CLICK PHOTO FOR VIDEO It is quite clear to everyone today that Zionism counters human perfection and human societies and is the main cause of human decline. A minority group that is antihumane and corrupted and is against divine values has been organized and is countering all the divine values. These are deviated persons who merely think about wealth and power and dominating others. For more than two thousand years, and at least four hundred years, that a small number of Zionists have caused turbulence in human societies and have caused irreparable loses. Slavery, colonialism have been mainly planned by these Zionists. World War I and II - based on clear documents - have been aimed at domination and the wars have been planned and designed by behind the scenes Zionists. The Zionists since they dominated the US administration they have brought under the control all the affairs of the world. A few people acting behind the scène of US administrations and they have under the control all the points of power in the world and they dominate all the banking system of the world and also they have dominated the world media. And they are using all these tools for destroying values, cultures, nations and the existence of countries. You see that wherever there is a major moral destruction and decadence. You see there are Zionists companies and corporations and wherever there is massacre and a slaughter the Zionists are involved.
The formation of the Zionist regime is a pretext and an opportunity for actually supporting certain governments, the governments that serve the Zionists. They want to create convergence because instead of religion, instead of God [Allah], instead of the prophet [Mohammad], the divine book [the Qur’an] and all the perfect values they want to destroy all these and instead create those governments that serve the Zionists. And the Zionist regime is the tool that is used by the Zionists for dominating the Middle East, and the region, and the world. The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity and the destruction of the personality and character of nations and human beings. You know they are involved in the inter-racial [racist] teachings. They only consider themselves as humans and they consider others as animals. They actually, the Zionists, consider [as] authorized the killing of humans and the Zionist plundering the wealth of others. You see the Western governments, they tolerate being insulted, but they do not tolerate any criticism of the Zionist regime and they justify all the crimes committed by the Zionist regime, because they rely on the Zionists and the Zionists pay them money for propaganda. And it’s a party comprising seven to eight thousand people and they are running all the affairs. It’s a Satanic party today. Fighting the Zionist regime is equal to protecting the rights of all humans and also defending human dignity and opening the way for saving humans from colonialism and arrogance and saving humans from poverty and misery. The whole world should know, with the grace of God, protecting the Zionist regime has turned into a commitment by many countries, Western powers, on the other side. On the other hand you see that with the grace of god world al-Quds day has turned into a focal point for unity and solidarity of Muslims aimed at eliminating this fake Zionist regime. For several hundred years humanity has been just countering the Zionists and for several hundred for almost one hundred years you see the nations have been captivated by the Zionist management. You see in a big country like the US the presidential hopefuls they have to bow before the Zionists and show their commitment otherwise they will not have the chance in participating in the American elections… Dominating Palestine has been a historical wish by the Zionists; tens of conflicts have been set up in order to attain this wish. And close to seventy years designs have been made and crimes have been committed for setting up this fake regime Zionist regime and all the human boundaries have been trampled upon so that the Zionist regime would be imposed on the region. And all the might and capabilities of the arrogant powers were used and they managed to obtain success to some extent, [however] exactly at a time when they thought the Zionist regime has been stabilized and it has been accepted by the regional nations due to a major move by the Iranian nation known as the Islamic Revolution guided by a divine man and subsequently with the awareness of nations and their movement against Zionists and the revitalization of Palestinian resistance in the past two or three decades the foundations of the Zionist
regime has been jeopardized and the philosophy behind its formation has been put to question. The Zionists they felt the danger and you see the Western nations are after saving the Zionist regime and prior to this they were saving the Zionist so they would have the [?] of restoring themselves‌ Most dictators trample upon the rights on nations. The majority of these dictators depend on the Zionists and the arrogants. These dictators have no way but to be dependent on them. But hopefully the nations have been awakened and they are demanding their rights. All nations have been captivated even in the United States and Europe. Most governments in the West are affiliated to the Zionists and the people have no right to choose. They [the Zionists] have formed several parties and in fact when they become tired of one party they have no choice but to depend on, resort to, another party and all these parties are after serving the Zionists. And you see the people are shouting in the US and Europe but there is no one to save the people. And of course the existence of the Zionist regime is a guarantee for this plundering. It’s a base, it’s a focal point. The arrogant powers overlook the dignity and respect of all humans including Muslims. A Muslim nation can destroy all these arrogant powers and justice is the opposite aside of arrogance and they will victimize everything and in order to obtain power and wealth and any negligence can cause irreparable losses. Any negligence will cause a failure. Today they are engaged in a complicated scheme and that means a two state plan. The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor. Even a single cancerous cell in an inch of the Palestine land the same situation will continue in the future. The Zionists are domineering elements and want to they are after expansionism. An academic colleague of ours who is at the US met me in one of my trips overseas. I mean an Iranian met me he said that you are right concerning the Zionists. He said we were working in an academic team and there was a single person who was a pro-Zionist he wanted to become a member and the other 15 members opposed his membership and he just kept coming and going and I felt pity and I asked the other members for this pro-Zionist person to become a member of the academic board after six or seven years I returned and I saw none of the members are present there and all of the members are new and find one of those old members and I say what happened to the team and he said that single pro Zionist person has in fact led to the expulsion of all the other members and he has brought his pro-Zionist friends to become members of that academic board. The presence of the Zionist in a single inch of the Palestinian lands is dangerous let alone having a government there. This is my understanding of the ongoing situation. This is my personal understanding and this is my understanding this is the scheme that has been designed do not level any allegations against me later on this is my personal understanding and in fact the Zionists are after just having a theatrical performance and
they later would say that okay we going accept a two state government, a person over the line would be granted to Palestinians the Zionists would become independent and even if ten percent of the land is given to the Zionist that would still be dangerous and a two state solution means a historical for the Zionists to restore themselves and in fact accepting the two state solution means just losing and eliminating all the efforts that have been made for hundreds of years. And any person who accepts that two state solution he won’t be in line with the interest of world nations. All world nations must pay attention to this - the criterion for the honesty of rulers and politicians is contingent on restoring the rights of nations and also combating the Zionist regime. One cannot say that he is that he is after restoring the rights of nations and he is in line with the Zionist policies then one cannot believe in him. It is not possible to have a person who doesn’t combat the Zionist regime who reconciles and compromises with the Zionist regime and at the same time he cannot claim to be an advocate of freedom. So one should be cautious so that the NATO forces will not claim to be advocates of freedom and freedom will not be established with the bullets of NATO forces. What matters is the independence and the basic rights of nations. In conclusion I want to address the arrogant powers and the Zionists. Open your ears! The spring you spoke about is not merely an Arabist spring. This is a starting point. An Arabist spring is good but you should know that the spring of humanity will unfold. The Western and American springs will be unfolded soon with the grace of Allah. The nations are going through the process of awaking. How much longer can you engage in acts of deception? He said that I want to make a change and everybody thought that he wants to make a change everyone thought he wants to make changes within in the US and later he said that he meant the changes in the Middle East. I am telling you it is to your benefit to set the Zionists aside and recognize the rights of nations and also recognize your interests and pursue your interests within your own geographical borders. You should know that a new spring will be unfolding if you do not pay attention to this piece of advice. The nations will in fact contribute to your decline. Stop supporting the Zionist regime and they will be of no use for you. The regional nations have been awakened. Perhaps though instigating tribal differences you may have a chance for a short period of time. This will be for the short term. You should honestly help the regional nations. You should know that very soon the nations will soon eliminate and put an end to the Zionist regime. You are after a new Middle East and we are also after a new Middle East. A new Middle East will definitely take shape but with the grace of Allah and the help of nations there will be no trace of the existence of the Americans and the Zionists.
Stop insulting the Iranian nation and correct your literature. You should be friends of the Iranian nation that is your benefit and the Iranian nation has always managed to bury all its ill wishes in the course of history and you are the weakest and the same will happen to you and this will only bring about embarrassment for you will bring about shame for you and the domination of the Zionists will be destroyed and we have bright prospect ahead. Communism is gone and capitalism will also be destroyed and the Imam of the time will establish the divine governance and the true prosperity of humanity will be materialized and we hope for such a day.
I never imagined I would live to see it but another Adolf Hitler is at large in the world determined to kill every Jew on the planet. And unlike Hitler this madman will soon have nuclear arms. Israel should have terminated him with extreme prejudice years ago just as the European Jews should have done to Hitler. Let’s dispense with the theory, put forth by many self-hating Jews on the Left, that Ahmadinejad only hates Zionists and not Jews. Ahmadinejad made it clear that he is referring to Jews when he uses the word Zionist. For more than two thousand years, and at least four hundred years, that a small number of Zionists have caused turbulence in human societies and have caused irreparable loses – Ahmadinejad. There was no Zionist movement 2,000 years ago however there were Jews. Hitler:
Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before - the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago - a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people. - Munich April 12, 1922 It is quite clear to everyone today that Zionism counters human perfection and human societies and is the main cause of human decline – Ahmadinejad. In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that the Jews were responsible for all the evil and troubles in the world. This idea was reflected in the propaganda pamphlet (1930) of the Nazi propagandist Goebbels: Why do we oppose the Jews? We are enemies of the Jews, because we are fighters for the freedom of the German people. The Jew is the cause and the beneficiary of our misery…he is the real cause for our loss of the Great War…that is the reason why we, as nationalists and as socialists, oppose the Jew. He has corrupted our race, fouled our morals, undermined our customs, and broken our power. The Jew is the plastic demon of the decline of mankind. . . .We are enemies of the Jews because we belong to the German people. The jaw is our greatest misfortune. . The Nazi Rudolph Hess expressed the same views according to the retired medical superintendent of a British Prison, Dr N. R. Phillips, “In my experience Hess’s strongest delusion was in regard to the Jews. He regarded them as responsible for all the troubles in the world. He thought they exercised a hypnotic influence over everyone and had a hand in everything unpleasant that happened, even to himself.” 1 World War I and II - based on clear documents - have been aimed at domination and the wars have been planned and designed by behind the scenes Zionists – Ahmadinejad. Who triggered the first and second world wars, that left seventy millions killed and hundreds of millions injured or homeless? Who used nuclear bomb against defenseless people, and stockpiled thousands of warheads in their arsenals? – Ahmadinejad UN Speech 2011
Ahmadinejad objected to the A-bomb being dropped on Nazi ally Japan. What these statements reveal is that we are dealing with someone who is totally insane. Hitler believed in conspiracy theories that regarded the Jews as Communists and claimed that they had deliberately made Germany lose World War I by causing strikes, subversion and revolution on the home front. He also said that they had deliberately caused the Great Depression. Hitler never said the Jews CAUSED World War I. He also blamed the Jews for the surrender of the Germans and the Treaty of Versailles and for the disarmament that followed. But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms. The conservative politicians have neither right nor reason on their side when they appeal to disarmament as the cause which compelled them to adopt a policy of prudence (that is to say, cowardice). Here, again, the contrary is the truth. Disarmament is the result of their lack of spirit. - Mein Kampf.
You see that wherever there is a major moral destruction and decadence. You see there are Zionists companies and corporations and wherever there is massacre and a slaughter the Zionists are involved – Ahmadinejad. What soon gave me cause for very serious consideration were the activities of the Jews in certain branches of life, into the mystery of which I penetrated little by little. Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate? On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew who was often blinded by the sudden light - Mein Kampf. A few people acting behind the scène of US administrations and they have under the control all the points of power in the world and they dominate all the banking system of the world and also they have dominated the world media – Ahmadinejad. I gradually discovered that the Social Democratic Press was predominantly controlled by Jews. But I did not attach special importance to this circumstance, for the same state of affairs existed also in other newspapers. But there was one striking fact in this connection. It was that there was not a single newspaper with which Jews were connected that
could be spoken of as National, in the meaning that my education and convictions attached to that word - Mein Kampf. The function of the so-called liberal Press was to dig the grave for the German people and REICH. No mention need be made of the lying Marxist Press. To them the spreading of falsehood is as much a vital necessity as the mouse is to a cat. Their sole task is to break the national backbone of the people, thus preparing the nation to become the slaves of international finance and its masters, the Jews - Mein Kampf. From the political point of view it is not in the interests of Great Britain that Germany should be ruined even still more, but such a proceeding would be very much in the interests of the international money-markets manipulated by the Jew - Mein Kampf. A minority group that is anti-humane and corrupted and is against divine values has been organized and is countering all the divine values – Ahmadinejad. Their very existence is an incarnate denial of the beauty of God's image in His creation. - Mein Kampf. Slavery, colonialism have been mainly planned by these Zionists – Ahmadinejad. That is why the Jewish people, despite the intellectual powers with which they are apparently endowed, have not a culture--certainly not a culture of their own. The culture which the Jew enjoys to-day is the product of the work of others and this product is debased in the hands of the Jew - Mein Kampf. And it’s a party comprising seven to eight thousand people and they are running all the affairs. It’s a Satanic party today – Ahmadinejad. By presenting his doctrine as part and parcel of a just re-vindication of social rights, the Jew propagated the doctrine all the more effectively. But at the same time he provoked the opposition of decent people who refused to admit these demands which, because of the form and pseudophilosophical trimmings in which they are presented, seemed fundamentally unjust and impossible for realization. For, under the cloak of purely social concepts there are hidden aims which are of a Satanic character - Mein Kampf.
He will stop at nothing. His utterly low-down conduct is so appalling that one really cannot be surprised if in the imagination of our people the Jew is pictured as the incarnation of Satan and the symbol of evil - Mein Kampf. And the Zionist regime is the tool that is used by the Zionists for dominating the Middle East, and the region, and the world. The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity and the destruction of the personality and character of nations and human beings – Ahmadinejad. The Jewish domination in the State seems now so fully assured that not only can he now afford to call himself a Jew once again, but he even acknowledges freely and openly what his ideas are on racial and political questions. A section of the Jews avows itself quite openly as an alien people, but even here there is another falsehood. When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simpleminded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers - Mein Kampf. You see that wherever there is a major moral destruction and decadence. You see there are Zionists companies and corporations and wherever there is massacre and a slaughter the Zionists are involved – Ahmadinejad. They want to create convergence because instead of religion, instead of God [Allah], instead of the prophet [Mohammad], the divine book [the Qur’an] and all the perfect values they want to destroy all these and instead create those governments that serve the Zionists – Ahmadinejad. The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity and the destruction of the personality and character of nations and human beings. You know they are involved in the inter-racial [racist] teachings. They only consider themselves as humans and they consider others as animals. They actually, the Zionists, consider [as] authorized the killing of humans and the Zionist plundering the wealth of others – Ahmadinejad.
Today they are engaged in a complicated scheme and that means a two state plan. The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor. Even a single cancerous cell in an inch of the Palestine land the same situation will continue in the future – Ahmadinejad. In 1941 Hitler proclaimed “The Jews are a cancer on the breast of Germany.” On September 16, 1919, Hitler issued his first written comment on the so-called Jewish Question. He defined the Jews as a race and not a religious community, characterized the effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples," and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. You are after a new Middle East and we are also after a new Middle East. A new Middle East will definitely take shape but with the grace of Allah and the help of nations there will be no trace of the existence of the Americans and the Zionists. The ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether! – Hitler 1919. And it’s a party comprising seven to eight thousand people and they are running all the affairs. It’s a Satanic party today. At the beginning of the War, or even during the War, if twelve or fifteen thousand of these Jews who were corrupting the nation had been forced to submit to poison-gas, just as hundreds of thousands of our best German workers from every social stratum and from every trade and calling had to face it in the field, then the millions of sacrifices made at the front would not have been in vain. On the contrary: If twelve thousand of these malefactors had been eliminated in proper time probably the lives of a million decent men, who would be of value to Germany in the future, might have been saved. But it was in accordance with bourgeois 'statesmanship' to hand over, without the twitch of an eyelid, millions of human beings to be slaughtered on the battlefields, while they looked upon ten or twelve thousand public traitors, profiteers, usurers and swindlers, as the dearest and most sacred national treasure and proclaimed their persons to be inviolable. Indeed it would be hard to say what is the most outstanding feature of these bourgeois circles: mental debility, moral weakness and cowardice, or a mere down at heel mentality. It is a class that is certainly doomed to go under but, unhappily, it drags down the whole nation with it into the abyss - Mein Kampf.
The whole world should know, with the grace of God, protecting the Zionist regime has turned into a commitment by many countries, Western powers, on the other side – Ahmadinejad. And the same is true of democracy. In general even in the early days both England and France had already been bound with the fetters of slavery. With, I might say, a brazen security these States are fettered with Jewish chains. 2 – Hitler 1922
Although the Jews were lurking unseen as wire-pullers in the background - Mein Kampf. Who used the mysterious September 11 incident as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq, killing, injuring, and displacing millions in two countries with the ultimate goal of bringing into its domination the Middle East and its oil resources? By using their imperialistic media network which is under the influence of colonialism they threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the September 11 event with sanctions and military action. Last year, when the need to form a fact-finding team to undertake a thorough investigation concerning the hidden elements involved in September 11 incident was brought up; an idea also endorsed by all independent governments and nations as well as by the majority in the United States, my country and myself came under pressure and threat by the government of the United States. Instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and threw his body into the sea. Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers? Why should it not have been allowed to bring him to trial to help recognize those who launched terrorist groups and brought wars and other miseries into the region? Is there any classified information that must be kept secret? According to the Iranian Hitler the reason his country is threatened is not because it is trying to develop an atomic bomb to use to destroy Israel but because he is questioning the Holocaust and September 11. Osama Bin Laden was killed so that he would not "identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers?" Just a cotton pickin' minute. Who could have provided that "safe airspace?" Could it have been the Israelis, could it have been the Jews or was it Lady Gaga? If this psychopath gets a-hold of nukes he is crazy enough to use them.
Who nullified the Breton Woods system by printing trillions of dollars without the backing of gold reserves or equivalent currency? A move that triggered inflation worldwide and was intended to prey on the economic gains of other nations. This is pure Lyndon LaRouche, the failed Hitler. When you see the LaRouchoids in the street they have signs saying REVIVE BRETON WOODS AGREEMENT. The Iranian Hitler got this from the failed American Hitler. What is the justification for the presence of hundreds of US military and intelligence bases in different parts of the world, including 268 bases in Germany, 124 in Japan, 87 in South Korea, 83 in Italy, 45 in the United Kingdom, and 21 in Portugal? Does this mean anything other than military occupation? This is pure Ron Paul, the favorite candidate of the Nazis. The crypto-Nazi that wants cut off all aid to Israel. JDO has been on to Paul for decades as he was a populist hero in the Nazi newspaper, The Spotlight. He is a very clever weasel cloaking his Jew hating in isolationism just as the American Firsters did. I WANT MY MAHDI A future that will be built when humanity initiates to trend the path of the divine prophets and the righteous under the leadership of Imam al-Mahdi, the Ultimate Savior of mankind and the inheritor to all divine messengers and leaders and to the pure generation of our great Prophet. The creation of a supreme and ideal society with the arrival of a perfect human being, who is a true and sincere lover of all human beings, is the guaranteed promise of Allah. He will lead the freedom and justice lovers to eradicate tyranny and discrimination, and promote knowledge, peace, justice freedom and love across the world. He will present to every single individual all the beauties of the world and all good things which bring happiness for humankind. If the tradition of the Mahdi was authentic, then there would have been some mention of it in the Qur'an. On the contrary, even the word mahdi does not appear in that book! The original legend about the messianic Imam was adopted by the Shi'is from other religious communities, to which they added their own details until it reached its present form. Islam needed a messianic figure such as the other two major religions had so they came up with the story that an imam disappeared then underwent “a minor occultation”, that is he came halfway back using Imam’s as cutouts, then he went into a major occultation which he will remain in until he returns and sets everything straight meaning everyone adopts shi'i Islam including the Sunnis. “Occult” can mean “to hide or
become hidden or shut off from view” but it can also mean “of or characteristic of magical, mystical, or supernatural arts, phenomena, or influences” often connected with Devil worship. Now the key word here is magical. Magic is unconditionally & absolutely haram / prohibited. It is a gunahane kabira (greater sin) leading to Hell fire. A person who indulges in magic & does not repent is punishable by Death in an Islamic society, as it is equivalent to shirk & severely criticized in many many a hadith "Keep away from the seven destructive sins!" They said, "What are they, O Messenger of Allah?" He answered, "Associating partners with Allah; practicing sorcery; taking a life, which Allah has made forbidden except for a just cause (according to Islamic Law); eating Riba (usury) eating up an orphan's wealth; fleeing from the battle field at the time of fighting (with the unbelievers); and accusing chaste women, who never think of anything that can touch their chastity and who are good believers, of fornication. So what we have in Shia is a reversion to pre-Islamic times known as the time of the jinn.
At a Holocaust conference at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran on January 27, 2009, Ahmadinejad stated: For 60 years they allowed no one to question and cast doubt on the logic of the Holocaust and its very essence – because if the truth were to be exposed, nothing would remain of their logic of liberal democracy. It is the very advocates of liberal democracy who defend the Holocaust, who have sanctified it to the point where none may enter. Breaking the padlock of the Holocaust and reexamining it will be tantamount to cutting the vital arteries of the Zionist regime. It will destroy the philosophical foundation
and raison d'être of this regime...I invite the dear researchers, intellectuals, young people and students, who are the trailblazers, to reexamine not only the Holocaust, but also its consequences and aftermath and inform others of their studies and research. Let us not forget that more than ever before, the Zionist network, which came up with the issue of the Holocaust, must be exposed, and be presented to the peoples as it really is.[75] In early June 2009, Ahmadinejad described Israel as "the most criminal regime in human history" and spoke about the "great deception of the Holocaust" in a speech quoted by IRIB.[76] At the September 2009 Quds Day ceremonies in Tehran, he stated Israel was created on "a lie and a mythical claim,"[77] that the Western powers "launched the myth of the Holocaust. They lied, they put on a show and then they support the Jews"[78] – what the New York Times considered "among his harshest statements on the topic,"[79] and one immediately condemned by the US, UK, French and German governments.[78][80]
The Madness of Rudolph Hess - and the Places It Led Him 2