User Research and Testing Examples

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A PORTABLE AIR QUALITY MONITOR FOR URBAN COMMUTERS Ajharul Choudhury (1500624) Product Design Bsc (Hons) Brunel University Dr Eujin Pei / Dr David Harrison

Fig.10: Air Mentor Pro Product Analysis




Although there aren’t many air commercial air quality monitoring devices, some companies have begun to launch products within the market due to increasing awareness and therefore demand from consumers. The designer has conducted a product analysis on a number of indoor and portable air quality devices which are popular within the market (Appendix C). Each product has been marked against five important criteria (Figure.9). This is to find an opportunity space for a new product to exist, offering something meaningful and unique to users.



AIR MENTOR PRO (INDOOR) Fixed indoor continuous air quality monitor with a wide range of pollutants measured (PM, VOCs, CO2, Temperature and Humidity). Great visual feedback, even from a distance, but no numerical values with looking at the app. Priced at £160, it is quite expensive. This is likely due to the number of sensors. Aesthetically, it is an interesting and quirky shape which looks nice but might not appeal to everyone. Materials could be more robust. Fig.9: Product Analysis Criteria

POLLUTANTS MEASURED /5.0 How many different pollutants are monitored by the device. Higher importance is placed on PM, as its the most harmful to human health.

Fig.11: Awair Product Analysis






Rating dependant on the current retail price of the product. Better value means a higher rating out of 5.

How long it takes for the product to monitor pollutants. Lower response time means a higher rating out of 5.

4.5 5.0

AESTHETIC /5.0 How the product looks and feels, based on the materials used, design language and robustness of the build quality.


VISUAL FEEDBACK /5.0 How much and how well the product itself presents information on air quality and how easily it can be understood by the user.

AWAIR (INDOOR) Fixed indoor continuous air quality monitor, also with a wide range of pollutants measured (PM, VOCs, CO2, Temperature and Humidity). Great level of information, giving an overall rating and a level for each pollutant. However, it is difficult to see from a distance and doesn’t utilise colour. Build quality is fantastic with a sleek modern aesthetic and robust materials to match the home environment


Fig.12: AtmoTube Product Analysis

2.7 5.0




ATMOTUBE (PORTABLE) Battery powered portable VOCs, temperature and humidity monitor with immediate response rate. This is because it doesn’t monitor PM2.5, which usually takes a few moments. Tiny LED gives visual feedback but has next to no visibility. No additional information either. Priced at £80, it is quite good value for an immediate portable device. Aesthetically, it is very minimal and sleek with a strong metal casing. However, it does lack some character.

Analysts believe that the personal sensor market has great potential and with very low levels of commercial products at this point, it would be an ideal time for new products to be introduced. As shown in the market analysis section, the air quality monitoring market has already proven to be very lucrative with $3.9bn revenue in 2017. Currently, almost all of the portable air quality monitors do not monitor PM which is, as stated, the most harmful to health and to those who suffer from AR. In contrast, the products that do monitor PM are large and not portable, as they require mains power. However, with the falling cost of components and technological advancements, Analysts believes that low cost portable devices that have the same capabilities as indoor monitors can be achieved (Monks, 2015). This is the opportunity the designer has identified and intends to create a portable solution for those who would benefit from monitoring PM, along with other pollutants, in the various environments they visit throughout the day.

2.7 4.7 1.8


3.0 Fig.13: SPRIMO Product Analysis

SPRIMO (PORTABLE) Ultra-lightweight and portable monitor for VOCs, temperature and humidity. Powered by the user’s phone, allowing it to be very small. However, this means the user has to actively connect the device every time they want to measure air quality, reducing usability significantly. As it already relies on the phone, there is no visual feedback at all. Priced at £60, it is the cheapest offering. Aesthetically, it is quite bland and uninteresting with no unique materials.



Fig.14: Commuters Travelling Through Air Pollution

Furthermore, research shows that 71% of commuters are working in full time jobs in professional occupations (Greater London Authority, 2015). This demographic of users not only has a natural interest in the outcomes of this project, but also the desire to purchase and use technology products like air quality monitors. This is supported by the purchasing trends of people within this age range, as they are by far the most likely group to own and use the most functions of technology devices (Zickuhr, 2011).

Commuters are people who frequently and routinely spend time travelling between their home and areas of a reasonable distance. Many of the methods used to commute in urban areas, such as vehicles, trains and buses, release pollutants into the air, mainly PM (Department for Transport, 2017). Therefore, commuters spend a large amount of time surrounded by multiple sources of harmful pollutants every single day, and if they have AR, it will likely trigger symptoms related to it on a frequent basis.


Due to these reasons, the designer believes there is an opportunity here to create a product that users will not only need, but also want. As such, the designer has chosen to focus on commuters as well as those who suffer from AR within urban cities. It is worth mentioning that air pollution affects a wide variety of user groups, and there is potential to create a product aimed at a wider range of people. However, this increases the risk of the final product becoming too general to appeal or resonate with any specific user group or demographic.


As part of the designer’s primary research, a user interview was held with Junsung Won (Figure.15), a person who is particularly vulnerable to air pollution, as he suffers from AR throughout the year but especially in spring. This was done to gain further insight on the day to day experiences faced by people like Junsung who are most at risk. The profile for the user is shown below, with further details on the following page. NAME: Junsung Won AGE: 22 GENDER: Male NATIONALITY: South Korean RESIDENCE: Uxbridge, Greater London OCCUPATION: Student at Brunel University CONDITION: Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Sensitivity to Dust Mites and Pollen LIKES: Gym, Football, Gaming, Cooking, Movies DISLIKES: Small Spaces, Public Transport, Smoking Junsung’s frequent activities include travelling to and from his place of study via train and bus, as well as travelling to meet his girlfriend who lives in Central London. He usually carries two inhalers with him when he travels, due to his Asthma. In his spare time, Junsung enjoys gaming, playing football and going to the gym. Throughout the typical day, Junsung comes into contact with air pollutants several times.

Fig.15: Junsung Won Participating in the Designer’s Interview.



Below are a few key insights from the interview with Junsung. They are related to not only his experience with air quality in London, but also his opinions on the current level of information available on air quality. • • •

The designer spoke with Junsung during the interview about his typical day and his daily encounters with air pollution. Junsung was also asked about his mood at different stages of the day in order to establish the pain and pleasure points of his day to day experience. Figure.16 shows a user journey map which visually represents the information gathered on Junsung’s actions and thoughts.

• •

Having information on air quality ahead of time strongly influenced Junsung’s decisions on a daily basis and made his feel more comfortable and at ease. Travelling on trains that aren’t air conditioned and buses is almost always difficult for Junsung, as he suffers from Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma all year round. It can be quite difficult to keep track of areas that are safe to travel in and do not trigger his symptoms, especially in spring when pollen is everywhere. Junsung believes having his own monitoring system would improve his quality of life and general well-being significantly. He also believes that more buildings and public areas should clearly display information on air quality that is specific to the immediate area.

Fig.16: User Journey Map for Junsung Won









After he wakes up, Junsung sometimes uses a paid weather app which also provides some information on air quality in his town, reassuring him before he begins his typical day.

He travels to Brunel using the Metropolitan, then a bus. He usually finds that the air within the train is fine due to air conditioning.

Junsung is comfortable at university, as the building he spends most of his time in provides information on indoor air quality on a large display near the entrance.

Junsung plays football on a synthetic grass field after studying on a regular basis. As it isn’t real grass, he doesn’t have too much of a negative experience usually.

While in Central London, Junsung often finds it very difficult to breathe and gets very irritant, even after using his inhaler. This makes him feel very uneasy .

On the way home, Junsung still has some irritation and difficulty breathing on some days. However, once he is closer to home and away from Central London, he tends to feel a bit better.

Junsung lives with his flat mates. The flat can get a bit dusty at times, which triggers his AR, causing him to feel irritation, specifically in his eyes and ears.

However in spring, moving around does cause him irritation due to increased pollen in the air.

However, he does find it very difficult to play during spring, as the surrounding trees trigger his Allergic Rhinitis.

Junsung frequently visits Central London to see his girlfriend. To go to central, he takes the Piccadilly and Central lines. While travelling, he encounters a lot of pollutants, which make his eyes watery and nose runny quite often. On some days, he even needs his inhaler while underground.

He takes this information into consideration before packing his bag for the day.


However, the bus and the bus station are often crowded, making it difficult for him to breathe. He occasionally has to use his inhaler here.

He has tried to find routes around Central that don’t trigger his symptoms, but finds it difficult to keep track.

The bus home isn’t as polluted at night, but the station still makes him itchy.

However, he keeps his room very clean and dust free, so he feels very comfortable and at ease there,


Fig.48: Circular Shape

The first step of the ideation process was understanding which shapes would look the most suitable in contextual use. The designer created five simple models with no details and tested them in two key use cases; on a backpack (while travelling) and on a desk (while working).

Fig.49: Pill Shape

The circular shape has strong all round aesthetics which look suitable in both use cases. The rectangular shape looks perfectly suited for the backpack, but doesn’t look as unobtrusive as the circular shape when on a desk.

Fig.50: Rectangular Shape

Fig.51: Rounded Shape

Fig.52: Square Shape

Fig.47: Form Exploration



Fig.53: Ideation Sketches

Fig.54: Circular Profile Ideation

Figure.54 shows a range of circular designs and their side profiles. Special attention was paid towards designs with a circular profile, as they seemed the most appropriate for the concept. This is not only because of how the foam model looked in context, but also because of the symbolism that could be interpreted .

The next stage of the iterative process was sketching. Rough ideation sketches were created based on the shapes of the form exploration models (Figure.53). They use similar base shapes but different details such as chamfers and split lines are assigned to create a range of unique shapes and designs.


Many interpret the circle to represent wholeness, perfection, unity and most importantly simplicity and cleanliness. These two keywords are closely related to the concept and the agenda of seeking cleaner air. Circles are also often seen as a form of safety and protection, and feature no edges, giving a gentle appeal. The next stage will be to develop a few chosen designs further using Solidworks, to capture design details accurately. The styles highlighted in red will be developed, either individually or by combining attributes from a number of designs.


In this stage, the designer took the chosen forms from the previous stage and added some design details such as LED or screen areas, buttons, vents and split lines. Figure .55 shows models that were created using Solidworks then rendered in Keyshot. The designer added split lined to every design to clearly define the separate sections and replicate the two-tone design aesthetic seen in the moodboard.

Fig.55: Design Development Renders





Developments include creating more of a defined shape profile by adding a deep draft angle. This makes it look more interesting, but makes the device slimmer which gives a less robust impression.

The most unique development that ties in with the two-tone design aesthetic shown in the moodboard. This looks the most modern and futuristic out of all the developed concepts.

This design is the most minimal and doesn’t feature a switch like the other concepts. This is because the mode is changed by rotating the grey ring around the LED and vent area.

A slim and unobtrusive device with the vent being placed at the bottom. Rather than standing out, this design tries to match the aesthetic of existing technology products such as phones.



Fig.56: User Evaluation Focus Group

The developed designs from the previous stage were 3d printed and presented to a focus group of users (people who travel often) who had previously been part of the designer’s participants in the survey (Figure.56). This was in order to gain a formative opinion on the design direction to pursue going forward. They provided their thoughts not only regarding the look and feel of the device, but also how well they thought it suited their home and work environments and how comfortable they felt carrying something like these models every day. Many did not like the pill shaped design and felt that the proportion was not suitable. and the shape did not have enough presence for something that belonged on a desk or a wall. The design detail was also misunderstood. The domed area that was intended for the LED seems more like a thumb rest which was quite misleading. As for the rectangular design, quite a few of the users really appreciated the slim design and felt that it was ideal for travelling with and placing on a desk or on a wall. The unobtrusive aesthetic also appealed to some users who felt that the design was similar to the other products they carry every day. However, many did feel that the rectangular form did not represent air quality at all. Finally, both circular forms were highly appreciated. Users felt that both designs achieved a unique and minimal aesthetic and also related well to cleanliness, healthiness and thus, air quality. The rotation ring on one of the designs was highly noted for its intuitive use. However, the ring style was the most appreciated and every user felt that it was the most modern and unique style.



Fig.57: User Evaluation Focus Group



Fig.59: Quantitative Design Analysis



3.1 4.2 1.9

Design rejected due to poor versatility and ergonomic considerations. The design was clear but did not have a strong aesthetic presence.

2.2 3.4

Before deciding which form factor to take forward, it is important to define which one is the most appropriate in a quantifiable way. Based on user evaluation, a concept screening stage was created to rate key aspects that need to be fulfilled by the device. Figure.58 shows the criteria that each concept will be marked against. All of these parameters are based on the look and feel of the device, and the impression it leaves with those who have used it. Figure.59 shows how each concept has performed and gives an overall rating out of 5.





Fig.58: Design Analysis Criteria

Strong all round design. This style will be taken forward and developed by implementing traits from other designs



AESTHETIC /5.0 How the design details and aesthetic language are perceived by users. This also regards their opinions on the form factor.






VERSATILITY /5.0 Rating dependant on how well users felt regarding the aesthetic in different use case scenarios such as at home, at an office, or while travelling.

How clearly the device is interpreted. The device should be intuitive in use and provide well thought out affordances, mapping and signifiers.




3.90/5.00 Strong all round design. Some key attributes from this design will be used for the final style



3.1 3.0

LAYOUT /5.0 How well the different aspects (LED, vent, buttons, casing) are laid out to support the other four categories shown here.


ERGONOMICS /5.0 How well the device fits in the hand and how easy it is to interact with it. Sizing and proportion of different elements of the device also play a part.




Some points of the design are quite good but the style is too far removed from the idea of an air quality monitoring device.


Fig.61: Design Detail

Elements from both the circular designs in the last stage were combined and reinterpreted to create a more defined aesthetic that will be used going forward. Figure.60 shows a top down view of the refined aesthetic while Figure.61 shows some design details as well as the first iteration of the attachments for the device. These attachments include a travelling clip that can be attached to the users backpack or other belongings with ease, and a charging dock that can either be placed on a desk, or mounted onto a wall.

Fig.60: Defined Design Aesthetic



The defined model was 3d printed to check if the proportions and aesthetic worked as intended in real life. It was found that the scale was slightly smaller than intended so in the next stages, the designer will increase the diameter from 65mm to 75mm and the depth from 15mm to 20mm. The attachments were also created.

Fig.62: Clip Attachment

Figure.62 shows the attachment clip with and without the device attached. As shown, the design doesn’t align to the centre of what it attaches to, and instead overhangs off the edge. This is due to the design which tried to keep a circular profile. In the next iteration, the designer will create a clip that extends over the circular profile, such that it attaches more securely and is centred on what it is attached to.

Fig.63: Desk and Wall Attachment

Figure.63 shows the charging hub in use. This design is quite minimal and will not need much adjusting apart from changing the diameter to match the new dimensions.



Fig.65: Design Detail

The following images show the final design which has integrated a new vent style resembling a turbine (Figure.64) and a side view LED (Figure.65), to allow users to see the colour while wearing it on their bag. The next page shows the final design for both the clip and hub attachments as well as a breakdown of each component to be created for the aesthetic model.

Fig.64: Final Design



Fig.72: Final Product and Attachments



Fig.78: LED in Use

There were three major factors for the LED when considering human factors; the LED brightness, the indication on air quality presented by colours, and finally the sense of urgency from the colour animation which speeds up as air quality worsens. The functional model was presented to a small group of participants to gauge their opinions on the LED. The designer had created a number of LED covers (Figure.79), each with a different thickness and material including clear and white ABS or PLA. Most users liked the effect of the Clear PLA cover which was the thickest. This was because it diffused the LEDs quite well and had an interesting shape. However, some users still felt it was too bright in the earlier air quality ranges (0-30). As such, the designer decreased the RGB values slightly for the first three ColourWipe functions. Realistically, the commercial product would have auto adapting brightness, like many phones. This is because the device will often be moving between areas with different lighting and it would become a hassle to have to adjust it every time. Additionally, the app would offer a function to adjust brightness too. As for understanding the different colours, every user agreed that it was a simple and clear way to understand how polluted the air is at a glance. One user felt that there were a few too many colours to remember. She commented that there are two orange colours which are very similar and would be difficult to remember which is which without the LCD. This could be resolved by reducing the number of different colour brackets from 10 to around 6 to 8, making it easier to differentiate between levels.

Fig.79: Transparent and White LED Diffusion Covers

According to users, the colour animation is a relatively simple way of representing a sense of urgency, along with the vibration motor. Some users commented that it may be annoying if the vibration motor were to activate every time the device gets a new value (20 seconds). After the first few vibrations, the user would likely already be aware and taking action on it, so it would become unnecessary. To resolve this, it would be possible to command the function for the vibration motor to only activate a maximum of 5 times in a row before stopping, even when in areas of high pollution.



Fig.80: User Evaluation

Opinions from the same user group were gathered on the aesthetic prototype regarding various aspects such as the design language, ergonomics, and how well it applied the human factors framework to ensure an enjoyable and unobtrusive user experience. Some aspects of the product had to be explained before the evaluation, as the model is purely aesthetic. For example, the rotating dial which is used to switch modes was explained, as well as the magnet mechanism to attach the clip. Every user felt that it achieved a modern aesthetic and looked entirely unique. According to some users, the white device definitely gave a sense of cleanliness, as if it were a medical product. Other users agreed with this statement, but felt that it would be beneficial to offer different colour options too. Some users also suggested having an interchangeable vent cover to allow the user to customise their own aesthetic. Users all agreed that the placement of the main LED and how it worked was incredibly clear and was a very strong visual indicator of air quality. They also mentioned that the side view LED was a very good addition, making the device significantly more useful when attached in certain situations. This was a valuable application of the human factors framework by introducing an affordance to see the LED in any given position. Ergonomically, all users felt the product was a reasonable size and comfortable to grip, and that the button was easily distinguishable and placed in an easy to reach place. Some improvements mentioned included using a rubber like texture on the rotating ring to allow the user to move the position of the switch one hand. It would also create an affordance by enabling the rotation action to take place, as well as an action signifier by showing users that the ring is meant to be touched and rotated. For the clip attachment, some users mentioned that they would feel a lot safer with a spring loaded mechanism that grips tighter on items. The current clip could potentially slip if used in certain ways, which would put the product at risk. This is definitely an improvement that could be made and should be considered.



Fig.81: Device Drop Test on Bottom Surface

One of the requirements of the device, detailed in the product design specification (Appendix A), was that the device must be physically robust enough to withstand outdoor conditions, such as impacts. In order to test how well the device would withstand an impact on the ground, using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), a drop test was conducted using Solidworks Simulations with two different faces being selected as the area that impacts first; the flat bottom (Figure.81) and the rounded side (Figure.82). The material was assigned as polycarbonate ABS, which is used in existing wearable and outdoor products. The device was dropped from 2m in each test, attempting to replicate the maximum height users would likely place the device in standard use.

Fig.82: Device Drop Test on Side Surface

When dropped flat, the device creates the stress pattern shown in Figure.81. The centre of the ring is under the most stress but only in small areas. The round sides do not undergo much stress at all and remain unchanged. When dropped on its side, the device holds up well and only goes under stress at the contact point and the centre of the ring as shown in Figure.82. The rest of the device remains unchanged.



Fig.83: Clip Displacement Testing Setup and Results

The clip attachment is intended to expand and grip onto belongings, undergoing the same stress several times thought its life time. As such, it is important to understand where the stresses will be localised when undergoing this attaching method. The designer conducted a finite element analysis in the form of a material flex test using Solidworks Simulation. To replicate the action of attaching this clip, the designer anchored the upper side, demonstrated by the orange arrows in Figure.83. The next step was applying normal forces to the curved inner clip face, demonstrated by the purple arrows. This force was applied evenly around the back clip face for an accurate and realistic result. As expected, the rounded area faces the most stress, as it is meant to displace in order to grip tightly onto the user’s belongings. On the external face, stress analysis shows an average amount of stress. The internal face features the most stress as the material here is displaced the most throughout the whole model.



Fig.84: Live View of Air Quality

The aim of the smartphone application is to increase the functional value the concept present to the user and account for some shortcomings in the device, making the system much more meaningful to the user For example, in areas of high pollution, the device will glow in darker colours and vibrate to notify the user. This works exactly as intended. However, there is no step beyond this and the user has no specific guidance in order to avoid pollutants, which can lead to them feeling lost and unsatisfied with the experience. With the app, more options become available such as the warning system which provides directs to clean air while on the move, and advice on reducing pollutants while stationary. When testing with users, they all agreed that the app undoubtedly improved the overall value of the concept. Some users highly appreciated the ability to gain accurate figures on each pollutant and being able to track them throughout the day. Most users felt that the live air pollution map was a unique offering that could help make people more aware of exactly how bad air quality is. However, it would rely on many people having the device, which may take years if launched. The features most valued by all users were the warning and advice features which are both based on the intention of directly reducing exposure to pollutants. Every user agreed that these were the most important features to them if they were to use the app and, when working with the device’s LED and vibration motor, created a strong system to encourage them to change their behaviour and avoid pollutants more pro-actively.



There were a number of recommendations he gave when speaking about the functional system for the commercial product and the potential future launch of the product. These key points are summarised below.

In order to gain an expert opinion on all the deliverables for the project, especially from a functional standpoint, the designer reached out to speak with Graham Mills, the managing director at uHoo. uHoo is the worlds most advanced indoor air quality monitoring device as it features nine sensors, more than every other monitoring system available. The device has been featured in many articles and has won several awards. Working with a similar concept and using the same PM sensor, it was very beneficial to seek their opinion on the project and gather insight on what could be adjusted in the future. The designer presented the entire concept and the system logic behind it to Graham. After the presentation, a series of questions were asked about a wide range of topics regarding the product. Certain aspects were appreciated without any recommendations to change or adjust anything. Graham thought the aesthetics were very appealing and would be completely unique, with nothing else like it in the market. He also believed the large LED ring was a great way of providing surface level information at a glance, while having an app with more detail was a smart way to add more meaningful interactions. When speaking about the PM sensors 20 second sample time, he mentioned that it is perfectly acceptable when comparing with other devices , which usually return a value every minute instead, including the uHoo itself.

Instead of monitoring CO, it may be more beneficial to monitor CO2 as it is more prevalent in the air we breathe. CO is definitely much more harmful, but isn’t found in normal air that often.

The ring aesthetic not only looks great, but also facilitates good airflow. It helps that the attachments have also been designed in the ring style. Considering that the final product would likely have to have some waterproofing, there could be obstructions in the airflow.

Currently, the overall air rating is calculated by averaging the rating values of each pollutant. However, in realistic terms it is probably more beneficial to take the highest rating (worst air quality) as the overall rating. For example, if PM was very low and VOC was very high, the overall rating would be medium, which does not accurately represent the danger presented by the VOC.

It may not be necessary to offer different modes that only measure one pollutant and ignores the rest. Once again, having one rating that uses the highest value would be sufficient and wouldn’t ignore other pollutants.

If commercially launched, Graham expected the product to have a retail price around £150. This is because it offers more sensors and a better design, interface and experience than available portable monitors.

Overall, the product concept offers a lot of things that others do not and looks very good. It is very feasible to take to a commercial stage and develop into a real product and app system, especially given the lack of competitors in the market right now and the increasing awareness of the public on air pollution.

Fig.85: uHoo Indoor Air Quality Monitor in Use



Fig.92: Example User Scenario

01 This is Azim. He travels into Central London every day to attend university. However, because he suffers from Allergic Rhinitis, going to Central causes him irritation quite often.

02 Before he leaves his home to go to uni , Azim grabs his Aero Monitoring device from his hub where it has been monitoring the quality of air in his flat.


03 He then attaches Aero to his backpack using the attachment clip. Now Aero will monitor the pollutants Azim encounters on his daily commute.

04 During his travel, Aero picks up a high level of pollutants and updates to display a darker colour. It also vibrates, letting Azim know the air is hazardous.


05 The app also sends Azim a notification, warning him that levels of VOC are very high. It then suggests and guides Azim to an alternative route to uni that is less hazardous.

06 When he arrives at uni, Azim places Aero on the available desk hub so that it can monitor his working environment without depleting charge.


07 Aero picks up on some particulate matter in the air and changes to display a slightly darker colour. It also advises Azim to open the windows to let fresh air in.

08 Before leaving, Azim checks the live map, which uses data from users to display what the quality of air is in different nearby locations. He uses this information to decide the best route home


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