1 minute read
Our AISB Values start with Community...
We believe in the importance of community as a meaningful social connection tool to keep the positive spirit of AISB alive and thriving through and past graduation.
Social Connection is more than just a group of connecting apps; it defines a fundamental psychological need of humans in the wellness tapestry of our lives. We are purposefully hardwired for connection and our digital world makes this an (at times overwhelming) breeze.
Healthy Communities form the backbone of a healthy society and the cornerstone of our evolution as ultra-social beings. We believe that a pillar of everyone’s happiness and fulfillment is a connection to a healthy community. We are helping to build that for you and keep the community alive here at AISB.
We need your help to drive this growth with us... however you can! Here are some ways you can be part of our AISB Alumni Community growth:
• Volunteer to be your class rep
• Organise an event near you
• Come to our annual reunion at AISB in Budapest
• Help connect us with other alums

• Tell us what you would like from your Alumni Program