School flyers 2010

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AIS Kindergarten and foundation stage programme

What we offer at AIS

Kindergarten and Foundation stage

✔ It consists of four groups for 3-6 age children; Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 ✔ Program is based on British National Curriculum ✔ Instruction Language is English and Russian ✔ Russian as a second language ✔ Small groups ✔ Each group has a Certified Educator and an Assistant ✔ Psychologist & speech therapist services as needed ✔ School meals five times a day including breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack and dinner

Curriculum We offer a wide range of subjects to ensure that even our youngest pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. The formal teaching of Mathematics and English, which are the fundamental building blocks to understanding and learning, begins in Nursery. We do not underestimate our pupils and realise how important it is to foster a positive attitude towards learning from the very start. Our curriculum is designed to provide active involvement and relevant first hand experiences for the child in an environment rich with possibilities.

A friendly, supportive and secure environment

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lving and explora➜ Hands-on problem so tion at learning centers tic play, and pup➜ Music , songs, drama petry ing ➜ Reading and storytell cipation and ➜ Increased group parti games th activities ➜ Art, science, and ma

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Детский сад – детский мир

✔ 4 возрастные группы для детей от 3 до 6 лет ✔ Единая образовательная программа на русском и английском языках ✔ В каждой группе 2 воспитателя носители английского и русского языков и няня ✔ Занятия с психологом и логопедом ✔ Пятиразовое питание ✔ Подготовка к российской и международной школе

➜ З аня т и я н

а р азв ит ие м

оторики ➜ Сюжетно -ролев ые игр ы на специ ал организов ан ьных ных площ адка х ➜ Муз ыка , п ен и е , д р ам а т ически й круж кукольный т ок , е ат р ➜ Чт е н и е и пересказ худ ожеств енно л итер атуры й ➜ Совместн ые м е ро п р и я т ия и игры гр р азл ичных в упп оз р астов ➜ Изобр аз ит ельное и скусс т в о, м а т ем а окружающ и й т ика , м и р и англ и й ски й яз ык


Building 1 : Moscow, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, 30A (Metro-Dubrovka) Tel: +7 (495) 661-8691 • Fax: +7 (495) 661- 8692 Building 2 : Moscow, Festivalnaya Street, 7/A (Metro-Metro- Rechnoy Vogzal) Tel: +7 (495) 661-8691 • Fax: +7 (495) 661- 8692 Flyer_Kindergarten.indd 2

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AIS Kindergarten and foundation stage programme AIS building 2

What we offer at AIS

Kindergarten and Foundation stage

➜ Four groups for 3-6 year old children: Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 ➜ Integrated curriculum in both English and Russian ➜ Native English and Russian teachers ➜ Psychologist & speech therapist services provided ➜ School meals served five times daily ➜ Music, songs, drama and puppetry ➜ Art, science, and math activities ➜ Secure and happy learning environment ➜ Solid foundation in English and Russian

lving and explora➜ Hands-on problem so tion at learning centers tic play, and pup➜ Music , songs, drama petry ing ➜ Reading and storytell cipation and ➜ Increased group parti games th activities ➜ Art, science, and ma

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Curriculum We offer a wide range of subjects to ensure that even our youngest pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. The formal teaching of Mathematics and English, which are the fundamental building blocks to understanding and learning, begins in Nursery. We do not underestimate our pupils and realise how important it is to foster a positive attitude towards learning from the very start. Our curriculum is designed to provide active involvement and relevant first hand experiences for the child in an environment rich with possibilities.

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Детский сад – детский мир AIS здание 2 ➜ 4 возрастные группы для детей от 3 до 6 лет ➜ Единая программа на русском и английском языках ➜ Воспитатели носители английского и русского языка ➜ Занятия с психологом и логопедом ➜ Пятиразовое питание ➜ Музыка, пение, драматический кружок, кукольный театр ➜ Изобразительное искусство, математика и окружающий мир ➜ Всестороннее развитие личности ребенка ➜ Подготовка к международной и российской школе

➜ З аня т и я н

а р азв ит ие м оторики ➜ Сюжетно -ролев ые игр ы на специ альных организов ан ных площ адка ➜ Муз ыка , п х ен и е , д р ам а т ически й круж кукольный т ок , е ат р ➜ Чт е н и е и пересказ худ ожеств енно л итер атуры й ➜ Совместн ые м е ро п р и я т ия и игры групп р азл ич ных воз р аст ов ➜ Изобр аз ит ельное и скусс т в о, м атем ат ика , окружающ и й мир и англ и й ски й яз ык


Building 1 : Moscow, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, 30A (Metro-Dubrovka) • Tel: +7 (495) 661-8691 • Fax: +7 (495) 661- 8692 Building 2 : Moscow, Festivalnaya Street, 7/A (Metro-Rechnoy Vogzal) • Tel/Fax: +7 (499) 745-6260, 745-6261

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Primary and Secondary School ✔ Completely modernized building with light, fully furnished classrooms

✔ Modern science laboratories with interactive smart boards

✔ Fully qualified English native speakers and Russian teachers

✔ Each class has a main teacher and a teacher's assistant

✔ The school nurse is available during the day ✔ Two- hour homework task time organized at school and supervised by full-time teacher's assistants

d British National an iculums Russian state curr

ence, English, Russian ➜ Core subjects: Math, Sci and ICT story, Geography, ➜ Foundation subjects: Hi sic , Art, Personal social Design technology, PE, Mu and health education ysics and Chemistry are ➜ Subject like Biology, Ph given from year 9 y language ➜ Russian is a compulsor CSE (International ➜ Preparation for the IG ndary education) general certificate of seco

Extra-curricular Activities ➜ A range of clubs including Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Football, Swimming , Chess, Athletics and Gymnastics ➜ The opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument, including flute, violin, piano and the drums ➜ School trips are organized to the museums and different places according to the curriculum ➜ The chance to learn another language through French, Spanish, Italian and German lessons

“Small classes allow staff and pupils time to work together…”

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МЦО « АТЛАНТИК» - начальная и средняя школа ➜ Просторные кабинеты, оборудованные современной мебелью ➜ Обучение с 1 по 11 класс ➜ Высококвалифицированные иностранные и российские учителя ➜ Каждый класс курирует классный руководитель-предметник и ассистент ➜ Основные предметы: математика, английский язык, информатика, русский язык, окружающий мир ➜ Фундаментальные предметы: история, география, музыка, изобразительное искусство, физическая культура, технология ➜ Медкабинет работает в течение всего учебного дня

Дополнительное образование вклю чает: ➜ Изобразительное искусство, музыка , хореог рафия, сольное пение, др ам ат ически й кружок , шахм атный кр ужок , футбол, гимнастика , пл ав ание ➜ Профессиональное обучение иг ре на музыкальных инст руме нт ах , таких как: флейта , скрипка, форт епьяно и уд арные ➜ Школьные экскурси и, организованные в соответств ии с прог раммой обучения

School Day 08.00 - 09.00 09.00 - 09.40 09.40 - 10.00 10.00 - 10.40 10.50 - 11.30 11.40 - 12.20 12.30 - 13.10 13.00 - 13.30 13.35 - 14.14 14.15 - 14.55 15.00 - 15.10 15.15 - 16.00

Children arrive at school 1 lesson Breakfast time 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson Lunch time 6 Lesson Outdoor time Snack After-class activities, clubs and project work time 16.00 - 17.00 Homework task time – children do their homework 17.00 - 17.15 Dinner time 17.15 - 18.00 Homework task time – children do their homework


Building 1 : Moscow, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, 30A (Metro-Dubrovka) • Tel: +7 (495) 661-8691 • Fax: +7 (495) 661- 8692 Building 2 : Moscow, Festivalnaya Street, 7/A (Metro-Rechnoy Vogzal) • Tel/Fax: +7 (499) 745-6260, 745-6261

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9/23/10 5:07 PM

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