Air Zoo Leading Edge Spring 2015

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Spring 2015 Newsletter

Letter from the President Looking back at the last two years, I can’t express how pleased I am with how far we’ve come in our efforts to continuously enhance our guest experience for every person who walks through our doors or interacts with us in our community. We’ve significantly increased our impacts in handson science education; added several new inspirational events to our annual calendar; grown our aircraft restoration work with the most beautiful airplane ever pulled out of Lake Michigan; and brought in new interactive exhibits that appeal to very diverse audiences of all ages. The response to these changes has been tremendously positive, and we’ve only just begun. All of the exciting new developments above are highlighted in this, the Air Zoo’s first edition of our new “Leading Edge” membership newsletter. You, our members, are very important to the Air Zoo and we continue to seek ways to provide even more value to you through your membership commitment to the Air Zoo. From our own inclusion in the ASTC Passport Program, to discounts on all winter break, spring break, summer camps, and sneak-preview events for our new traveling

In This Issue New MAHOF Exhibit . . . . . . . . . 2 Education Dept.: WELCOME! . . 3 Preservation Preview . . . . . . . . . . 4 SIHOF Gala Event. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Membership Benefits. . . . . . . . . . 6 2015 Cultural Exchange . . . . . . . 6 SWE Event Overview. . . . . . . . . . 7 Group & Events Update . . . . . . . 7 2015 T-Shirt Preview. . . . . . . . . . . 8

exhibits, we want to continually increase the value of your membership so you will continue to make wonderful memories with friends and family at the Air Zoo for many years to come. Over the next month, I hope to meet the younger members of your family at one of our exciting spring and summer break camps, and I would be thrilled to meet all of you at the Member Preview Night on April 1st (no fooling, I promise) for our exciting new summer exhibit, “Da Vinci: The Exhibition”.

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Contact Air Zoo 6151 Portage Road Portage, MI 49002 269.382.6555 866.524.7966 (toll free) Membership. . . . . . . . . 350.2813 Monetary Donations . . 350.2814 Fly Buy Museum Store. . 350.2828 Hours of Operation: Mon - Sat: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun: Noon to 5 p.m. Online: For more information or to shop online visit

Troy A. Thrash President and CEO


Collections Dept: New Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame Exhibit Laurie Burkhardt Air Zoo Collections Manager There’s a new exhibit development at the Air Zoo! The Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame (MAHF), formerly located in a photo gallery, has been updated for the 21st century! The new searchable, digitized MAHF display has had its grand unveiling in the Air Zoo’s Main Lobby! The mobile, free-standing Hall of Fame kiosk is a mix of the old and new, and will allow guests to search for and view enshrinees in a variety of different ways. In its new mobile format, the MAHF with have high visibility at different locations in the Air Zoo throughout the year! The new exhibit features a hand-drawn portrait and detailed biography of all 125 enshrinees as well as information on the 56 current nominees. The new user-friendly, touch-screen interface and broad search capabilities put the entire Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame at your fingertips! Make sure to visit this amazing new exhibit on your next trip to the Air Zoo!

Artifact of the Month: Tri-Motor Amber Ale Bottles Christy Kincaid Collections Registrar Beer week in Kalamazoo has come and gone for yet another year. In addition to the many well-known breweries that call Kalamazoo home, including Bell’s and now Arcadia, there are also several smaller breweries that are making a name for themselves. With that in mind, I thought it was appropriate to include aviation-themed beer bottles in the Artifact of the Month Club. While the Lang Creek Brewery isn’t located in Kalamazoo (they call Marion, Montana home, a mere 1,775 miles away) their Tri-Motor Amber calls to mind the days of aviation past, and the Ford Tri-Motor on their label bears a striking resemblance to the Air Zoo’s own Tri-Motor, one of the few airworthy examples left in the world. Nestled among the mountains with a great view of a small airstrip, the Lang Creek brewery is known as the most remote brewery in North America, and owner John Campbell is both a long-time lover of aviation and the science of brewing beer. When he created his brewery and launched his first beer, his wife Sandy thought combining his two passions into the company’s logo and beer names made perfect sense. The artist the Campbells hired to create the aviation-themed logo and bottle art suggested using the Tri-Motor because of its vast importance in Montana’s early aviation history. The Tri-Motor Ale was the first beer to ever be produced by the Lang Creek Brewery. Other beers that followed were the Taildragger Honey Wheat and the Skydiver Blonde. Unfortunately, the Brewery met its demise in 2009 and closed its doors forever. Many people were very distraught over the closing and hoped one day they would be brewing again. Donated by: William Breyfogle

Education Department: Edge-ucation! Welcome! Erin Lewis Air Zoo Educator Welcome to “Edge-ucation”! As educators, Laura Cross, Ryan Foster, Kathy Larsen, and I are thrilled to share our passion for science with you and your families. We would also like to encourage all of you to share your interest and your CURIOSITY about science with us through our ASK A SCIENTIST column! It’s EASY! Simply email your science questions to the education department at, and we will answer them right here! SHARE with us what you are interested in learning! ENCOURAGE us to expand our knowledge… CHALLENGE us to search for more answers.

This Month in History Deke Slayton, American astronaut, was born March 1st, 1924 (d. 1993). Deke was one of the original “Mercury Seven” NASA astronauts. Initially grounded by a heart condition, he would serve as NASA’s Director of Flight Crew Operations. Deke Slayton was responsible for all crew assignments at NASA from November 1963 until March 1972, when he was granted medical clearance to fly as docking module pilot of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. At the time of the flight, he became the oldest person to fly into space.

Experiment: Sugar Rainbow

(Courtesy of Steve Spangler Science -

Materials •Sugar •Food coloring •Water •Clear drinking straw •6 glasses •Measuring spoon •Measuring cup

Experiment 1.Fill each of the 6 glasses with 1 cup of water. 2.Use food coloring to dye the water in each glass a different color. 3.Leave one glass just plain colored water with no sugar. Add sugar to each of the other glasses: 1 teaspoon in the first glass, 2 teaspoons in the second glass, and so on. 4.Stir the glasses until the sugar is dissolved. 5.Dip the straw about 1 inch deep into the water with no sugar in it and cap the end with your thumb. Remove the straw and move to the water with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Dip the straw about 2 inches deep, cap the end, remove the straw, and move to the next glass. CAREFUL! Uncapping the straw when it’s out of water means you’ll need to start all over! What’s Happening? Density is the measurement of how much “stuff” is packed into a specific space. That’s how we get the equation for density. Density = Mass (stuff) ÷ Volume (space). By varying the amount of sugar in the solution but keeping the amount of water consistent in the different glasses, you create solutions that have different densities. The more sugar that is mixed into a water-based solution, the higher the density of that solution. The higher the density, the more a substance weighs, so the denser sugar solutions stay at the bottom of the straw while the less dense solutions stay above – no mixing takes place! Taking it Further So what would happen if you changed the order of the solutions in the straw – put the more dense 1 teaspoon of sugar solution on top of the no sugar water? Predict first, then try it out!

EAST CAMPUS: Preservation Preview Happy New Year! Greg Ward Senior Conservator WILDCAT, INTRUDER AND PHANTOM, Oh my! Our Air Zoo Artisans are in the planning stages for an exciting array of challenging projects in 2015! While progress on the Navy’s FM-2 Wildcat recovered from Lake Michigan continues to progress, we’ve also obtained approval to refinish the Martin B-57b-MA Intruder (52-1584, located outside in the courtyard at East Campus), and the McDonnellDouglas F-4E 60-MC Phantom (74-0658). Both of these static display aircraft will be sanded smooth, repaired where necessary, bird-proofed (if outdoors), and primed, repainted, and have new markings applied. All paint schemes will be historically accurate and pre-approved by the Air Force. Pending this approval, there may be some minor artwork additions to the F-104 paint scheme as well. WEST MICHIGAN AVIATION ACADEMY (WMAA) – The FM-2 Wildcat restoration crew is looking forward to providing even more new and exciting educational opportunities hosting high school students in the coming months. The amazing partnership with WMAA, where high school students on an aviation career track get to participate in the restoration process, has been a booming success, and the head-count for interested students continues to grow with each passing month! ABOUT WMAA: The West Michigan Aviation Academy is a tuitionfree public charter high school founded by Dick and Betsy DeVos. Stemming from their passion for education and aviation, the school opened its doors in the fall of 2010 and is located on the grounds of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport. The Air Zoo provided a fully-restored Piper J-3 Cub on permanent loan, which is suspended front and center inside the school’s cafeteria. AIR ZOO VOLUNTEER GROUP (AZVG) – The world-renowned Air Zoo Volunteer Group is comprised of volunteers who donate their time and lend expertise towards aircraft restorations, special projects, and educating the public on the history behind the Air Zoo’s amazing collection of artifacts. A big “Thank You!” goes out to all of you who have helped make the Air Zoo what it is today! Not only is the AZVG a priceless in-house asset, but also a multi-faceted resource that reaches out on a global scale! Frequently we receive inquiries of a specific nature from members, guests and museum enthusiasts from all over the world. When questions come in, not only do we do our best to provide a prompt, accurate and thorough response, but quite often we have an Air Zoo Volunteer on the premises who possesses firsthand knowledge in that given area. When this happens, the volunteer’s additional input serves to enhance our response. The Air Zoo Volunteer Group is a talented, living-history resource, and we would like to extend our most heartfelt appreciation for everything they do. Thank you all! CONSULT THE CONSERVATOR – Technical questions? Please feel free to email Greg Ward, Senior Conservator of Aircraft & Space Artifacts -

Advancement: 2015 Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards Maria Suszynski Director of Advancement On April 18, 2015, the Air Zoo will once again host the Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards Gala & Dinner presented by Western Michigan University. Please join us for an unforgettably festive and elegant evening supporting STEAM education and honoring the remarkable achievements of our community’s finest educators, high school students, and aviation & space pioneers. Meet and mingle with our 2015 award honorees and Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame inductees. Capture the moment with memorable photos on the Air Zoo’s red carpet. Enjoy the swinging sounds of the Portage Senior Center Band, and the aerial acrobatics of the West Michigan Aviation Academy’s Aviators R/C team. Bid on beautifully unique and entertaining silent auction packages & experiences. Interact with engaging displays and dynamic demonstrations. Celebrate with West Michigan’s leaders and luminaries from all areas of industry, education, government, and the arts. DATE: Saturday, April 18, 2015 LOCATION: Air Zoo, 6151 Portage Road

5:30 PM Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction 6:30 PM Opening Remarks 7:00 PM Dinner & Award Presentations TICKETS: $100 per person; $800 per table (on sale NOW!) Sponsorships are available at all levels. Please contact Maria Suszynski, Director of Advancement, if you are interested in supporting this event. Your sponsorship will not only promote your business or family as a leading supporter of K-12 education within our community, it will support our commitment to advancing critical, science-based education initiatives to our local students. Maria can be reached at (269)350-2812 or Net proceeds from this event will benefit the Air Zoo’s hands-on science and technology education programs. These programs impact students of all ages across west Michigan and inspire our next-generation workforce.

Advancement: Membership Has Its Benefits Maria Suszynski Director of Advancement This April 1st, Air Zoo members are cordially invited to a Members-Only Preview Night and Reception from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Be among the first to experience the Air Zoo’s next temporary exhibit, Da Vinci: The Exhibition. Coming to us directly from Las Vegas, with 5-star reviews, Da Vinci: The Exhibition is a hands-on exploration of Leonardo da Vinci’s life, research, and art. Featuring more than 60 fully built, life-size inventions, more than 20 fine art studies, and dozens of stunning displays, guests will learn the complex beginnings and lifetime achievements of da Vinci through his discoveries in art, engineering, flight, hydraulics, music, light, and more. Da Vinci: The Exhibition opens to the public on April 3rd and will be on display in the Air Zoo’s Main Exhibit Hall through Oct. 4th. With paid admission to the Air Zoo, entrance to the exhibit will incur an additional up-charge of $5 for adults, $4 for students (5-18 years), and $2 for Air Zoo members (please contact for group rates). For more information about DaVinci: The Exhibition, please visit our website at The Members-Only Preview Night and Reception is open and free of charge to current Air Zoo members only. To purchase or renew your Air Zoo membership, please contact Tamra Stafford at (269)350-2815 or visit our Ticket Counter today!

Southwest Michigan Cultural Exchange 2015 Maria Suszynski Director of Advancement Five local institutions are offering free admission during the month of May in an effort to connect with each other’s membership. This program is designed to celebrate our region’s cultural richness and introduce organization members to new experiences. Guests simply present their membership card from any of the five partner organizations to enjoy free admission from May 1st until May 31st. Fees may apply for special attractions, and classes.

Events Department: 2015 Corporate Engineering Challenge Danielle Baughman Group & Events Coordinator With a total of 112 girls on site for the Society of Women Engineers, South Central Michigan Section (SWE) and the Air Zoo’s 2015 Corporate Engineering Challenge, February 21st was an outstanding success! This amazing event focused on introducing girls aged 9-12 to engineering concepts and the corresponding careers available in engineering. Participating girls were divided in corporate-sponsored teams led by practicing female engineers. Starting at 8:30am, girls and their parents were ready to check in and begin an exciting hands-on STEM-focused learning experience! The success of this event was shown primarily on the faces of the girls attending, but the fact that our challenge teams were completely filled 48 hours after our Marketing team posted an initial Facebook event announcement, showing the faith our Air Zoo Facebook family had that this was going to be a great event! Our followers shared, commented, and called, resulting in such an overwhelming desire to have their 9-12 year old girl participate that we added a waiting list of 40 additional girls. Our 2015 engineering challenge project was building and optimizing a wind powered turbine kit. The 12 teams were judged on the speed of their blades, weight-lifting ability, and amount of power generated. An array of blade and gearing options were provided, allowing the teams to utilize the day’s engineering insight, scientific method, and corporate team leader’s guidance to optimize their turbine. All twelve teams faced-off, and, in the end, the Performance Validation sponsored team won! In addition to the Society of Women Engineer’s and Air Zoo’s tables, we had 10 corporate-sponsored tables with hands-on demonstrations for all Air Zoo guests to enjoy, illustrating how engineering affects their daily business. We would like to extend a huge “THANK YOU” to our 2015 Corporate Engineering Challenge sponsors: Kellogg’s, Exxon Mobil Foundation, Pfizer, Western Michigan University College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Parker, Stryker, Eaton, Performance Validation, Perrigo, Post, Zoetis, and Flowserve. We would also like to thank all the volunteers!

Groups and Events update Michael Martin

Groups and Events Manager Business has been brisk in the Groups and Events Department since the end of the chilly holiday season as everyone seems to be thinking about spring and planning accordingly! We’ve been busy booking school field trips, birthday parties, proms, and weddings, and taking registrations for our upcoming Scout Days, Spring Break Camps, and Summer Camps. Our March Boy Scout Aviation Badge Day reached capacity more than a month away from the camp date and has been so popular that we’ve raised the maximum number of attendees from 40 to 150 scouts! We’re trending ahead of last year in terms of School Programs and Public Programs booked through the G&E Dept. which is keeping the phones ringing and the emails pouring in! We’re excited about the new ticketing/booking software that the Air Zoo will be implementing soon as it will help to streamline our reservation process and increase efficiency within the department. If you’re ever down on the first floor of the office area, stop in to see us! We’re always willing to take a moment to say, “Hello” and give you an update on our current bookings.

Fly Buy Store: 2015 Air Zoo Tees Preview!

See it in the Fly Buy: Brackitz

My daughter loves these young engineer toys. She built a “city”, a doll house, a monster and more. She then proceeded to run around the house with the assembled creations and told elaborate stories about them. — Left Brain Craft Brain I’m a huge fan of open-ended toys and this award-winning connector set is unlike anything else I’ve seen. What makes Brackitz different? Brackitz are educational, promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) techniques for young children to learn as they get older. They are perfect for classroom use too! — Planet Weidknecht

Get 30% off in the Fly Buy! Enter to win 30% off in our gift shop for April and May. To enter the drawing, email by April 15. Include name, address and phone number, and on April 20, we may call you. You will then be able to get 30% off all Fly Buy merchandise for April and May 2015 (excluding Lego® products).

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