AIS Curricla

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Overview r om a ges5 18,the Cambridge The Cambridge International Curriculum spans both primary and secondary years . F From ages 5-18, ngl i sh,Ma t hsa ndS ci ence. International Curriculum focuses on the core subjects of E English, Maths and Science.

Key benefits The Cambridge International Curriculum (CIC) is based on a set of common principles underpinned by the best educational and assessment practice. It is international in its outlook and commitment. CIC is based on: •

Quality and coherence delivered through the curriculum

Guaranteed assessment standards

High quality resources

Training and professional development

A partnership approach

Assessment Assessment is set within a multipurpose and flexible framework, a creative combination of formative and summative assessment. That framework includes a comprehensive package of support for teachers and learners. It includes

detailed schemes of work and exemplar lesson plans with defined learning outcomes, resources to support teaching and learning (and not just textbooks), teacher training, and teacher professional development.

CIC provides a positive educational experience for all students, harnessing assessment as a tool for monitoring progress and adapting teaching to the needs of individual s.

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International Examinations •

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Cambridge International Primary Programme


• A curriculum for children aged 5 - 11

University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) qualifications are taken in over 150 different countries and are recognised and accepted by universities, education providers and employers across the globe.

• Excellent preparation for secondary education • Focuses on English, Mathematics and Science skills in young children • Shows your child's progression through primary education • Certificate of Achievement for each child at the end of primary education • Developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) A AI Sw ea i mt op r ovi dea ur r i cul um AttAIS we aim to provide ac curriculum with learning opportunities that w i t hl ear ni ngo ppor t uni t i est hat recognise and celebrate each child's r ecogni sea ndc el ebr at ee achc hi l d’ s individual uniqueness, develop their i ndi vi dualuni queness,devel opt hei r f ul lp ot ent i ala ndp r epar et hem to t o full potential and prepare them me etn ewc hal l enges. meet new challenges.

Part of the way teachers assess children's abilities, is by usin~ Primary Programme Progression Tests, which are marked by the teacher. These tests enable teachers to tell where children are in their learning.

The Cambridge International Primary Programme from University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) develops English, Mathematics and Science skills in young children across the world . It provides a natural progression through the stages of primary education and focuses on what children should be able to do at each of the primary stages.

All children who complete the Primary Programme receive a Certificate of Achievement at the end of their primary education.

The Cambridge International Primary Programme also provides guidance for classroom teaching and learning. No part of the curriculum is compulsory. Schools can choose the parts that are right for their students, while following the national curriculum, or offer the entire programme on its own. The Primary Programme is designed to help teachers arid parents gain a greater understanding of their children's abilities, and their strengths and weaknesses. This is very important, as it helps teachers to know which areas to focus on for each child .

Cambridge international qualifications provide a route students can follow from the post-kindergarten stage to university entrance. ClE provides world-class support for teachers through publications, online resources, training workshops and professional development courses.

The Cambridge International Primary Programme is an excellent framework for learning in the primary years and provides a solid foundation for progression to secondary education, including Cambridge IGCSE and 0 Level.

Ma t he ma t i c s , Engl i s ha nd Sc i e nc e

AIS-Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme Key benefits The Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme is designed to be flexible - schools can combine it with the local curriculum. No part of the programme is compulsory, so teachers can use the materials in the way that is most suitable for their students. Teachers can use the progression tests p r ogr e s s i ont e s t sat the end of the year The Lower Secondary Programme has been designed to link seamlessly with the Cambridge Primary Programme and to provide an excellent preparation for students who will go on to study Cambridge IGCSE/O Level courses. The Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme: • Develops successful students - it is a framework for education success for students aged between 11 - 14 years. • Is internationally benchmarked . This allows schools to measure standards overtime. • Helps teachers assess students' learning as they progress. • Schools use this feedback to improve teaching, support learning and report student progress to parents.


Homework time





Homework time








ESL classes will be provided for new students or children who can't access certain aspects of the curriculum


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What is Cambridge Checkpoint? he c k poi nt t e s t sare Cambridge C Checkpointtests

English, Mathematics available in E ngl i s h, M a t he ma t i c s and Science. a ndS c i e nc e Checkpoint is not a formal qualification with a certificate, although a Statement of Achievement is produced . It is a way in which CIE can help students make the most of their educational opportunities . Cambridge Checkpoint tests: • Are valued and accepted throughout the world for their high standards of assessment • Are delivered worldwide through a network of schools, colleges and training providers • Provide a good indication of Cambridge IGCSE and 0 Level results • Were created with an international audience in mind so that they are suitable for students of all cultural and language backgrounds • Provide teachers with detailed information about the strengths and weaknesses of their pupils in order to focus their teaching

Who can benefit from Checkpoint tests? Cambridge Checkpoint is for students around 14 years of age and is ideal for those beginning courses leading to Cambridge IGCSE Level exams in English, Mathematics and Science.

What are Checkpoint tests like? There are two papers in each subject, each approximately one hour in length . They provide good preparation for Cambridge IGCSE examinations, by allowing students to experience an external exam . All the questions have been tested by Cambridge to ensure they are suitable for 14 year olds and provide useful information and feedback. Tests can be taken when convenient, so that they do not disrupt other lessons. After the test, marks are carefully analysed and a report produced on the student's work . The whole process takes about four weeks .

Report information Each student will receive a Statement of Achievement and a report that provides more detail about his or her performance . Results are given as Checkpoint scores between 0.0 - the weakest performance - and 6.0 - the best performance. The average score is between 3.0 and 4 .0. The report gives a score for the subject as a whole and for the main topics/skills, so that teachers can identify any important strengths or weaknesses . The report gives information about the questions that provided evidence of the student's strengths and weaknesses . These are the questions that the student got right, but most others of the same ability got wrong, or conversely, the questions that the student got wrong, but most others of the same ability got right.

AIS-Cambridge Checkpoint

Can Checkpoint scores be used to predict Cambridge IGCSE results? Research has shown that Checkpoint scores are good predictors of performance in Cambridge IGCSE examinations. Students with the same Checkpoint score will achieve a range of Cambridge IGCSE grades, because some will work harder and learn more than others . Checkpoint Score Range

Probable IGCSE Grade

oand 1


1 and 2


2 and 3


3 and 4


4 and 5



5 and 6

Naturally, students can do better than their predicted grade if they work harder. They will achieve less if they do not put in the effort.

Which topics/skills do the Checkpoint tests cover? English






• Explicit meaning • Select and summarise

• Properties • Problem solving

• Humans

• Comment on character

• Data handling

• Implicit meaning


• Use of language

• Manipulation


• Graphs

• Structure


• Style • Audience

• Measure • Geometry • Trigonometry

• Content Usage

• Cells and organisms • Plants • Variation and classification • Ecosystems Chemistry • Materials • States of matter • Chemical change • Periodic Table

• Sentence structure


• Punctuation

• Measurement and properties of matter

• Vocabulary • Spelling

• Forces and motion • Energy • Light • Sound • Magnetism • Electricity




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The world's most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. T hew or l d’ smo stp opul ari nt er nat i onal q ual i f i c at i onf or1 4t o1 6y earo l ds . Over 2600 schools worldwide teach it, including more than 650 in the UK. O v er2 600s chool sw or l dwi det eac hi t ,i nc l udi ngmo r et han6 50i nt heU K. Almost 500 000 entries each year from 144 countries. A l mos t5 000 00e nt r i ese ac hy earf r om 1 44c ount r i es.

What is Cambridge IGCSE? The Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is one of the most recognised qualifications around the world . Cambridge IGCSE courses are renowned for developing vital educational skills, including recall of knowledge, oral skills, problem solving, initiative, team work and investigative skills . The resulting qualification provides a foundation for higher level courses, such as Cambridge A and AS Levels, the Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education, the North American Advanced Placement programme and the International Bacca laureate. Cambridge IGCSE caters for different levels of ability with a choice between core and extended papers in some subjects. The core curriculum is based on an overview of the subject and is suitable for students expected to achieve grades C to G. The extended curriculum is more challenging and designed for students who are expected to achieve grades A * to C. Grades achieved through either route have the same value . Cambridge IGCS E offers a flexible course of study that gives candidates the freedom to choose subjects that are right for them, whilst providing them with a broad knowledge base and lifelong skills.

Where is Cambridge IGCSE accepted and recognised? Cambridge IGCSE is a high-profile qualification. It has exactly the same value in admitting students to institutes of further education and employment as the UK equivalent - GCSE. • Cambridge IGCSE is comparable with GCE 0 Level and the UK GCSE • Cambridge IGCSE has an excellent reputati on amongst international schoo ls wo rld w ide

• Cambridge IG CS Es are recognised as a reliabl e record of attainment which counts towards entry to un iversities and co lleges around the wo rl d • A good grade (i.e. C or above) in Cambridge IGCSE En glis h as a Second Language is acc epted for entry by almost all uni versi tie s in the UK and many in the USA, Canada and Australia as evidence of adequate competence in the English language


What is Cambridge International A Level?

Where is Cambridge International A Level accepted and recognised?

Cambridge International A Level is one of the most recognised qualifications around the world. For over 50 years, Cambridge International A Level has been accepted as proof of academic ability for entry to universities and institutes of higher education. They are also important to employers who frequently demand A Levels as a condition of job entry.

Cambridge International A Level is recognised and accepted throughout the world. It is accepted by all UK and European universities and by most English-speaking universities worldwide as equivalent to UK GCE Advanced Level. • Good A and AS Level grades are a key to admission for all the world's major English speaking universities and many non-English speaking universities

Cambridge International AS Level represents the first half of a full A Level course and gives students the opportunity to study a broader range of subjects without committing to doing a full A Level .

Cambridge International AlAS Levels offer a flexible course of study that gives students the freedom to select the subjects that are right for them.

Good grades at Cambridge International A Level can result in up to one full year of advanced standing or credit at universities in the US and Canada • AS Level carries half the weighting of an A Level and is typically awarded half the credit value.

Who can take Cambridge International A Level? Cambridge International A/AS Levels are usually taken by students aged 16 - 19 years. Students who have already taken Cambridge IGCSEs or 0 Levels will find many of the skills they have already learnt are relevant and beneficia l.

Assessment Cambridge International AlAS Levels feature a mix of assessment methods, which may include coursework, practical exercises, oral and listening tests, projects and written examinations. Examinations are held in June and November each year, with results issued in August and January respectively. Students must enter for Cambridge A/AS Levels through a registered CIE centre.

AIS-Cambridge International A and AS Level How is Cambridge International AI AS Level taught?

I nt er nat i onal e duc at i onp r ogr ammesa nd International education programmes and q ual i f i c at i onsfor f or5 t o1 9year yearo l ds. qualifications 5 to 19 olds.

Ca mbridg e International A/AS Levels are very f lexibl e programmes and the re are many different teachi ng m odels.

C ambr i dgep r ogr ammesa nd Cambridge programmes and q ual i f i c at i onsa r et ak eni nmo r e qualifications are taken in more than 160 countries. t han1 60c ount r i es.

At this level, students have earned t he right to speciali se . Cambridge International A Level is subject-based, meaning students may choose to study fewer subjects in more depth . There are no compulso ry subjects at Cambri dge Internat ional A Leve l. Students may choose a route th rough Sciences, for example, or Human it ies. How eve r, the qual ifi cations are also hi ghly su itab le for schools tha t prefe r t o inc lu de compu lsory subject s such as Eng li sh Language or Mathemati cs .

R ec ogni s edb yu ni v er s i t i esa r ound Recognised by universities around the including all UK universities t heworld wor l di nc l udi nga l lU Ku ni ver si t i es a ndo v er4 50U Su ni ver si t i es. and over 450 US universities. Taken by over 175 000 students in T ak enb yo v er1 n 750 00s t udent si mo r et han1 25d i f f er entc ount r i es. more than 125 different countries.

350 000 entries annually. nt r i esa nnual l y . 3 500 00e

A-AS level The syllabus for each subject is set by Cambridge, but how it is taught depends on the school or college. Al l syllabuses require students to develop subject know ledge as w ell as an ability to present a w ell-reasoned argument. Cambridge A Leve l cou rses ta ke t w o years to comp lete w ith exams taken at th e end . Cambridge AS Level exam in ations are taken after a year, eith er as pa rt of the A Level course or as a qual if ication in their ow n right. Typicall y each AS Level course w oul d requ ire gu ided learning ti me - in class, in the library or resource centre - of 180 hou rs. For A Levels the learning req uirement w ould be 360 hours.



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