CONNECT Magazine Japan #107 October 2021

Page 86

CONNECT TRAVEL Lauren Bertolino (Gifu)

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So you want to fly to Japan! That’s the easy part. Although COVID-era travel restrictions have made the process of entering Japan much more difficult than it once was, being prepared and knowing what to expect can help make the process smoother. I stressed out about this way more than I needed to, so I hope that this guide can help you navigate the process of entering Japan and make the entire experience less daunting.





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Before Departure The process of returning starts before you’ve even boarded the plane. Like most countries right now, Japan requires a negative COVID test to enter the country. This isn’t as simple as a take-home COVID test or rapid antigen test from the drug store. The Japanese government requires a specific type of test within 72 hours of departure, plus a form from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to be signed by a medical professional. Having the incorrect type of COVID test, being outside the 72-hour window, or having the form incorrectly filled out, can all be grounds to reject your entry into the country. Everyone you are travelling with, including young children, must have a negative test and the form filled out. Note the acceptable sample types and test types. You can ask your testing facility about them if you aren’t sure you are getting an acceptable test.

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