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Parent Association Update
The Parent Association would like to thank everyone in our school community, including staff, students, parents and AISFL Board for your participation and continued support during the first semester of school, and in what continue to be sometimes challenging circumstances.
Our camaraderie has been important in shaping and maintaining the values of our school and as a bridge between staff, families and students. The PA has continued to plan creative ways to connect and to express the team spirit which we all uphold.
Meet and Greet Success
We are delighted that the Meet and Greet sessions held in Term 1 were a success. In aim to welcome new AISHK parents in small groups, the PA New Parent Coordinators worked with the school to hold three informal, conversational sessions led by the Primary and Secondary school psychologists. There will be some 80 new students starting next term, so should any further dates be feasible, we will inform the parent community.
Mini Meets
The PA was excited to set up a series of small meetings w hich w ill initially involve th e PA Committee and our volunteer Class and Year Level Representatives. During next term, we h ope to promote more Mini Meets to our wider school community where possible.
PA E-Shop
The PA E-Shop is was launched in Term 2 with a range of functional and branded items. Funds raised from the shop will go towards school enhancement projects. The PA is coordinating with the school management to identify potential facilities which we can assist the school to enhance, for the benefit of our students. Sales and order pick-up form school will continue over the holidays so be sure to see what is on offer.
Mother's Month and Father's Month
The PA held a series of successful events for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, in May and June respectively at the USRC. In smal groups, parents were able to celebrate and get to know other AISHK families. Thank you to all who attended!