-time favorite airplane is the FM-2 Wildcat, which was recovered from the depths of Lake Michigan on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2012. In fact, young Nick is so enthusiastic about seeing this Wildcat get repaired; he routinely saves both a portion of his allowance and earnings from doing odd jobs around the house, to bring in as a cash donation. Once his little metal bucket is full, both Nick and his entire family come in to deposit money into the donation jar! Of course, for his kind gesture, members of the restoration team thank him profusely, and then provide Nick with a special behind-the-scenes tour of the project. When we asked Nick Nick Bianco visits the what motivates him to donate money to the FM-2 Wildcat project in Restoration Center to drop money into the FM-2 Wildcat particular, he replied, “I just want to see “Old #1”, get all fixed up so I can Donation Jar. come sit in her!” Well, Nick, we’re with you… 100%. WMU INTERN CLAIRE RANLY JOINS THE AIR ZOO RESTORATION TEAM Submitted by: Greg Ward, Senior Conservator Claire Ranly was studying in Germany when we received her initial email inquiry. Overseas communication continued until September, when she returned to the USA. We promptly agreed to save a spot for her in the restoration department. Claire requested hands-on work of a historical nature, but in the restoration department. Aptly, we agreed. Internship guidelines are simple as students must fulfill two primary objectives: 1.) Learning valuable hands-on skills in a professional environment. 2.) Providing opportunities for expanding a professional network. The only limitation is the student must be afforded the opportunity to contribute as an entry-level professional. Interestingly, “entry-level” may be subject to some degree of interpretation depending on where one goes.

Claire Ranly applies a first coat of Grey Camo Paint underneath the McDonnell-Douglas F-4E Phantom.

With no fear of doing hard work, Claire spent her very FIRST day on the job here spray-painting the McDonnell-Douglas F-4E Phantom. At the shift’s end, we asked what she thought about the experience. Claire replied, “Is it okay if we do more painting next time I come in? I loved it!” Of course, our answer was an emphatic, “Yes!” Welcome aboard Claire! PRESERVATION OF THE MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS F-4E PHANTOM Submitted by: Greg Ward, Senior Conservator Earlier this year, Air Zoo Volunteer Chris Czarnik was granted the lead position on both this preservation project and the B-57 Bomber. To say, “Chris is one of our most enthusiastic volunteers,” would be a dramatic understatement. As a matter of In this vintage photograph, the Air Zoo’s F-4E Phantom wears the colors of the 334th Tactical Fighter Squadron, fact, he devoted almost each and every day of his the same paint scheme as after it’s current restoration. summer coming into the restoration center to work wherever needed. In doing so, he actually set a new record for most volunteer hours worked in a one month period, logging over 208 hours in August.

Caption: WMU Intern Claire Ranly shows off her application of the 334th Fighter Squadron-Eagles, official seal.

Thanks to our devoted team of artisans, progress on the F-4 has remained steady. After the 2-tone Gray Camouflage portion of the F-4 paint scheme was finally completed, application of the military markings was next on the to-do list. Volunteer Dan Brant and WMU Intern Claire Ranly worked steadily on all of the military markings and other finishing touches. Quality of workmanship on this project was second to none.

Other technicians who’ve contributed to the F-4 project are as follows: Senior Conservator Greg Ward, WMU Graduate Alic Alic, Rich Bauer, Aaron Buechele, Dan Derfiny, Richard Klass, Tavon LaGue, Kevin Mazer, Walt McNulty, WMU Senior Claire Ranly, Emmett Rosenzweig, Dave Ruiz, Kevin Tripp, Bryce Webley, and Pete Wilkins. CONSULT THE CONSERVATOR – Technical questions? Please feel free to email Greg Ward, Senior Conservator of Aircraft & Space Artifacts -

Member Services Department: New for Members! Tamra Stafford

Volunteer and Member Manager Air Zoo Calendars - 2016 Calendars are now on sale in the Fly Buy. Purchase your copy today! Winter Holiday Music - Stop in during the winter break and listen to some holiday music. The Silver Triad Flute Choir will be performing on Saturday, December 20th from 3:00pm – 3:50pm. The Code Studio Strings will be performing on Sunday, December 21st from 4:00pm – 5:00pm. We’re listening! - The Family Level Membership will now include all children 18 and younger living in the same household. In addition, we’ve added another level to our Grandparent Membership. Grandparent Level 1 will now include any four grandchildren aged 18 and younger for only $135. Grandparent Level 2 will include any eight grandchildren aged 18 and younger for $160. While the Adopt-A-Child option has been discontinued, the Caregiver/Nanny Add-on is available for $25, and the Smithsonian Membership Upgrade is still only $16. Memberships make great Christmas gifts. Call or stop in to make a gift of an Air Zoo membership. Bigger & Better - We are excited to announce a new addition to our membership benefits package. Waldo Wright’s Flying Service is working in partnership with the Air Zoo to offer our members 2016 biplane flights in the New Standard D-25 at the group rate of $70.15 /person. Waldo Wright’s will return to the Air Zoo next spring, flying most days from the Air Zoo’s East Campus, and will offer two different flying experiences - The Legendary Boeing Stearman and the New Standard (discount available for the New Standard only). For more information on these flights, visit Members wishing to take advantage of this benefit can call Waldo Wright’s Flying Service at (863) 873-1339 to book a flight or purchase gift certificates (have your membership card ready). This December, add biplane rides to your Christmas list, and surprise someone special with an experience they will remember forever! Coming soon! - Be on the look-out for an announcement and setup instructions for your online Air Zoo Membership profile. Registered Air Zoo Members will soon have full access to the Leading Edge e-newsletter, members-only invitations, announcements, discounts, online renewal, and additional benefits. Be sure to update your membership profile with your preferred e-mail address, and visit often for the most up-to-date membership benefits.

Marketing Department: NEW SIMULATORS ARE HERE! Patrick Brent

Marketing and Communications Manager THE AIR ZOO’S NEW FULL-MOTION FLIGHT SIMULATORS ARE READY FOR TAKE-OFF! Experience the ride of a lifetime in 3D HD! The Air Zoo is pleased to announce the addition of four new MaxFlight full-motion flight simulators, two with 3D HD and two with standard HD! Whether dogfighting over the Pacific, piloting a stunt plane, or riding along in a jet battling huge robots, this amazing experience is sure to thrill young and old alike. With true full-motion, guests will experience realistic loops, rolls, and other aerobatics as they take the controls of one of the most realistic flight simulators on the planet.

Fly Buy Store:

MEMBERS ONLY... $150 Shopping Spree!

Email by December 20th, 2015 and your name may be drawn for a $150 gift card in The Fly Buy gift shop! (Gift card good through Dec. 2015, open Xmas Eve till 3pm!)

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