1 minute read
Final Review
from The Development and Use of Low Embodied Energy Materials in a Carbon Conscious Construction Sector
My final review was on Thursday of week ten and I presented my ideas to Anna Cooke, tutor to MArch1 and Sean McCabe of Think-
Tank for Action on Social Change, along with Emmett and Fiona.
The discussion after my presentation was very helpful in terms of determining a stance and method for continuation through semester two. The main points which were discussed included the possibility of the production of mycelium composite materials at large scale and whether this is already being done as well as any potential drawbacks that the process might have.
Also discussed was the idea of the perception of materials, do we design with clarity as to the processes used or do we use these new materials in a discrete way? How would people feel if they knew their house was made of mushroom derived mycelium composites? There is a question of architectural language as well as determining what people want and balancing this with what is needed both in terms of energy efficiency and scope.
An interesting topic brought up by Sean McCabe was that of the introduction of low embodied
energy materials into developing countries where construction booms are forecast to occur to prevent the overuse of concrete which has occurred recently in countries such as China where construction rates are rising exponentially.
In addition to these topics also discussed was the possibility of further research into the idea of low embodied energy materials in the coming semester and the possibility of testing in more depth the material capabilities of the different construction methods I have
been looking into. The testing of mycelium composite building and further research into mass timber construction as well as continuing research into the reuse of materials which
have come to the end of their useful life and
how this could be arranged and achieved with a circular economy in mind.