Hospital Olot - La Garrotxa Olot (Girona), Spain
The city of Olot is located at Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, in the north of Catalonia.The plot is in the countryside, at the limit of urban nucleus of the city, with a topography characterized by a smooth slope down the Ridaura River. The building has been conceived as a flat building with three levels adapted to the slope of the land, each floor with ground access to different services. The main entrance is located at the upper level, with the Outpatient Area (Consultation, Rehabilitation, Dialysis), and staff area (Training and Administration departments). Are found in ‘floating’ modules a conference room and cafeteria. In the middle level, a long bloc gather all General Clinic services (Emergency, X-ray, Endoscopy, Obstetric and Surgical Area), directly linked with the fingers holding In-patient Hospitality with 208 beds. The lower level is dedicated to the Staff and General Services (Storage, Labs, Pharmacy, Kitchen, Laundry, Archive, Morgue...). It also include building central installations, along with ones in the roof.
Starting year: 2009
End year: In process
Location: Girona, Spain Built area: 26.998 m² Budget Project Contract: 44,23 M€ Client: Servei Català de la Salut (CATSALUT) Construction company: UTE Sacyr - Tau Icesa