Summer 2015 Newsletter
Letter from the President Happy summer to all of you, our valued members. I hope your chilly and rainy spring, and end-of-school-year (for some of you), went very well and you are ready for another beautiful Michigan summer.
I want to thank you for helping us have a remarkable spring season at the Air Zoo. Our guests have thus far been thrilled with the new traveling exhibit “DaVinci: the Exhibition”. Spring break science camps showed their highest attendance ever. The Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards Gala gave our community the opportunity to recognize some amazing aviation and space heroes; remarkable local students, and inspired teachers from around the area. The Southwest Michigan Cultural Exchange in May gave our members the chance to go to other local attractions free of charge with your Air Zoo membership. I hope you had the chance to take part in these activities. As we look forward, I believe that our summer line-up of activities rivals that of any past summer at the Air Zoo. “DaVinci: the Exhibition” will continue its run at the Air Zoo through October 4th. In addition, we will be opening two new exhibits in July: “Black Wings”, a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian, will be open to all guests through the end of September; and “Guadalcanal”, a permanent exhibit being
In This Issue Artifact of the Quarter . . . . . . . . . 2 Veteran Flights are Back!. . . . . . . 2 Events Department Update . . . . . 2 Edge-ucation! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Preservation Report. . . . . . . . . 4 - 5 SIHOF Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7 We <3 Our Members!. . . . . . . . . 8 New Exhibit: Black Wings. . . . . . 9 Waldo Wright’s Flights. . . . . . . 10
designed and built by Air Zoo personnel that will also be open to every Air Zoo visitor. We will be teaching an unprecedented 25 inspiring “hands-on” camps for students of all ages throughout the summer. Waldo Wright’s Flying Service just flew in to offer bi-plane rides through September for anyone interested in seeing our local area from above in an open cockpit. Of course, expect to see a B-25 and other historical aircraft visiting and providing rides over the next few months as well. I certainly hope to see all of you over the summer. Until then, please enjoy some of our latest news inside.
Ad Astra!
Book Now: Summer Camps. . . 11 Fly Buy: KITE SALE! . . . . . . . . . . 12
Contact Air Zoo 6151 Portage Road Portage, MI 49002 269.382.6555 866.524.7966 (toll free) Events Department. . . . . Fly Buy Museum Store. . Membership. . . . . . . . . Monetary Donations . .
350.2848 350.2828 350.2815 350.2812
Hours of Operation: Mon - Sat: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun: Noon to 5 p.m. Online:
Troy A. Thrash
For more information or to shop
President and CEO
online, visit FOLLOW US!
Collections Department: Artifact of the Quarter: Japanese Zero Fragments Christy Kincaid Collections Registrar As we approach summer, it’s a great time to introduce some artifacts from the Guadalcanal Campaign and to learn about the Pacific Theater during WWII. The aircraft fragments in the photo to the right came from a Japanese Zero that was shot down by a Grumman F4 Wildcat over Henderson Field during the Guadalcanal Campaign. They are just one of many artifacts donated to the Air Zoo by local Guadalcanal veterans. The Battle for Henderson Field took place October 23-26, 1942, and was one of the keys to victory over the Japanese during WWII. Come learn more about the historic Battle for Henderson Field in our new and improved Guadalcanal exhibit opening this summer!
Member Services Department:
Veteran Flights Are Back! Tamra Stafford Membership Services and Volunteer Manager
The Air Zoo is celebrating our 10th Year of offering free Veteran Flights to those who served in World War II and the Korean War. This summer, volunteer pilot Alan Wright will once again be flying veterans across the Michigan countryside in his vintage Boeing-Stearman N2S-5 Kaydet that once served as the U.S. Navy’s training aircraft in WWII. “It is our way of saying thank you to those who have sacrificed so much while serving our country,” says Troy Thrash, President & CEO of the Air Zoo. “We particularly thank Alan Wright for his many years of dedication to the Air Zoo and this program. We couldn’t do this without Alan and his team.” This 20-minute ride in an open-cockpit bi-plane is being offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Rides are available to veterans who have not previously participated in the free veteran flights. To reserve a flight, contact Tamra Stafford via telephone at (269)350-2815, or via email at
Events Department: Groups and Events Update Michael Martin
Groups and Events Manager Happy Summer, Members! You know what summertime means – Summer Camps! We are currently taking registrations for the most amazing Summer camps in Michigan. Our camp experiences for PreK - 12th graders are filling up very quickly, so please contact the Group & Events Department ASAP to sign your campers up for our exciting and educational Summer Camps! Don’t forget to mention your Air Zoo Membership so that you can receive your Member Discount. When we’re not booking Summer Camps, we’re hosting weddings! Did you know that the Air Zoo has been the location for many spectacular and FUN weddings? We challenge you to find a more exciting regional location for your next special event.
Education Department: Edge-ucation! ASK A SCIENTIST! What is DNA and why do people “extract” it? DNA is short for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. In simple terms, it is the blueprint for everything that happens inside an organism’s cells. DNA is what tells a living organism how to develop and function. Scientists “extract” or take out DNA for reasons such as: •To figure out how instructions are stored •To help produce new, life-saving medications •To help law-enforcement officers solve crimes. **Sign up for the CSI summer camp (July 27th - 31st ) to learn how this process works first hand!** E-mail questions to: A Month in History The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in April, 1990. The first photograph taken by Hubble was of a double star 1,260 light years away. The Hubble image is shown next to a ground-based image taken with a 100-inch telescope at an observatory in Chile. The Hubble image was roughly 50 percent sharper
Experiment: Grow a Potato Plant Materials •Knife •Toothpicks •Water •Glass •Potato •Sunny Spot
Experiment 1. Fill a water glass with tap water. Select a potato that has visible sprouts but is small enough in diameter to fit inside the glass. 2. Insert 4 toothpicks into the potato, spacing them around the middle of the potato about twothirds up from the end with the densest sprouts. Set the potato in the glass so the toothpicks support it on the rim and the bottom one-third of the potato is in the water.
than the best ground-based images at that time. These images still were not all that NASA had hoped for, however. In June, 1990, engineers concluded that there was a tiny calibration error in the primary mirror instrumentation, and a redesign began. The photographs that Hubble has been able to take, after the problem was corrected in 1993, are nothing short of spectacular!
3. Set the glass in an area that receives about six hours of direct sunlight. Replenish the water in the glass, as needed, to maintain its depth. Change the water if it becomes brown or cloudy. Small white rootlets should grow into the water within one to two weeks, and stems should follow soon after. 4. Transplant the potato to a large pot filled with moist potting soil if you want to continue growing the plant. Take care not to break the roots or stems when transplanting. Plant the potato deep enough so the bottom 2 inches of the stems are beneath the soil’s surface. 5. Water the potted potato when the top 1 inch of soil feels dry. **Register for the Eco-Explorers Summer Camp if you like to explore the great outdoors and do experiments like this!
Come to the Air Zoo and check out our new display of beautiful Hubble Space Telescope images in the East Wing/Space Gallery.
August 5-7, 9:00 am - 12 pm for 1st - 2nd graders (entering in the Fall of 2015)**
EAST CAMPUS: Preservation Report WEST MICHIGAN AVIATION ACADEMY (WMAA) Submitted by: Greg Ward, Senior Conservator
High School students from West Michigan Aviation Academy working hard to remove corrosion for the tail section of the Lake Michigan recovered FM-2 Wildcat
The tradition continues as yet another bus-load of students from West Michigan Aviation Academy came down to the Air Zoo’s Restoration Center on Thursday, April 30th, to work on the FM-2 Wildcat. About 90% of these students were first timers to the Air Zoo. Afterward, Volunteer Kevin Mazer wrote, “I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed working with the students from the West Michigan Aviation Academy! They are the best-behaved, most hardworking students I’ve ever worked with! It was just amazing to see how much they accomplished in such a short period of time. I was also very impressed by their attentiveness to the lecturers during the lunch hour. They showed true interest and were very respectful. I’m looking forward to their next visit. We’d better start rounding up a ton of work for them to do. These kids really get things done!”
ABOUT WMAA: The West Michigan Aviation Academy is a tuition-free public charter high school founded by Dick and Betsy DeVos. Stemming from their passion for education and aviation, the school opened its doors in the fall of 2010 and is located on the grounds of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport. The Air Zoo provided a fully-restored Piper J-3 Cub on permanent loan, which is suspended front and center inside the school’s cafeteria.
2015 YOUNG EAGLES/EAA CHAPTER 221, A HUGE SUCCESS Submitted by: Jim Butcher, Young Eagles Coordinator Saturday, May 2, 2015 was an absolutely beautiful VFR day. The temperature got into the mid-70s, the winds were light, and the sky was clear. At the end of the day, there were 132 happy Young Eagles as a result of EAA Chapter 221’s Rally at the Air Zoo. The Air Zoo posted the event on their Facebook page, and the deluge of calls and emails began. There were about 25 messages on our phone the first evening and even more emails. It didn’t take long to fill all of our reservation slots. Of the 132 kids, 88 had reserved specific times during the previous week. The others were pretty easy to work-in on a space-available basis. Using reservations helps to even out how many flights are given each hour and allows us to serve more kids when we have many pilots and reduce the long wait when there are not as many pilots available. The same on-line software was used to schedule volunteers and pilots, making it easy to assign volunteers and to have a good count for ordering lunch. This year the Air Zoo reworked our tired, old flyer and made it look really good! The Air Zoo also did their usual excellent job of promoting YE to their guests and school groups. Most of the reservations were a result of the Air Zoo’s Facebook marketing, and many commented this was how they heard about the event. A couple of us had yard signs out, and there was specific mention of them. Erin Lewis from the Air Zoo entertained the kids waiting for rides with her whirly gigs and hand-launched airplanes, I’m not sure who had the most fun, Erin or the kids, but there were lots of laughs and grins in that corner. Pilots were: Bob Aardema, 15 YE; Terry Brokaw, 18 YE; Dave Hull, 8 YE; Dave Leith, 21 YE; Mike McCarville, 6 YE; Phil Newberg, 6 YE; Dan Novak, 18 YE; Dan Osterhouse, 20 YE; and Dave Ruiz, 21 YE.
Ground crew members were: Jeff Bishop, Andy Cotyk, Dave Edwards, Carlos Fernandez, Linda Hull, Conrad Krapf, Andy Lincoln, Andy Millin, Dara Novak, Denise Osterhouse, Ron Ryan, Cathy Shoemaker, and Vic Schroeder.
Thank you to the Air Zoo for the use of their facilities. Using the North Campus didn’t cause any problems, and the larger ramp area with dedicated in/out taxiways worked well. It really is a nice day to share our aviation interests with kids and parents, have a chance to chat with chapter members, and see members who often can’t attend meetings.
EAST CAMPUS: Preservation Report JOB SHADOWING IN THE RESTORATION DEPARTMENT Submitted by: Greg Ward, Senior Conservator Caleb Van Appledorn is an 8th grader at Holland Christian Middle School. As with many schools, Holland Christian students are required to complete a job shadowing experience with a professional in a career field of interest. Caleb dreams of attaining a career in WWII/ vintage aircraft restoration. Caleb’s interest in WWII was sparked by visiting museums such as the Air Zoo, The Museum of Science & Industry, The USS Silversides, and others. Reading about machinery and the technology of WWII, and the variety of aircraft developed during the war, fascinates the young man. Enjoying the EAA’s Young Eagles program and flying models in his local RC Sports Club also helped spark an interest in aviation.
Restoration Volunteer Kevin Mazer works side-by-side with 8thGrader Calib Van Appledorn, from Holland, MI
In order to provide Caleb with this magnificent job shadow opportunity, he and his Father drove down from Northern Michigan on April 23rd. Caleb spent time rubbing elbows with our Air Zoo restoration artisans and helping to restore the FM-2 Wildcat. Caleb also enjoyed Volunteer Dave Hull’s highly-detailed East Campus tour. A great day was had by all. KENT CAREER TECH CENTER (KCTC) VISITS AIR ZOO RESTORATION DEPARTMENT Submitted by: Greg Ward, Senior Conservator A group of Kent Career Tech Center students had a great first Air Zoo Restoration Center visit recently to spent some time working on the FM-2 Wildcat restoration and touring the facility. We look forward to having KCTC back very soon and growing our partnership. ABOUT KCTC: Their program is entitled, “AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY”. Students from 40 different high schools immerse themselves in the operation of the busy Gerald R. Ford International Airport, where the thunder of jet engines and air-whipping helicopter blades become their daily soundtrack. Whether a senior taking the program for one year or a junior taking it for two, students explore real world careers ranging from aeronautical engineering and aviation maintenance, to pilot, air traffic controller, and more. The classroom is a 20,000 square-foot hangar complete with a variety of operational aircraft. This is where students disassemble, inspect, reassemble and operation check a variety of components, plus learn how to start and operate a turbine engine, start and taxi single engine aircraft, and begin earning professional certifications.
For their first visit, High School students from Kent Career Tech Center work as a team to remove the nose-bowl that will eventually be used on the Lake Michigan recovered FM-2 Wildcat
Restoration Volunteer Boyd Naylor designed and constructed an interactive model of the FM-2 Wildcat Wing-Fold Mechanism
CONSULT THE CONSERVATOR – Technical questions? Please feel free to email Greg Ward, Senior Conservator of Aircraft & Space Artifacts -
Advancement Department: A Celebration of Innovation and Achievement Maria Suszynski Director of Advancement The Air Zoo’s reputation as an innovative leader in aerospace and science learning experiences grows every day. This year’s Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards, presented on April 18th, provided a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate the creativity, courage, and innovation of remarkable individuals in spectacular fashion. The evening kicked off with photos on the red carpet and an engaging reception where guests could meet the event’s awardees and inductees, bid on silent auction items, and enjoy the sounds of The Portage Senior Band. Guests then received a warm welcome by President and CEO Troy Thrash, joined by Emcee Von Washington, Jr., WMU President John Dunn, Cindy Kole of PNC Bank, and Keynote Speaker U.S. Congressman Fred Upton. The evening’s big surprise was President Dunn’s commitment to remaining the Presenting Sponsor for years to come. The awards began with the induction of four stellar gentlemen into the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame, each receiving robust rounds of applause and standing ovations. Those gentleman included: Danny J. Clisham, record-setting airline test pilot and air show announcer (accepted by Jim Mynning); Earnest W. Lutz, World War II bomber pilot and civilian pilot; Major Edward J. Sichterman, military fixed wing & rotary pilot; and Lieutenant Colonel Donald C. Thomas, Jr. (posthumous), Tuskegee Airman (accepted by his daughter Dyora Kinsey). Additionally, the Harriet Quimby Award was bestowed on distinguished author Donald R. Burgett, World War II paratrooper. To learn more about these individuals, visit the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame Kiosk at the Air Zoo or on our website at To continue the evening, the Student Excellence Awards were given to five exceptional young people, who are already blazing a trail toward a promising future in the fields of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). Those young individuals included: Abby Chapin of Schoolcraft High School; Kathleen D’Souza of Portage Northern High School; Kevin Greenman of St. Phillip Catholic Central High School; and Varsha Odapally of Portage Central High School. The Young Innovator Award was given to Mackenzie Ortlieb, a freshman attending Hackett Catholic Prep. The Educator Excellence Awards were then issued to K-12 educators who are making a huge impact on west Michigan students through their dedication, passion, and innovative teaching practices. Those educators included David Blough of Parchment High School; Michael Sinclair of the Kalamazoo Area Math & Science Center; and an educator team that included Ginger DeVillers of West Michigan Flight Academy and Lisa Wininger of Plainwell Middle School. The award ceremony wrapped up perfectly with the recognition of one truly remarkable, generous, and inspiring individual. The Air Zoo awarded the Igniting Bright Futures award to none other than Mary Tyler, President of the Tyler Little Family Foundation, for her significant contributions to the advancement of education and culture within the Air Zoo, throughout our community, and beyond. The evening could not have taken place without the support of our amazing volunteers and generous sponsors: Presenting Sponsor Western Michigan University; Apjohn Group; PNC Bank; Pete & Barbara Parish; Tyler Little Family Foundation; Schupan & Sons, Inc.; Jon & Susan Bowers; Modern Woodmen of America; Esper Electric; Burnham & Flower; CTS Telecom, Inc.; Denso Manufacturing Michigan, Inc.; First National Bank of Michigan; Plante Moran; David & Nancy Ruiz; and WowToyz. For sponsorship of, or information about the 2016 Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards Gala, please contact Maria Suszynski at or at 269.350.2812.
Advancement Department: A Celebration of Innovation and Achievement
Advancement Department: We
Our Members
Maria Suszynski Director of Advancement Air Zoo Membership has more benefits than ever before. In April, we kicked off our spring Membership Campaign with our NEW quarterly E-Newsletter, LEADING EDGE, which keeps members informed of the Air Zoo’s latest happenings and upcoming events. One of those events included a Members-only Preview for DaVinci: The Exhibition which included complimentary access and hors d’oeuvres. In addition, members will enjoy a discounted Member Rate for the exhibit while it’s open to the public. Family and Grandparent Members that traveled for Spring Break used their Air Zoo membership card for free admission into ASTC Travel Passport program partner destinations like Chicago’s Field Museum, Ohio’s COSI, and the Orlando Science Center. During the month of May, our members participated in the Southwest Michigan Cultural Exchange and gained free access to Binder Park Zoo, Kalamazoo Nature Center, Gilmore Car Museum and the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts by simply showing their Air Zoo Membership Card. Membership Appreciation Week launched on May 11th with tokens of appreciation, like popcorn, DVDs, lanyards, and mornings filled with complimentary coffee & pastries provided by area sponsors, including AV Catering, Dunkin’ Donuts, Sweetwater Donuts, Grand Traverse Pie Company, and Water Street Coffee Joint. Currently, Members are seeing huge benefits in savings when they use their 10% discount offered on Summer Camps, Birthday Parties, and Fly Buy Museum Store merchandise. If you haven’t already noticed, it really pays to be a member of the Air Zoo. But wait… there’s more!
Upcoming Member Events: Ice Cream Social As the school year draws to a close, we invite you to grab your picnic blanket and join us on the front lawn of the Air Zoo for one sweet summer celebration. This summer kick-off event is June 11th from 3pm-5pm. Members receive complimentary ice cream courtesy of our generous event sponsor, AV Catering. Non-member visitors are equally welcome at the Social and can purchase an ice cream for the low price of $1 each. We hope to see you for a fun afternoon of music, games, and cool treats.
Members-Only Preview Air Zoo Members are cordially invited to attend our Black Wings Preview Night & Reception on July 2nd from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM and be the first to experience this remarkable traveling exhibit, here for a limited time. Additionally, we are unveiling the Air Zoo’s latest art acquisition, Tuskegee Airmen by Andrew J. Woodstock. This gorgeous watercolor and graphite painting is not only relevant in the context of American aviation and military history, it’s a beautiful tribute to the service men that hurdled racial barriers to fight for their country.
Andrew J. Woodstock and his work Tuskegee Airmen.
The Black Wings Preview Night & Reception is exclusively open and free to current Air Zoo Members. To purchase or renew your membership, please contact Tamra Stafford at (269)350-2815 or visit our ticket counter today!
Advancement Department: New Exhibit Coming to the Air Zoo Maria Suszynski Director of Advancement On July 4th, the Air Zoo will open to the public the next traveling exhibit to grace our space – Black Wings: American Dreams of Flight. “Black Wings” chronicles the powerful story of African Americans who, despite facing racial barriers, attained great achievements in aviation and created their own legacy in the world of flight. Some of the most important luminaries in aerospace, both past and present, are chronicled in this exhibition. From Bessie Coleman, the first African American woman to receive her pilot’s license, to Mae Jemison, the first African American woman to fly in space, “Black Wings” retells the stories of those Americans who dreamed of flight, left their mark, and helped pave the way for those who would follow. This temporary exhibition, running July 4 - October 4, is FREE OF CHARGE with paid admission and is made possible by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and the generous support of the Irving S. Gilmore Foundation.
This Summer, Experience the Thrill of an Open Cockpit Bi-Plane Ride at the Air Zoo! Beginning June 1st, 2015, the Air Zoo and Waldo Wright’s Flying Service will partner once again to offer our guests unique, oncein-a-lifetime, barnstorming flight experiences! Best of all, Waldo’s open-cockpit New Standard D-25 Bi-Plane seats FOUR, so you can share the experience with family and friends! Open to all ages, your barnstorming adventure starts at the Air Zoo’s East Campus, where you’ll take to the skies and cruise over the beautiful Michigan countryside. There’s nothing quite like open cockpit flight, and this is truly an experience you’ll remember forever. For those with dreams of piloting a vintage Bi-Plane, Waldo’s Stearman Bi-Plane experience will make them a reality! You’ll earn the basics of flight and take the controls as you and your instructor zip across the sky! Waldo flies out of the Air Zoo’s East Campus, 3101 E. Milham Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49002, seven days a week, 9am - 5pm (later flights can be scheduled by reservation). For more info, visit Waldo Wright’s webpage at To book a flight, call 863.873.1339.
Who Is Waldo? Waldo Wright’s Flying Service will take you on the adventure of a lifetime! What started in 1995 with the dream of restoring two New Standard biplanes to recapture the “Golden Age of Aviation” has grown into America’s largest vintage biplane ride company. Fly with four of your friends or family members on a New Standard D-25 Flight! The New Standard airplane was designed specifically for barnstorming at the request of Ivan Gates, the proprietor of the famous Gates Flying Circus. Gates, with Clyde Pangborn, formed and operated one of the largest groups of barnstorming airplanes from the middle 1920s and into the 1930s. Carrying 4 passengers in a large front open cockpit, the airplane was instrumental in introducing hundreds of thousands of people to their first airplane ride, when aviation was in its infancy. Many still remember flying out of a pasture near their hometown when they were young. There are very few of these magnificent airplanes still operating today; in fact, Waldo owns two of the seven presently flying. Fly a Classic Bi-Plane! Get behind the stick of a Boeing Stearman! Waldo Wright’s Flying Service also offers flights for a single passenger in the legendary Boeing Stearman. The Stearman was the primary trainer of WWII. Many a young man and woman left their jobs as a school teacher, doctor, baseball player, or housewife when they entered the military, and climbed into this biplane to learn the basics of flight. Cadets were expected to solo in only 8 hours time. Once the Stearman was conquered, cadets would then transfer on to a basic trainer (BT-13,) the advanced trainer (T-6 or AT-11,) and then on to either a fighter or bomber. The Stearman aircraft laid down the foundation that would carry these pilots through the rest of their careers, and that “seat-of-the-pants” flying knowledge many times saved them from disaster in the more advanced aircraft.
Don’t miss these amazing opportunities to experience the Golden Age of Flight! Book today!
Fly Buy Store: Lets Go Fly a Kite!
KITE SALE! Buy One, Get 50% Off The Second!
Kites, Wind Socks, and Whirly Gigs during the month of June!
KITE SALE! Buy One, Get 50% Off The Second!
Kites, Wind Socks, and Whirly Gigs during the month of June! Use this coupon or your Air Zoo membership card.