Welcome back to term 3
student-led conferences
Special events: experience a day at aishk senior formal the 2023 AISHK ball issue exclusive: the public premiere of...
Welcome back to term 3
student-led conferences
Special events: experience a day at aishk senior formal the 2023 AISHK ball issue exclusive: the public premiere of...
...and so much more!
As we reach the end of Term 3, I reflect on the many examples over the past nine weeks of the important relationship between school and home life. AISHK sees this as pivotal for our students’ success and their overall learning experience.
At the beginning of the term, AISHK provided a variety of welcome events to ensure a smooth transition for both new and existing families, ranging from informal welcome coffees to more detailed subject selection evenings for secondary students. These are valuable opportunities for parents to connect with teachers and leadership staff.
In primary, we witnessed the tremendous success of our student-led conferences, where all classroom doors were open for visiting families to enjoy a showcase of their child’s accomplishments. The artwork displayed on the back cover of this magazine is a result of a collaborative activity offered during the conferences, by our primary art department. I feel it perfectly symbolises the vibrant and supportive community we have created together.
Despite a postponement due to wild weather, our Year 11 and 12 students celebrated their highly anticipated and well-deserved Senior Formal. Filled with laughter, dazzling outfits and musical stylings of the Secondary Rock Band, it was an unforgettable evening for staff and students which will be cherished for years to come.
In a captivating collaboration, starring staff and students, this term saw the long-awaited premiere of the film Avatrek. After many months of production, weaving together themes and members of the science, language and HSIE departments, Avatrek was created to promote Environment Week in August, roughly coinciding with Australia’s National Science Week. I encourage you to watch this entertaining film which whimsically showcases elements of astrophysics, geology and language learning.
In the last week of Term, our Year 12 Valedictory Dinner and Valedictory Assembly will see our most senior students’ school life journey celebrated in the presence of teachers, mentors, parents and dignitaries of the AISHK community. These events shine a light on the resilience, confidence and uniqueness of our inspiring students, and what it means to have an AISHK education.
I look forward to updating you on these events and to connecting with you on our return to school in Term 4.
Have a safe, relaxing and enjoyable term break.
Mina Dunstan HEAD OF SCHOOLOn behalf of the AISFL Board, welcome to the Term 3 issue of The Lion Rock magazine.
More than 70 new students joined AISHK at the commencement of Term 3. It is a privilege to welcome our newest families, who add to the vibrancy of our diverse school community and contribute to the growth and development that AISHK continues to experience.
The AISHK Ball was held in August, bringing the community together to celebrate the school’s success. The fantastic turnout of parents, staff, sponsors, friends and representatives of AISHK’s founding associations made the Ball a great occasion. The event was generously supported by sponsors and was the culmination of months of hard work and dedication by the AISHK Parent Association. Congratulations to all involved.
Also in August, the school and AISFL Board hosted an appreciation dinner for Australian Consul-General Ms Elizabeth Ward, ahead of the completion of her term of service in Hong Kong. We appreciate the ConsulGeneral’s many contributions to AISHK. The strong relationship between the Consul-General’s office and AISHK is evidence of the important role that the school plays in Hong Kong’s Australian and wider communities.
The return of the AISHK Sports Awards, after a hiatus due to the restrictions of COVID-19, was also a cause for celebration this term. The Awards showcased the diverse range of sports that our school offers and highlighted the representative opportunities available to our students.
I extend my thanks to all our staff, parents, students and the wider community for your commitment throughout another energetic and successful school term.
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break.
Warm regards,
Professor Richard Petty AISFL BOARD CHAIRAbout the cover United in Joy! Vibrant smiles light up our weekly, student-led assemblies, which are so well attended and supported by AISHK parents. They are a true showcase of the important relationship between home and school life.
Message from Head of School Board Chairman’s Message
Avatrek: Way Down Under 2023 AISHK Ball
AISHK IN THE COMMUNITY Welcome Back to Term 3 Representing AISHK with Women in Leadership Acknowledging the Australian Consul-General HK Students Experience a Day at AISHK EVENTS
Year 2 Embrace the Role Model Journey Dancing
AISHK returned to Term 3 with over 70 new students joining our school! We extend a very warm “hello” to our newest families who have joined us from around the world, many of whom enjoyed connecting with the school community at the Parent Association Welcome Coffee event. Held at the start of each term, these informal gatherings are an opportunity for new parents to meet each other and hear from the Head of School and Executive team. On the field and in the hallways, the students’ bright smiles and embraces after the summer break were a sign of an exhilarating Term 3 ahead!
Lessons in leadership start early at AISHK, as we feel it is important for students to understand that being a leader can mean different things in different contexts.
A leader is not always the most prominent person in the room, in fact, some leaders may be quieter achievers, focusing on leading by example and being of service to others. In Term 3, Year 2 students experienced their Leadership Day, learning how to be role models and leaders for all Prep - Year 2 students.
There is always much excitement amongst the Year 2 students as they reach the end of the early childhood year levels and they feel they are ready to take on some more responsibility. One key role as a result of the Leadership Day is playground duty, where Year 2 students help to support and encourage positive behaviour at recess. As you might see around school, they are now very proudly donning their high-vis jackets, which ensure their playtime peers know that there are true leaders in their midst!
The annual student-led conferences took place in September, with every primary classroom and specialist learning area opening its doors to parents and students. The conferences were well-attended and serve as a collaborative showcase of our students’ academics and the nurturing learning environment at AISHK. Fostering strength in the important relationship between students, teachers and parents, this event adds to a successful school life and a unique, AISHK education.
Students proudly took the lead in guiding parents through various subject stations, demonstrating their learning in interactive ways. Each session concluded with a family discussion with the class teacher, where students reflected on areas of strength and achievement, and areas where they would like to improve.
We express our gratitude to all the parents who attended the student-led conferences in primary. Your presence and participation means a lot to the students and staff who work hard to provide this opportunity.
In August, two of AISHK’s founding associations, the Consulate-General in Hong Kong and the Australian Chamber of Commerce, provided an insightful event for friends of the Hong Kong-Australia business community.
The AustCham Women in Business Network (WiBN) hosted the event at the Official Residence of the Australian Consul General, in celebration of women in business. The event brought together a diverse range of talented professionals and visionary leaders from across the community, including many AISHK parents.
AISHK was represented by Head of School, Ms Mina Dunstan, as a panel speaker, alongside the Co-Chair of WiBN Natasha Norton. Experiences and views were shared as female leaders in diverse industries, with discussion on topics including what leadership looks like for the next generation of young women, and what expectations they have of their leaders. It was an opportunity to convey the outstanding examples of leadership we witness in AISHK staff, students and parents, and to reflect on what style of leadership inspires us.
The school and AISFL Board hosted an appreciation dinner for Australian Consul-General to Hong Kong and Macau, Ms Elizabeth Ward, ahead of the completion of her term of service in Hong Kong. Ms Ward has been present at many AISHK events since the beginning of her tenure as Consul-General.
We thank Ms Ward for her exemplary contributions and unwavering support to AISHK, which speak volumes of the strong bond we share and the pivotal role we play in Hong Kong’s local international community.
Ms Ward’s Hong Kong posting followed a distinguished career as a diplomat and more recently, she played a key role in leading negotiations on the Australia – Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement.
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Each term, primary and secondary executive staff provide a range of parent engagement events. The New Parent Welcome sessions, by primary and secondary, aim to inform and connect AISHK newcomers in an informal setting, complete with breakfast refreshments - including lamingtons! Additionally, engaging information evenings that provide invaluable insights into the curriculum highlights and teaching methodologies are conducted, along with the secondary subject selection seminars. These are all key opportunities to support parents in making informed decisions about their child’s academic journey. AISHK is pleased to welcome parents on campus to these events, strengthening the bond between home and school as we work together to empower our students.
Year 4 students have been hard at work incorporating their learning across different subjects and building this detail into their very own designed Google sites. Within geography this semester, students have learned about the five major biomes found in our world; Aquatic, Forest, Tundra, Desert and Grasslands. Students have chosen a particular biome found within either South America, Africa or Australia as a focus. In English, their persuasive writing skills have been used to explore the overarching question “How can we persuade an audience to take action to support sustainability?” Year 4 students have recently had the opportunity to learn from and share their learning with Year 10 geography
students, who are also studying biomes. By showing senior students their websites’ progress, they have been able to connect with peers in other year levels, whilst also sharpening their website design skills!
In August, AISHK hosted parent and student guests from other schools around Hong Kong, who are considering our school as the choice for their family. Back by popular demand, the events, named “Experience a Day at AISHK” were provided in two separate sessions, one for primary aged students on 23 August and one for Secondary students on 30 August.
Parents enjoyed a school tour while student visitors immersed themselves in AISHK school life, joining homeroom, academic classes and assembly. The Learning Enhancement Team hosted a game and our Pathways Team hosted a session for older students about future directions. The secondary event saw 15 of our students volunteer as Ambassadors for AISHK, plus a secondary SRC contingent who were hosts of lunchtime chats and a fierce game of dodgeball. Of course, to top it all off, we provided some classic AISHK hospitality with lamingtons and a sausage sizzle!
We are pleased to share some highlights of the event and feedback from our guests. It was a great day for all involved. Thank you to the Admissions Team who help bring potential students to the classrooms of AISHK!
“The school has a lot of facilities, like the therapy room, library etc. We went to history class and art class and the teachers are a lot of fun. The cafeteria looks nice and the top floor’s view looks great. The school ambassador showed me around the school and we did a treasure hunt, which helped me learn the facilities here.” - SHELDON
“We started our class by having PE first. We then met Mr Cunningham who was really friendly. After the PE lesson, we went to the Arts room on 7/F with Mr Allante. He was helpful and we drew animals together.
Then, we went down and got some fruits and cakes as snacks for recess. It was time for the treasure hunt around the school campus which let me know how the campus works.” - IAN
“My day at AISHK was really fun and enjoyable. After our 2 classes, Ashley and I went to complete the treasure hunt. We went to different places and I learnt more about AISHK.
The highlight of today was exploring the school and meeting new people. I hope that I’ll be able to attend AISHK in future. Thanks for having me!” - CHLOE
Behind the scenes and before students return to school each term, our dedicated staff are busily honing their skills and attending professional learning sessions. This term, current staff and leadership held a range of development events, including with literacy expert, visiting from Melbourne, Lyn Stone. Lyn’s expertise is to use research, evidence and linguistics to produce programs, methods and texts for students, teachers and educators worldwide.
AISHK sees regular Professional Learning sessions as pivotal in ensuring students receive the best possible school experience, and are testament to our unwavering mission of fostering a unique, AISHK education.
Senior Formal
The 2023 AISHK Senior Formal, held at Hotel Icon in TST in August, was a vibrant evening filled with great food, laughter and fantastic entertainment.
Our Year 11 and 12 students, along with many staff were dressed up for the occasion and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in a true celebration of their hard work and dedication throughout the year. The Secondary Rock Band, composed of talented students, set the stage ablaze with amazing performances that kept everyone dancing all night long. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the night and ensured that this well-deserved event was a memorable one!
AISHK held a very well-attended Sydney Alumni Reunion on Friday 23 June. Over 100 attendees joined, with some making special travel arrangements to ensure they could participate.
Set against the backdrop of the stunning Sydney Harbour Bridge, We were thrilled to see such positive attendance and energy on the night, across alumni staff, Board members, parents and students. Among our attendees were:
Current AISHK Staff Members
• Mina Dunstan, Head of School
• Peter Phillips, Head of Secondary
• Anthony Murphy, Secondary Teacher & Careers Education Coordinator
Former AISHK Leaders
• Howard West, Immediate Past Head of School
• Margaret Merrell, Primary Principal (1995-2003)
• Christine Neilsen, Principal (1996-2003)
• Jean Zhai, Former Head of Chinese (1995-2008)
AISFL Board and Consular Representatives
• Prof. Richard Petty, AISFL Board Chairman
• Dr Dan Hooley, Past Board Member and School Supervisor (1999-2003)
• Dr Jocelyn Chey, Former Consul General for Australia in HK (1992-1995), Alumni Patron
• Ryan Neelam, Former AISFL Board Member; Immediate Past Deputy Australian Consul-General
The gathering was an opportunity to connect with and to introduce networks between many people from all facets of our school. It is clear to see that the unique nature of our
school shines through events like these, with strong bonds of friendship and connections evident. We encourage our alumni to continue to stay connected to the school and we look forward to keeping you updated on upcoming alumni events.
Please scan the code to enjoy a photo gallery of the event. Photography is by Daryl Charles.
If you are in our Alumni community and have not yet done so, please assist us with keeping in touch by providing or updating your details on the alumni register by emailing
Once again, thank you for your
continued support of AISHK, and we look forward to seeing you all again soon!
Over the last several months, my Performing Arts Technician colleague, Mr San Juan and I filmed the Avatar/Star Trek parody “Avatrek: Way Down Under.” It was a big project, but we paced ourselves, with some filming most weeks this year. We are indebted to the acting and production talents of many of our colleagues and a handful of students who performed admirably in the face of an alien invasion.
We showed the trailer early in Term 3, put up posters, and showed Avatrek itself to primary and secondary assemblies in week 5. I think the students got a kick out of seeing some of their teachers on a big screen!
Avatrek was created to promote our Environment Week in August, roughly coinciding with Australia’s National Science Week.
This year the science department teamed up with the Language and HSIE departments and the film featured the 3 department heads prominently.
The film was written to showcase elements of our subjects, especially astrophysics, geology, and language learning. Most importantly, it had an environmental message, which fitted in with an assembly and other activities to raise awareness about the environment.
We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.
It is with great pleasure that we provide a recap of the 2023 AISHK Ball, “A Night Under the Stars”. After a hiatus since 2017 due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the event burst back onto the school events scene, providing a dazzling evening of delightful food and wine, celebration, dancing and good company.
Our school is known for its warm and welcoming community and the 2023 AISHK Ball was testament to this, as we gathered with parents, staff, AISFL Board, AISHK Founding Associations and key members of the global network in Hong Kong.
The success of this event would not have been possible without the tremendous support and commitment of our sponsors.
We take this opportunity to thank our Gold Sponsor, Kinox; Silver
sponsors, Wofoo Social Enterprises, JL Finance and EMR Capital; Lead Raffle Sponsor, Qantas Airways and all prize donors. Thank you to our Provence rosé sponsor Chateau d’esclans and sparkling sponsor Chandon for the evening, both from Moët Hennessy Diageo. Our Photo Booth was sponsored by Adler Ho Property Consultants.
The Parent Association Committees worked tirelessly to bring parents this fun-filled evening and we thank each member for all that they have contributed.
We thank everyone who chose to join us on this evening, and to parents, staff and students who have given their time and creative effort to bring you this magical event.
Enjoy this visual recap of our party “Under The Stars.”
Teamwork and dedication of the Parent Association
Helping Hands from our generous sponsors
Amazing entertainment by our talented students, MC, Band and DJ Notable guests of AISHK Founding Association
Kindness shown by our prize donors
Your attendance – thank you for choosing to join us tonight
One-of-a-kind service from our venue, Hyatt Regency, TST
Unique Unity – The AISHK Community!
2023 Parent Association
Executive Committee: President, Joanna Hartnett; VP Events, Kwai Sim Lee; VP New Parent Co-ordinator, Jacinta Fernandes; VP Community, Ivy Fong; VP Treasurer, Alex Harrington; VP Secretary, Beth Lorenzo
General Committee: Nina Jin, Lourdes Chiu, Elvalenna Chui, Sharon Ding, Emily Tang, Aki Bell, Samorn Pongchaiyong
AISHK Founding Associations
Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong
Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong
Australian Chinese Association of Hong Kong
Australian Association of Hong Kong
Federation of Australian Alumni Associations of Hong Kong
Guests floated into the Ballroom foyer to the mesmerising melodies of our student String Quartet. Many attendees found their inner star by posing at the photo-booth and browsing the array of Raffle items in support of AISHK school enhancements.
Attendees were beckoned by the instrumental call of our student performers into the Grand Ballroom, where they were greeted by MC extraordinaire and AISHK Alumnus Mr Aaron Stadlin-Robbie and Head of School, Ms Mina Dunstan. Guests enjoyed a sumptuous menu specially designed by Hyatt Regency TST Executive Chef Marin Leuthard.
Master of Ceremonies
We were honoured to have AISHK Alumnus Mr Aaron Stadlin-Robbie grace the stage as our MC for the night. A Hong Kong-born New Zealander and Founder and Host of mental health platform Talking Mental, Aaron is a homegrown star. If our Master of Ceremonies looks familiar, you may recognise him from Discovery Channel and TLC television series Hit the Road Hikers: Hong Kong, which explores Hong Kong’s stunning natural beauty.
The AISHK Secondary Vocal Ensemble and Drummers shone bright on the night, with absolutely spectacular instrumental performances and renditions of “I Still Call Australia Home” by Peter Allen and “Rewrite the Stars” as performed by Zac Efron and Zendaya for the film The Greatest Showman (2017). The outstanding Vocal Ensemble performs across a range of genres and is directed by Mr Peter Stapleton.
No AISHK Ball would be complete without great music and dancing! Established in 2015, Indigo Town put a soulful flavour on well-known songs, with their infectious and catchy melodies. Bassist Jack Seib is an AISHK Alumnus and guitarist Brendon Gold is also famous for his role as AISHK instrumental programme’s guitar teacher.
DJ Gary Ngan a.k.a. DJ XLARGE was spinning the decks and kept the party going!
Congratulations to all the lucky winners of the 2023 Ball Raffle! With an array of prizes from luxury goods, holiday destinations, gift certificates and more, there was something for everyone. Thank you to Qantas, our Lead Raffle sponsor for the evening.
Profits generated from tonight’s fundraising will be contributed to enhancement projects of AISHK.
Thank you to all prize donors for your generous support.
Relive the magic of the ball! Watch our event recap by scanning the QR code below:
This term in Maths, Year 6 students have been exploring links between, fractions, decimals and percentages. They have also investigated how probability can be used to help produce an end product - mathematical board game. After much hard work, students were able to enjoy and showcase their final results with the entire Year 5 cohort in a board game extravaganza, filled with laughter, creativity, and friendly competition! We were thrilled to see our students proudly engaging with each other and displaying a true fusion of mathematical and creative thinking.
The AISHK PA is holding its AGM on Monday 27 November at 1:30pm. Each year, at the PA AGM, all current committee members resign from their positions and a new committee is voted in to represent parents for the coming school year. Further details will be provided closer to the time. Should parents have any queries or wish to express interest in becoming involved with the PA, please email
Every AISHK parent is automatically considered a member of the PA and we encourage parents to take up the many opportunities to support our school and make new connections. A reminder of the following PA platforms available:
• AISHK PA webpage which includes the PA Shop and AISHKPA Handbook
• Please reach out at any time to hk should you have any PA queries
• You may also wish to join the AISHK Parent Association Facebook Group