Welcoming your child to the UK
Est. 1997 • AEGIS Accredited –1–
Welcoming your child to the UK ‘It is always our pleasure to welcome our new students and their families to Pippa’s Guardians. This is the start of an exci�ng journey where we will look a�er and support your child as if they were part of our own family. For many years, Pippa’s Guardians have been personally welcoming parents to the UK as they arrive with their children in readiness to start their new adventure. These valuable face-to-face mee�ngs allow us the opportunity to build rela�onships that grow over many years. We introduce our Host Families by visi�ng them together at their home and the memories of family �me spent in the UK start to be created.
Across the world we have all needed to adapt to restric�ons as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. We appreciate that many families are simply unable to accompany their child to the UK and help them to se�le into their new school. We understand how important this is to our parents and how anxious they are feeling about not being there. The special rela�onship that we have with all our parents is built on trust. They trust our highly personal service and have the knowledge that we will step in and do our very best for their child’ Ben Hughes – Managing Director
How we will support your child if they travel alone 1. Your Area Manager will start to get to know your child before they travel to the UK. They will arrange to meet your child, with you, on a video call and importantly, they will see the friendly face who will be taking care of them. We want to ensure they are feeling happy, excited and not too anxious although a few nerves are to be expected. We expect there will be lots of ques�ons and we will be pleased to answer them for you. 2. We will ask your child to tell us all about themselves by comple�ng our online ques�onnaire. A detailed student profile will be created to help us to match and introduce them to their new host family. Please share lots of lovely photos with us too!
3. We will advise you on all the Covid-19 tes�ng and paperwork that is required for your child to enter the UK and help you to make sure that their UK entry goes smoothly. Our 24/7 emergency support means that we will be on call if your child does experience any difficul�es on their journey. 4. We will help iden�fy the best loca�on for your child to complete their mandatory quaran�ne on arrival, if this is a requirement at the �me of travel. This may be at their new school if offered, in our exclusive quaran�ne hotel or in one of our designated quaran�ne host families. Wherever your child stays they will be welcomed by friendly faces and they will be safe.
5. We will organise for your child to be met at the airport 8. We will provide a UK SIM card for mobile phones and safely and arrange to help your child to open a bank transported to their account, if one is required. For our customers in onward des�na�on. If Hong Kong who bank with HSBC, we would they are travelling as an recommend you open a UK bank account at home unaccompanied minor, a named driver will be in Hong Kong with your child before they travel to there to receive your child from the airport staff the UK and then they will be set up from day one and we will provide you with all the details in of arrival. advance for the airline. All of our drivers and everyone in the Pippa’s team follow our Covid-19 9. Once your child is safely se�led safe driver policy. Everything will be detailed in a into their new school we will personalised travel email that will confirm plans for keep in touch with them and every step of their journey and communicated to yourselves. Your child will be everyone who needs to know. very busy during the early days and you may hear li�le from 6. Your local Area Manager will be on hand to meet them so try not to worry. We with your child shortly a�er their arrival and will are never far away from your offer their full support. In this ‘Meet and Greet’ child and if we are needed to they will offer your child advice, top �ps and help, we will. A�er our first half answer any ques�ons they may have. Your Area termly visit to see your child at school Manager will communicate with you to keep you we will send you a full wri�en report of all their updated on how things are going as we know you news. will be feeling anxious. Our experience and knowledge about the schools we work with means that we know exactly what to expect at the start of the new school year, a huge benefit for your child. 7. We will help to organise school uniform and any other items and equipment such as bedding or sports equipment that ordinarily parents might go shopping for. We know exactly what is helpful for our students to have with them at school and the most suitable items to purchase. When your Area Manager meets with your child they will check that they have everything that they need.
We sincerely hope our comprehensive personal welcome will provide you with complete peace of mind if your child is arriving unaccompanied. If something is important to you, then it is also important to us.
Est. 1997 • AEGIS Accredited Office: +44 (0)1684 252757 Emergency: +44 (0)7721 372865 info@pippasguardians.co.uk www.pippasguardians.co.uk 5 Grosvernor House, 127 Church St, Malvern, WR14 2BA
Pippa’s Guardians Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 08434636