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Student Achievements
This year, AISHK was thrilled to offer students from Year 1 to 6 the opportunity to take part in the Mini and Junior Duke Award programme.
In Hong Kong, and especially during Covid-19, it can be difficult to find ways for young people to develop the core skills of independence, resilience, inquiry, organisation, and self-motivation needed to flourish in life.
The Mini & Junior Duke award gives children the time and space to develop their skills through a journey of life skill challenges. Some of you may have been involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award or the AYP here in Hong Kong – this is similar, but for Primary-aged students.
From first aid, cookery and swimming to budgeting, fixing punctures, domestic duties and lots of other creative activities, students have enjoyed being exposed to the skills needed for the real world. Since most activities can be completed off-site from the school environment or at home, AISHK saw it as fitting to launch now during the current restrictions.
The Mini & Junior Duke Award has been running in schools across the UK since 2007 and has helped thousands of children aged 6 to 12 to realise their abilities and, for some, to discover new talents and passions. It has now made it internationally and several schools here in HK are getting onboard. Our students still have a lot to look forward to, with the programme finishing in November, 2021.
We look forward to updating you further on the progress our students are making in this adventurous development of life skills.

AISHK AlumnA QuAlIfIeS for ToKyo olympIcS!
Congratulations to Hong Kong Sailor Stephanie Norton, who has qualified for the Tokyo Olympic Games in sailing, after taking third place in the Laser Radial class at the Mussanah Open in Oman.
An AISHK alumna, Class of 2018, Stephanie is also the first female single-handed dinghy sailor to secure a place to represent the SAR at the Olympics. At 20 years of age, she has also reached the Olympics via a competitive route following implementation of stricter qualifying rules, introduced the 1996 Games.

This is an amazing achievement by Stephanie and, on behalf of the AISHK school community,we proudlysend warm congratulations and best wishes for her upcoming competition at the Tokyo Olympics. We will certainly all be cheering Stephanie on in both the leadup to and on the day of this momentous event.
Please stay tuned to school publications including The Lion Rock magazine to be released at the end of Term 2. We will be featuring Stephanie, her story and her achievements further.
In the meantime, please find the official Press Release from The Hong Kong Sailing Federation containing further detail.