Comey bloodless coup

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COMEY HAS ATTEMPTED A BLOODLESS COUP If Donald Trump is elected president as a result of FBI Director James Comey releasing derogatory information on Hillary Clinton he would have pulled off a bloodless coup. Comey knew exactly what he was doing when he released the information about the new developments in the Clinton Email case. He waited for the last minute to do this so it would cause maximum damage to Hillary who he considers a female version of Obama. Comey is a racist and his motivation is to get Donald Trump elected President and keep America White.

COMEY AND THE HOMIES What pushed Comey over the edge into the world of fascism and criminality was Obama’s support of Black Lives Matter, a group that encourages the assassination of policeman and blames high crime rates in the inner city solely on White Racist cops. BLM is praised by politicians like Hillary and Elizabeth Warren. Comey believes Black crime is the result of the empowerment of the Black Criminal Subculture. The NYT reported “the FBI director, James Comey, who happened to be in Chicago, blamed the deeply ingrained gang culture for the violence.” Comey was born in Yonkers, New York. His father J. Brien Comey was a real estate executive at J.B. Comey Inc. The Comey family moved to Allendale, New Jersey where J. Brien became a councilman in the mid- and late-1980s. His wife, Joan, who died in 2012 after a long illness, was involved in the Girl Scouts. Allendale was and still is lily white.



THE BLACK CRIMINAL SUBCULTURE On February 12, 2015 James B. Comey Director Federal Bureau of Investigation had this to say about the gangbanger culture.1 So many young men of color become part of that officer’s life experience because so many minority families and communities are struggling; so many boys and young men grow up in environments lacking role models [fathers], adequate education, and decent employment—they lack all sorts of opportunities that most of us take for granted. A tragedy of American life—one that most citizens are able to drive around because it doesn’t touch them—is that young people in “those neighborhoods” too often inherit a legacy of crime and prison. And with that inheritance, they become part of a police officer’s life, and shape the way that officer whether White or Black sees the world. Changing that legacy is a challenge so enormous and so complicated that it is, unfortunately, easier to talk only about the cops. And that’s not fair. “A tragedy of American life - one that most citizens are able to drive around because it doesn’t touch them - is that young people in “those neighborhoods” too often inherit a legacy of crime and prison.” Comey is on dangerous ground talking about the Black Criminal Subculture. His former overseer Eric Holder believes that there is no such thing, just a bunch of misguided youth. After the fabric of America changes citizens will no longer be able drive around it because it will be in their own backyards. Comey: 1.


INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 But the “seeing” needs to flow in both directions. Citizens also need to really see the men and women of law enforcement. They need to see what police see through the windshields of their squad cars, or as they walk down the street. They need to see the risks and dangers law enforcement officers encounter on a typical late-night shift. The must realize it is a jungle out there. They need to understand the difficult and frightening work they do to keep us safe. They need to give them the space and respect to do their work, well and properly. If they take the time to do that, what they will see are officers who are human, who are overwhelmingly doing the right thing for the right reasons, and who are too often operating in communities—and facing challenges—most of us choose to drive around. Comey is telling the African-American community not to try to interfere with arrests of “brothers” because they are the ones who are making life a nightmare in ghetto by selling dope. The dopers become burglars, muggers, carjackers to support their habit. The community starts to become crime ridden and the Whites leave abandoning their homes. The homes become crack houses. No civilized person White or Black wants live in a neighborhood like this; but instead they avoid and drive around. He is saying ‘So if you don’t like the way the police handle things, but avoid the reality of high crime Black neighborhoods, shut-up.’ I worry that this important and incredibly difficult conversation about race and policing has become focused entirely on the nature and character of law enforcement officers, when it should also be about something much harder to discuss… racial bias isn’t epidemic in law enforcement any more than it is epidemic in academia or the arts. Police officers on patrol in our nation’s cities often work in environments where a hugely disproportionate percentage of street crime is committed by young men of color. Something happens to people of good will working in that environment. After years of police work, officers often can’t help but be influenced by the cynicism they feel.



INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 Comey attributed this rise in gangbanger homicides to the “Ferguson Effect.” The reluctance of police to have their lives ruined and possibly end up in a cage 23 hours a day if the Black community tries to frame them like it did to Darren Wilson. FBI Director Comey agreed: I fear we are facing another wave of violent crime and homicide, and our communities are once again in trouble. And the trouble is complicated, layered, and painful. I imagine two lines: one line is law enforcement and the other line is the folks we serve and protect, especially in communities of color. I think those two lines are arcing away from each other, at an increasing rate. Each incident that involves real or perceived police misconduct drives one line this way. Each time an officer is attacked in the line of duty, it drives the other line this way. I actually feel the lines continuing to arc away from each other, incident by incident, video by video, more and more quickly. And that’s a terrible place to be. And just as those lines are arcing away from each other—and maybe because they are arcing away—we have a crisis of violent crime in some of our most vulnerable communities across the country. I spoke to officers privately in one big city precinct who described being surrounded by young people with mobile phone cameras held high, taunting them the moment they get out of their cars. They told me, “We feel like we’re under siege and we don’t feel much like getting out of our cars.” I’ve been told about a senior police leader who urged his force to remember that their political leadership has no tolerance for a viral video. So the suggestion, the question that has been asked of me, is whether these kinds of things are changing police behavior all over the country. And the answer is, I don’t know. I don’t know whether this explains it entirely, but I do have a strong sense that some part of the explanation is a chill wind blowing through American law enforcement over the last year. And that wind is surely changing behavior. We can’t lose sight of the fact that there really are bad people standing on the street with guns. The young men dying on street corners all across this country are not committing suicide or being shot by the cops. They are being killed, police chiefs tell me, by other young men with guns. Lives are saved when those potential killers are confronted by a strong police presence and actual, honest-to-goodness, up-close “What are you 4

INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 guys doing on this corner at one o’clock in the morning?” policing. All of us, civilian and law enforcement, white, black, and Latino, have an interest in that kind of policing. We need to be careful it doesn’t drift away from us in the age of viral videos, or there will be profound consequences. If we are not careful, we will lose the space in American life to talk about criminal justice reform—to focus on recidivism and re-entry and sentencing reform— and to talk about effective police interactions with civilians, all of which are essential. In a way, those conversations are a welcome luxury, made possible by the fact that—as of 2014—we have a violent crime rate we haven’t seen in 50 years. If what we are seeing in America this year continues, we will be back to talking about how law enforcement needs to help rescue black neighborhoods from the grip of violence. All lives matter too much for us to let that happen. We need to figure out what’s happening and deal with it now. Obama denied crime had risen under his Black Racist Administration: I know that there’s been some talk in the press about spikes that are happening this year relative to last year, and I’ve asked my team to look very carefully at it -- Attorney General Lynch has pulled together a task force – and it does look like there are a handful of cities where we’re seeing higher-than-normal spikes. Across the 93 or 95 top cities, it’s very hard to distinguish anything statistically meaningful. The FBI director, James Comey, was speaking at the University of Chicago Law School in October 2015 when he observed that violent crime was rising in many cities across the country. The likely reason, he said, was a drop in proactive policing. The strident reaction to his comments, not least from the White House, demonstrated how ideological he had become. Most remarkably, President Barack Obama had the temerity to accuse him of shoddy, biased analysis. “We do have to stick with the facts,” Obama told the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Chicago in late October, in a thinly veiled rebuke to Comey. “What we can’t do is cherry-pick data or use anecdotal evidence to drive policy or to feed political agendas.” In November 2015, the acting chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chuck Rosenberg, seconded Comey’s observations about the decline in proactive policing. Officers were feeling “trepidation” about ending up on the evening news even if 5

INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 they “do everything right,” Rosenberg told reporters. The White House dressing-down was immediate. Rosenberg had spoken “without any evidence,” press secretary Josh Earnest retorted. Comey has worked closely with white racists in the past including John Ashcroft and Rudy Giuliani. COMEY AND JOHN ASHCROFT Comey was United States Deputy Attorney General from December 2003 to August 2005 under John Ashcroft. As Deputy Attorney General, Comey was the second-highest-ranking official in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), and ran the day-to-day operations of the Department. In September 2000 Ashcroft spoke before The Council of Conservative Citizens, headquartered in St. Louis, a living legacy of Southern “white resistance” to desegregation, with historical roots in the so-called citizens councils that sprang up during the 1950s as a “respectable” support group for the Klan. Its website currently proclaims that the CCC is “the only serious nationwide activist group that sticks up for white rights!” What that means, more specifically, is promoting hatred of blacks, Jews, gays and lesbians, and Latino immigrants while extolling the virtues of the “Southern way of life,” the Confederacy and even slavery. Ashcroft was a frequent contributor to a neo-confederate publication the Southern Partisan. Founded in 1985 by the ax handle-wielding Georgia segregationist Lester Maddox and a group of white activists, the CCC remained obscure to most Americans until 1998, when media exposure of its ties to prominent congressional Republicans led to the resignation of Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi as majority leader. Six years later, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that the CCC had hosted as many as 38 federal, state and local officials at its meetings (all of them Republicans, except one Democrat). When President George W. Bush appointed Ashcroft as U.S. attorney general, the CCC openly celebrated, declaring in its newsletter, “Our Ship Has Come In.” COMEY AND RUDY GIULIANI In 1987, Comey was hired as an assistant U.S. Attorney in New York’s Southern District by then-boss Rudy Giuliani. By this time, everyone knows Rudy is a racist. He has come out of the closet. Asked what advice he would give to a black son: “I’d also say, be very careful of those kids in the neighborhood and don’t get involved with them because, son, there’s a 99 percent chance they’re going to kill you, not the police. And we’ve got to hear that from the black community. And what we’ve got to hear from the black community is how 6

INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 and what they are doing among themselves about the crime problem in the black community.” Giuliani said Black Lives Matter is "inherently racist" and suggested the movement should focus on black people killing other black people. During an interview with CBS News' Face the Nation Giuliani said the Black Lives Matters movement focuses too much on police killing black people, which "happens rarely although with tremendous attention," and not enough effort focusing on black-on-black violence, "which happens every 14 hours in Chicago." LAW ENFORCEMENT FAMILY Comey’s grandfather William Comey Deputy Public Safety Commissioner in Yonkers, New York. He keeps a picture of him on his wall at the FBI Building. The rank and file policeman did not like Comey:

Bill Comey remained the Deputy Public Safety Commissioner under Commissioner Patrick O'Hara until January of 1952. It was then that a Democratic administration came into power and it was reported that Commissioner O'Hara would be replaced. Dep. Comm. Comey let it be known that when that happened he would submit his request for retirement. On April 30, 1952, Deputy Public Safety Commissioner William Comey, leader of the Police Department, retired from all police service. THE ADER AFFAIR After Comey’s parents moved to New Jersey a white man dubbed “the Ramsey rapist” held 15-year-old Comey and his younger brother at gunpoint after breaking into 7

INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 their Allendale home on an October day in 1977, one of a string of break-ins that included the rape of two area baby sitters. The Comey brothers, locked in a bathroom while the intruder searched the home, escaped through a window, only to encounter the man again on their lawn. The brothers ran back inside the house, locked the doors and called police, setting off a massive manhunt.

SKETCH OF RAPIST The cops suspected that Bruce A. Ader was the rapist and had a tracker follow his footprints to his brother’s home. After his victims were displayed a picture of him they ID’d him and he was arrested. But when they saw Ader in a police lineup only one 8

INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 318 3rd Ave Suite 520 NYC 10010 of his alleged victims could identify him, the same person who is trying to railroad Hillary Clinton, James Comey. Ader testified before a grand jury and it failed to indict. His alibi was a good one – he was with two friends at a bus station bar where his wife worked as a school bus driver. Ader was born in Morristown, N.J. in 1938. Bruce worked in the International Union of operating Engineers 825. Upon retiring they relocated to Lowell, North Carolina. Mr. Bruce was a friendly guy - "The unofficial mayor of River Falls" who sat on the front porch in his rocking chair along with his wife and dog waving to everyone who passed by.


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