The Profile 2020/2021 (english)

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English Edition


Innovation Powerhouse We are Austria's largest Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and play in the top league worldwide in many infrastructure issues. This makes us a powerful development partner for industry and a top employer on the international science scene.




Mission Statement

05 Assuring AIT's Claim to Excellence Foreword by AIT Supervisory Board President Hannes Androsch

34 Tomorrow Today As organiser and (co-)organiser of international R&D events, AIT ensures a knowledge advantage for clients and partners. 38

Center for Mobility Systems


Center for Digital Safety & Security

08 Answers to the "Grand Challenges" AIT Managing Directors Anton Plimon and Wolfgang Knoll in an interview


Center for Health & Bioresources


Center for Low-Emission Transport

10 Focus of the Centers AIT focal points


Center for Vision, Automation & Control


Center for Technology Experience


Center for Innovation Systems & Policy


Center for Energy


Stay in Contact

06 Innovating Infrastructure System AIT as a developer of new technologies

12 On the Way to a Climate-Neutral Future Foreword by Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler (BMK) 13 AIT – Strategic Partner in the Age of Innovation Foreword by Isabella Meran-Waldstein, IV (Industriellenvereinigung/Federation of Austrian Industries] 14 Research at the Highest Level The Large Research Infrastructure is one of AIT's major unique selling points. 22 Tomorrow Today With You Work @ AIT means a great variety of opportunities for individual career paths. 26 Committed to Excellence Current scientific papers show the high research competence at AIT. 30 Curtain Call The AIT research services for our clients and partners meet with great international recognition.



MISSION STATEMENT The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is the largest non-­ university research institute in Austria, is leading the way in innovation and is playing a key role at a European level as the research and technology organisation that focuses on the key ­infrastructure topics of the future. Eight specialised Centers conduct research in the fields of Energy, Mobility Systems, Low-Emission Transport, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision Automation & Control, and Technology Experience. These research areas are complemented by expertise in the field of Innovation Systems & Policy. As a national and international hub at the interface between science and industry, AIT enables innovations thanks to its scientific and technological competencies, experience in markets, close connection to its clients, and an excellent research infrastructure. As an Ingenious Partner to industry and the public sector, AIT plays a central role with regard to advising on future challenges and developing disruptive technologies. In doing so, AIT pursues a research approach that is based on comprehensive knowledge at system level. We not only want to understand systems, but actively design them. Around 1,400 employees throughout Austria conduct research on the development of the tools, technologies, and solutions for Austria's economy which will keep it fit for the future according to our motto "Tomorrow Today".



Photo Simonis

Hannes Androsch, President of the AIT Supervisory Board

Ensuring AIT's claim to excellence also in the future The corona crisis has changed all societies, economic systems and our everyday life worldwide. We will not return to our usual routines any time soon, there is a demand for many new ideas and solutions. As if we hadn't already known it, it has become all to clear now: Research, innovation, and education are of the utmost importance for continually thriving human life on this planet. Hence, the work at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology proves to be more important than ever. All areas that have been the focus of infrastructure research in the past ten years play an eminent role in shaping the future – from artificial intelligence and robotics to energy supply and mobility all the way to the life sciences. Micro- and systems biology in particular are playing an increasingly important role, not only in preventing and controlling epidemics. And an interdisciplinary view of the increasingly complex problems is more urgently needed than ever. We need all these technologies in order to be able to look to the future with renewed strength. We will also need to keep reminding politicians of this even more, so that the promised measures like a research financing law and a significantly more rapidly increasing budget path for science, research and innovation can finally be implemented


for the long term to ensure planning security. The Corona crisis has shown just once again how crucial the research work at AIT is and how quickly it can lead to solutions for concrete problems – be it for the management of aid missions, for directing the flow of people (in order to maintain the required minimum distances), or for designing helpful apps, e.g. for the health monitoring of people in corona quarantine. Even in these difficult times of curfews, congress cancellations, plant closures, etc., AIT proves that it is well-positioned and fully functional in serving its clients and partners! For this, I would like to express my gratitude to management and all employees! The further path into the future will be marked by several central developments: On the one hand, digital transformation is omnipresent, and it will accelerate even further as a result of global upheavals. As has become evident in the corona crisis, we as a society are only insufficiently prepared for this. On the other hand, the fight against climate change remains a central topic. The necessary restructuring and reconstruction of the economy should therefore be coupled with setting a course towards a more resource-efficient system. The work done at AIT as a strong partner of companies and the public sector is of great value when it comes to both of these major

future topics. In order to ensure that AIT's claim to excellence will also be maintained in the future, the further development of the company is constantly being driven forward. One case in point are the far-reaching proposals to strengthen the synergies between the various organisations located around Giefinggasse – in addition to AIT, these comprise Siemens, the A1 Next Generation Data Center and the FH Technikum, among others – and to expand them with additional partners and a scientific park as part of a "Vienna Innovation Area" in Floridsdorf. A closer cooperation in the area of e-health solutions has already been agreed upon with Siemens Healthineers. And there are also plans on a national scale to expand AIT activities. For example in Vorarlberg, where a cooperation with the FH Vorarlberg and the innovative companies located there is under discussion. The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology thus continues to live up to its principle "Empowering Innovation – Tomorrow Today" for its clients and partners.


INNOVATING INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS Sectoral Development Global influencing Factors

Sectoral Structure and Stakeholders

Policy targets e.g. Grand Challenges

Innovation needs of Infrastructure Systems

System Scenarios & Strategies Providing Scenarios and Strategies based on sectoral Knowledge, System Needs and technological Options

Key Enabling Technologies (KET)



System Knowledge Scientific Methods Technology Expertise Research Infrastructure

Advanced Technologies & Processes

R&D for Next Generation Goods

Public Stakeholders Infrastructure Providers Lead Industry RDI-Policy

Enabling innovative Services & Business

Industry, Service Provider, SME & Start-ups



FINDING ANSWERS TO THE GRAND CHALLENGES AIT Managing Directors Anton Plimon and Wolfgang Knoll on AIT's strategic orientation and current research topics. The corona crisis naturally also poses challenges for AIT. How do the approximately 1,400 employees deal with it? Anton Plimon: We have achieved two important goals: AIT continues to function even under challenging conditions. Research projects are continued in the home office as best they can, communication and collaboration have been advanced virtually. Secondly, many of the issues we are working on are essential for managing the crisis – such as telehealth solutions to provide medical care to people in quarantine, symptom tracking by means of an anonymous online survey, or systems for optimizing the logistics of aid measures. Simulation tools for managing passenger flows in supermarkets or in public transport facilities are important as well. Wolfgang Knoll: Our research in the field of biosensors is also an important contribution: One case in point concerns the development of an odour test which could become a kind of "early indicator" of a Covid-19 infection. With its recognised experience with tools for crisis and disaster management, AIT is also one of the leading partners in the EU STAMINA project. This aims at developing a new system for dealing with future pandemics. 38 partners from more than a dozen countries are jointly developing an intelligent system to support decision-making in predicting and managing pandemics. This system aims at supporting first responders, practitioners, hospital staff as well as pan8

demic crisis managers in their daily work. We are among the top players here.

particularly great potential in areas where hydrogen is used both materially and energetically.

In addition to digitisation, decarbonisation plays an essential role in AIT's strategic orientation in infrastructure research. So where do we go from here? WK: We have been pursuing projects in this direction since AIT was founded. We see this as an absolute necessity in order to hand over the world to the next generation in at least the same condition. This also opens up opportunities for the Austrian economy: Thanks to new, more efficient and future-oriented technologies, our competitiveness on the world market is growing. This secures the generation of added value and jobs. AP: A major priority is the decarbonisation of industry: AIT plays a leading role in the Austrian "Energy Showcase Region" on the topic of "New Energy for Industry – NEFI", a unique innovation network that develops solutions for the complete decarbonisation of Austrian industry. These innovations will make a significant contribution to securing industrial locations in Austria and will lay the foundation for climate-friendly technologies "made in Austria". Great importance is attached to the use of waste heat in industry itself, but also outside of it, such as in district heating networks in the vicinity – keyword: Sector coupling. The subject of hydrogen is also becoming increasingly important in this context as well: We see

What are AIT's priorities in the field of energy research? WK: Energy systems are highly complex. A transformation towards climate neutrality requires not only new individual technologies but also a view of the entire system. Only by viewing the entire value and effect chain is it possible to tap the full innovation potential in terms of holistic climate protection. This system competence is a unique AIT selling point. For example, we can integrate components into real networks in many simulation systems and several special labs where we can test and further develop them under conditions that closely approximate real-world conditions. In our SmartEST lab, we offer reality-oriented research, for example for flexible "smart grids". AP: The energy transition requires the integration of all sectors. We conduct research e.g. into climate-friendly, user-oriented and multimodal mobility. This starts with simulations for optimising the traffic infrastructure and the interoperability of different means of transport and extends to research on e-mobility. Our battery lab has its own production line in which we can further develop lithium-ion batteries. We are active at cell, module and system level here. We are also developing new components and power electronics for highly efficient drive trains of electric vehicles. AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

AIT Managing Directors Anton Plimon (on the right ) and Wolfgang Knoll

Peter Rigaud/Shotview

WK: The lightweight construction of vehicles also counts among our core competencies. At the Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen (LKR), we are working on innovative methods for the design of light vehicles as well as on the improvement of the material properties and the processing of lightweight materials such as aluminium and magnesium. Research topics are becoming increasingly complex. How is AIT responding to this challenge? AP: We are pursuing a systemic and interdisciplinary approach and we think beyond conventional disciplines. A good case in point is the "City Intelligence Lab" (CIL) which we opened in autumn 2019. With the CIL, it is possible for the first time to display in real time the effects of changes in planning on the environment, on energy consumption, traffic or comfort during a district planning process. Simulations, methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and innovative forms of presentation are used in doing so. This not only allows for a fast, comprehensive and efficient planning process, but also for a hitherto unknown quality in the involvement of future users and public participation. WK: The CIL is also proof that digital technologies will become significantly more important in many decarbonisation measures. At AIT, we are concerned not only with how the computing centres of the future will be more energy-efficient and how "blockchains" can be used in the energy industry, but PROFILE AND HIGHLIGHTS

also, and in particular, with the digital security of smart electricity networks by means of suitable system infrastructure and encryption methods. Protection against cyber threats and hacker attacks is just as much an issue here as data protection and privacy. How much progress have we made ­towards the "digital factory" or Industry 4.0? AP: Innovative robot systems open new ways to more efficient production. This allows resource efficiency to be increased in the production sector. Furthermore, autonomous production systems will also make it possible to produce more goods in Europe in the future, which not only supports the industrial landscape in Europe but also helps to avoid excessively long transport routes and supply chain dependencies. The corona crisis could lead to a clear trend reversal here. Where do we stand on the issue of the bio-economy from your perspective? WK: Exciting developments are in the making here. For example, we are working on new biological processes that will be essential for a bioeconomy of the future. By using e.g. symbioses between plants and microorganisms, it should be possible to make agriculture more resource-efficient. Moreover, the adaptation to climate change is important in the life sciences: The knowledge gained from research into the stress reactions of plants, such as their response to heat or drought, can be used to breed more resistant plant varieties

– including tree species that can withstand rising temperatures. AP: With one thing being very important to us: AIT stands for the development of new technologies in the infrastructure sectors. But that alone is not enough to be able to meet the "Grand Challenges". We therefore also provide a broad scope for social innovations and examine e.g. how people deal with new technologies and how those technologies should be designed to achieve the best possible effect. ­ Or how people adapt their behaviour to changing framework conditions and how societies are changing in the course of technological change and the energy transition. To this end, e.g. major foresight studies are being carried out on behalf of the European Commission. At this level, too, AIT is a major player in the European research landscape.



Health & Bioresources

• Electric Energy Systems • Integrated Energy Systems

• Biomedical Systems • Bioresources

• Photovoltaic Systems • Digital Resilient Cities

• Digital Health Information Systems • Molecular Diagnostics

• Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems


Mobility Systems

Low-­Emission Transport

• Dynamic Transportation Systems • Transportation Infrastructure Technologies

• Electric Drive Technologies • Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen


Digital Safety & Security

Vision, Automation & Control

• Information Management • Security & Communication Technologies

• High-Performance Vision Systems • Assistive and Autonomous Systems

• Sensing & Vision Solutions

• Complex Dynamical Systems

Technology Experience

Innovation S ­ ystems & Policy

• Experience Contexts and Tools • Experience Business Transformation

• Digital Innovation • Foresight & Institutional Change • Policies for Change



Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for ­Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)

On the Way to a Climate-Neutral Future Climate protection and the energy transition are necessary to ensure that future generations will also find a world worth living in. Both are closely interconnected with questions of the infrastructure of the future and an innovation and research policy that creates the setting for green innovation. They touch on the opportunities offered by digitisation, on secure communication, on protection against cyber attacks and on "smart production". All these topics are focus areas of research and development at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.

(BMK) considers the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology a key partner for achieving the climate targets. As a key hub in the international and national RTI system, AIT takes on an important function providing support in mastering major challenges such as climate protection, energy transition, the future of mobility, urbanisation and the Smart City. After all, the aim is to enable a "Green Deal" for Austria's industry and trade. With the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, we can count on an ally in this regard.

We need innovations that open the door to new economic models. The focus on systems as opposed to individual, small-scale solutions plays a central role here. The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

BKA/Andy Wenzel

An ambitious and comprehensive climate and energy policy will contribute to strengthening Europe as a research and innovation location. Austria is to play a key role in this and become a climate protection pioneer: With climate neutrality 2040, we have established an ambitious plan and are also consistently working on setting the course correspondingly.

The commitment to a climate-neutral future is the joint responsibility for us all. Companies of all sizes, from start-ups to multi-national corporations, will contribute. In order to achieve climate neutrality in 2040, we will replace the combustion of heating oil, coal and fossil gas for the provision of heating and cooling with climate-friendly alternatives. Energy efficiency will be significantly improved. Mobility systems are changing and the expansion of public transport will play a key role. More and more people are living in cities which are thus confronted with new challenges fro urban and infrastructure planning. Digitisation opens up new fields of action and topics whose opportunities, but also risks, we are only learning more about as we speak.



Isabella Meran-Waldstein, Head of Research, Technology & Innovation at the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)

AIT: Strategic Partner in the Age of Innovation – before, during and after the coronavirus Research, technology, innovation can lead us out of the crisis – now, a technology offensive must follow.

framework programme Horizon Europe as well as in Austria's participation in trans-European IPCEI projects, and the sustainable safeguarding and expansion of RTI funding as an investment in our future must be vigorously pursued. We need a powerful "technology offensive" that can help Austria to emerge stronger from the crisis. The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology has been a key strategic partner of the Austrian innovative industry for many years. Through its diverse bridging functions between science and industry, research and education, AIT is an indispensable lead partner in Austria as well as in Europe. In particular when it comes to leading the RTI location into a new "post-corona era" – on the route to more crisis resilience, more competitiveness, and more innovation.

IV/Karl Michalski

Austria – like almost all other countries in the world – finds itself under the spell of a global pandemic. It is currently neither possible to predict how long the corona crisis will last, nor how much of a burden it will place on the national economies as a whole. What is already clear, however, is that research, technology, and innovation will make a major contribution to ending this exceptional situation and better preparing society for similar events in the future. Highly innovative, technology-based companies have the potential to strengthen their competitiveness beyond this crisis. With technologically sophisticated products, processes, innovative services and new business models, these companies offer solutions to major social challenges, especially now – in

the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Digitisation also underscores its importance for the location during this crisis. It plays a key role in maintaining the economic capacity to act, and it enables the preservation of global economic and social relations. In order to harness the full potential of research, technology, innovation, and digitisation, determined action is needed. In order to build up more crisis resilience and at the same time achieve a rapid economic revival, it is particularly important to focus on applied research during the rebound phase. It takes on a central role in developing the innovative problem solutions of the future and the value chains of tomorrow. By combining research and production in Austria and Europe, the re-industrialization can be driven forward in strategically important areas. At the same time, the opportunity arises to bridge potential bottlenecks in value chains, to expand key technologies, and to increase resource efficiency. On the political side, a frontrunner course must therefore be taken in expanding the EU research




Biomaterials Characterization Lab Our Biomaterials Labs are equipped with facilities for the quantitative characterization of suitable materials as well as the development and application of process technologies that are innovative and that can be validated. Furthermore, corrosion measurements on degradable implant materials and forming via "Equal Channel Angular Pressing" (ECAP) are possible, which significantly improves the mechanical properties of metallic biomaterials and non-biomaterials, such as hardness, compressive and tensile strength, as well as fatigue strength under completely reversed stress. The state-of-the-art laser lab researches and further develops syntheses of high-purity colloidal nanoparticles for biofunctionalisation and coating, e.g. in order to form antibacterial and antithrombotic surfaces, or as admixtures as nanoadditives.


City Intelligence Lab (CIL) – digital urban planning The City Intelligence Lab at the Center for Energy extends AIT's expertise in the area of "Digital Resilient Cities". The lab is an interactive platform for exploring new forms and technologies for urban planning practice of the future, and follows the approach of a co-creative development – joint creation of new knowledge. The platform is supported by the latest digital planning tools using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using digital technologies, it enables complex relationships to be made tangible and the residents to be directly involved in the planning process. The CIL is not only an international showcase laboratory, but also a valuable decision-making aid for developing answers to the central challenges of urbanisation, such as climate change.


AIT, APA-Fotoservice/Hinterramskogler

The AIT laboratories use state-of-the-art technology and equipment and form an essential prerequisite for successful applied research and development. Here, the foundations for products, services, and solutions for tomorrow are laid, tested, and brought to series production readiness. The so-called “Large Research Infrastructure” is one of AIT's major unique selling points.

Battery testing Batteries are examined in detail at cell, module and system level in the battery test lab. This includes electrical tests as well as an evaluation of safety through abusive tests. For example, electrical tests are carried out in support of the selection of cell technology, functional checks, simulations of driving cycles as well as investigations into service life or aging. Abusive tests on issues of thermal stability, elevated temperature storage and mechanical analyses of cell-internal short circuits or drop tests are also carried out here.

Horizontal continuous casting plant The semi-industrial pilot plant for horizontal continuous casting of aluminium alloys with real-time control is used for the continuous production of tailor-made formats as well as special alloys in the field of welding wire production. AIT provides support in process technology procedures for producing high-quality, near-net shape formats suitable for direct further processing of the manufactured semi-finished product without intermediate steps (e.g. forging) and offers a top-quality infrastructure for extended casting trials.

AIT/MĂźrling, AIT/Lang, AIT/LKR/Lang

Radio Frequency Lab New methods to use radio communication for the reliable data exchange with machines are investigated and analyzed in the Radio Frequency Lab using software defined radio equipment. We are developing novel methods for highly reliable low-latency communication links. Cables may thus be replaced in production environments by radio systems, or autonomous vehicles can be reliably interconnected as a network on the street, on rails and in the air.



Cold chamber die casting machine DAK1100-112 In the die casting process, the liquid casting metal (aluminium or magnesium alloys) is pressed into a steel mould by a piston at very high speed and under very high pressure. When cooled, the metal solidifies very quickly and the finished cast component can be removed after a short cooling time. This fully automated pilot plant can be used on an industrial scale to produce highly complex die-cast components made from aluminium and magnesium materials. The goal is achieving holistic solutions, from first idea to production-ready component.


Molecular Diagnostics Lab The lab of the Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics consists of two specialized units. The molecular biology lab is equipped for the detection and validation of biomarkers and assay development. All steps from cell culture to isolation, processing, detection, and quantification of various biomolecules (nucleic acids and proteins) from a wide variety of biological samples (tissue, blood and saliva) are feasible in this lab. Whereas the sensor lab is designed to establish biosensors and integrate them into highly sensitive point-of-care diagnostic systems. The focus here is on developing electrochemical, magnetic, and optical detection methods and on creating prototypes printed with “bio-inks�.



Accredited vibration measurements Vibration-intensive construction activities (demolition work, blasting, soil compaction, etc.), but also impacts from road and rail traffic, often cause considerable vibrations in buildings. AIT has the necessary know-how to record and evaluate the effects of vibrations and is certified according to ISO 9001 in this area.

Machine Vision Lab In robust high-performance vision systems, image capturing, lighting, and algorithms must always be well coordinated. For this purpose, test setups are quickly realized in the Machine Vision Lab from a large number of available components to check the suitability of different solution ideas. In this way, both the latest research ideas can be implemented for the first time and the development of prototypes for industry can be realized.

RoadSTAR The driving lab "RoadSTAR" records all the parameters of the road essential for the road operator or expert in a single crossing, without obstructing traffic flow. This increases the longevity of the road while at the same time increasing road safety. Surface damage and cracks in the road surface are visually recorded by the "RoadSTAR" mobile lab. The parameters to be measured and analysed comprise the road surface grip, the macrotexture, the transverse flatness and the longitudinal flatness. The examination of all traffic safety relevant condition characteristics takes place as part of the (standard) accreditation. This allows for example the independent examination of building contract provisions at the time of acceptance or before the end of the warranty period.

AIT/Zinner (2), AIT

Shock and vibration testing of components AIT boasts many years of know-how as an independent Ă–VE/Ă–NORM EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test centre for shock and vibration testing and environmental simulations. Items undergoing testing such as electronic and electrical parts, equipment, machinery and systems as well as superstructures for vehicle components will be subjected to stress and tested using two electrodynamic shakers, possibly also in combination with a climate chamber. We advise our clients on selecting appropriate test procedures, we offer the competent and client-oriented execution of such tests, and we issue accredited test certificates. Since 2018, shock tests of up to 100 g have been possible using the shakers.



SmartEST-Lab AIT's SmartEST Lab (Smart Electricity Systems and Technologies) and the High Power Laboratory provide a Europe-wide unique laboratory infrastructure for electrical energy technology components ranging from power electronic converters for photovoltaic (PV) and storage systems, via charging stations for electric vehicles to high-performance switchgear and fuses. The lab offers clients from industry tailor-made test facilities for their developments and products in the power range up to 1 MVA for operating low voltage components and systems (SmartEST), or 120 MVA for short circuit and load tests and up to 1200 kV for high voltage tests (High Power Laboratory). AIT thus supports network operators and component manufacturers with an ideal experimental development environment for the transformation of the energy infrastructure.

Ambient noise, rolling noise and pass-by testing and immission measurements This describes the measurement of sound pressure levels which are relevant for the assessment of ambient noise and include the noise emissions from road and rail traffic. Our services: • Rolling noise measurements (CPX method) according to ISO 11819-2, • Pass-by testing (SPB method) according to ISO 11819-1.



AIT/Zinner, AIT/PicturePeople Austria GmbH, AIT/Matthias Silveri

Technology Experience Lab The AIT TX Lab (Technology Experience Laboratory) is a flexible facility for various types of user research and demonstration activities in the lab area as well as for field trials. It provides a state-of-the-art framework for the implementation, documentation and analysis of requirements engineering, focus groups, workshops, usability, user experience and quality of experience studies as well as for the prototyping of advanced interaction designs and future concepts. The AIT experts explore specific factors such as different experience quality measurements, the creation of key technology area experiences and key application contexts, based on improved fundamental interaction thinking and dedicated methods and tools to help develop high-quality technology experiences. For this purpose, end users in the AIT TX Lab are closely involved throughout the entire development process.

Additive Manufacturing Lab With Wire-AM (WAAM, wire+arc additive manufacturing), conventional standard welding equipment is adapted in such a way as to enable component production by direct metal deposition from welding wires with comparatively high forging rates and theoretically unlimited component size. At the LKR, both standard aluminium- and magnesium-based welding consumables and in-house manufactured special wires are processed. All light metal alloys produced by melt metallurgy can be produced in-house.

Molecular Biological Lab & DNA Bank AIT provides a comprehensive lab infrastructure in Tulln, featuring e.g. the molecular biology labs to develop genetic marker systems using state-of-the-art molecular technologies for research questions in the fields of genomics and transcriptomics, through to marker applications for various genotyping purposes and DNA fragment analysis based on various technologies such as // KASP™// qPCR // genotyping by sequencing (e.g. RADseq) // micro-satellites (STRs / SSRs). Highlight: the DNA database. High-throughput DNA extraction with liquid handling systems (ISO 9001:2008) for the development and application of customized DNA extraction protocols for various tissues and organisms, a centralized facility for longterm storage and biological material management.


Battery Research Pilot Line AIT is one of the few research institutions worldwide that can cover the entire value chain from battery research to battery production under one roof. Thanks to a dry room and a state-of-the-art research pilot line, the AIT experts are able to produce lithium-ion pouch cells with regard to industrially relevant processes. AIT thus bridges the gap between science and market application.



DC Lab Already today, renewable electricity from offshore wind farms with high-voltage direct current transmission is transmitted over long distances to the mainland with low losses. In future, DC (direct current) networks could also be used at the medium and low voltage level. By expanding the labs for DC currents on the order of 80 kA, AIT creates an efficient and high-performing validation platform for manufacturers of DC components and DC systems. Direct current networks at medium and low voltage level, photovoltaic systems, storage systems, batteries for electric vehicles and new types of switchgear will play an important role in the future energy system. The DC Lab at the Center for Energy will be the largest lab of its kind in Austria – the start is planned for 2021. This lab infrastructure is particularly important for European developers and manufacturers of power electronic components.

Airborne sound insulation, sound reflection & sound diffraction As part of the transnational development of acoustic in-situ testing of noise protection walls, standards EN 1793-4, EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6 have been developed to determine the relevant acoustic properties on site or in the lab. The three mentioned standards regulate the measurement of the sound diffraction at the upper edge, the measurement of the sound reflection at the noise protection wall and the airborne sound insulation, applying a holistic view. With extensive testing activities and collaboration in national and European standardisation bodies, AIT regularly demonstrates its high level of systemic expertise.



FH JOANNEUM/Stefan Leitner, AIT/Zinner, AIT/Mayr_Batko

Lab for unmanned aerial vehicles Unmanned aircraft need sensors to detect their surroundings in order to avoid collisions, but also for orientation and for determining the flight path as well as possible landing sites. As with all autonomous systems, a reliable position determination is also indispensable when carrying out flight missions. In the lab, corresponding technology components are developed and integrated and the aircraft are prepared for outdoor missions. The aircraft are on the one hand quad/hexacopters of various sizes, but also fixed-wing aircraft for large-area and long-duration flight missions for various purposes (transport, inspection, surveying, surveillance, etc.). The technology components are also used in assistance systems of manned aircraft and for airspace surveillance.

Use of waste heat from industrial processes 11 December 2019 could go down as a milestone in energy system transformation: On this day, the first industrial high-temperature heat pump was put into demo operation at the Wienerberger Österreich GmbH site in Uttendorf (Upper Austria). Waste heat from industrial processes has so far mostly been released into the environment completely unused. Currently, a large part of the energy for drying processes is lost in the exhaust air. As part of the EU project DryFiciency, a new heat pump technology was developed in a project chaired by AIT and a demonstrator was integrated into the drying process. In the brick factory in Uttendorf, the high-temperature heat pump is now being tested in a real industrial environment. "In order to extract water from bricks or other products such as food,

it must be evaporated at 90 to 160°C," explains Veronika Wilk, scientific coordinator of the DryFiciency project and Senior Research Engineer at the AIT Center for Energy. With heat requirements above 110°C, it has not yet been possible to use heat pumps to recover the waste heat. In the EU research project DryFiciency, a demonstrator was developed which shows that heat pump technology can also be used for industrial processes in a higher temperature range. "Wienerberger and AIT have been collaborating in a strategic partnership for five years. DryFiciency marks a milestone in the decarbonisation of the brick and tile industry," says Carlo Callegati, Head of R&D Operations and Engineering Wienerberger AG. Heat pumps will be an essential element of energy infrastructure in the future, also in the industrial context.

AIT/Schneeberger, AIT/Mürling

Photonics & Quantum Communication Lab The lab deals with technologies based on the use of light. The research activities range from photonically integrated circuits at the chip level via system integration of optical and electronic components all the way to the demonstration of new applications in telecommunications, quantum optics and sensor technology.



TOMMOROW TODAY WITH YOU Work @ AIT means a variety of opportunities and possibilities for different, individual career paths at Austria's largest Research and Technology Organisation.

Thomas Zemen, Electrical Engineer, Senior Scientist, Center for Digital Safety & Security


"The discussions are very different in mixed teams. I invest a lot in team composition. This includes addressing and properly integrating women early on in their careers."



Carmina Coronel, Biomedical Engineer, Junior Research Engineer, Center for Digital Safety & Security: "We are developing new methods for detecting sleep apnoea using 3D camera images. The work is intense, but I like it a lot and I get a lot of support here."

Our employees are the most important and valuable AIT resource. As an expert and knowledge organisation, AIT therefore strives to attract the best minds. "This is a great challenge and responsibility for us at the same time," explains Marie Theres Raberger, Recruiting & HR Development. With its technological solutions, AIT is a leader in the future-oriented handling of discontinuity. The strategy of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is based on system competencies and individual technologies that give rise to business models. "This also defines our demands on new Ingenious Partners – the best minds in terms of scientific excellence, well-founded systems knowledge and a high level of market understanding, also with an entrepreneurial perspective," Raberger sta-

tes. As the motto goes: "Smart minds attract smart minds" is aimed at high potentials who value modern research infrastructure, an excellent reputation and the opportunity to conduct international top-level research.

to help shape the future," Raberger is convinced, "we are a relevant factor for Austria as a business and industrial location because we conduct research and develop solutions that are in demand."

Corporate culture as a foundation and point of attraction The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is a top employer with an open corporate culture. "We offer a lot of creative freedom in our work and rely on clever, creative minds who also challenge each other," says Raberger. With its cross-thematic, interdisciplinary portfolio, AIT offers many opportunities for self-development. Thanks to its clear strategic orientation, AIT is an employer with a clear and attractive profile. "AIT offers many opportunities

Career model according to international standards The success of AIT – and thus the success for our clients and partners – is inextricably linked to the successful development of our employees. A career model that complies with international standards allows for the targeted development of our employees – and does so in various job profiles and levels (see box). "Transparent career paths enable us to develop competencies in a targeted manner – from Junior Scientist to Principal Scientist, for Nicole Brosch, IT specialist, Scientist, Center for Vision, Automation & Control: "I've always had the freedom to do what I wanted to do. I am also involved outside of AIT in the association 'IEEE – Women in Engineering' with the aim of promoting women."



Anahid Naghibzadeh-Jalali, Data Scientist, Scientist, Center for Digital Safety & Security: "The computer was a play device for me and my brothers. When I realized that I was able to change the game, I couldn't let go of the fascination. At AIT, these 'mind games' continue for me."

example," says Marie Theres Raberger. This career model with its strategic orientation provides AIT with a unique selling point on the international stage. It is structured, yet at the same time it offers a lot of flexibility and the opportunity for employees to discover and develop new technical and personal skills. Non-linear career paths are encouraged: AIT motivates its employees to consciously try things out, to temporarily take on new roles or to switch from a scientist position to a more business-oriented role. "We support our employees in this with our specially tailored qualification programmes," emphasizes Marie Theres Raberger.

Lived diversity AIT also takes a clear position on Gender & Diversity. AIT's own Code of Conduct identifies AIT as an organisation that places great value on equal opportunities, fairness, communicative openness, empowerment, and committed participation. "At AIT, we strive for success through the joint use of knowledge, a constructive error culture, a positive working atmosphere and, above all, the personal development of our employees," emphasises Helmut Leopold, AIT Gender Officer and Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security.

hens AIT's position as an Ingenious Partner for industry and the public sector. "We see diversity as an enrichment for our company and our teams which we all benefit from. Our employees come from different disciplines and cultures. Their different perspectives, experiences and competences help us better understand our research and business partners and develop the best solutions for them. The international successes show us that it is worthwhile to inherently integrate diversity into the corporate culture," Leopold is convinced.

Diversity is a central component of AIT's corporate culture and strengt-

"We are working at the forefront of technological development. This has tremendous dynamics and requires the best minds."

Marie Theres Raberger, ­ Recruiting & HR Development 24


"We see diversity as an enrichment to our company and our teams from which we all benefit."

Helmut Leopold, AIT Gender Officer and Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security

Gender Equality as Core Value As Austria's largest research and technology organisation, the colourful mix of different gender perspectives is an important component of AIT's success. "We strive for a balanced ratio of women and men for all career models, career paths and stages of life," emphasizes Helmut Leopold. Thus, AIT supports applications from women and takes part in various initiatives to encourage young women to pursue a career in the natural sciences. Further steps are being taken with targeted internships for female students or the promotion of internal and external women's networks: "We also understand our social responsibility in changing the way people view the typical

female role models. This includes duly presenting the impressive CVs and achievements of women in science and technology at AIT.” The compatibility of family and research career is promoted with multi-faceted and flexible working time models. With individual solutions being possible here as well: "How work and family life can be reconciled strongly depends on which career phase you are currently in. We know from experience that not all models are equally suitable for all employees," says Helmut Leopold. It is therefore crucial to support the development of a personal work-life balance: AIT employees can choose from various flexi-

ble part-time and teleworking models and take advantage of training programmes independent of their working hours. "We are thus offering our employees the opportunity to shape their working lives according to their individual needs and thus achieve an optimal work-life balance," emphasizes Helmut Leopold.

Ingenious Partner @ AIT

AIT/Zinner, PicturePeople Austria GmbH (2)

The optimal development of talents and skills of our employees is of particular importance. At AIT, individual career paths are open in various professional fields and at a number of levels: • Management • Research Engineering & Expert Advice • Science • Support • Technical Services



COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE Current scientific papers show the high research competence at AIT.

I. Wanzenböck, M. Neuländtner, T. Scherngell: "Impacts of EU funded R&D networks on the generation of Key Enabling Technologies: Empirical evidence from a regional perspective"; Papers in Regional Science, 99 (2019), 1; p. 3 - 24.


Digitalisation causes a complete paradigm shift of production and innovation options. Digitalisation understood as the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities. The term digitisation describes the technological shift of “analog information into digital format”. Digitalisation is the conversion of processes, interactions, communications, business functions and business models into digital ones. A digital transformation to refers to the process of organizational and societal changes, including the ability to adopt technologies rapidly which affects social as well as technical elements of business models, processes, products and the organizational structure. M. Hörlesberger: "Innovation ­management in a digital world"; Journal of Manufacturing Tech­ nology Management, 30 (2019), 8; 10 pp.

Movement data is ubiquitous. Whether via GPS or mobile ­r adio, an increasing number of people, vehicles and goods can be traced using their data tracks. Exploratory analyses of movement data pose a considerable challenge due to the heterogeneity of movement data sets and analysis tasks. ­There is a lack of established tools for the exploratory analysis of movement data as well as a lack of guidelines for the implementation of existing movement data analysis concepts using generally available analysis tools. In order to close this gap, we present three open source technology packages for the exploratory analysis of movement data and discuss their capabilities and limitations. A. Graser, M. Dragaschnig: "Open Geospatial Tools for Movement Data Exploration"; KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, (2020), p. 1 - 8. AIT/Bösendorfer (2), AIT/Zinner

Cross-regional R&D networks are essential for regional innovativeness. Yet, we lack insights into technology field specific effects of a region's network connectivity. This study investigates key enabling technologies (KETs) to compare knowledge creation effects of EU funded R&D networks for different technological fields. By applying spatially filtered regression models together with marginal effect interpretations for non linear models we quantify and compare network effects across KET fields. Results show that the generally positive network effects differ depending on region internal endowments and the nature of the underlying technologies. Policy implications arise for the interrelations between EU research, industrial and regional policy.


From impact drills to complex driver assistance systems – intelligent mechatronic systems accompany us in our daily lives. Early simulative verification of the entire system behaviour is essential for the development of modern control concepts, since development cycles are becoming increasingly shorter and quality and safety assessments have to be carried out on the real system already prior to validation . In this context, oscillations are often a gauge of insufficient stability of a closed (non-linear) control loop. This article shows how oscillations can be detected in a computationally efficient way using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). For the closed loop of a mechatronic system, a systematic signal processing is presented and a standardized oscillation index is proposed. The final part is the application of the presented theory to a complex mechatronic control loop by Robert Bosch GmbH.

AIT/Lang (2), Privat/Höllbacher

M. Gurtner, P. Zips, M. Atak, J. Ophey, A. Kugi: “Improved EMD-based Oscillation Detection for Mechatronic Closed-Loop Systems”; IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 52, Issue 15, 2019, p. 370 - 375.


The use of equivalent circuit models to simulate the operating behavior of lithium-ion batteries is established. In this manuscript, a methodology for determining the required ­temperature-dependent simulation parameters from battery measurements is proposed. An algorithm analyses the correlation between electricity steps and the measured terminal voltage based on a specific load current and prior system knowledge, and then adjusts the originally estimated parameters from the first algorithm to the measured data by means of a combination of particle swarm optimization and Gauss-Newton algorithm. Finally, the dependency of each simulation parameter on both the state of charge and the battery temperature is determined. Ageing effects were not regarded in this article. The generated set of parameters makes it possible to reproduce and investigate the operating behaviour of the battery.

Monoclinic lithium vanadium phosphate, Li3V2(PO4)3, is considered a potential cathode material for the next generation of high-performance lithium ion batteries. However, the low intrinsic electronic conductivity of Li3V2(PO4)3, which poses a predominant challenge for olivine type compounds, inhibits commercial applications. ­Although the substitution of V3+ by other types of cations is a common method to increase the conductivity and electrochemical performance of Li3V2(PO4)3, the underlying mechanisms for the improved properties are not yet well understood. We use a thermodynamic approach to investigate the influence of the dopant, i.e. Mg2+ as well as vacancies at the V3+ location, on the stability of the resulting materials. Based on measured partial molar Gibbs energies, entropies and enthalpies of the electrochemical reaction, a discussion of substitution mechanisms and their influence on electrochemical performance is presented.

D. Dvorak, T. Bäuml, A. Holzinger, H. Popp: "A Comprehensive Algorithm for Estimating Lithium-Ion Battery Parameters From Measurements"; IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume 9 (2018), 2; p. 771 - 779.

A. Beutl, D. Cupid: "A thermodynamic investigation on the substitution mechanism of Mg-doped lithium vanadium phosphate"; Electrochimica Acta, 311 (2019), 311; p. 103 - 113.


Metal oxide semiconductors are of major importance for energy conversion and storage. Their multifunctionality is based on their diverse electronic and structural properties. They are used as transparent electrodes or photon absorbers in photovoltaics and optoelectronics as well as catalysts for electrolytic water splitting. At AIT, we develop metal oxides that have a high potential for energy applications and are based on scalable, environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. This publication reports on the production of gallium oxide by spray pyrolysis, a cost-effective wet chemical process. Unlike the state of the art, our approach uses water-based solutions and a reduced deposition temperature, which facilitates industrial production.

Karoline Alten: "Vibro-Acoustic ­Inspection of Vienna`s Tram ­Network"; lecture: WRI EU 2019 Wheel Rail Interaction Conference EU, Vienna; 29 Oct. 2019 31 Oct. 2019 (lecture).

Networks and computer systems are a constant target of cyber threats. Forensic system log data records almost all events that occur and can be used to detect cyber attacks. However, system log data is unstructured data that is generated in large quantities and contains complex inherent dependencies. Correspondingly, the in-depth analysis of log data easily exceeds the cognitive abilities of humans. For this reason, cyber security experts use clustering methods from machine learning to aggregate large numbers of logs into representative groups and derive patterns that describe complex event relationships. Our study reviews existing approaches and discusses similarities and advantages of selected features. The paper provides an introduction to log analysis for cyber security and serves as a work of reference for future applications of system log clustering. M. Landauer, F. Skopik, M. Wurzenberger, A. Rauber: „System log ­clustering approaches for cyber security applications: A survey“; Computers & Security, Volume 92, May 2020.

AIT, Karoline Alten

N. Winkler, R. A. Wibowo, W. Kautek, G. Ligorio, E. J. W. List-Kratochvil and T. Dimopoulos: “Nanocrystalline Ga2O3 films deposited by spray pyrolysis from water-based solutions on glass and TCO substrates”; Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 69-77.

Vienna has the fifth largest tram network in the world. An inspection vehicle with optical sensors that scans the rail heads for wear is used for maintenance. In recent years, a microphone has been added to the instrumentation. The data analysis was also carried out on on-board accelerometers, which were previously only used for the positioning system of the tram. Thanks to vibroacoustic data, the network is evaluated with regard to the immission hotspots where wheel-rail contact can lead to impairments such as rail squeal or ripple formation. The presentation showed results of the research work on the detection and classification of rail irregularities as well as of the ongoing work on the analysis of switches.



Image processing systems are used for various tasks in autonomous road vehicles. In this paper we present RailSem19, the first public data set for semantic scene understanding for trains and trams. The data set consists of 8,500 annotated short sequences from a train perspective with over 1,000 sections of railway crossings and 1,200 tram scenes. We have developed a new annotation rule for this purpose. It focuses on rail-relevant labels that do not appear in other data sets. In addition to the manual annotations in geometric form, we provide dense semantic labels per pixel. We present prototypes for the image-based classification of trains, switches, points, platforms, buffer stops, rail traffic signs and signalling systems. Furthermore, a prototype for dense semantic scene comprehension of rail scenes was created by means of machine learning.

M. Reisinger, S. Prost, J. Schrammel, P. Fröhlich: "User Requirements for the Design of Smart Homes: Dimensions and Goals"; "Ambient Intelligence“, Springer International Publishing.

O. Zendel, M. Murschitz, M. Zeilinger, D. Steininger, S. Abbasi, C. Beleznai: "RailSem19: A Dataset for Semantic Rail Scene Understanding"; Poster: CVPR 2019 Workshops, Long Beach, California; 16 June 2019 - 20 June 2019; in: "CVPR 2019", CVPR, (2019), 9 pp.

Systems designed for cell manipulation by electric fields are inherently challenged by energy dissipation along the electrode-electrolyte interface. A promising remedy is the introduction of an electrode coating with a high dielectric constant which enables efficient capacitive coupling of electric fields in biological samples. We present this strategy in the form of a reusable pipette tip design with a chamber volume of 10 μl for life science applications. The validation of prototypes and comparison with conductive gold-coated electrodes show a consistent and controllable biological effect that significantly increases the reproducibility of lysis events. The system provides precise descriptions of human endothelial cell lysis as a function of field strength, frequency, and conductivity. Over 80% of the cells were reversibly electroporated with minimal electrical lysis over a wide range of field settings. T. Wimberger, J. R. Peham, E.-K. Ehmoser and K. J. Wassermann: „Controllable cell manipulation in a microfluidic pipette-tip design using capacitive coupling of electric fields”; Lab on a Chip 2019.


"Smart Home" is a strongly technology-driven area. A significant gap exists in the design based on the everyday context and the social and emotional nature of the home. We identify leverage points and functionalities for smart home design through three steps of cultural probing, participatory design fiction and focus groups. On the basis of empirical, real user data, we present features and system expectations that take a multi-faceted overall picture into account. The paper advises on the design process of future smart home solutions. We point out several design dimensions – time, space, relationships, individual factors and values – which enable a design for a heterogeneity of users and situations. Secondly, we derive specific design goals to guide the design of smart home systems: Design for control, low effort, integration, developability, identity, conviviality, and benefit.



CURTAIN CALL The AIT experts' research services for our customers and partners meet with great international recognition. This has been proven by numerous awards and distinctions. That also contributes to AIT being a first point of contact in major multilateral projects.


HERMES 2019 Verkehrs.Logistik Award for AIT project The "GrazLog" project, submitted by the city of Graz and managed by AIT, received the HERMES 2019 Verkehrs.Logistik Award [Transport.Logistics Award] in the sustainability category. AIT Project Manager Martin Reinthaler: "The HERMES Transport. Logistics Award is a great honour for our project and shows that our work for efficient and sustainable city logistics is very valuable." The focus of GrazLog is on cooperatively used inner-city logistics hubs. A city logistics centre, a so-called city hub, is installed in which the delivery and handling of goods as well as the collection of returns will be handled all in one.


AIT/Boesenkopf, VCO/Matthaeus Schmid

Guest professorship in Paris As of 1 November 2019, Matthias Weber, Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy (centre, with Martina Neuländtner and Christoph Brodnik), has been appointed Visiting Professor at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Science, Innovation et Societé (LISIS) at the University of Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM) for an initial period of three years. One of the goals here is the further expansion of the European research infrastructure RISIS (Research Infrastructure for Science and Innovation Policy Studies), but also the further development of concepts for a transformative innovation policy. Weber's visiting professorship is part of the French Excellence and Future Investment Programme for profiling university partnerships. It supports the merger of UPEM with five other universities in the south-east of Paris to form the new Université Gustave Eiffel as of 1 January 2020. The latter belongs to the new generation of French universities that are specifically developing interdisciplinary thematic priorities with high international visibility. In the case of the Université Gustave Eiffel, these are the areas "Innovation" and "Urban Transformation". In the medium term, a further intensification of cooperation between LISIS and the AIT Center for Innovation Systems and Policy is planned.

VCÖ Mobility Award 2019 for Autonomous Ticketing Markus Ray, Head of the Dynamic Transportation Systems Competence Unit at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems, accepted the VCÖ Mobility Award 2019 in the category "Digitisation" on behalf of his entire team at a festive gala in Vienna's Odeon theatre: the winner was the submission on the topic of "Autonomous Ticketing of the Next Generation". With the MODE technology, AIT lays the foundation for a future smartphone-based ticketing system for public transport. Autonomous Ticketing works by reliably collecting information about the route, connecting points and the means of transport used. Additional operator-side infrastructure or active user interactions have thus become obsolete.

High recognition for AIT team The promotional award of the Deutsche Hochdruckliga e.V. DHL® [German Hypertension League] for sports and non-drug therapy for hypertension went to AIT researchers Martin Bachler (picture) and Siegfried Wassertheurer together with their German colleagues Walter Sehnert and Thomas Mengden for their work "Non-Invasive Quantification of the Effect of Device-Guided Slow Breathing with Direct Feedback to the Patient to Reduce Blood Pressure".

AIT researcher ranks among the most frequently quoted worldwide Angela Sessitsch, Head of Competence Unit Bioresources, was listed for the second year in a row as one of the most frequently quoted researchers worldwide. Scientific papers published and cited between 2008 and 2018 were used for the analysis of the data group Clarivate Analytics. Among the 6,216 listed scientists, 44 persons partly conduct research in Austria. In addition to her work at AIT, Angela Sessitsch is Vice President of the ÖGMBT – Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology and teaches at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna.

AIT/Lang, AIT/Zinner, Thomas Teskey

Award for best dissertation Johannes Österreicher, Scientist at the LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen, won first prize in the PhD competition 2019 of the International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISSIA). Stereology is the spatial interpretation of sections. In his PhD thesis "Characterization of Al-Mg-Si Alloys for Automotive Safety Parts", Österreicher worked on quantitative scanning electron microscopy of nanoscale particles distributed in solid media.



New approaches to vehicle cyber security AIT has won several awards at the eAward. The Austrian specialist for model-based system development Lieber- Lieber Software and AIT received the award for the new cyber security management system THREATGET. With the introduction of the new European safety directive according to ECE Level, vehicle manufacturers must demonstrably verify the cyber security of their vehicle systems in order to obtain approval of their products. With THREATGET, "Security by Design" becomes a reality: It provides developers with a tool to identify threats already during the design phase of new systems, allowing them to quickly assess the associated risks.


Best Poster Award for energy efficiency concept With the Poster Award, AIT has supported almost 200 young talents over the past ten years. The AIT Poster Award is significantly supported by the know-how of the partners tecnet and accent. The winner of the Poster Award 2019 is Ksenia Poplavskaya from the AIT Center for Energy, with her work "inteGREATER: Integrate Congestion Management and Markets for Greater System Efficiency”. Poplavskaya explains how a network bottleneck in the energy system causes higher network costs and consequently higher network tariffs. To solve this problem, Poplavskaya has developed a software algorithm that integrates the energy market and the transmission grids and enables day-to-day decision-making by transmission system operators. The energy market dynamics with the available grid capacities can thus be used optimally, congestion management costs can be saved, and more renewables can actually be integrated. Sophie Knöttner from the Center for Energy won second place with her poster for "Optimized Energy System Operation – A Contribution to Industry 4.0”. Her deliberations on the optimization of energy use in industry are intended to help reduce energy costs and the environmental impact, as well as to ensure greater flexibility of electricity supply and increasingly establishing renewable energy. Patrik Aspermair from the Competence Unit BioSensor Technologies took third place for "Smell Sensing 4.0: Organic Semiconductors for Biosensing”. He addresses the question: "How can we capture smell digitally?” and presents approaches that technologically capture the sense of smell. Aims include the automatic detection of spoiled food in supermarkets and in the development of diseases in animal husbandry.


Disaster protection solution received eAWARD 2020 AIT received the eAward in the “E-Government” category for the implementation of the so-called Public Safety Hub (PSH) which was developed in cooperation with the Department of Civil Protection and Defense in the Office of the State Government of Styria. Against the background of IT "island solutions" having emerged in the field of crisis and disaster management over the last few decades in various organizations, which has made it difficult to exchange information between the various IT systems, the PSH enables a seamless exchange of information between both military and civil IT systems for the first time. Thus, the PSH enables the responsible actors to improve operational planning and provide faster assistance in the event of a crisis.

Staatspreis Mobilität 2019 for COMPAS The State Prize is the highest award bestowed by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) on Austrian companies and institutions. The COMPAS project was awarded the State Prize for Mobility 2019 in the category “Research. Development. Opening up new avenues". COMPAS was submitted by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology together with the partners Bombardier Transportation Austria GmbH and Mission Embedded GmbH. In the COMPAS research project, new scientific approaches and rapid innovation cycles are used to significantly increase the driving safety of trams with the aid of imaging systems. The aim of the joint initiative of Austrian research and industry is an "intelligent tram" which continuously records and analyses its surroundings and thus supports tram drivers in ensuring optimum driving safety.

Simone Kriglstein receives the Honourable Mention Award Simone Kriglstein from the Center for Technology Experience received an Honourable Mention Award at the CHI conference for her paper "See, Feel, Move – Player Behaviour Analysis through Combined Visualization of Gaze, Emotions, and Movement". She received the prize together with Daniel Kepplinger, Günter Wallner and Michael Lankes. Kriglstein's research topics include human-computer interaction and game experience. The gaming area in particular, or the topic of gamification, respectively, are becoming increasingly exciting for the Experience Business Transformation competence unit – since on the one hand, it has been a strong growth market in recent years (more than 40 billion dollars in 2018) and, on the other hand, experience from the gaming market and gamification mechanisms can be used for other areas (B2B platforms or customer loyalty measures, among others).

Privat, Create Connections, BMK/Husar

AIT researcher wins 5G Red Arrow Award Thomas Zemen was awarded the "Red Arrow 2019" at the Infrastructure Symposium 2019 of Future Business Austria. The 5G wireless technology is a key topic for the infrastructure as well as for making Austria an even more attractive business location. AIT is therefore working together with e.g. Nokia and AVL in the field of autonomous and networked vehicles in the BMK research project MARCONI ("ICT of the Future" programme) to develop special 5G-based multiple antenna systems.



TOMORROW TODAY Our partners and clients benefit from the symposiums and conferences (co-)organised and hosted by AIT. In this way, it is possible to extend the knowledge lead in R&D topics.

Austrian Startup Monitor: How startups tick Where do most startups get launched? How are they financed? What is the composition of the startup ecosystem in Austria? These questions and many more will be answered in the Austrian Startup Monitor 2019. "The Austrian Startup Monitor helps to collect and continuously analyse information on the development of Austrian startups," says AIT project manager Karl-Heinz Leitner. To this end, startups are identified and questioned in annual online surveys on the Austrian startup ecosystem and their perspectives. The results of the surveys are the central foundation for the preparation of the Austrian Startup Monitor 2018 and 2019. On 20 February 2020, the current study was presented at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, with Federal Minister Margarete SchrambĂśck opening the event.


AustrianStartups, BOAnet

International Sustainability Transitions Conference Together with WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, the AIT is organising the 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference. Due to COVID-19, it will take place online between on 18–21 August. The conference takes an interdisciplinary perspective on the causes and structural challenges of a transformation towards a sustainable economic model. International researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders discuss the design and implementation of a transformative governance and policy for systemic change. In this way, #IST2020_Vienna will provide an excellent opportunity for a stimulating exchange between international science and local practice.


Gilbert Novy, AIT/Zinner

Climate-friendly mobility of the future Already for the 4th time, the futurezone Day organised by the technology news platform took place in November 2019. The focus of the event was on the climate crisis and how technology can help in overcoming it. In the course of the panel "Sustainable mobility of the future" presented by AIT, Arno Klamminger, Head of Center for Mobility Systems, discussed trends and challenges in the mobility system together with Sabine Kühschelm (BMK), Bernd Datler (ASFINAG), Peter Malanik (Austrian Aviation Association) and Wolfgang Grausenburger (Austrian Post). AIT also hosted the award ceremony in the category "Mobility" (picture left).

Cybersecurity Innovation Challenge at AIT organized by United Nations Counter-Terrorism Center (UNCCT) In December 2019, the United Nations International Hackathon against Digital Terrorism took place at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. The motto was "Countering Digital Terrorism". The event was organized by the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Center (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), the United Nations Office of Information Communication and Technology (OICT), and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. The aim of the Innovation Challenge was to raise young people's awareness of digital t­ errorist threats and to motivate them to look for innovative solutions to these threats. The fina­ list teams were selected from a total of 60 teams that had submitted ideas in the course of a call for entries. The Cybersecurity Innovation Challenge was hosted by AIT, which has a strong research focus on the area of digital security with its Center for Digital Safety & Security. Anton Plimon, Managing Director of AIT, emphasised the importance of a "globally functioning digital data space".



Workshop of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and AIT on cybersecurity For the second time, the AIT organised a special computer security training course at the AIT together with representatives of the IAEA. The course content, co-authored by the AIT Center for Digital Safety & Security, builds on key IAEA guidance on computer security in nuclear facilities, with participants completing several hands-on exercises using representative industrial control systems and physical protection equipment found in this type of environment. Topics include understanding the nature of the cyber threat, applying a tiered approach to computer security, and implementing security using "Defence in Depth". The course content is characterized by a strong practical component: The participants complete exercises with representative industrial control systems and physical protection equipment found in nuclear facilities. It also includes exercises for analysing network traffic and managing security events.


International Digital Security Forum (IDSF) Vienna Vienna has developed into a hot spot for digital ­security in recent years. The International Digital Security Forum (IDSF) Vienna, to be held on 2–4 December 2020, will address the innovative nature and risks of new digital technologies by ­examining their use by malicious players as well as their potential for building a more resilient and secure world. One of the aims of the conference is to build partnerships that can keep pace with the challenges of digitisation and channel the consequences of technological c­ hange in line with our vision of a good and sustainable society.



AIT/Matthias Silveri, AIT/Gneiger

AIT Digi-Network launched On 13 February 2020, as part of the first Digi Network, the AIT Center for Technology Experience addressed the future challenges that digitisation managers will have to face. Together with managers from various industries, Markus Murtinger (Head of Competence Unit Experience Business Transformation) examined experience topics from different perspectives. The aim of this event series is to identify trends and potentials, discuss them, and develop possible solutions for the digital future. The first AIT Digi Network dealt with the topics of law and experience in connection with digital experiences and the design of processes.

LKR produced the "Photo Challenge Awards" by means of 3D printing Together with the Prague Photo School, the Upper Austrian Research GmbH (UAR) organized the photo competition "FOTO CHALLENGE 2019" for the first time in September 2019. Under the motto "Upper Austrian Research in Pictures", it revealed the outstanding research achievements in Upper Austria and provided enlightening insights into the world of science. As a longstanding network partner and research institution in Upper Austria, the LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum took an active part in this campaign. The photographs submitted by the photographers were judged by an expert jury from the field of research, a creative jury, and the audience at the award ceremony. The expert jury selected the best photo in each of the 3 research fields of digitisation, industrial production and mobility & logistics. The long-term LKR researcher Maria KĂźhlein was one of three expert jury members. For the production of the winning awards, the UAR drew on Upper Austrian expertise in the field of Wire-AM (wire+arc additive manufacturing): The awards were manufactured in the newly established Additive Manufacturing Laboratory at the LKR.




Mobility systems are subject to fundamental changes. In addition to rapid technological progress, the deciding factors in this respect include primarily urban growth and demographic development, clearly defined ecological targets as well as changes in the working environment. Trends such as the sharing economy and the desire for a socially just, secure, and barrier-free mobility for everyone will gain even greater importance in the future. These developments require 38

completely new methods and approaches in terms of mobility. The parallel existence of the mobility of persons, goods transport and its associated transport infrastructure is increasingly being replaced by an interaction between existing and future technologies and stakeholders. At the same time, the mobility system must meet the needs of the people. More than 100 highly-qualified, specialised and international experts work at the AIT Center for Mobility Systems. Our interdiscip-

linary team carries out research and development in the fields of mobility data collection and analysis, passenger flow analysis and impact assessment, mobility behavioural research, traffic planning, simulation and predictive models, structural dynamics and acoustics, traffic safety, traffic infrastructure, as well as transport logistics and optimisation. Developments and trends such as mobility as a service, synchromodality, automated


AIT, AIT/Zinner

Mobility is a foundation of our society. The experts of the Center for Mobility Systems are developing efficient, safe and environmentally friendly solutions for passenger mobility, freight transport and the associated traffic infrastructure.

driving, physical internet or intelligent roads pose challenges. Traffic safety and accident research throughout the entire road network is a priority objective of road operators. These are facing major challenges, in particular because certain traffic situations are becoming increasingly complex due to shifts in the modal split and, consequently, there are major changes in the proportionate use of the road space. Increased interactions between unprotected road users and motorized traffic as well as the application of new technologies in all modes of traffic call for new security concepts and strategies. At AIT, new analysis and simulation tools are being developed which combine road condition data and road mapping parameters with accident data, providing a reliable risk assessment for existing and planned roads. Using these measurement data, streets and roads can be modeled in a virtual and realistic manner, road networks can be mapped numerically with their potential hazards using algorithms, and complex road-vehicle relationships can be simulated and investigated. Noise protection: Reliable and Silent Transport Infrastructure An efficient transport system is the backbone of the economy and social activities. But traffic also has a negative impact on the environment, for example through noise, vibrations or air pollutants. The acoustics experts

at the Center for Mobility Systems combine high-precision, on-site noise measurements with simulations and analyses in order to capture traffic-related noise emissions numerically. The findings from measurements, simulations and modelling constitute the basis for new technologies such as low-noise road surfaces. In addition, we support manufacturers in developing and optimising infrastructure components such as noise barriers for road and rail. Close collaboration with infrastructure operators helps identify trouble spots in the infrastructure and enables an efficient implementation of highly effective noise protection measures along particularly noisy routes. AIT uses customised procedures, which range from the use of state-of-the-art measurement technology and the development of new simulation methods to the consideration of subjective noise perception. Among other things, psychoacoustic models and methods are applied in the data analysis.

or changing consumption patterns. On the other hand, sufficiency is also increasingly assessed positively against the background of the climate debate, since it aims at a responsible use of resources. An individual mobility account, for example, could indicate the maximum tolerable amount of emissions that can be "consumed" over a certain period of time for each person. As part of the "mobalance" exploratory project, the characteristics and possible applications of such a mobility account were worked out in the Austrian context. After all, the latest research findings show that technological solutions make a valuable contribution – but they are far from being implemented quickly and effectively enough to achieve the necessary climate targets in the transport sector. This requires effective measures that support a more moderate mobility behaviour of the population in combination with technologies.

Sustainable mobility using the sufficiency principle The sufficiency principle pursues the objective of a resource-saving lifestyle. It calls for the restriction of resource consumption to a "sufficient" level and orients itself along natural limits. Sufficiency therefore aims at a change in human mobility behaviour. Measures based on the sufficiency principle are sometimes difficult to implement socially, since they require abandoning

"As a partner for industry and society, we develop solutions for the mobility of the future." Arno Klamminger, Head of Center for Mobility Systems PROFILE AND HIGHLIGHTS



More than 200 experts at the Center for Digital Safety & Security are working on state-of-the-art information and communication technologies to build and use our systems in a highly secure and reliable manner in the context of the comprehensive digitisation and global networking of the future. Strong focus on data protection and privacy The protection of data and privacy are not only essential for a modern society, they also constitute an essential 40

core competence of the AIT research services. The Center thus contributes to creating a fundamental basis of trust for cultural, social and economic development. With its expertise in the development of methods, architectures and technologies, the Center for Digital Safety & Security makes an important contribution to the fundamental consideration and integration of the highest possible protection of data in technical solutions through privacy by design approaches.

State-of-the-art cryptographic ­ ethods (post quantum encryption) m Over the past decade, AIT has acquired an excellent international reputation as a specialist in quantum technologies and as a coordinator of major European projects. A case in point: in the spring of 2020, Magnus Brunner, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) signed the "European Quantum Communication Infrastructure Initiative" ("EuroQCI Declaration") in Brussels. In this initiative, 24 EU member states affirm their intention to establish a European cyber-protection shield based on a quantum communication infrastructure within the next 10 years. Under the title "Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed" (OPENQKD), AIT has been leading the first European pilot project within the EuroQCI initiative already since September 2019, which deals with realising a secure and interconnected Europe by means of quantum encryption. At the same time, AIT is an international leader in the development of "Quantum Computer Safe" technologies – i.e. encryption methods that cannot be decrypted even after quantum computers are available. This competence comes into play in the "Quantum Flagship", for example: This programme is one of the EU initiatives, was launched in 2018 with a timefraAIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

GettyImages/Marco Piunti, GettyImages/NicoElNino,

The security technologies of the future are developed at the Center for Digital Safety & Security: In addition to innovative encryption methods, blockchain procedures and tools for disaster control, market-ready quantum technologies are also being worked on.

"For AIT, safety and security is a concept that can be extended across many areas of life and the economy."

Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security

PicturePeople Austria GmbH

me of 10 years and a funding volume of 1 billion euros and is intended e.g. to promote the development of a competitive European quantum technology industry and the establishment of Europe as a dynamic and attractive region for quantum research. With its high-end expertise in encryption, quantum technology, and secure data storage (cloud/encryption), the AIT Center for Digital Safety and Security thus makes a significant contribution to the technological independence of Europe and Austria. Artificial Intelligence @ AIT The key future field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also becoming a reality on a wide variety of levels at AIT. Whether automated driving, robotics, Industry 4.0, energy, public safety, crisis and disaster management, cyber security or applications in industries such as banking, insurance and law, in the social, health or education sectors – the possible applications are many and varied. The Center for Digital Safety & Security has extensive core expertise in data science and AI and is working on the development of state-of-the-art AI-based services and solutions that manifest themselves in application areas such as monitoring (e.g. in the field of cyber security), where large amounts of data can be analyzed in real time and patterns and deviations can be detected. By using self-learning moPROFILE AND HIGHLIGHTS

dels, AI systems are also specifically suited for finding and extracting relevant information from large amounts of data (data mining) and the interpretation of identified, abstract patterns. The interpretation ability of AI systems is of central importance: Thus, complex, unstructured data from images, videos, audio and text files and sensor data can be analysed and interpreted. Perhaps the most important function of AI, however, concerns the interaction with its physical environment, e.g. with robots or with sensor technology for efficient control and navigation of highly automated systems in combination with human interaction (via gestures, speech, facial expressions) and the interaction of machines with each other in M2M constellations. Digital solutions for monitoring and crisis and disaster management For AIT, safety and security is a concept that extends across many areas of life and the economy. The AIT core competencies include environmental protection – via environmental monitoring technologies for food, water or health applications – and the protection of critical infrastructures – via new tools for communication, information and interaction with the population in crises etc. The Center for Digital Safety & Security develops e.g. new technologies that enable the innovative and digitised involvement of the population

in the event of a crisis. The direct communication of emergency services with the population and the mutual exchange of information are also greatly facilitated in this way. At the same time, AIT solution approaches also integrate rescue organisations, fire brigades and authorities. Hence, a future-proof, digital crisis and disaster management is created. An essential basis for this is the development of intelligent sensor technologies that make environmental, climate and surrounding area variables measurable, analysable and comprehensible in order to (automatically) derive suitable measures to improve safety, health, the environment or the climate. The "Internet of Things", whereby machines, devices and sensors automatically communicate with each other and exchange data, plays an essential role here.


CENTER FOR HEALTH & BIORESOURCES The innovative solutions developed by the Center for Health & Bioresources improve our health, enhance the quality of life and help to protect the environment. Modern sensor technologies, molecular biological methods, innovative materials and tools for telemedicine are being developed for this purpose. With its core competencies – nanoand sensor technologies, system integration, molecular biological omics technologies, modelling and simulation –, the Center for Health & Bioresources addresses clients from the health, environmental and agricultural sectors. Thanks to many years of experience and an outstanding research infrastructure, the interdisciplinary teams solve the challenges of demographic change and scarcity of resources. For example, the center develops innovative solutions for the early detection of diseases and


the support of healthy and active ageing. This is made possible by new approaches in non-invasive diagnostics, in telehealth, the development of bioactive materials for innovative implants and prostheses, as well as patient-supporting medical products. The sustainable and innovative handling of biological resources and their efficient use is another large topical field. AIT's research focus here is on increasing the stress tolerance of plants under changing environmental conditions, the interaction of plants and microorganisms, the rapid de-

tection of pests, mould and allergenic fungi as well as combating pathogens and invasive plants. Health Information Systems AIT's Digital Health Information Systems research focuses on integrated eHealth solutions for biomedical research and patient-centred healthcare. Modern information and communication technologies enable new approaches to digital health systems (dHealth) and patient-oriented assistance systems. Next-generation therapy approaches are based on


“In biomarker research, AIT is among the leading RTOs in Europe.” Elke Guenther, Head of Center for Health & Bioresources

closed loop control systems in which the health status of patients is continuously monitored and the therapy is adapted as necessary. For example, new approaches for intuitive and mobile data collection by patients are being developed using the KeepInTouch technology that was developed by AIT.

Stephan Binder/PicturePeople, AIT/Zinner

SeedJection Plant microorganisms have the potential to overcome the problems of modern agriculture. Through the colonization of plant tissue, they can promote plant growth, increase the resistance of plants to adverse climatic conditions, or fight pathogens. The patented "SeedJection" technology developed by AIT makes it possible to mechanically implement microorganisms in seeds. The consequences: higher stress tolerance and increased yield stability of the plants. Point of Care Diagnostics & Biosensors Mobile molecular diagnostics requires miniaturized and automated devices with the highest analytical performance which can detect diseases faster and more accurately with the help of various body fluids. AIT has in-depth know-how in realising such measuring systems and covers the full spectrum – from biomarkers, microfluidics, molecular detection reactions and biosensors to readout electronics and PROFILE AND HIGHLIGHTS

process management. One focus is on saliva, which is particularly well-suited for near-patient diagnostics. European Health Network EIT Health Since 1 January 2020, AIT as the first Austrian partner joined the largest European health network EIT Health, together with Boehringer Ingelheim Regional Center Vienna (RCV), Kapsch BusinessCom, UNIQA Insurance Group AG, the WILD Group as well as the Viennese start-up incubator INiTS. The aim is to jointly bring new products and services to the European market faster, to support young companies in a targeted manner and to make new educational offers available. The AIT membership will also help to further strengthen the life science sector in Austria – with more than 1,000 companies and over 55,000 employees a significant and future-oriented driving force for economic growth, innovation and talent.

Europe and over €1.5 billion of external capital provided by EIT-supported companies. AIT contributes to the success of the network through its excellent networking and comprehensive expertise in the areas of plant production and beneficial microorganisms, user & technology experience and policy & governance, and benefits from it through long-term partnerships, near-to-market projects at medium technological maturity with business plan and efficient project applications. The aim is to anchor the EIT Food Network even better in Austria and to expand it in a targeted manner through national partners.

Europe-wide innovation community EIT Food EIT Food, Europe's leading innovation and technology initiative in the agri-food sector, is working towards more sustainable, healthy and trustworthy food. Here too, the AIT has been a member since 1 January 2020. EIT Food is one of eight successful innovation communities at EU level, with a total of 50 innovation centers across 43

CENTER FOR LOW-­ EMISSION TRANSPORT The Center for Low-Emission Transport is developing more efficient vehicles. The focus here is on two key technologies for sustainable mobility: the electrification of vehicles and new materials for lightweight construction.

IIn both areas, material development, semi-industrial processing technology and component design form the pillars for the integrated deployment of innovative vehicle system components. Research focuses on the further development of battery technologies and management systems, power electronics and electric propulsion, vehicle simulations, high-quality light metal alloys and sustainable manufacturing processes, as well as functionally integrated lightweight components. 44

Everything in the Competence Unit Electric Drive Technologies revolves around electrification in vehicles and aircraft. 55 researchers are working on improving electrical energy storage systems and the electric drive train. The Battery Technologies area is researching the current and next generation of batteries, with the aim of increasing the energy content of the batteries, reducing costs and manufacturing the batteries in an environmentally friendly way. The research area Propulsion

Technologies covers power electronics including electric motor control, thermal management including comfort, driving dynamics, as well as icing and vehicle integration issues. The LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen is leading the way in the development and characterization of new materials. The subsidiary of AIT celebrated its 25-year anniversary in 2019. In this quarter of a century, the LKR has built up extensive expertise and knowhow in developing high-quality light AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

"In our battery research, we cover the entire value chain from battery development and materials research to battery production." Christian Chimani, Head of Center for Low-Emission Transport & Managing Director LKR

metal alloys, sustainable manufacturing processes, functionally integrated lightweight components as well as new technologies such as wire + arc additive manufacturing of aluminium and magnesium. Our 50-strong LKR team is researching the light metals aluminium and magnesium in order to develop efficient, safe and environmentally friendly mobility solutions.

AIT/Lang, AIT/LKR/Lang

Comet Project AMALFI In order to make light metals fit for future industrial applications, the LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen is pooling its expertise with 12 project partners from industry and science. The LKR research team will explore and further develop new types of aluminium and magnesium alloys, taking into account different production and processing chains. In addition, the AMALFI consortium also focuses on the development of new types of microstructure and structural models for aluminium and magnesium alloys. These models have the potential to significantly advance the development of future Al and Mg alloys, in particular through virtual numerical simulation. Top expertise in Wire-AM To help wire + arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) achieve a breakthrough as a key technology in industry, LKR scientists have been researching this robust manufacturing technology and the special wires required for several years. In PROFILE AND HIGHLIGHTS

LKR's in-house smart wire manufacturing route, new Wire-AM-grade aluminium and magnesium materials are pressed and wound into welding wires. In the newly built Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, these special wires can be assembled into a complex 3D component by means of material-specific process control, a multi-axis robotic system and state-of-the-art torch technologies. In addition to the experimental Welding and Wire AM developments, the LKR is researching the related topics of FEM-based material and process simulation, online monitoring, data management, CAD-CAM interface, as well as inline process control.

Battery research The development of batteries as the centerpiece of modern electric drive concepts is currently receiving a great deal of attention. Great efforts are being made worldwide to make this electric energy storage unit as efficient, powerful, cost-effective, and safe as possible. Building on a holistic research and development approach, the AIT experts are driving the progress of these technologies with great speed.

Major HORIZON 2020 project "3beLiEVe" is picking up speed Batteries without cobalt and with sensor technology are a key project goal. After more than a year of highly intensive preparatory work, the commitment has paid off: The "3beLiEVe" project has been approved and is one of the largest Horizon 2020 projects coordinated by AIT at EUR 10.8 million (of which EUR 1.6 million alone by AIT). The consortium consists of 21 research institutions, industrial companies and SMEs from 10 different European countries. At AIT, the Center for Low-Emission Transport and the Center for Vision, Automation and Control are involved. The project is coordinated by the LET Competence Unit Electric Drive Technologies and runs through June 2023. 45

CENTER FOR VISION, AUTOMATION & CONTROL The Center for Vision, Automation & Control focuses on the digitisation and automation of production processes and the development of assistance systems and autonomous machines. Research is being conducted into ultra-fast ­sensors, flexible robots and camera systems that can be used for autonomous vehicles to orientate themselves.

Starting with a comprehensive system analysis and a domain-specific understanding of the system, we develop solutions from the individual component – e.g. specific camera configurations for quality inspection – through to complex complete systems such as an autonomous work machine or the optimized control of a complex production process.

High-Performance Vision Systems – testing, detection, measurement Numerous tasks from industry, often coupled with high process speed and the demand for a continuous online recording of production, call for new ideas and approaches in the area of sensor technology. The focus of research is on the deployment and further development of ultra-fast camera and lighting technologies, on scalable em-

Getty Images, AIT/Zinner

The pressure on industry to invest more in digitisation and automation is continuously increasing. At the Center, 90 experts are conducting research in the fields of image processing, fusion of sensor data, machine learning, data analytics, mathematical modelling for real-time applications, process automation, system analysis, control, regulation and optimisation of complex dynamic systems and processes.



bedded vision systems as well as on computational imaging and machine learning. The real-time capability of the systems, even at extreme data rates, is essential for ensuring an effective control of the production process based on sensor data. This requires the use of fast individual components as well as a carefully balanced overall architecture of hardware, software and algorithms ("hardware-software co-design"). Typical industrial applications include the classification, measuring and inspection tasks of products with complex surface properties. The intelligent test systems developed in the Center for this purpose are integrated into existing production facilities, often in harsh industrial environments. The use of AIT high-performance vision technologies sets standards in banknote printing or in the surface inspection of castings as well as rail and road surfaces. Complex Dynamical Systems – intelligent components and systems The latest developments in the fields of electronics, sensor technology and algorithmics enable new solutions in product design and in the design of value chains. In cooperation with industry, we develop tailor-made solutions for the real-time optimisation of production processes based on a combination of physical-based and data-driven mathematical models (digital twin). The objective is to systematical-

ly use all existing information (process knowledge, data, models, measurements) to optimize throughput, reduce waste, and save resources. With our models and the generated data, we can detect errors at an early stage and even avoid them, increase flexibility and improve human-machine interaction. In addition to the development of real-time optimisation, control and estimation methods, diagnostic systems and adaptive learning algorithms, we are also working on the optimal selection and integration of sensors and actuators in the overall system. Our team possesses know-how in various areas of drive technology and in the fusion of different sensors. The application areas range from pneumatic valves via robotic systems through to strip annealing furnaces in steel production. Assistive & Autonomous Systems – driving, transporting, working Success with assistance systems and the first tests on autonomous driving in road traffic increase the interest and the need for assistance functions and autonomisation in a wide variety of application areas. Public transport, the construction industry, agriculture, special machines and robotics applications as well as aviation are the focal points of our clients. In addition to autonomous driving or flying, loading and transport operations, for example at an airport or between several factory

locations, are also being analysed, and new solutions are being developed for an autonomous operation. Work processes using mobile machines such as excavators, tractors, sweepers or mowers also offer numerous opportunities for automation and increased efficiency. Even though the fully autonomous operation of a road vehicle is not yet possible under all weather and environmental conditions due to the wide variety of possible scenarios, the technologies available allow real deployable autonomous systems under certain conditions such as on a factory premises. Technology components for 3D environment detection, object classification, scene understanding and localisation as well as path planning are developed for this purpose and integrated into prototype systems in collaboration with industrial partners. Safety and availability aspects are essential here. AI approaches are increasingly used for object classification and scene understanding.

“The solutions of the Center for Vision, Automation & Control work 24/7, even in harsh industrial environments. They control the efficiency and secure production quality.” Andreas Kugi, Andreas Vrabl (on the right) Heads of Center for Vision, Automation and Control




We do not just use technology, we live with it. More then ever before, it touches us on an emotional, intellectual and sensual level. In an interdisciplinary way, the Center for Technology Experience is investigating possible qualities and forms of interaction as well as new types of methods and tools for their examination. User experience research, innovation guided by experience as well as new ways of in48

teracting are increasingly regarded as the central building blocks of innovative and thus also successful technologies, applications and services. At the Center for Technology Experience, an experienced and interdisciplinary research team in two Competence Units deals with the topic area of user experience and the corresponding factors that trigger different experiences and sensations when dealing with innova-

tive technologies, products and services. The aim of this research is to create targeted experiences in special technological areas or special application contexts based on fundamental considerations of future forms of interaction in order to optimally adapt future technologies to different user groups and contextual conditions and thus achieve and promote acceptance of technological innovations. AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

AIT/Wolf (2)

We focus on the users of digital technologies: The Center for Technology Experience deals with fundamental questions concerning the interaction between humans and technology.

Experience Business Transformation Digitisation is advancing rapidly, changing the world of work and life and opening up new opportunities for companies. Digitisation means change – not only of technology, but also of the structures and the way of thinking in an organisation. The success of a company depends on its ability to digitise its business models and processes in such a way that the requirements and expectations of all stakeholders are satisfactorily met. In order to design this change in a goal-oriented manner, we develop suitable strategies that allow us to establish forward-looking perspectives and models. The Competence Unit "Experience Business Transformation", founded in January 2020, supports companies in anchoring Customer Centricity & Experience Thinking strategies, because only a comprehensive experience strategy makes it possible to create lasting positive experiences for customers and users by means of digital solutions. Another focus is the creation and development of innovative interactions in experience worlds, such as B2B platforms, shopping experiences or the design of complex industrial applications. In doing so, we combine scien-

tifically based know-how with many years of market experience. The developed solutions always follow a clear business objective and support the sustainable success of the company. Experience Contexts & Tools The Competence Unit Experience Contexts & Tools combines the expertise from the two research fields Capturing Experience and Experience Measurement. Capturing Experience research involves the development and exploitation of specific situation-dependent methods and tools. Understanding a specific context is the basis for developing future technological solutions, which is why we conduct studies that provide insights into the user perspectives of different technologies in different contexts. Our research in this regard focuses on novel context-related technologies (e.g. sensor technology) from both the experience perspective (the human being in the foreground) and the perspective of data acquisition through experience. Data and its measurement also plays an important role in Experience Measurement: The ability to acquire, process and understand experience-related data (even in large quantities) in a re-

liable, valid and objectifiable way has become an essential prerequisite for the improvement and experience optimisation of technologies. We therefore deal with experience both from a methodological perspective and on the basis of factorial measurements. Our work centres on the analysis of digital applications, systems and infrastructures. With our experience models we try to predict user behavior and optimize the end user experience. Furthermore, we also address questions and approaches around social experience and diversity of people.

"User experience is becoming increasingly important in the innovation process." Manfred Tscheligi, Head of Center for Technology Experience PROFILE AND HIGHLIGHTS


CENTER FOR INNOVATION SYSTEMS & POLICY How do innovations come about? How do new technologies get established? How does this change societies? The Center for Innovation Systems & Policy provides answers to these questions and develops future scenarios – and it is an important think tank and advisor for Austrian and European policy-making in this regard. Transformative Innovation Policy Research, development and innovation are of central importance for securing our economic well-being and for dealing with societal challenges. Against this background, AIT deals with current and future requirements for research and innovation systems as well as with the resulting options for research, technology and innovation policy (RTI policy) and its stakeholders. We use state-of-the-art methods to analyse RTI processes and systems, as well as forward-looking approaches to help public administration and companies in defining their RTI policy strategies. One focus is transformative innovation policy, which transcends established RTI agendas and also addresses institutional conditions that are crucial for the scaling and diffusion of innovations. In our research work, we focus both on questions of system change in areas such as energy, mobility, nutrition and urban development and on the effects of potentially disruptive technologies, in particular in the context of the digitisation of economy and society. With its work in the research field of Innovation Systems & Digitalisation AIT contributes to understanding and developing a systemic RTI policy and sustainable corporate strategies. It does so on the basis of a solid knowledge of research and innovation 50

practices of companies and research organizations. The empirical analysis of innovation systems is rapidly gaining importance due to increasing complexity and dynamism. In the research field Innovation Dynamics & Modelling, corresponding quantitative methods – data, indicators and models – are developed and applied to current issues in innovation research. Using forward-looking methods, our research field Societal Futures explores new signals and patterns in technological and socio-economic development and uses them to develop sustainable policy strategies. The development, assessment, and evaluation of RTI policy instruments is at the heart of the research field Institutional Change & Policy Instruments. European Manufacturing Survey: Trends in production The European Manufacturing Survey (EMS) monitors the use of technological and organisational innovations in production and the resulting production improvements in the manufacturing sector. AIT is conducting the survey in Austria as part of an international consortium. It can be seen, for example, that one third of all large companies already use collaborating robots and that this trend will continue. The results provide a solid de-

cision-making basis for government, industry, and research. RISIS: Infrastructures for RTI policy RISIS ("Research Infrastructure for Research and Innovation Policy Studies") is a pan-European research infrastructure for the support of empirical innovation research. It improves the quality of the design and evaluation of RTI policy measures in Europe through a radically improved information base. It is highly relevant for research, design, and evaluation of RTI policy in Europe. The Center is a core partner of RISIS, which entered a second development phase in January 2019 and is once again supported by the EU Research Framework Programme. RISIS II focuses on new functionalities and services in harmonized databases on RTI activities, such as address-based geocoding, or the ability to apply own thematic classifications to the data sets through semantic techniques. Evaluation of FWF programmes The evaluation of the "Special Research Programmes" of the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) was the focus of this project. They constitute the largest funding activities of the FWF and are intended to support the development of research priorities at Austrian universities. The aim was to review the FWF's current SFB funding proAIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

“The achievements of AIT contribute to pursuing strategic and visionary paths into the future and thus shaping the future.” Matthias Weber, Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy

gramme in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and to quantify the results, output, and impact. The results were used to derive recommendations for the further development of the FWF's general funding strategy for large centres of excellence.

ture and want to use them to derive possible options for policy action. In doing this, our Center works directly for the European Commission as part of a framework contract.”

AIT/Bösendorfer (2)

Foresight on Demand AIT plays a central role in designing the thematic fields of the future EU research framework programme "Ho-

rizon Europe" (2021–2027). Based on five "mission areas", clearly visible RTI missions are defined together with citizens, stakeholders, the European Parliament, and member states. Matthias Weber's team conducts corresponding foresights for the five missions in the areas of cancer, adaptation to climate change, healthy oceans, climate-neutral cities as well as soil health and food. “We are developing various scenarios for the fu-



CENTER FOR ENERGY The experts at the Center for Energy are researching the energy system of the future and developing technologies and systems for a secure, clean, and sustainable energy supply.

The energy sector is undergoing a drastic process of change. The development of technologies and solutions for the transformation of the energy system to a sustainable energy supply are highly relevant for research both nationally and internationally, as well as for the implementation by industrial companies and infrastructure operators. The increased integration of renewable energies, the decarbonisation of industrial processes and plants as well as innovative technologies and solutions for resilient cities and urban transformation are the driving forces and at the same time the challenges for the key research questions. Some 200 experts with a diverse background in terms of nationalities and educational skills work at the Center for Energy. The interdisciplinary team carries out research and development in the fields of energy infrastructure, industrial energy systems and cities and the built environment. The strengths of the Center are based on its high level of research and application expertise: Many years of experience, scientific excellence and worldwide networking of experts as well as the high-quality laboratory infrastructure create clear competitive advantages for our clients and partners such as industrial companies, energy suppliers, technology providers, cities and municipalities as well as research institutions. 52

High quality lab infrastructure: SmartEST and City Intelligence Lab With the SmartEST lab, AIT has at its disposal a development platform for smart grid technologies and system architectures that is unique in Europe. Here, solutions and products from industrial partners are tested, and AIT innovations which are transferred to the market later are developed here as well. Electrical energy storage systems and their current and future tasks within the energy system are currently ranking among the technologies in particular demand. The AIT Center for Energy supports system operators and manufacturers in practically all significant demonstration projects for bulk storage systems using hardware in the loop (HIL) methods. Among the technologies developed, AIT’s SmartGrid Converter forms the core of the power electronics systems sector. In fall 2019 the City Intelligence Lab opened at AIT as an international showpiece lab for the urban planning practice of the future. The lab is an interactive platform for exploring new forms and technologies for urban planning practice and follows the approach of a co-creative development – joint creation of new knowledge. It enables the integration of the user perspective into urban planning by means of digital technologies. Key

digital technologies such as Augmented Reality and AI are used to create complex simulations and parametric designs. For example, scenarios such as climatic changes in urban districts can be realistically simulated and diverse planning scenarios can be created. Decarbonisation and digitisation The AIT Center for Energy researches and develops novel technologies and system services to make industrial processes and facilities more sustainable and their energy supply more efficient and climate-friendly. Examples include digital technologies that make it possible to optimise processes, the switch to renewable or low-CO2 energy sources, the use of industrial heat pumps and the use of energy storage and active load management. The AIT Center for Energy is also a leading member of the model region NEFI – New Energy for Industry. NEFI is a unique innovation network consisting of numerous companies, research partners and public institutions from all over Austria which works on solutions for the decarbonisation of Austrian industry in the form of demonstration projects and accompanying research activities. NEFI is part of the energy flagship regions of the Climate and Energy Fund.


"With our high-quality and specific lab infrastructure, we offer our partners innovative and applied research services." Wolfgang Hribernik, Head of Center for Energy

energy system. The core competencies of Integrated Energy Systems lie in techno-economic analyses, which are carried out both across states and for portfolios, energy communities and regions. One major focus here is on the use of flexibility in the electricity system and the interaction between different domains such as electricity and gas (sector coupling). Moreover, the transformation and digitisation of the energy system requires not only technological solutions, but also the introduction of new regulatory frame-

work conditions and business models. The IES therefore evaluates very promising business models and their impact on energy markets and analyses the regulatory framework conditions.

AIT/PicturePeople Austria, AIT/Wolf

Research focus Integrated Energy Systems The new Integrated Energy Systems (IES) Competence Unit at the Center for Energy is concerned with issues relating to the transformation of the energy system and the integration of renewable energy sources into the existing electricity and heating system. The interaction of technical possibilities with energy management aspects in particular will contribute significantly to the economically successful operation of a sustainable



STAY IN CONTACT The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria’s largest non-university research institute and is present on many media channels and platforms on a daily basis.

AIT BLOG: RESEARCH EXPLAINED FOR ALL On 13 February 2020, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology started its new research blog. AIT is thus expanding its communication mix and addresses a broad public in order to convey the topics of research, innovation, and technology development in an exciting and understandable way. Currently, two to four blogs are published monthly, in which the work and services of the highly qualified AIT experts can be experienced in a tangible way.

Moreover, the AIT research blog is intended to illustrate the ­particular benefits of industry-related research for society. The spectrum of topics ranges from climate protection and innovation to digitisation and decarbonisation.



The magazine for AIT partners and clients is published three times a year and addresses decision-makers from research, ­industry, and education. It addresses all key stakeholders of the Austrian innovation and knowledge system.

The AIT yearbook, which presents and showcases current ­research highlights and issues, vividly presents a representative cross-­section of AIT research topics and developmental focus areas.

Link to the AIT blog:



The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and ORF Radio Österreich 1 are long-standing organisers of the Alpbach Technology Symposium. „The Review“ summarizes the most important­statements, lectures, breakout sessions and topics of the Alpbach Technology Symposium. At you will find a compact review of the Technology Symposium 2019 and the Yearbook 2020 „Discussing Technology“ entitled „Complexity“ for free download.

In social media, too, AIT is considered one of the appreciated ­addresses for all those interested in RTI. Current topics and the researchers working on these issues at AIT are presented in the form of information prepared in a popular science format.

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IMPRINT Publisher, media owner AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Giefinggasse 4, A-1210 Wien, Place of publication Wien, September 2020 Editorial management Michael H. Hlava Harald Hornacek (Verlag Holzhausen) Production management Daniel Pepl Editorial staff Beatrice Fröhlich-Rath Florian Hainz Susanne Kiefer Martin Kugler Iman Kulitz Michael Mürling Margit Özelt Daniel Pepl Fabian Purtscher Vanessa Schuster Juliane Thoß Layout and typesetting Repromedia/Sofia Deak, Stefan Vagner Cover and Design WHY Studio Printing Wograndl, Druckweg 1 A-7210 Mattersburg Publisher Verlag Holzhausen GmbH, A-1110 Wien, Leberstraße 122

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.