Letter from the President Welcome to beautiful, downtown Chicago, home of the 30th Anniversary Annual Membership Meeting of the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD). I thank you for making an investment in the present and future of all ethnic minorities in the automotive industry. The success and progress that we have come here to celebrate emerged from a tough and difficult situation. Just 30 years ago the economy was in the throes of inflation; today we are faced with one of the worse economic downturns in this country’s history. Ethnic minority automobile dealers, many of them first-generation owners, were and are being unceremoniously culled from the ranks of new car dealers. NAMAD arose to preserve and ensure that a vibrant, thriving body of qualified ethnic minorities was part of the economic matrix of the automotive industry. This was, indeed a tough beginning to, what was at the time, a very uncertain future. But the founders of NAMAD didn’t look back. Through difficult economic times and months of uncertainty, those leaders found a way to plan and build a new and better organization. This organization is now one that has had leadership from African American, Latinos, and Asian/Pacific Islanders. It is an organization that fights every day for parity in the automotive industry. It is an organization that works to provide an environment in the industry for survival, growth and expansion of qualified ethnic minorities. NAMAD’s commitment to its mission and goals of excellence is based on these 30 years of progress, this progress was generated by hundreds if not thousands of dedicated members, supporters and friends who were determined to move forward. You, who own dealerships, you dealer candidates, and you spouses, know better than anyone how important dealers are not only to the economic fabric of America, but also to our community at large. Again, I thank you for your commitment for and taking your time to support NAMAD’s 30th Annual Membership Meeting! We have worked hard to make this conference one of the best for you and your family. We hope you will learn and enjoy your time in Chicago.
Damon Lester, President
Conference Schedule Thursday, July 22, 2010
Chicago Promenade East
General Session -“State of the Automobile Industry” Keynote: Rev. Al Sharpton, President National Action Network
Chicago Ballroom 8
4:00pm - 7:00pm
Chairman’s Reception Sponsor: Nissan North America Attire: Business
Chicago Ballroom 9&10
Friday, July 23, 2010
Chicago Promenade East
7:30am -5:00pm
Membership Breakfast Guest Speaker- Dr. Steven Jones, President and CEO Jones & Assoc. Sponsor: Hyundai Motor America Attire: Business
Chicago Ballroom 8
7:30am - 8:45am
WORKSHOP- “Preparing Your Business, Your Heirs & Yourself for the Inevitable Succession of Your Business” Facilitator: Jan J. Williams, MBA and James D. Brown, Esq. Workshop Sponsor: Toyota Motor Sales
WORKSHOP- “Overcoming the 3 Most Dangerous Trends Facing Dealers” Facilitator: American Financial & Automotive Services, Inc. Workshop Sponsor: American Financial & Automotive Services, Inc.
Speaker Luncheon Featured Speaker: Susan L. Taylor, Editor Emerita of Essence Magazine/ Founder, National Cares Mentoring Movement Sponsor: American Honda
Chicago Ballroom 8
12noon – 2:00pm
WORKSHOP- “Are you Unknowingly Putting Your Dealership’s Financing at Risk?” Facilitator: John Dvorak, CPA and Amelia Kyle Workshop Sponsor: Crowe Horwath LLP
2:15pm - 3:30pm
WORKSHOP- “Reducing Expenses without Sacrificing Service” Facilitator: ADP – Steve Larrimore Workshop Sponsor: ADP
3:45pm - 4:30pm
WORKSHOP- “Opportunities and Benefits of Being a Minority Business Enterprise” Michigan
4:45pm - 5:30pm
Facilitator: National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) Gala Reception & Dinner Sponsor: Toyota Motor Sales Attire: After 5
Chicago Ballroom 9&10
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Dealer One on One Meetings
Riverside Promenade
7:00pm - 9:30pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
Conference Workshops
How you will benefit: Whether you are looking to improve profitability on current sales or “take it to the next level”, these seminars are designed to provide you with both information and best practices to improve your operations in your dealership. Friday, July 23, 2010
WORKSHOP- “Preparing Your Business, Your Heirs & Yourself for the Inevitable Succession of Your Business”
Facilitator: Jan J. Williams, MBA and James D. Brown, Esq. • Workshop Sponsor: Toyota Motor Sales Objectives: Do you have a succession plan that addresses your personal goals & objectives within the timeframe you desire? Your dealership will go through a succession, but will the terms, conditions and outcomes be dictated by you, or by unplanned events, hostile court proceedings, last minute “knee jerk” reactions resulting from unrealistic expectations, or missteps by uninformed and unqualified heirs? This workshop will present a simple step by step process that can serve as a roadmap for building your own succession plan, or as a tool for evaluating the completeness of the plan you already have in place. WORKSHOP- “Overcoming the 3 Most Dangerous Trends Facing Dealers”
Facilitator: American Financial & Automotive Services, Inc. • Workshop Sponsor: American Financial & Automotive Services, Inc. Objectives: As our nation deals with recession, consumers find credit ratings slipping and cash reserves dwindling. Although many consumers are in need of a vehicle, and are in the market to buy, many sales teams mishandle customers with credit issues or cash limitations. Dealers are being strangled by three dangerous trends: tightening credit, lower profit, and decreased volume. Participants will leave this workshop with a real world approach to increase volume and profit in a tightening economy. This approach includes: •
Professionally identifying a customers credit needs early in the buying process.
Selecting vehicles that meet customers’ physical and financial needs.
Formulating a game plan to professionally and effectively solicit and increase customer cash investment.
WORKSHOP- “Are you Unknowingly Putting Your Dealership’s Financing at Risk?”
2:15pm - 3:30pm
Facilitator: John Dvorak, CPA and Amelia Kyle • Workshop Sponsor: Crowe Horwath LLP Objectives: In today’s economy, having a sound relationship with a financial institution is more important than ever as lenders assess risk and manage their portfolios to comply with increased regulatory scrutiny. Dealerships need to be aware of key factors that can affect their relationships with lenders in these difficult times. WORKSHOP- “Reducing Expenses without Sacrificing Service”
3:45pm - 4:30pm
Facilitator: ADP – Steve Larrimore • Workshop Sponsor: ADP Objectives: To share the latest insight, and strategies on how to reduce costs by utilizing expense synergies. Defined as: The combined action or functioning; cooperative action of two or more items…”In a tough environment like today, maximizing all areas of our business is more important than ever”. WORKSHOP- “Opportunities and Benefits of Being a Minority Business Enterprise” Michigan
4:45pm - 5:30pm
Facilitator: National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) Objectives: Learn about the opportunities available of becoming a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). How dealers can generate additional revenue by doing fleet sales. 5
Letter from the Chairman Thank you for taking the time energy and effort from your busy schedule to join us in beautiful downtown Chicago, celebrating the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD) 30th year Anniversary during our Annual Membership Meeting. Anniversaries are a celebration of the past, present, and future. The founders of NAMAD had the courage and foresight to see the need for an organization of ethnic minority automobile dealers. Our founders saw something worth doing when they realized the shortage of ethnic minority dealers in the United States was not due to the lack of qualified ethnic minorities but the lack of opportunities and access to capital. Throughout the years NAMAD has and continues to educate automobile manufacturers on the business case for a diverse dealer body and a diverse consumer base. It is NAMAD that has formed alliances with some of the most respected civil rights associations in the country to move forward addressing the issue of parity in the automobile industry. And it took NAMAD to get agreements from manufacturers to increase their ethnic minority dealer body. Our founders also had the foresight to see while we sometimes disagree, our goal is to attain win-win solutions for both dealers and manufacturers. As many of you may know, most of our dealers did not inherit their dealerships; they had to work their way up from the bottom to become owners. Most of our dealers have over 20 years or more invested in this industry. Therefore they have a vested interest in the success of the automotive industry and the survival of the minority dealer body. Their growth is our growth. Our growth is theirs. And most important, one of the missions of NAMAD is to prepare other qualified ethnic minority dealers and dealer candidates for the future. Through our Annual Membership Meeting, through our vendor and manufacturer partners and by keeping you informed, NAMAD has never been an expense to the automotive community or to its members-only an investment. The mission of NAMAD has become more relevant and more urgent with each and every passing day of those 30 years. NAMAD has been a pioneering organization that, in the automotive industry, has directly changed the way many us of live today. That’s why celebrating our 30th Anniversary during the Annual Membership Meeting takes on such significance. The vision back in 1980 was a challenging one. Through the decades our members have contributed to the local, national, and world economy. The excellent staff and supporters of NAMAD can be proud of the part they’ve played in preparing dealers and dealer candidates for parity and fairness in our industry. In this last letter to you as Chairman of NAMAD, I want to thank you for the support that you’ve shown me and to this association. Sincerely,
Desmond Roberts, Chairman 6
Letter from the Incoming Chairman Dear NAMAD Members, Supporters, and Friends: Welcome to the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD) Annual Membership Meeting, celebrating NAMAD’s 30th Anniversary. Your NAMAD team has been working hard to ensure that you get the most value for your investment in NAMAD and to make sure that you leave this year’s conference with value added information. During this annual membership meeting I have the privilege and honor to take over as Chairman of the board of this association. I want to thank the NAMAD board of directors for having the confidence in me in electing me to lead this historic association. As this year’s conference theme is on titled “Unity” it is key for all ethnic minority dealers to stay together as we are all in a battle for survival. While NAMAD will always exhaust the resources of the federal, state, and local governments, and leverage our relationships with automobile manufacturers to ensure the individual and collective success of our members, ultimately, these forces have been unable to save us. We have to save ourselves. But, quite frankly, this is nothing new. Ethnic minorities have always had an extra hurdle to jump over, an extra headache to deal with, and new vistas to explore. Add to this the dimension that each one of us has something to offer, something to give, to one of our fellow colleagues to help their success. For when one of your ethnic minority brothers or sisters does well, we all do well. When one suffers, we all suffer. As we enter this new paradigm in the automobile industry, we have to do nontraditional things in order for us to survive and increase our representation within the dealer network as we have never exceeded 5% representation. We have to do more by forming partnerships, utilizing private equity, and other sources of funding. This year’s is full of great seminars and sessions designed to increase your knowledge in becoming more effective and efficient. I don’t have to tell you that times are tough for all dealers today; a changing market share scenario, escalating gas prices, and the growth of the mega dealer stores are developments that significantly impact ethnic minority dealers. As a result, we have to do what the U.S. Marine Corps have done throughout their history – analyze, adjust, and overcome. At this year’s conference, we will analyze how ethnic minority dealers can and should respond to these challenges. We will help you make those adjustments so that you and your team can become and/or remain profitable in these dire times. Together, we will overcome the challenges that face us. Before I close, I would like to thank Chairman Desmond Roberts for his tireless time and commitment to this association during one of the worst economic downturns this country has ever seen. Desmond, job well done. Again, enjoy the conference I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. Sincerely,
Jose Pozos, Incoming Chairman
General Session Keynote Speaker Rev. Al Sharpton Rev. Al Sharpton is one of the nation’s most-renowned civil rights leaders and the founder and President of the National Action Network (NAN), a not-for-profit civil rights organization based in Harlem, New York, that has over 45 chapters nationwide. Rev. Sharpton has been praised by President Barack Obama as “the voice of the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden,” and by former President George W. Bush who said that “Al cares just as much as I care about making sure every child learns to read, write, add and subtract.” Rev. Al Sharpton is so passionate about the issue of education that as an outgrowth of a White House meeting in May of 2009 with President Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton and former Speaker Newt Gingrich launched a nationwide education reform tour with United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to promote education equality for every child in America. It is his aim to break down the achievement gap that makes education equality the civil rights issue of our time. In the October 19th, 2009 issue of New York Magazine, Rev. Sharpton was featured as the only African-American listed among the “Top 12 Most Powerful People in New York City. A USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted in July 2008 called Rev. Sharpton the leader in the country that Blacks turn to speak for them on the issue of race, second only to then Senator Barack Obama. In February 2007, Rev. Sharpton was called “the most prominent civil rights activist in the nation” by the New York Daily News. Whether it was his noteworthy Presidential run as a candidate for the Democratic Party in 2004, or his compelling speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, Reverend Sharpton has had an irrefutable impact on national politics because of his strong commitment to equality and progressive politics. In April of 2001, Coretta Scott King hailed him as “a voice for the oppressed, a leader who has protested injustice with a passionate and unrelenting commitment to nonviolent action in the spirit and tradition of Martin Luther King Jr.” Rev. Sharpton is a leader on issues regarding education and the fight to ensure equity in the U.S. education system that continues to fail its highest-need students, despite the 55 years that have lapsed since Brown v. Board of Education. President Barack Obama echoed this in his address at the NAACP 100thAnniversary Celebration when he exclaimed “the state of our schools is not an African American problem; it is an American problem. Because if Black and Brown children cannot compete, then America cannot compete. And let me say this, if Al Sharpton, Mike Bloomberg, and Newt Gingrich can agree that we need to solve the education problem, then that’s something all of America can agree we can solve. Those guys came into my office. Just sitting in the Oval Office - I kept on doing a doubletake. So that’s a sign of progress and it is a sign of the urgency of the education problem. All of us can agree that we need to offer every child in this country - every child -”(President Barack Obama, July 16, 2009)
Membership Breakfast Speaker
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C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S T O N A M A D F O R 3 0 Y E A R S O F S U C C E S S !
American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Salutes NAMAD on its 2010 Annual Membership Meeting
Presenting keynote speaker Susan L. Taylor
former Editor in Chief of Essence magazine
Membership Luncheon
Friday, July 23, 2010 12:00pm - 2:00pm Chicago 8
Lifetime Achievement Award
Award Recipient – Dr. Gregory Baranco, President and CEO – Baranco Automotive Group Gregory Baranco is president and CEO of Baranco Automotive Group consisting of Mercedes Benz of Buckhead in Atlanta, Georgia and smart Center Buckhead in Atlanta, Georgia. A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Mr. Baranco graduated from Southern University in 1970, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. In 1999, he also received an Honorary Doctorate degree in Business from Southern University. In 1978, he founded Baranco Pontiac, Inc. Since then, he has received numerous awards sponsored by General Motors (Pontiac GMC), Ford (Lincoln-Mercury) and American Honda (Acura). Since 1990, his automotive group has remained one of Black Enterprise Magazine’s top 100 businesses and has appeared on the magazine’s cover. He has received the finalist status for the coveted Time Magazine Quality Dealer Award. Gregory Baranco is a member of the Georgia Automobile Dealers Association (GADA) and the Metro Atlanta Automobile Dealers Association (MAADA). Mr. Baranco was a founding member of the General Motors Black Dealers Association (now known as the General Motors Minority Dealer Association) and the General Motors Minority Dealer Advisory Council, serving as the first President and/or Chair of both organizations. As a result of his leadership, he was awarded the General Motors Minority Dealer Association’s “Trailblazer” award in 1995. Mr. Baranco was also an original member of the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD) and served on the Board five years. He was a founding member of the Saturn Planning and Development Council from 19861992. He served as President (1985) of the Metropolitan Atlanta Automobile Dealers Association, during which time he successfully reinstated the annual automotive show and instituted a scholarship program for vocationally talented students seeking careers in the automotive field. Mr. Baranco is actively involved in his community. As the Founding Chairman of the Board of First Southern Bank in Lithonia, Georgia, he negotiated a merger with Citizens Trust Bank of Atlanta, Georgia. This merger made the new Citizens Trust Bank the third largest minority bank in the U.S. He currently serves on the following boards; Trustee for Morehouse School of Medicine, Berry College, the Carter Center Board of Councilors and the Dekalb County Development Authority. He has served on the Southern University College of Business Board of Visitors, Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan of Georgia and as Past Chairman of Atlanta Life Insurance Company. Mr. Baranco has served as business mentor to students from Howard University, Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College and Southern University. He is a member of One Hundred Black Men of Dekalb County, the United Way and the Dekalb County Task Force on Efficiency in Government. He has received recognition for his contributions to the Metropolitan Atlanta Red Cross, the Dekalb Council for the Arts, the United Negro College Fund, St. Joseph’s Hospital and the Dekalb County Education Program. Mr. Baranco is married to Attorney Juanita Powell Baranco and they have four children.
Lifetime Achievement Award Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Founder and President – Rainbow PUSH Coalition The Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, is one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures. Over the past forty years, he has played a pivotal role in virtually every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice. On August 9, 2000, President Bill Clinton awarded Reverend Jackson the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. Reverend Jackson has been called the “Conscience of the Nation” and “the Great Unifier,” challenging America to be inclusive and to establish just and humane priorities for the benefit of all. He is known for bringing people together on common ground across lines of race, culture, class, gender and belief. For his work in human and civil rights and nonviolent social change, Reverend Jackson has received more than 40 honorary doctorate degrees and frequently lectures at major colleges and universities including Howard, Yale, Princeton, Morehouse, Harvard, Columbia, Stanford and Hampton. He was made an Honorary Fellow of Regents Park College at Oxford University in the UK in November 2007, and received an Honorary Fellowship from Edge Hill University in Liverpool, England. In March 2010, Reverend Jackson was inducted into England’s prestigious Cambridge Union Society. In April 2010, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. In 1984, Reverend Jackson founded the National Rainbow Coalition, a social justice organization based in Washington, D.C devoted to political empowerment, education and changing public policy. In September of 1996, the Rainbow Coalition and Operation PUSH merged to form the Rainbow PUSH Coalition to continue the work of both organizations and to maximize resources. Long before national health care, a war on drugs, direct peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis, ending apartheid in South Africa and advancing democracy in Haiti became accepted public policy positions, Reverend Jesse Jackson advocated them. Reverend Jackson’s advocacy on these and other issues helped bring the American public to a new level of consciousness. Reverend Jackson’s two presidential campaigns broke new ground in U.S. politics. His 1984 campaign registered over one million new voters, won 3.5 million votes, and helped the Democratic Party regain control of the Senate in 1986. His 1988 campaign registered over two million new voters, won seven million votes, and helped boost hundreds of state and local elected officials into office. Additionally, he won historic victories, coming in first or second in 46 out of 54 primary contests. His clear progressive agenda and his ability to build an unprecedented coalition inspired millions to join the political process. He has continued to be a leading advocate for a variety of public policy issues, including universal health care, equal administration of justice in all communities, sufficient funding for enforcement of civil rights laws, and for increased attention to business investment in under-served domestic communities (a theme that the Clinton administration picked up as the “New Markets Initiative”). A renowned orator and activist, Reverend Jackson has received numerous honors for his work in human and civil rights and nonviolent social change. In 1991, the U.S. Post Office put his likeness on a pictorial postal cancellation, only the second living person to receive such an honor. He has been on the Gallup List of the Ten Most Respected Americans for more than a dozen years. He has received the prestigious NAACP Spingarn Award in addition to honors from hundreds of grassroots, civic and community organizations from coast to coast. From 1992 to 2000, Reverend Jackson hosted “Both Sides With Jesse Jackson” on CNN (Cable News Network). He continues to write a weekly column of analysis which is syndicated by the Chicago Tribune/Los Angles Times. He is the author of two books: Keep Hope Alive (South End Press, 1989), and Straight From the Heart (Fortress Press, 1987). In 1996, Reverend Jackson co-authored the books Legal Lynching: Racism, Injustice, and the Death Penalty (Marlowe & Company, 1996) and It’s About The Money (Random House, 1999) with his son, U.S. Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Reverend Jackson married his college sweetheart Jacqueline Lavinia Brown in 1963. They have five children: Santita Jackson, Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Jonathan Luther Jackson, Yusef DuBois Jackson, Esq., and Jacqueline Lavinia Jackson, Jr.
Woman of the Year Award Recipient – Irma Elder
Irma Elder refers to herself as a “truly multi-cultural person.” Born in Xicotencatl, Mexico, she moved with her family to Florida as a teen, speaking only a few words of English. Later, while on vacation, she met James Elder and in 1963 they were married and moved to Michigan. They opened Troy Ford in April of 1967 with Mr. Elder running the business and Mrs. Elder at home raising their three children. In November 1983 James Elder died suddenly leaving his wife to take over the reigns of the business. She became a trailblazer of sorts, the first woman to own a Ford dealership in the greater Detroit area. Since that time, the dealership has undergone many changes, the most notable being its name change to Elder Ford in order to keep it more closely associated with the family name. Today, the Elder Automotive Group has grown to encompass 18 franchises including Ford, Jaguar, SAAB, Aston Martin, Land Rover, Lincoln Mercury, Mitsubishi, Spyker and Fisker in the states of Michigan and Florida. Mrs. Elder’s success is evident not only in the impressive growth of her companies but also in the recognition she continues to receive. Elder Automotive Group consistently ranks in the top 25 of Hispanic Business Magazine’s top 500 Hispanic-owned corporations. Irma Elder has received an abundant amount of civic awards and is in constant demand as a speaker particularly to women’s groups. She feels a great responsibility to the women of today’s society and works tirelessly to convey her positive message to them. She firmly believes that women can achieve significant accomplishments. They may have a few more obstacles to overcome in pursuit of their goals, but with perseverance success is within their reach. Her numerous board activities cover a broad spectrum of interest and purpose. She is a former board member with groups as diverse as the Chicago Branch of the Federal Reserve Board and Lear Corporation and currently with the more local Northwood University and Oakland Family Services. The magnitude of her involvement in business and community activities make Irma Elder one of the country’s most visible and dynamic community leaders.
2010 Award Recipients Distinguished Service Award Award Recipient – Jim Colon, Vice President – Toyota Product Communications, Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Colon is responsible for creating, gathering and managing information and promotion initiatives for Toyota brand vehicles and serves as a key media spokesperson. He also oversees product and sales training for Toyota brand vehicles. Since beginning his career with Toyota in 1980, Colon has held various roles at Toyota regional offices and at TMS headquarters in Torrance, Calif., including general manager for the Portland Region, general manager for the Chicago Region and vice president of sales and dealer development for the Lexus Division. Most recently, Colon served as vice president of sales for the Toyota Division where he was responsible for sales support for Toyota’s regional offices, public companies and private distributors. Colon received his bachelor’s degree in economics and business from Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind. He is on the Board of Directors for the Black Star Project and The First Tee of South Los Angeles. He and his wife, LaDora, have two children.
Diversity Advocacy Award Award Recipient – Marc V. Burt, Senior Manger of the office of Inclusion & Diversity for American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Burt’s principal responsibility is to provide leadership in the development of goals and strategies to accelerate Honda’s diversity initiatives. Prior to joining Honda in February 1999, Burt spent 21 years at Ford Motor Co. For the last 16 of those years Burt had major responsibility in administering Dealer Development and Minority Dealer Training Programs. He performed that same function for American Honda before assuming his current position in July 2007. Burt earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration from Rowan University in Glassboro, N.J. Burt is currently living in Southern California
Jessie Jones Visionary Award Award Recipient- Cecil M. Ward Cecil Ward started his career with Chrysler in 1969 and held numerous positions of increasing responsibility in the company’s sales and marketing department. Prior to retirement, he was Manager of Minority Retail Dealer Development where he was responsible for the recruitment and placement of qualified ethnic minority general managers into Chrysler’s Marketing Investment dealerships with the intent for them to become sole owners or 100 percent owners. Under Mr. Ward’s watch, Chrysler had the distinction of having the most profitable ethnic minority dealer group in the country. He continues to advise and inspire aspiring entrepreneurs. Mr. Ward is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio and a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran and a 33rd Degree Mason PHA/Shriner. He is a member of many business and professional organizations. Mr. Ward and his wife Thomasine have two children, Tuanda Ward-Holmes and Selwyn Ward. They also have a grandson, Kyle M. Holmes. 27
GALA Dinner Speakers Maria Contreras-Sweet Ms. Contreras-Sweet is the founding chairwoman of PROMÉRICA BANK, the first Latino-owned business bank in California in over 35 years which serves small to mid-sized businesses with a focus on the Latino business community. Contreras-Sweet becomes one of the first Latinas in the country to found a publicly-traded company. She presently serves on the Los Angeles Mayor’s Trade Advisory Council. Prior to founding PROMÉRICA BANK, Maria served for five years (longest ever) as the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing Agency for the State of California, where she managed a $14 billion budget and a workforce of over 42,000. As the first Latina Cabinet Secretary, she oversaw the regulation of fourteen departments, including the Departments of Financial Institutions, Corporations, Real Estate, Transportation (Caltrans), Motor Vehicles (DMV), and the California Highway Patrol. During her tenure she created the Department of Managed Health Care and led the implementation of Proposition 46, a $2.1 billion housing fund, stimulating the state’s economy. She chaired The Infrastructure Commission which published “Invest for California: Strategic Planning for California’s Future Prosperity and Quality of Life.” She served as the Chair of the Census 2000 Decennial State Campaign. During California’s energy crisis, the governor appointed Maria to the restructured Independent System Operator board of directors. She chaired the Finance Committee of the state’s electrical power grid, helping to stabilize a highly volatile energy market. Prior to her state cabinet post, Maria served on the Board of Blue Cross of California, as vice president and equity partner of the 7UP/ RC Bottling Company. She is the Founding President of Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE); a Founding Director of The California Endowment; a U.S. Senate appointee to the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission; a member of the Women’s Leadership Board at Harvard University, the International Women’s Forum, the Children’s Hospital board, the Hispanic Advisory Board for PepsiCo and Frito-Lay Company and on the Executive Committee of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and their PAC. Maria is the recipient of numerous awards, including The Spirit of California from the California State Legislature, Entrepreneur of the Year from the U.S. Hispanic Congressional Caucus. She has been featured on the covers of Latina Style, PODER and other magazines. She is a highly sought-after speaker in the areas of infrastructure investment, finance, and the Latino market and has led international delegations to Europe and Latin America to address infrastructure issues. She is married to Ray Sweet and they have three children, Rafael, Francesca and Antonio.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters Congresswoman Maxine Waters is considered by many to be one of the most powerful women in American politics today. She has gained a reputation as a fearless and outspoken advocate for women, children, people of color and the poor. Elected in November 2008 to her tenth term in the House of Representatives with an overwhelming 80 percent of the votes in the 35th District of California, Congresswoman Maxine Waters represents a large part of South Central Los Angeles, the communities of Westchester and Playa Del Rey as well as the diverse cities of Gardena, Hawthorne, Inglewood and Lawndale. She is a member of the House Committee on Financial Services and the Chairwoman of its Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity. She also serves on the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, and the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology. She also continues to serve on the Committee on the Judiciary and its Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security and its Subcommittee on Immigration.
Throughout her 30 years of public service, Maxine Waters has been on the cutting edge, tackling difficult and often controversial issues. She has combined her strong legislative and public policy acumen and high visibility in Democratic Party activities with an unusual ability to do grassroots organizing. As a national Democratic Party leader, Congresswoman Waters has long been highly visible in Democratic Party politics and has served on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) since 1980. She was a key leader in five presidential campaigns: Sen. Edward Kennedy (1980), Rev. Jesse Jackson (1984 & 1988), and President Bill Clinton (1992 & 1996). In 2001, she was instrumental in the DNC’s creation of the National Development and Voting Rights Institute and the appointment of Mayor Maynard Jackson as its chair. She has used her skill to shape public policy and deliver the goods: $10 billion in Section 108 loan guarantees to cities for economic and infrastructure development, housing and small business expansion; $50 million appropriation for “Youth Fair Chance” program which established an intensive job and life skills training program for unskilled, unemployed youth; expanded U.S. debt relief for Africa and other developing nations; creating a “Center for Women Veterans,” among others. Rep. Waters continues to be an active leader in a broad coalition of residential communities, environmental activists and elected officials that aggressively advocate for the mitigation of harmful impacts of the expansion plan for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Furthermore, she continues initiatives to preserve the unique environmental qualities of the Ballona wetlands and bluffs, treasures of her district. She is a co-founder of Black Women’s Forum, a nonprofit organization of over 1,200 African American women in the Los Angeles area. In the mid-80s, she also founded Project Build, working with young people in Los Angeles housing developments on job training and placement. As she confronts the issues such as poverty, economic development, equal justice under the law and other issues of concern to people of color, women, children, and poor people, Rep. Waters enjoys a broad cross section of support from diverse communities across the nation. Throughout her career, Congresswoman Waters has been an advocate for international peace, justice, and human rights. Before her election to Congress, she was a leader in the movement to end Apartheid and establish democracy in South Africa. She opposed the 2004 Haitian coup d’etat, which overthrew the democratically-elected government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti, and defends the rights of political prisoners in Haiti’s prisons. She leads congressional efforts to cancel the debts that poor countries in Africa and Latin America owe to wealthy institutions like the World Bank and free poor countries from the burden of international debts. Congresswoman Waters is the founding member and Chair of the ‘Out of Iraq’ Congressional Caucus. Formed in June 2005, the ‘Out of Iraq’ Congressional Caucus was established to bring to the Congress an on-going debate about the war in Iraq and the Administration’s justifications for the decision to go to war, to urge the return of US service members to their families as soon as possible. The Caucus has more than 70 members. Expanding access to health care services is another of Congresswoman Waters’ priorities. She spearheaded the development of the Minority AIDS Initiative in 1998 to address the alarming spread of HIV/AIDS among African Americans, Hispanics and other minorities. Under her continuing leadership, funding for the Minority AIDS Initiative has increased from the initial appropriation of $156 million in fiscal year 1999 to approximately $400 million per year today. She is also the author of legislation to expand health services for patients with diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. She is lauded by African American entrepreneurs for her work to expand contracting and procurement opportunities and to strengthen businesses. Long active in the women’s movement, Rep. Waters has given encouragement and financial support to women seeking public office. Many young people, including those in the hip-hop music community, praise her for her support and understanding of young people and their efforts at self-expression. One testament to her work is the Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center, a multimillion dollar campus providing education and employment opportunities to residents of the Watts area. 30
NAMAD Salutes its Sponsors
The Sponsors of the various events at the NAMAD Annual Membership Meeting are THE key ingredient to its success. NAMAD sincerely and enthusiastically thank all of them for their support of the principles and goals of NAMAD.
2010 Annual Sponsor Nissan North America, Inc.
Gold Sponsors Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Volkswagen of America, Inc.
Silver Sponsors ADP Chrysler Group LLC Hyundai Motor America Kia Motors America, Inc Shell Oil Subaru of America, Inc.
Bronze Sponsors American Financial Automotive Services, Inc American Honda Motor Company BMW of North America LLC Enterprise Holdings Ford Motor Company General Motors Corporation Mazda North American Operations Mercedes-Benz USA LLC Mitsubishi Motors North America Wachovia Bank
Affiliate Sponsors Autobytel Crowe Horwath LLP Dealer Track Harley Davidson The Higher Gear Group, Inc. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Rocky’s Custom Clothes
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