My cousin Nechemya Weberman (he is the grandson of my grandfather Herman’s brother, Ben Zion Weberman) is truly evil incarnate. As a serial child rapist he stole the innocence from many young virgin Jewish girls just as the mythical serpent in the Garden of Eden stole innocence from Adam and Eve. He is a member of the Naziloving, Israel hating Neturei Karta Sect, he snitched out his child rape victim’s 70year-old grandmother for Medicare fraud, he embezzled money from a non-profit group that was supposed to help poor members of the Satmar cult, he extorted money from other Satmar and he perjured himself numerous times. He is a bogus Rabbi, a bogus therapist and a sexual sadist. I made a website for my cousin that documents his crimes and reveals the history of the part of Weberman family that spawned him. Read about it HERE in the Forward.
NECHEMYA’S DAY OF RECKONING My cousin Nechemya was remanded and he will be sentenced before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice John Ingram. BE AT THE COURTROOM MONDAY JANUARY 14, 9:00 AM FOR HIS SENTENCING. Write letters to Judge Ingram (Hon. John G. Ingram Supreme Court Kings County 320 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201) and ask him to give Weberman the max. Other Satmar are also facing jail or prison time in this sordid affair – soon they will be enough for a jailhouse minion. January 3, Weberman attorney Farkas Sr. did an interview for Ami Magazine. This magazine is run by Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter who is no Hebrew National. A childhood student of the Satmar Cheder, Rabbi Frankfurter continued his education at Yeshivas Brisk in Meir Sharim. This comprehensive article contains disclaimer which is really a veiled threat against Weberman’s victims.
Why should this be a life and death matter for the accuser? Who is going to take her life? If you leave the Satmar expose it you must die. It is a cult, not a religion. This article makes reference to Nat Lewin. Lewin put forth the idea that when a terrorist is apprehended in Israel not only should he be put to death, but his entire family, wife or wives, children, babies go with him. What we are dealing with here Jews with a genocidal mentality? But here is the good news – NECHEMYA THREATENED TO KILL HIMSELF AND IS ON SUICIDE WATCH. Farkas was asked,
Farkas, who swears he is in it because he believes my cousin is innocent won’t even go out to “the rock” and visit my cousin in person. Maybe it would break the monotony of the prisoner’s day? So Nechemya is in a cell where he is watched by other prisoners 24 hours a day to prevent him from committing suicide. That means he might have threatened to commit suicide or told Farkas he was thinking about it and Farkas asked Judge Ingram to order he be put on suicide watch. The simpering wimp can’t take it. The child molesting maggot has been locked up for about two weeks and is already flipping out. Child rapist Jerry Sandusky went on suicide watch shortly after his incarceration. The suicide watch cell will be very sparse and offer him no privacy. The sheets will be made of a fabric that he cannot fashion into a rope. There will be no toilet paper in the cell as he might stuff it down his throat. No plastic knives to eat with. No razors to shave with below the cheekbone. No darkness 24 hours a day. Psychotics in the other suicide watch cells. Welcome to Hell Nechemya. This article asked “Where you able to put any witnesses on the stand who were counseled by Weberman.”
The interviewer than asked Farkas, “Are you dealing now with a lot of things you didn’t have to deal with years ago?” He answered, “Actually I don’t have to deal with them. I have to ignore them.” Could this be a reference to Baila Gluck? I wrote “This jive-assed Jewish bitch lied like a motherfucker. Real credible witness; She said she had left home, hit the streets and found a boyfriend. Who was her boyfriend? Fifty Cent? She was a-hookin’ and a-crookin’ if you ask me.” Now that I think about it, it was revealed that she was a relative of Weberman. The fat fuck was schuping his cousin and I am the one who is illegitimate? What Farkas is saying here is that the juror’s went on the net, read this passage about Baila that was written in the vernacular and decided she was not a credible witness. I doubt it but if I played any role in the downfall of the predator, so be it.
The word out on the gas: “This is just a defense for doing a lousy job. Everyone knows that you don't put the defendant on trial. Perhaps Weberman's conceit took him down; did he insisted on taking the stand? He was proved to be a liar and so was the principal, so a pattern of lying was demonstrated. Farkas should have briefed his client and witnesses to own up to the truth; there is a Vaad and whoever sends children to our school must adhere to its rules. Weberman could have said that he uses the organization to avoid paying taxes...Furthermore, according to the defense witness Weberman violated yichud, his entire demeanor of choosing to sit near his provocative female lawyer, ignore his wife and claim to be a paragon of piety; he removes his glasses in the street so that he should not G-d forbid see an improperly dressed woman spells liar! On the other hand the victim held up very well under cross examination and the defense was unable to shake her testimony. In addition, the judge and jury probably heard about his attempt to intimidate the victim and stare her down during her recess. This sounds like a lousy lawyer and a conceited Haman whose conceit was his ultimate downfall. Isn't Satmar embarrassed that we are forced to turn to secular courts since the pikuach nefesh of our children is in such jeopardy? They finally ran scared and fired Reichman! Dumb BY Grad A fan from him a day ago” This was contradicted by Farkas in the Ami interview. He claims Stacy Richman is still part of the team. My cousin Nechemya did sit next to his wife and his two sisters during the trial. I don’t consider Stacy Richman provocative looking but I suppose provocative is in the eyes of the beholder. His wife can’t sit next to him other than in the spectator’s gallery. If my cousin would have said he used the non-profit to avoid paying taxes he would have been subject to a federal charge rather than a State one. Nechemya took off his glasses in the street to avoid seeing scantily dressed women? What about when he was driving? Add reckless endangerment to his list of crimes.
There is an ongoing dispute between the People of the State of New York and the Satmars; however both agree that Nechemya Weberman belongs in the Tombs. The Satmar believe he belongs in the Tombs of the Patriarchs in Hebron while NYS put him in the Tombs at 100 Center Street in Manhattan. He was moved to Rikers but what was it like in the tombs? If he was granted Protective Custody or Medical Isolation he will be in a dismal cell in what was once the Bernard Kerik Correctional Center or in the old building at 100 Center. His cell will have a small window in it that will overlook Center Street or China Town. From 6 AM to 9 PM there will be an endless din of stupidity from every lowlife the police picked up, some of whom couldn’t make bail. In the middle of the day the prisoners will be ordered back in their cells and Nechemya will be allowed to use the telephone and walk around a bit. People who hate Weberman should not complain if he gets kosher meals. Although he is a prisoner and a scum he still has rights. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 states “Government may substantially burden a person's exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.� THE SATMAR: MEN WITHOUT A COUNTRY The Man Without a Country is a short story by American writer Edward Everett Hale about a man convicted of treason and stripped of his nationality. The Satmar are men without a country. To them America is not really their country. It is a transit point until the Messiah leads them back to Israel. Israel is not their country because they believe it is an abomination impeding the coming of the Messiah. Sadly, they are stateless like the lead character in The Man Without A Country. December 24, 2012. One of the reasons this abuse was allowed to go on for years despite the fact it had been reported to Rabbinical Courts on numerous occasions was because all of the complaints against Weberman seem to have all involved females. Because they believe their role is to keep the Jewish religion just as it has always been the Satmar Rabbis on these courts regard women as they were regarded in Mosaic times: as inferior beings. They take the love and joy out of the lives of their daughters with arranged marriages. Then they added more ways to denigrate women by making them shave their heads and never looking at their bodies even while having intercourse. What if the Rabbis had received complaints of little boys being molested? Would it have made a difference? Rabbi Yakov Horowitz reported Weberman even told some of the girls he was abusing that (hold your stomach) they were reincarnated separately, but they had been married to him in a previous gilgul (lifetime), and that the intimate acts he was performing were intended as a form of te'shuva (repentance) for sins committed in their previous lifetimes. This dovetails with my theory that many Satmar
knew their daughter’s were going to be abused by Weberman and sent them there as punishment. OI VESMIR MY COUSIN IS QUEER Add homosexual child molester to Nechemya’s rap sheet. Joey DiAngello, born Yoel Deutsch into the Satmar sect 32 years ago, showed up at almost every day of the trial. DiAngello, a heavy-metal drummer and hardcore rocker said someone molested him when he was eleven to twelve years old – a man named Nechemya Weberman who had worked at that time for his father. At first he wasn’t sure if the man who was now on trial was the same Weberman. At the time, there were no pictures of Weberman available. DiAngello was determined to find out. According to DiAngello and others who observed the scene, DiAngello walked up to Weberman, took his picture on a cell phone and stared hard at him. Another observer said Weberman looked very shocked. DiAngello then went back to the group that was there to support the victim and told them that Weberman was indeed the man who molested him. He walked up to Weberman and told him, “Karma is a bitch, ain’t it.” Why did this heavy metal performer come out of his mosh pit and point the finger at Weberman? Something must have transpired or is Joey a child molester groupie who attends various criminal trials and tells the press “He also molested me.” Very unlikely. So the maggot was into little boys. He didn’t give a mozer’s ass that homosexuality is considered an abomination in the eyes of God because Nechemya Weberman is a fake Jew. He was a psychopath and con man leading a double life. Add sexual sadist to Nechemya’s dossier: The depths of Weberman's psychopathic sexual perversions was limitless and his cruel and premeditated program of abuse grew into acts that in the world of pornography would be known as sadomasochism (S & M) or humiliation. One day during a 'lesson' in his study when he began burning his victims bare stomach with a lighter, simply because 'he found it arousing', she said. 'He told me, "When you go home, you put on peanut butter,"' she said. 'I stayed in my bed for three days. I didn’t get out of bed. I didn’t eat. I just wanted to die... I was 13, I think.'” Two chassidish men, both in their thirties and well integrated into the community told Rabbi Yakov Horowitz that Weberman burned their wives on their abdomens while violating them. One of the fellows said that he first discovered the abuse when his wife screamed and nearly fainted when he inadvertently passed a (havdala) candle close to her midsection. It was only then, that she told him the story of what she had gone through in her counseling sessions with
Weberman.” Nechemya was a classic sexual deviant right out of Kraft Von Ebbing’s Psychopathia Sexualis. THE VERDICT: GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS It is 10 AM on Monday December 10, 2012. Spectators are waiting for the jury to issue a verdict. It came in much quicker than expected in after lunch about 2PM. Instead of the foreperson reading the verdict the jury shouted it out. They all wanted a piece of Weberman. I don’t blame them. He is a multiple serial child rapist who should be locked up for life. He is a thief of innocence; he is the evil Serpent from Genesis incarnate. A Jewish Jerry Sandusky. Weberman was convicted on one count of Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child in the First Degree, 12 counts of Criminal Sexual Act in the Second Degree, two counts of Criminal Sexual Act in the Third Degree, 18 counts of Sexual Abuse in the Second Degree, 25 counts of Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree, and one count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child. The top count of Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child in the First Degree carries a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison. He faces a total of 117 years. December 9th The press is reporting that the jurors are split probably because of the lack of physical evidence. This was a false report probably spread by this one AfricanAmerican alternate juror who wore a hoodie to court every day. I bet he was the one who came an hour late one day and held up the proceedings. The DA’s office did a great job despite the DA’s office. When the victim filed her case the DA’s office just wanted to make it go away. Weberman is a big macha in the Satmar community. According to the victim he is regarded as a God. After he got arrested thousands of Satbots came out to support him. The DA’s office did not get search warrants for the computer; DNA or semen, the office only obtained a warrant to photograph the place. This does not make sense in a child rape investigation where child pornography might have been present. The victim told Detective Bruno that my cousin stuck his finger in her vagina when she was 12 and she bled. There could have been blood evidence uncovered with Luminal like on the CSI programs on TV. The office didn’t want to start up with Weberman until the New York Times exposed the fact that Mr. Hynes, the Brooklyn DA, turned cases like Weberman’s over to religious courts in return for the Satmar block vote. That’s right! DA Hynes office had turned over numerous child rape cases to that biggest laugh of all courts short of those that adhere by Shar’ia law, the Beth Din, the Satmar religious court comprised of Rabbis. My cousin’s bust occurred prior to this series when the Brooklyn DA office was still in the cover-up mode. Get it. That’s why the Defense called Detective Bruno as a witness and not the prosecution, because they knew the first part of the investigation was a cover up. Detective Bruno testified that he caught the case randomly but I think he was assigned the case for a reason. After years on the force he had not significantly
advanced. He only made four pages of notes covering years of abuse. The DA’s office turned Detective Bruno into a scapegoat since they couldn’t blame this on the Brooklyn DA’s office and still keep their jobs. Maybe they could not get a proper search warrant on the basis of the complaint? Also a year had elapsed since the victim had summoned the courage to come forward to try to put an end to the sickness’s predatory behavior but a surprise search right after the charges were filed might have turned up something. It was worth a try. At a preliminary hearing Weberman’s defense attorney made one motion. The police department had searched Weberman’s house with a warrant to look for photographs pertaining to the case. The warrant had called for no opening of closets and drawers but apparently the police had ignored that clause. It was determined that any materials found under this warrant was not admissible to the court. So there could have been physical evidence in this trial but the DA’s office “accidentally” screwed it up. Ah Brooklyn? Where goest thou?
The case was prosecuted by Kevin O’Donnell, First Deputy Bureau Chief of the Sex Crimes Bureau; Linda Weinman, Unit Chief of the Crimes Against Children Bureau; and Anthea Bruffee, First Deputy Bureau Chief of the Appeals Bureau. Rhonnie Jaus is Chief of the Sex Crimes/Crimes Against Children Division. They have experience with perverts and psyched Weberman out. They called someone from the Department of State Licensing Division to find out if Nechemya was a licensed anything? The closest he came to being licensed was being licentious. Then the defense asked, “Do you license spiritual advisers?” The witness answered “No.” “Spiritual Advisor?” What is my cousin a fucking gypsy fortune teller? Does he look into his crystal matzo ball? Once the heat was on the DA’s office they came down on the Glatt Kosher Nostra like gangbusters and popped them for trying to bribe the victim. Check out the
above BEFORE and AFTER pictures. Why would they offer a bribe if Weberman was not guilty? The DA assigned some of his best prosecutors to the case but they were handicapped by the initial cover up. Another problem here is that the judge is actually giving my cousin a fair trial, something unheard of in Brooklyn for years, especially in Kings County Civil Court. The trial Judge is Justice John Ingram. Unlike many of the judges in Brooklyn, he did not purchase his seat on the bench from the late Appellate Court Justice Theodore Jones’s former law partner, Clarence Norman, who is currently incarcerated. He was appointed by Governor Pataki, a Republican. Judge Ingram is a learned man. 1 The judge is an expert in fairness in arbitration and that helps the defense side. He wouldn’t let other victims of Weberman testify. At least five have come forward. Now check this out. THE SATMAR REBBE CLAIMS THERE IS A CONSPIRACY AS MANY OTHER WEBERMAN ACCUSERS HAVE SURFACED
Even the Satmar Rebbe knows that others have said they have been raped by the Jewish degenerate Weberman. On Saturday night, Dec 1, 2012 the Satmar Rebee, Aron Teitelbaum of Kiryas Joel (KJ) delivered a speech to raise money for his organizations. As part of the speech he disparaged the alleged victim of Nechemya Weberman as a whore. Here is a link to the speech MP3 in Yiddish and below is a translation I was in the city (Williamsburg) for Shabbos, and spirits are very broken. If you keep up with the news of what’s happening in the city-it is terrifying! A Jewish daughter has descended so low, terrible! … (Quoting the parsha:) ‘Is our sister to be like a whore?’ Terrible! Terrible! (Quoting the Talmud:) When they go down, they go down to the ground. I think there hasn’t been such a disgusting saga in [the history of] Charedi Jewry…. Yes! Nebech!
The Samech-Mem (Satan/the Devil) has succeeded… She too is a daughter of our forefather Jacob, it’s a great shame, oy! And nebech, she isn’t the only one. A whole group, nebech! It is terrible! It is terrible! I tell you. I was in the city for Shabbos, it is very broken. They [who are causing this trouble] come from Chasidish parents, with shtreimels and bekitches… We must keep watch on the chinuch of our children with seven eyes, may God protect every Jew and every Jewish home…. This girl was not the first Weberman had raped. This was sent to a prominent Rabbi. The author wished to remain anonymous: My daughter was sexually abused by Nechemya Weberman! When my daughter was 15 years old she began to dress differently than our family’s dress code and my husband and I were very worried about what this signified. We were advised to take her to Nechemya Weberman, the chassidishe therapist for “troublesome” girls. We trusted Weberman fully, as he was also my husband’s good friend. During the 2 something years my daughter was in “therapy” with him she did not tell us what went on during almost every session. After my daughter’s wedding, one day she told me, ‘Mommy if you would know what Nechemya Weberman did to me you would kill yourself! He showed me relations videos, he made me do------to him, he did ------to me, and he told me that I should never, ever tell anyone because no one would believe me; I was known as a “troublemaker” and he was a very Choseve (prominent) person, I would have no credibility and would only damage my reputation further! He tried to convince me that no one understood me, cared for me or loved me as he did. For sure my parents did not understand me or love me!’ In hindsight I now remember that whenever I called him for a progress report or an update on my daughter a strange thing happened. He would actually instigate me against my daughter! I used to wonder why doesn’t he say something like - Don’t worry - we are working with her – there is hope for improvement – instead he would say what an “Azas Ponim” she was, how she would burn in Gehenim for her behavior!’ I would be so very angry at her and she at me; we were going at each other all the time. When the campaign in support of Weberman was started this winter and I saw the signatures of the Rabbonim I couldn’t bear it anymore. I myself went to Rabbi Teitelbaum (R’ Zalmen Leib’s son) and to Rabbi Pollack and told them my story. They were shocked - ‘Oiy, Oiy vie, we didn’t know, we were told he was the victim of a bilbel (libel). However, you should know – we are still Yiddishe kinder and for this Weberman doesn’t have to sit in
jail, we will take care of him and he will never do this again, and do not hinder us from protecting him!
Ezra Friedlander, a columnist for the newspaper Five Towns wrote: Last week, as the trial captured the attention of the masses, I met someone who confided to me that his daughter’s best friend was also abused by Weberman. Stunned, I asked him if anyone else knows about this. “No,” he answered. “And that’s how it should remain.” My maggot cousin was a serial rapist. Wanna hear more? While this is truly difficult for me to share, I feel that it’s my duty and obligation to shed some light on this very controversial case. When I was a young adolescent I had the unfortunate “PRIVILEGE” of getting to know Nechemya Weberman over a period of 2+ years. During my “COUNSELING” sessions with him, I got to know the real monster behind his beard and peyes. Without going in to all the “Dirty” details, I will say this much. The constant barrage of emotional, psychological, and physical and most of all sexual abuse was to say at the very least devastating and severely damaging. I still shudder at the memories of those awful visits with him. I would like to share some insight on this case as a Survivor from Weberman’s Abuse. Firstly, I am grateful every day that there is no permanent damage/scaring which can be used as evidence of the abuse. For those of you saying there is no physical evidence, you are right. But ask yourselves this, what kind of physical evidence can anyone really expect to see? It’s not like he is stupid enough to allow an audience while he held down his victims with the full weight of his body and forced himself on them. There are many other victims like myself, I know because we speak on a daily basis, which will not come out against him in effort to protect their identity. Either because they are now living happy lives and refuse to disrupt it for anyone else’s personal gain or because their statute of limitation is over so they can’t take legal action anyway. Why put yourself through the torture the other victim who did confront him endured, if legally it won’t hold any grounds. I also know for a fact that there are testimonies from MARRIED WOMAN who had consensual relations with this pig. Yes everyone you saw right “An Aishes Ish”. However, this information is not actionable since the both participants were more than willing, and overage. Of course from a legal standpoint these facts are irrelevant since being a sick perverted animal, isn’t a
felony. In case you were wondering, yes – he did show us pornography, he did have exact specifications what to wear externally as well as underwear, and yes- he did violently force himself on us (it was not a mutually enjoyable relationship. The horrifying memories of those years still haunt me every day, but thanks to hashem I am on the road to recovery with the help and support of my wonderful husband, and my loving family. The bottom line here is that Nechemya molested young virgin harmless children when they came to him for help. He is a serial rapist. He should be suspended by his testicles or as we say in Brooklyn, hung by his balls. December 6th The defense lawyer Stacy Richman gave her final arguments and summation of the previous testimony. Stacy is the daughter of Murray “No worry” Richman, an attorney and power broker from the Bronx who carved out a reputation (and started making real money) in the '70s when he defended a string of mobsters. He quickly became one of the most prominent Mob lawyers in town and went on to rep members of all five of the city's families (Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese) during the '70s and '80s. By defending different families it was harder for the Feds to label him a “mob house attorney” and disqualify him from representing OC defendants as they did with Bruce Cutler. But he represented mobsters of other ethnic backgrounds, too (such as Latino drug lords and Eastern European gangsters) as well as a handful of fallen political leaders including former Secretary of Labor Raymond Donovan and Democratic politician Paul Adler. Like the mob and the “No Snitch” gangbangers, the Satmar have their own code of silence. Spacey started out waving her hands around saying ”Witches, Salem Witch Hunt” “the McCarthy era Witch Hunt for Communists” then told the jury there was a witch hunt going on by the D.A.’s office targeting Satmars. Too dramatic! she looked like she was in some High School play, and she stated, “During the Salem witch trials, people would never be given a fair shake. In the 1950s, it took one word from a neighbor to get someone accused of being a Communist,” she said. “What’s the most we can say today? Child sexual abuser. And it is an awful thing. But the wrongful accusation of a child sexual abuser is even worse.” But guess what? She was wrong about Weberman and wrong about McCarthyism. When the KGB files were released we learned that the Kremlin had a policy of recruiting CPUSA members as spies so it was smart to be on the lookout for them! She was condescending to the jury, and kept repeating the same thing over and over and over again, “there is no corroborating forensic evidence” and “the big bad vaad” (the Satmar Modesty Squad) as in the big bad wolf in the fairy tale The Tree Little Pigs. That was apropos as The Three Little Pigs were sitting in front of
me in the courtroom, Nechemya and his two sisters. To counteract this playing down to the jury she kept dropping big words like indicia. The victim is just this little wisp of a girl and it took guts to stand up to these bullies. This girl comes from a good family and was an A student. Her rebellion was really minimal. In the closing arguments the ADA said it was a shame the victim had to experience her first sexual encounter with Nechemya who was characterized as a “fat old man.” He is a fat, disgusting piece of shit. No doubt Richman thinks blacks are “dumb schvatzers” and so she kept repeating the same thing over and over to make sure it was drummed into to the heads of the variegated jury. She was condescending to them and I hope they picked up on this. This woman is a feminist traitor. Feminist groups managed to get a law passed where the victim’s previous sexual history cannot be introduced as evidence during a rape trial. But this turd bag tried to get it in anyway. She claimed the victims charges were revenge for my cousin ratting her out to her parents about an affair she was having with her boyfriend that Nechemya convinced her father to videotape. Hey, an audio tape would have sufficed but Nechemya wanted to get his jollies off by making her father watch her giving her first boyfriend a BJ. But if the victim wanted revenge she could’ve gotten her boyfriend, Bori, who was a neighborhood watchman dude to get a couple of his friends together and kick the shit out that fat ugly pervert. She didn’t have to go to these extremes where the world would know what he did to her. A Jewish woman like Richman having to defend a molester of young Jewish girls should have nauseated her. What if it happened to her children? These lawyers know they are defending a guilty party as other complaints about the pervert with pais came in before and during the trial. They are in a better moral position defending mob guys. December 5th I came into the courthouse this morning a little late as someone had passed out on the train. I saw Farkass Jr. a former prosecutor turned high profile defense attorney haul his ass in and lift up a restraining ribbon on the first floor of the courthouse and duck under it. When the session started Farkas was nowhere to be seen. I heard people saying, “I hope is alright.” That sounded a little strange to me. So I told his father, Farkas Sr. that I saw him come in. He didn’t seem too happy to hear it from me. Where was this Junior? When he finally arrived in court he was making all kinds of jokes and asides during the testimony. He couldn’t remember if he was the defense or prosecution. Judge Ingram told him to cool it. If you ask an expert on drug use like myself he was high on coke, and that was why he was late. He stopped in the men’s room to snort a few lines. This father and son team are in the not just for the money although they would not do it pro bono. Daddy Farkas claims he was kicked out of numerous Yeshivas when
he was a kid, and that he feels no attachment to Judaism when he lays tzfillen. So he is doing this out a subconscious guilt complex for not completing Yeshiva and being a frum guy. This is the circuitous way he convinces God to let him into heaven. It was a big day. The first thing I saw was my cousin. He figured out who I was by this time, the last living direct descent of Moshe Weberman, the patriarch of the Weberman family who came over here in the late 1800’s from Satmar, Hungry. An angel of death summoned from the past to flick buggers at his wife and sister as I sat behind them as much as I could. My cousin gave me a look as if he wanted to kill me. He is good at those intimidating looks because he has a split personality. On the one hand he is Mr. Nice Guy helping Satmar’s find their way in life, a family man with 10 children and many grandchildren and on the other hand he is an embezzler and child rapist. The newspapers here reported that when my cousin went passed a conference room where the victim was he also gave her a threatening look. What’s he going to do? Send the modesty squad around and make me button up my blouse. Or zip my fly. The Modesty Squad (Vaad Ha’Tznuis) enforces the Satmar regulations regarding how women must dress and look and think. A member of the Vaad Squad would tell an individual or family that they faced embarrassment and serious loss of social status because of some infraction of the modesty code. The Vaad would then ask for payments of anywhere between $5,000 and $30,000 for “therapy” and other expenses. The vaad would select the “therapist” who might be a member of the vaad himself, like Weberman. Sometimes it was Yaakov Yagen, a “torah therapist,” who worked out of Weberman’s Classon Avenue office. Like Hollywood should make a remake of Dragnet and the Mod Squad based on the adventures of this group of masked men known as “The Vaad Squad.” The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. CLICK HERE My name’s Saturday, my partner’s name is Nechemya Weberman, we’re religious police. It was 1300 hours and a hot day in Williamsburg. My partner and I were exchanging jokes about goys when we were told to interview the owner of a chasidishe underwear store on Pitkin Avenue about some immodest contraband she was selling under-the-counter. We arrived at Victoria’s Besodik at 1330 hours and asked Victoria if my partner could try on some of her stockings to make sure they were thick enough. I told Victoria, we want the facts, nothing but the facts. Nechemya went into the dressing room and when he came out he was wearing a bra from Fredrick’s of Hollywood. “I found this in there when I was trying on the stockings. Looks like you are in deep dreck, Victoria.”
Oh yeah, the running joke in this case is that the Detective who took the victims complaint was unable to add two two digit numbers and said he could not do it because he was under pressure. He knew what was going on and he deliberately discredited himself. Nechemya Weberman is fucking weird; like I wrote a Jeckel and Hyde personality. Like he sees this young girl, maybe 7 years old and his dick gets hard and he falls in love with her. He becomes obsessed with her and is intent on making her his whore as in some 19th Century French novel. He moves in on her family and co-opts her dad Bernie. Bernie lends the child molesting piece of shit his car to let his daughter be molested in during a 12 hour molest fest Nechemya pulled off, and believe me he got pulled off numerous times during this ride. Fucking pervert! This guy is a con man and hustler. The fat fuck set up a charity to collect money for poor Satmar families. But guess what he kept the money for himself and went on a shopping spree at Victoria Secret. Now it has been intimated that my cousin used this nonprofit money to buy underwear at Victoria Secret for some girls he had crashing at his pad. I don’t think he was buying it for the crashers, I think he was buying it for himself. On the other hand it is unlikely he would do anything with a cross in it, like cross dressing. Returning to Bernard, the father of the victim, he is the biggest schameil in the whole sordid affair. The victim’s mother got suspicious when my cousin had arranged this 12 hour fuck fest disguised as a trip to the Catskill’s to sooth the victim’s nerves. If the fucking jury doesn’t catch on to this shit it is going to be a sad day in Brooklyn. The victim’s mother told Bernard that this violated Hilchos Yichud. This is some law King David drew up ages ago where men and women who aren’t related can’t be in a locked room together because his daughter was raped. But all this locked room stuff also has symbolic meaning as Nechemya is going to be in a locked room for 23 hours a day 7 days a week for decades. SATMAR HO’ BAILA GLUCK, 23 “NEVER ON A SHABBOS” But that is sad. The dude is just misunderstood. You see my cousin is really a hippy at heart, like myself, and ran a crash pad for young girls. Like totally cool man. He had at least three chicks crashing there. The hippy “Rabbi” and his “counterculture” attorneys brought in one of them, a Weberman related Satmar lady, a crasher at my man “Nechs” crib who testified that the lock on my cousin’s smaller office, backroom door was inoperative so he could not have turned it into a cubicle as in a Times Square whorehouse. This jive-assed Jewish bitch lied like a motherfucker. Real credible
witness; She said she had left home, hit the streets and found a boyfriend. Who was her boyfriend? 50 Cent? She was a-hookin’ and a-crookin’ if you ask me. Gluck said after she had no place to stay following troubles at home, “He offered (for me) to come live at his house [crash at his pad].” She added that during her time there, two other hot Satmar chicks occasionally camped out there. One of those girls has told authorities she caught Weberman and Gluck in a compromising position. That person refused to testify for fear of retribution, a source said. But Gluck, asked if one of the girls ever walked in and saw her sitting on Weberman’s lap while he had an erection, replied “No.” He got his kicks off Satmar chicks. This guy has ten kids, he is schup city. He should have opened up a sperm bank. But he had as much of a chance of getting head off his wife as the Pope turning Jewish. A survivor of Weberman’s rape wrote “I know for a fact that one of Weberman’s character witnesses were physically intimate with him, whether it was consensual or forced I can’t attest to, but she was certainly a minor at the time either way. The sad truth is that she is still under his grip, which trust me is way stronger than any of you can imagine, and therefore she will do anything to protect him. (Yes, including perjury).” DECEMBER 4 The trial is getting to be a family reunion. I sit in back of Nechemya Weberman and his two sisters who don’t wear wedding rings. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was doing them. The sisters, the Weberman wife and some other rag heads started cackling when one of Nechemya’s defense lawyers stated that there was no corroborating forensic evidence in this case, only the word of the victim. The reason for this was that the NYPD and the DA’s office never conducted a forensic investigation. This was because Nechemya’s bust went down before the New York Times article came out that exposed the fact that the DA Hynes was turning a lot of Haredi child molesting cases over to Beth Dins. Then I found out that the head of the Girls Yeshiva section of the United Talmudic Academy where the victim attended is married to a Weberman. Nechemya got a loan from the school of $71K which he has no intentions of paying back. He also managed to shake down the family of the victim by for $35K by giving a corrupt Rabbi in a Jewish Court a kickback and using his status as a Weberman. So add grifter to his list of crimes. And the dickhead is also a freaking moser, a snitch, an informer. The victim’s mother was questioned about some minor medicate fraud – the judge told her to shut up and the next day she took the fifth. Medical records are almost impossible to obtain and there is no way a judge would have signed an order to release these records as Medicare fraud had nothing to do with the case. These records had been given to Weberman after he wormed his way in to the victim’s family in order to ensnare his prey. NOVEMBER 29 I began attending his child rape trial on Thursday November 29, 2012. I arrived at the courthouse at 10AM only find the trial was to resume at 1PM due to a funeral that the judge had to attend. I had three hours to kill so I walked across the
Brooklyn Bridge to Chinatown and rescued three lobsters from the tank they were swimming in. When I arrived at the courthouse I was told I was not allowed to bring live lobsters into the courtroom. I split but being a garbologist I found a garbage can with little in it behind a car so I lifted up the bag and put the lobsters between it and the metal of the can. They would stay cold and not have to come into contact with garbage as I had to do in the courtroom. I sat down behind a group of devout women who came to support this little wisp of a girl who had the nerve to stand up to the most pathological group in the Jewish Community, short of Neturei Karta. The victim stood tough against cross examination by “its” attorney, George Farkas. Farkass was trying to prove that she made up the 88 incidents of rape because she was angry about a film of her having sex with her first boyfriend made Candid Camera style by Nechemya Weberman and Bernard, who was rumored to be a defense witness but this never came to pass. The victim would not give an inch and said she didn’t recall this and she didn’t recall that. Like I can identify with the victim having grown up in an Orthodox Jewish household and not digging it in the least. She wrote poetry and songs, I called myself “Boph the Poet.” She tried to run away from orthodox camp, so did I. The victim does not have the mentality of a Satmar in that she wants to think for herself. As a result she had problems at the United Talmudic Academy girl’s school which was partially founded by the Weberman family. Rabbi Ben Zion Feurewerger, Weberman's Cousin named after Ben Zion Weberman, runs the Satmar Girls School and Himself Gropes After Women. Feurer-werger swore under oath that the Vaad Squad was non-existent. After that anything he testified to had no credibility. The only reason he runs the school is because he won the longest pais contest three years in a row. They didn’t like the way she dressed or thought. The brainwashing was not working. She put down her feelings about her oppressors in poetry and songs which Farkas made a big deal out of as if it were a crime to do so. He also focused on her relationship with her first boyfriend, his arrest instigated by Weberman and her father, the video tape of her having sex with him, the fact that her present husband was her first boyfriends best friend, the restraining order, the fact she called her first boyfriend the love of her life, the whole sordid megellah. There was only one minor problem here. Nechemya Weberman had stuck his finger into her vagina when she was twelve years old and messed up her mind, maybe for life. How is she supposed to have a normal sex life? Then he comes along and gets her father to make this video so the father has to watch his daughter having sex because some dude is moving in on his thing.
What makes this pervert different from all other perverts? Jews believe Jews adhere to higher moral standards and it hard to believe that a religious man would do such a thing for fear of missing out on the afterlife. The Satmar believes that life really begins after you croak and your role on earth is to be a soldier of God and make many sacrifices in this life. What caused this? That side of the Weberman family comes from a really limited the gene pool and everybody is like related to everybody. Is it that my cousin is a genetic defective? All ten of his children seem like well-programmed Satbots. The victim testified that my cousin had his eye on her since she was a young girl. He manipulated her whole life but the plan backfired and now he will be locked down in a Special Housing Unit 23/7 that is if he is lucky and not placed in general population. He will be allowed to attend religious services, although a Jewish prisoner might shank him there. You see Nechemya will not do well in General Population as he has never been in general population even outside of prison! He has only associated with fellow cult members, and even that association became more rarified when he joined the Satmar Religious Secret Police Force, the Vaad Ha’tznius. Weberman would win the trust of the children and teens he was counseling. They would confess their sins to Father Weberman in Weberman’s version of a confession booth, a locked back room. Say one of them told him she had a cell phone although she knew that was against the rules. Weberman would get his posse who were wearing white sheets as masks and raid the child’s home in the middle of the night in order to remove the cell phone. And Weberman was one of these guys! Nechemya Weberman Grand Kleagle of Jewish version of the KKK. The D.A. said he was a power broker and used the information from his counseling sessions to advance his position in the Satmar community. There were many people that made me proud to be a Jew. Abigail, from who was covering the trial. This is an excellent website for more complete coverage of the proceeding. There is a wall of shame indicates that this sort of thing is much more widespread in the Orthodox community. Rabbi Rosenberg was there. This mensch stood up not only to the sicknesses in his community but to DA Charlie Hynes who looked the other way for many years. I call him the Victor Riesel of the Haredim. Riesel was a crusading labor columnist who was blinded by the mob. Rabbi Rosenberg was attacked by Meilech Schnitzler, 36, of Williamsburg (photo left). Rabbi Rosenberg suspects his father of being a pervert. Schnitzler was charged with felony assault, misdemeanor assault, menacing, criminal mischief and criminal possession of a weapon. Looks like they are
throwing the Five Books of Moses, and the Talmud, and the Gommorah, and the Shulchin Orach at him! The big question for me when I left the courthouse that day was, “Were my lobsters still there?” they were there and they looked happier than Nechemya’s cousin, Rabbi William Mordechai Weberman, at a Holocaust Denial Convention in Tehran. NOVEMBER 30 I put on my New York Department of Sanitation hoodie, as I was dealing with Weberman trash, and I took a seat directly in back of my cousin and his two mousey looking sisters. These synagogue mice (no way were they church mice) were conversing in Yiddish about trivial gossip. After they had a brief conversation with a journalist the female member of the defense team came over and warned all three not to talk to the press. My counselor from Camp Maple Lake, Avi Dershowitz, made a cameo appearance. I believe he was there to defend an orthodox Jew who was convicted as a child molester even though the witness against him said he was molested at a time when they were apart. The session started an hour late thanks to a tardy juror. Judge Ingram said, “This case is very important to the State of New York…” If Weberman gets off the hook people are going to accuse the District Attorney’s office of favoritism to the ultra-Orthodox Jewish cults who vote in blocks. It’s not going to look good for the Brooklyn Democratic Party that controls the courthouse. Also Judge Ingram has taken a fatherly interest in the defendant and he knows from years of experience that she is telling the truth. If there was ever an impartial judge it was him. The ADA handling this case, Kevin O’Donnell, is conversant with Jewish law and pointed out to the Jury that unrelated single men and women are not allowed to be alone in the same room together. Yichud (seclusion) Jewish Law prohibits men and women from being alone together in a secluded location unless they are married to each other or are close family members. This even applies to a patient being alone in a closed room with a physician. Same room together? The pervert had a freakin’ whorehouse in his backroom. He had a bolt lock on the office door so he wouldn’t be interrupted when he was raping one of his victims. The ADA talked about a car trip the victim and perpetrator took together and there was no objection from Farkas because it happened. And the family was billed $1500 for it. The victim was asked how she knew the Satmar community was trying to silence her. She responded, “They tried to bribe me.” Judge Ingram started to like flip out. He said “Strike this from the record” and instructed the jurors that there was nothing linking Weberman with any bribe attempt. But having something struck from the record is like putting toothpaste back in the tube. There was however, a bribe attempt on my cousin’s behalf. When asked her motivation in bringing
forth these charges she said she did not want to see what happened to her happen to anyone else again. Farkas had the nerve to ridicule this statement. Then Farkas asked about money that the victim’s family owed Weberman. They had been paying Weberman for the so-called counseling sessions! Basically he had co-opted this family and used them for his own perverse ends. The victim testified that he showed her pornography and then made her reenact the sex acts during their closed-door molestation sessions. I had to “copy what was in the porn,” the blond 17-year-old testified in Brooklyn Supreme Court. “I remember it happening a lot.” How did the Nechemya Weberman story end up on the front page of the Times hopefully insuring his conviction and life sentence? It was due to a confluence of events. The first was my cousin’s arrest. This came after the victim told a licensed mandated reporter that she had been traumatized and molested, who reported it to the police, and she was called in to file a complaint which she did. The second factor was that Yiddish posters announced that there was a benefit being thrown for an accused Brooklyn, New York child rapist by the Satmar Hasidic sect. This flipped people out. The third factor in Nechemya’s demise was a three part expose in the New York Times about how the Brooklyn D.A.’s office mishandled child rape claims in the Satmar community. The fourth was the bribe attempt. The fifth was the arrests of four men at the trial when the Satbots used their cell phones to photograph the victim then their plan was to plaster her picture all over Williamsburg and on the Internet. After this was discovered everyone had to surrender their cell phones and were searched. One of the moron’s who was arrested changed his name to Lemon Juice. Imbecile. He said he was going to name his kids Grapefruit and Orange. Farkas said he helped make the proceedings into a circus. The charges against one of the four, who came from a rich Satmar family, were dropped. A court officer opined it was similar to a gang trial involving the Crypts and the Bloods as far as witness intimidation went. “What you have done, apparently, is take the photos in the courtroom yesterday and today,” Ingram said. “You know about the law, you know about the Torah, you know about rabbinical courts — this is a civil court.” He added, “You might want to avail yourself of counsel. Never come into my courtroom ever again and bring a phone with you.” As stated when the maggots victim was composing herself in the conference room with her husband during a break in her testimony Weberman appeared outside the glass, said Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, a family friend of the victim. “He gave her an angry, threatening look and wouldn’t leave,” said Horowitz. “She jumped up and said, ‘Get out of here!’ When I came in, her hands were shaking.” Lawenforcement sources confirmed that the alleged intimidation was reported to the court.
“We can’t control any alleged complaints. I’ll only say that it’s pure, unadulterated bullshitt,” said Farkas. As stated he gave me the same look but it gave me a warm feeling. Sitting behind him in the courtroom I would have loved to take out a garrote and choke him to death but boy would I have gotten yelled at. BENEFIT FOR THE EMPIRE STATE KOSHER CHICKEN HAWK Who ever heard of a benefit for a serial child rapist? The Jew haters had a field day with this one. The surreal “Support Your Local Child Rapist” scene was described thusly: “On the street outside the Continental catering hall in Williamsburg, Weberman’s supporters filled the sidewalk, spilling onto the street to be pushed back by police. Inside the packed room men of all ages listened to their community elders speak out in support of a man they claim has been wrongly accused. Across the street, a group of around 100 advocates, abuse survivors and supporters of the victim had set up a counter-demonstration, carrying placards that read "protect victims, not abusers" and chanting "denial enables abuse." At the start of the evening, there was a brief clash and an arrest as one of the rally-goers crossed the street to confront protesters.” "People came out tonight to support the American ideal of innocent till proven guilty," said Yossi Gestetner, a Satmar Hasid who was appointed official press contact by the rally's organizers the day before the event when news of it reached the media. "Many people in the community are fed up that this whole case gets tried in the court of public opinion not the court of law. People feel under siege." Yossi Gestetner has nearly 3,800 followers on Twitter. There he expresses his conservatism and suggests that Bill Clinton bears some responsibility for 9/11 or that President Obama may not be an American-born citizen. Accordingly, Ed Cox (who incidentally grabbed me when I threw a tomato at his father-in-law, Richard Nixon), the New York State GOP chair considered the 27-year-old Gestetner to be a natural fit to bring Jewish voters out for the Republican Party when Cox appointed him to the post of New York State GOP Director of Jewish Outreach. An expose by The Jewish Channel put an end to this when it aired an interview between Gestetner and journalist Steven Weiss, in which Gestetner’s past work consulting for the group True Torah Jews Against Zionism was revealed. Meir Weberman, Nechemya’s great uncle is the head of this front group for Neturei Karta in which
Meir’s son, Mordechai Weberman is a leader. This is a case of interlocking directorates. When confronted in the interview, Gestetner equivocated often about his previous work as well as his personal views on Zionism and Israel, never endorsing the idea of a Jewish State: “I’m an American, I live in the United States, and I hope to see that people who live in Israel, such as I have immediate family, that they are safe and sound.” The interview also touched on accusations that Gestetner advocated on behalf of alleged criminals and child abusers in the Hasidic community. On Gestetner’s blog, one can find a vigorous (and baffling) defense of the decision by the family of Leiby Kletzky—the eight-year-old Hasidic boy whose murder made headlines across the country last summer—to rely on a local Jewish civilian patrol (shomrim) to investigate the boy’s disappearance instead of immediately calling the New York Police Department. Less than 30 minutes after GOP State Chairman Ed Cox found out about the investigation of his new appointee, Gestetner had resigned.
The next nail in his coffin (bad metaphor Jews are not allowed to be buried with metal) came after a Satmar operative was arrested for allegedly offering a $500,000 bribe to Weberman’s victim to get her to drop charges against him. Abraham Rubin 48, of Williamsburg offered the hush money to the victim using her boyfriend as a cut out. Prosecutors charged Rubin with bribery, witness tampering and coercion. They said that he had been recorded offering the accuser’s boyfriend the money, and he suggested that the young couple could flee to Israel to avoid testifying. So she would have to leave the United States, leave her family and be further victimized in return for a lot of money? And where was this money coming from? Did they raise half a million dollars at the benefit for Weberman? Or was the money part of the payment the Neturei Karta received from Iran in return for attending the Iranian Nazis Holocaust Denial Conference. Shortly after that conference Mordechai Weberman was spotted driving a brand new SUV. Rubin also offered to provide them with a lawyer who could help them avoid cooperating with prosecutors. Rubin told him that Weberman and the community as a whole would be better off if she took the bribe and the case went away. Abraham Rubin, 48, was indicted on charges including four counts of Bribing a Witness, two counts of Tampering with a Witness in the Fourth Degree and one count of Coercion in the Second Degree. If convicted, Rubin faces up to seven years in prison. I met a friend of Rubin who told me that the feeling in the Satmar community was that he was entrapped. This is what transpired before the bribery bust - D.A. Hynes was aware that allegations had been made in blogs that deal with the Haredi world by the victims’ boyfriend, Borie, that he had been offered half a million dollars to make this whole thing go away and when he refused his Kashrut certificate was revoked. Deutsch reported that “Rabbi Shmuel Berger a notable kashrut endorser in Williamsburg, has revoked my kashrut certificate from my restaurant Old Williamsburg Cafe at 45 Lee Ave in retaliation for my role in the Weberman affair.” Prosecutors charged three brothers, Jacob, Joseph and Hertzka Berger with coercion, saying they threatened and then removed the kosher certification of a restaurant run by the accuser’s boyfriend. The brothers are sons of Shmuel Berger who issues kosher certifications to stores. The defendants warned him they would rip down the sign on his store if his girlfriend did not go along with their plan. One afternoon, in fact, they allegedly tore down the sign to show they meant business. The Glatt Kosher Nostra? Joseph, Jacob and Hertzka Berger have been charged with Coercion in the Second Degree. Joseph Berger was also charged with Aggravated Harassment in the Second Degree. Jacob Berger has been additionally charged with Criminal Mischief in the Third Degree. If convicted, Joseph and Hertzka Berger each face a year in jail while Jacob Berger faces up to four years in prison.
None-the-less arresting these men in a pre-dawn raid was overkill. They should have been allowed to self-surrender as they have never been accused of a violent crime. Jews are civilized; we are The People of the Book. When I grew up in Brooklyn in the 1950’s we ran all the books. THE MECHITZA IS AS HIGH AS AN ELEPHANTS EYE (from Satmar song, Oh What A Beautiful Shabbos “Oh what a beautiful shabbos, oiy what a beautiful day, I got a wonderful feeling the Moshiach is coming my way.”) One of the reasons I think Weberman is guilty is because no one can ever adequately answer the question “Why have an old fat Orthodox man counseling young Orthodox girls?” It makes no sense. There is strict separation of the sexes in the ultra-Orthodox Satmar community. Men and women sit in different parts of the synagogue separated by a wall known as a mechitza. In the Satmar shuls the mechitza’s are the same height as the Israeli Security Wall. Men dance with men at weddings which put the caterer’s liquor license at risk in the 1950’s. Satmar men cover their wives body with a sheet when they have intercourse with her. Like Abraham Rubin’s use of Borie, they use cut outs. To illustrate how far-reaching this separation is the Satmars issued an edict forbidding men and women’s clothes to be washed together. If I was issuing edicts I would insist men’s and woman’s garbage should also be separated. How did Weberman get away with it for so long? How did Jerry Sandusky get away with it for so long? He intimidated his victims like some Mafia gangster threatening them with everything and anything if they told anyone what transpired when they were left alone with the fat pervert Weberman. Parents didn’t suspect him because part of his cover entailed being part of a circle of Satmar zealots who preached stricter standards of sexual modesty. As stated part of Weberman’s cover was that he was a member of “Vaad Ha’tznius,” roughly translated as “modesty patrol,” a group that confronts members of the Hasidic community when they act “immorally” so he could do no wrong. THE NY TIMES EXPOSE: THINGS LOOK DIFFERENT IN HYNES SIGHT The New York Times expose of the way Brooklyn D.A. Hynes treated sex crimes within the Satmar community hit my cousin like a ton of Sidurim. The Times reported that in return for their votes the Satmar were allowed to hear complaints of child rape at a Beth Din. Jewish child rapists seemed to have gotten better deals than others. It was a big flap. My cousin asked for a change of venue to Kiryat Joel but did not get it. But that’s the way the Shmira Matzo crumbles. You destroy people’s lives your life gets destroyed. And my cousin is not going to do easy time. He is a child molester and a
Jew, which is two strikes against him – the third – his case got a lot of publicity. Three strikes and you are dead kosher meat. He better ask for protective custody. THE APPEAL The convicted sex offender fat pervert's lawyers are going to appeal the verdict. Good luck. Judge Ingram gave him a fair trial which is more than I would have done. I intend to get the appellate transcripts and post them on The DA's office had an appeals expert there so the pig with pais doesn't have a chance. The pervert’s posse took out a two-page spread in the Williamsburg-based Satmar community’s largest newspaper in an effort to raise $1 million for an appeal. “The entire community is sitting on that defendant’s bench God forbid,” reads the two-page spread in the Der Yid newspaper. “In the coming weeks we must come up with a million dollars to be able to continue pursue the case to rescue the ‘scapegoat’ Nechemya.” Sources close to the case say the unnamed group hopes to hire famed criminal defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who helped get O. J. Simpson acquitted of murder. Dershowitz represented me or at least he was my counselor at Camp Maple Lake, in Livingston Manor, New York in the mid-1950's. He was at YU at the time and known as Avi. Avi has experience defending Jewish perverts. He has a case pending in the same Criminal Court as Weberman regarding a chaside whose initial conviction he helped overturn. He also defended a Jewish hedge fund CEO and Democratic Party contributor who was another child rapist who operated out of Miami. Defending child rapists and Israel doesn't really do Israel that much good. It would be in everyone's interest if he did not take the Weberman Appeal. Here's a translation of an ad, which ran in the Satmar rag D'var Yom Beyomo, made by the source who emailed it to a website called Failed Messiah. As the beginning of the grand '$1 million dollar' campaign to help save the 'korban tzibur' [the community's sacrifice or atonement] HaRav HaChasid Rabbi Nechemya Tzvi ben Dinah [Weberman], God should lengthen his life and years, we must by the coming week raise the sum of $125,000 dollars to be able to go ahead with the legal process and hire the best advocates [attorneys], therefore we must quickly gather 500 donations of $250 dollars to be able to raise the needed sum of $125,000 until end of next week. Volunteers: We must quickly gather 100 volunteers that can [each] bring 5 people who will donate, if you are able to help, please make connections now with the askanim [activists].Contributors: those who can immediately give the minimum donation of $250 dollars for the campaign should call us now, everyone's help is important and every day counts. Contact the askanim [activists] now at Tel: 347.470.1303 Email: Address: 169 Classon Ave #205 Brooklyn NY 11205 The Mitzvah of Pidyon Shvuyim (Hebrew: פדיון שבויים, literally: Redemption of Captives) is to bring about the release of any Jew held captive by gentiles including Bernard Madoff. The goyim gave him 150 years when all he did was help some fellow Jews disgorge themselves of their assets. DEBASED AND LOWLY ELEMENTS We are now faced with the trial of the important askan R' Nechemiah Tzvi ben Dinah Weberman about whom the debased and lowly elements from the fringe of society have made false claims and slandered. Therefore the teachers have been requested to pray for him together with the young students and implore Gd every day he should go free. Therefore people should have this in mind when they answer "Amen Yehe Shmei Rabbah" which is a segula to annul bad decrees against a person. In addition Chapter 20 of Tehilim should be said and then the name that G-d should help and that the slanderers should have no hope and Nechemia Tzvi ben Dina Weberman should be freed from all actions AMEN. Be fully aware that if this type of low and disgusting slander succeeds in this case then every single person is in danger of being a victim. We have no other strength then our mouth for use as gifts and prayer. Our enemies will bow and fall but we will rise and be upright. [The only thing upright about Nechemya is his dick]. EARLIER DEVELOPMENTS This chain of events started when my cousin, an unlicensed bogus psycho-therapist was accused by a girl that he counseled of having sex with her while she was between the ages of 12 to 15. One of his charges reads: ORAL ANAL SEXUAL CONDUCT which means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the anus, or the mouth and the vulva or vagina. As stated Weberman's defense attorney was George Farkas, a Mafia attorney. One of Farkas’s clients was Frank (Frankie Steel) Pontillo who was arrested in 1991 during the bloody Colombo family war for a plot to murder members of a rival faction by disguising himself as a Hasidic Jew. Farkas claimed in early news reports that a year before the other allegations emerged the girl - still underage - had an older boyfriend. Her father concerned that the
pair had embarked on a sexual relationship, secretly videotaped them alone and the boyfriend was brought before a judge. Farkas says that although Weberman advised against the scheme, the girl blames him and wants revenge. “She is being manipulated,” Farkas says, by "nefarious, vicious people out to bring Weberman down. He would die before he would molest anyone,” said Farkas, calling the charges “horrendous. They are disgusting. And they’re despicable. Not just — it’s absolutely awful. But what I will tell you is that this man will die before he’s branded a child molester,” Farkas said. Farkas added that Weberman “has a very high standing in the community and has helped troubled families in the past.” Then he blamed the victim, saying that the family that brought the charges was “dysfunctional.” The problem here, however, is that as reported many others have made allegations against my cousin. On July 18, 2012 Farkas stated, "There is a motive of revenge," when asking to introduce the sex tape evidence at trial. "I haven't seen the video, but I heard it's very explicit," a source said. Prosecutors acknowledged the tape was shown to them and that the case against the boyfriend was eventually dropped. They note that Weberman accompanied the father to the district attorney's office in 2010 to make an allegation of statutory rape. But they argued the decision of the alleged victim, now 17, to accuse Weberman of molesting her at age 12 came after she heard that he molested others. "We would strongly oppose to bringing in the complainant's other sexual activities," said prosecutor Anthea Bruffee, citing the stringent rape shield law, which generally precludes evidence on victims' sexual conduct. "You have a high hurdle to leap over," Justice John Ingram told Fark-ass. The judge will ruled in late August he would not make an exception to the shield law and allow the jury to hear about the sex tape. He also issued a decision on prosecutors' requests to bring other witnesses who claimed Weberman abused them even though no other charges have been filed against him - and to introduce a Hasidic cultural expert as a witness. There were no other witnesses who said they were abused by Weberman and no Hasidic expert testified. Farkas asked that the video tape be shown in open court. This would dissuade the complainant from testifying. Read more about this in The New York Post. A leaked version of events: A father was convinced his 16-year-old daughter was having a relationship with a 17-year-old boy, so the father set up a hidden camera in the house. What he recorded shocked him — what he saw the daughter doing to please the young man. They are Orthodox Jews, in Brooklyn. The father had already taken the daughter to seek counseling with Rabbi Nechemya Weberman in years past. Just as he had taken her older sister. It is a common practice in the community for a respected person to be a
counselor, or serve as a therapist because he is not a mandated reporter. Weberman is affiliated, police said, with Brooklyn’s United Talmudic Academy, a yeshiva. Now, the father went to the Brooklyn DA’s office with the tape, and Rabbi Weberman. The Brooklyn DA’s office set up special channels of communication to bridge cultural gaps that might be beneficial to both sides. However, the more that investigators talked to the parties involved — especially when they spoke with them separately — the more that there were questions which indicated something was not right. Around Feb. 16, 2011 the girl told a counselor at school that the rabbi has been raping her for years. The counselor reported it, and when the investigators talked to her again, she claimed there were at least 16 incidents at 263 Classon Avenue, in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn, which serves as Weberman’s home and office. It is where the counseling sessions took place. The girl told investigators it began in 2007, when she was 12; and continued through 2010. Detectives assembled sufficient preliminary evidence to start a case; and arrested Weberman on Wednesday February 25, 2011. He was brought to Brooklyn Criminal Court that night, and told he was being charged with rape, endangering the welfare of a child, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct against a child, and engaging in a criminal sexual act. This appeared in frum women’s blog and tells the story in detail: In great pain we feel the need to publicize a terrible situation that occurred in our own community with the hope that something can be done to heal a terrible wound and prevent future tragedies from occurring. The victim was a bright 12 years old in the sixth grade in a Chassidic Yeshiva school for girls. During class she would ask many theological questions, some which the teachers were incapable of responding to. The teacher turned to the principal for guidance and answers to the questions. The principal summoned her to his office and berated her for asking such questions calling her an apikorus (heretic). He demanded that she see a counselor in order to stay in the school. With great personal sacrifice, the parents invested tremendous time and money in therapy with Nechemya Weberman. Each session lasted a minimum of three hours at a cost of $150 an hour. At one point they were required to pay $7,000 in advance to the principal, to guarantee that she remain in therapy. Unfortunately they trusted both the school and Mr. Weberman. When they did have questions or concerns, they were intimidated and threatened. At one point Mr.
Weberman took her alone on a 12 hour trip upstate – when the mother asked about hilchos yichud he responded in great anger. Rather than calming her, he threatened to stop treatment if she wouldn’t apologize in writing. Finally, after two years of embarrassment and pain at school, the victim was switched to another school. The new school assigned her to a therapist. Throughout the sessions the therapist discovered what had occurred with Mr. Weberman over the past few years. The law in NY State requires that a therapist report any abuse that happens to a child whether or not the parents agree. Thus it was a shock when the parents of the victim were called down to the police station and informed of what happened. Those unfamiliar with how the DA’s office works blamed the parents for the charges and publicity, yet they themselves had no control over the process. Initially the parents did not believe the story and the police refused to allow the girl back home. For three weeks the girl was placed in another home. With time and investigation it became clear that the painful stories were true. Numerous other victims have come forward to share their stories as well. The victim’s family wanted to keep the story quiet in order to preserve the dignity of the Weberman family, yet the Weberman’s in trying to deny the charges has made this public and widespread. The defendant, who is an aggressor according to Jewish law, an aggressor, is now playing the role of a victim. As religious people, the victim’s family would like to handle this according to the Torah. They have informed the Rabbis and advocates that they are ready and willing to go to any Rabbinical Court to uncover the truth and follow their guidance. As a community, we hope you can share in their pain and do what needs to be done to keep our kehilla safe. THE SATMAR: A STUDY IN PATHOLOGICAL JUDAISM
The Satmar cult is pathological in that it wants to destroy itself. The Satmar are the Jews with the fur trimmed hats and long frock coats. One reason they dress the way they do has nothing to do with the Bible, Talmud, Shulchan Aruch or any other holy book. When the Satmar were in Hungry the nobility there provided them with some degree of protection against the blood thirsty, Jew hating, peasantry so a few chasidum emulated their dress. The other reason is they want to separate themselves from everyone else. Satmar have created their own ghettos. They should be locked in at night, as they did in the ghettos of Europe. They hate the Christian world who they consider the worshipers of a dangerous heretic but if you are Jewish they will visit you in hospitals and in prisons. Unlike the Chabad they have no formal outreach programs. Although the Satmars practice the religion of Biblical times a lot of their thinking is based on the Talmud, rather than the Old Testament. The orthodox believe the Talmud was given to Moses in Biblical times despite the fact that it deals with situations in much later times. It is often called the “the oral” law. So we are talking about Diaspora religious philosophy that includes such diverse commandments such as don’t return to Israel in masse until the Messiah leads you back or at least pays for your ticket on El-Al Business Class. Satmar believe there is a covenant with God not to conquer Israel until the Messiah finally shows up so Israel is an abomination and must vanish before the Moshioch will come. This coincides with the Satmar beliefs that the Nazis were messengers of God whose role was to punish Jews for being Zionists. Everything is bashert with them, the Yiddish word for “destined” so those men, women and children killed in the Holocaust were destined by God to die because of the Zionists. They inbreed and are subject to genetic disease and a stagnant genetic pool. They rarely amount to more than a hill of hummus in American society but they do know how to make money and run big retail operations selling electronic equipment or issuing hekshers – a certificate that food is Glatt Kosher. They do this for FAIRWAY MARKETS 2 in New York City. Because they maintain major religious differences with Sephardic Jews they are some of the Whitest, most racist Jews in the world. It is this European Christian genetic heritage that causes them to make Judaism into a Messianic religion like Christianity. Satmar is my genetic heritage on my father’s side and Nechemya Weberman is my first cousin twice removed. Soon he will be removed from Riker’s Island (the Rock) to a prison in upstate New York so he will be three times removed.
THE SATMAR REBBE - A VILE, TWISTED MAN In 1928 Joel Teitelbaum was a Rabbi at Satu Mare, Hungry who was never all there mentally. Satu Mare means Saint Mary in Hungarian so he is really the Saint Mary Rabbi. As a child he suffered from an obsessive compulsion to wash his hands over and over again. Later on in life he would become obsessed with woman’s stockings. Something tells me his first sexual experience involved a woman’s legs and he became sexual fixated on them in an unhealthy way. Rabbi Joel hated the Zionists with a passion. The Bnei Akiva Zionist youth group was shut down by the government before the time when the antiJewish laws were passed in Hungary, and the halutz who ran it was deported. Those anti-Jewish laws, meant to mimic the Nuremberg Laws, were passed in 1938. The closing of Bnei Akiva would have taken place in 1936 or 1937. A survivor whose mother was friendly with a police officer asked him why Bnei Akiva had been closed by the government when no other Jewish organization had been targeted. The police officer told her that the Satmar Rebbe, Joel Teitelbaum, had bribed the prefect (governor) to have the halutz deported and Bnei Akiva shut down. Teitelbaum was a very wealthy man at the time. Anna Porter, in her book, Kasztner's Train, has this to say about the "Grand" rabbi of Satmar: "A Zionist activist went to the Satmar Rebbe to warn him and his followers that the Nazi deportation trains would be taking them to their death, not to a 'relocation site.' The Satmar Rebbe threatened this man with with excommunication and ordered him to be silent. He did not want his followers panicked." The Satmar Rebbe never told the Jews of Satmar where those trains were headed. The Jews of Satmar went like sheep to slaughter. The Satmar Rebbe, on the other hand, went into hiding. The Satmar roots trace back to a dark time in Jewish history when Rudolph Kastner (photo left) convinced Hungarian Jewry to go quietly to their deaths in return for saving the lives of what he claimed was a cross section of Hungarian Jews however there was a disproportionate number of his friends and family on the train. The Nazis loved Rudolph and wished there were more Jews around like him, a Zionist who worked with the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee in Budapest who had signed a secret pact with Adolf Eichmann to “settle the Jewish question” in Hungary. The pact sealed the fate of 800,000 Jews. The agreement entailed the saving of sixteen hundred Jews on the condition that silence was maintained about the fate of Hungarian Jewry. According to Israeli historian Yehuda Bauer, the train was stopped at the Hungarian-Austrian border, where it could head west, or east to Auschwitz. The passengers started panicking; he writes that Joel Teitelbaum and his party sent off messages asking people to save them, and only them.
Eichmann decided, for reasons that remain unclear, to divert the train to the BergenBelsen concentration camp in northwest Germany, near Hannover.[22] Rabbi Joel eventually was allowed into Switzerland (see photo below) and from there to Palestine.
Kastner has chosen Rabbi Joel to be part of this "Kastner Train" and Rabbi Joel was allowed to go to Palestine. Kastner was tried in Israel for his actions in the course of a libel suit. In its verdict, the court acquitted Kastner accuser Malkiel Grunwald of libel and concluded that Kasztner "sold his soul to the German Satan." The highly partisan Israeli Supreme Court overturned the ruling but some righteous Jewish nationalists blew this Nazi collaborator away on a Tel Aviv street around 1957. Kastner’s daughter Zsuzsi, a hospital nurse in Tel Aviv, reported that her father called Rabbi Joel to testify in his favor in court, and the Rebbe refused, saying, “Kastner did not save me. G-d saved me.” NETUREI KARTA OR GUARDIANS OF THE WALL Another one of my cousins is William Mordechai Weberman, who calls himself a “True Torah Jew” but who relies more on the Talmud than the Torah or Old Testament.
Willie’s uncle, Nechemya Weberman, is also a self-hating anti-Zionist Jew with ties to an organization dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel known as Neturei Karta or Guardians of the Wall. Just as Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) spawned the Weather Underground, the Satmar spawned Neturei Karta’s United States branch. The only walls these Guardians should be guarding are on the inside of mental institutions as they want to destroy Israel to hasten the coming of the Messiah. As a member of the Weberman family I know for a fact that Nechemya is tied in politically with Rabbi William Mordechai Weberman. My father was Ezra Weberman. His father was Herman Weberman, the son of Moishe Weberman born 1852 in Satmar, Hungry who was the brother of Ben Zion Weberman, who is the father of Meir Weberman. Nechemya Weberman is Meir Weberman great nephew and William Mordechai Weberman is Meir Weberman’s son. My cousin Nechemya davens (prays) at a Neturei Karta “Malachim” shul run by my cousin Rabbi Mordechai Weberman and his father Meir Weberman. Although he denies it when he speaks with other members of my family, Mordechai met with the Iranian Hitler Ahmadinejad and with members of the British National Front. HISTORY OF THE WEBERMAN FAMILY NECHEMYA DESCENDS FROM A LONG LINE OF SELF HATING, ISRAEL-HATING ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS The reason that my cousin had such widespread support was because he is a Weberman, and the Weberman family founded the Satmar Sect in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. As stated Nechemya Weberman is the nephew of Rabbi Meir (Myron) Weberman who heads the Hasidic group, The Malachim (the angels). This splinter group was involved in kidnapping Lubavitchka rabbinical scholars and cutting off their beards and pais. Meir’s son Mordechai Weberman (above at a Zionism Equals Racism demonstration in Dafur) is also a Malach and was one of the maggots who went to Teheran’s holocaust revisionist conference at the invitation of Iranian President Mahhmoud Ahmadinejad. Nechemya approved of his cousin’s travels despite the fact the Satmar and the Edah Hacharedis condemned them. Mordechai is a leader of Neturei Karta a small group of psychopaths determined to help anyone who will destroy Israel and its inhabitants. Nechemya and Mordechai want to see Israel destroyed by a nuclear Iran because they believe it will hasten the coming of the Messiah. These maggots want to see another Holocaust. Their Israeli branch desecrated a monument to the Holocaust with slogans like “The Zionists wanted the Holocaust!”; “If Hitler hadn’t existed, the Zionists would have invented him”; and
“Persecuting Jews! You declared war on Hitler in the name of the Jewish people. You brought about the Shoah!” One of the messages was signed: “World ultra-Orthodox Jewry.” Thirty-one-year-old Elhanan Estrovich, a haredi resident of Bnei Brak, was arraigned for defacing Yad Vashem, Israel’s national Holocaust memorial and museum, with anti-Zionist and pro-Nazi slogans and for similarly defacing national war memorials in Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley, including Ammunition Hill. Estrovich is one of four haredi suspects from Jerusalem, Ashdod and Bnei Brak who were arrested for those crimes. All are members of Neturei Karta. At least one of the four underwent a psychological evaluation after the arrests. A lot of Neturei ^These so called “True Torah Jews” deny that six million Jews were systematically murdered during the Nazi Holocaust or that gas chambers existed. Here is what the vermin say: Firstly, the facts. There is no doubt what so ever, that during World War 2 there developed a terrible and catastrophic policy and action of genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany against the Jewish People, confirmed by innumerable eye witness survivors and fully documented again and again. I personally was spared the worst effects of the War because I was living in England which thankfully was not occupied by Nazi Germany. However, I and many many others lost countless friends and relatives who perished under the Nazi rule by intentional murder and genocide. Three million Jews in Poland, more than half a million in Hungary, many tens or hundreds of thousands in Russia, Slovakia, France, Belgium, Holland and more. The figure of six million is regularly quoted. One may wish to dispute this actual figure, but the crime was just as dreadful whether the millions (and there were millions) of victims numbered six million, five million or four million. The method of murder is also irrelevant, whether it was by gas chamber (and there were eye witnesses to this), firing squads or whatever. The evil was the same. It would be a terrible affront to the memory of those who perished to belittle the guilt of the crime in any way. MOSHE WEBERMAN
Meir, Mordechai, Nechemya and Alan Jules Weberman (A. J. Weberman) descend from the family patriarch, Moshe Weberman. Moshe Weberman was the son of a Chasidic Rabbi of Tisa Lik, Szatmar (Satmar) Hungary who immigrated to the United States in 1885. Moshe was an ordained practitioner of ritual circumcision. Moshe was also a practitioner of the ancient Jewish procedure of metzitzah b’peh, in which an adult male, usually the circumciser, places his mouth directly on the wound created by the removal of the infant’s foreskin to suck away the blood. Aside from being into fellatio he was also a practitioner of ritual animal slaughter, a Kosher Butcher. Finally he was proprietor of a kosher deli and delicatessen factory on Rivington Street in the Lower East Side. Moshe Weberman was a generous man when it came to helping other Jews. If a Jew could not afford to cater a Bar Mitzvah or Bris, my great grandfather gave them kosher food for free. He rewarded those who wore their tzitzis "out" with free products. He seemed like a nice guy but was opposed to any form of secular education, fearing a negative influence on religious observances. Moshe Weberman’s son, Ben Zion Weberman, was born in the Lower East Side in 1896. Despite the fact that Moshe Weberman opposed secular education Ben Zion Weberman was privately tutored. Following the completion of his high school diploma, he studied at City College, NYU, and Fordham Law School. At Fordham, he was allowed to make up exams scheduled for Jewish holidays. His father did not support Ben Zion's law studies. To show his objection to his son's law studies, Moshe Weberman did not speak to his son for three months. Moshe was a full of kosher phony baloney.
In 1917, while in law school, Ben Zion Weberman became involved in the establishment of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, located in Williamsburgh. The yeshiva was founded by Ben Zion's brother-in-law, Binyomin Wilhelm (b. 1886). Several yeshivas had already existed in the Lower East Side; this, however, was the first yeshiva in Brooklyn. Moshe Weberman (Wilhelm's father-in-law) was opposed to the effort, which was to incorporate secular studies. "A yeshiva should be all holy," he averred. Moshe wanted to be sure every Jewish kid sent to Yeshiva could not escape to the secular world. The founding of the yeshiva was successful, however, opening with a festive procession. Ben Zion Weberman spent the rest of his life bringing the hatred of Zionism to orthodox Jews. He was an activist in the Williamsburg branch of Young Israel and as stated a founder of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Bais Yaacov Seminary for Girls. He left each of these institutions (Young Israel in the 1920s; the other institutions in the 30s) following heated disputes over religious principles and practice as nobody was religious enough for Ben Zion Weberman, as we shall see - not even the Satmar Rebbe. President of the Williamsburg branch of Young Israel in 1925, he left the organization because of their refusal to abandon mixed dancing (between men and women, which he viewed as counter to the Torah). He left Bais Yaacov school for girls, which he founded, because of the introduction of Torah studies, which he considered as not being in accordance with Orthodox tradition (limiting Torah study to males only). He opposed ALL secular studies other than reading, writing, and arithmetic, which he deemed necessary and unobjectionable. Questioned about his own secular education, Ben Zion Weberman responded: I'm like Yisro (Jethro). Yisro says “Now I know.” The Talmud explains, “He tried out all the idol worship in the world and now he knows what's right” Ben Zion was a hypocrite like his father. At the same time that Moshe Weberman immigrated to New York Yaakov Horowitz left Hungary and settled in New York. Yaakov Horowitz, together with his four sons and his son-in-law, Yitzhak Margareten, established what became the world-famous Horowitz-Margareten Matzoh Bakers. Ben Zion Weberman married Yittel (Julia) Horowitz in 1920. Their youngest son is Rabbi Pinchas Aaron Weberman, who is now the Chaplin for the ATF, and a Zionist. His sons own a catering business in the Weberman tradition that has been hurt by the sex scandal. Ben Zion Weberman graduated from law school in 1921 and opened a practice on the Lower East Side. His clientele were members of the Jewish community in the Lower East Side, Williamsburg, and the Torah Vodaas yeshiva community crowd. Soon Ben Zion Weberman moved to Williamsburg, and joined his brother-in-law Binyomin Wilhelm. He
continued working on the executive committee of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, becoming the director of secular education. Up until the late 1930s, when Ben Zion Weberman moved away from Williamsburg (to the Bronx and later to Crown Heights), he devoted most of his time and energy to the yeshiva. Ben Zion's views that the other Jews weren’t frum (religious) enough and critiques of the way they choose to practice Judaism rankled the New York Orthodox Jewish community, itself in an emergent stage prior to the Second World War. Opposition from within the Orthodox community led to social ostracism, decline of his law practice, and according to one account, death threats. Ben Zion never lifted a finger to fight the Nazis as pathological Jews like him believed the Nazis were servants of God carrying out his will. Opposing the existence of the State of Israel left the Jews at the mercy of Nazis, Islamists and other Jew killers and was tantamount to suicide. Many of the twisted ideas advocated by Ben Zion Weberman became widely accepted following the postwar influx from East Europe and the post-1960 Orthodox shift to the "right", but he never regained the socially prominent position he had held in the 1920s and early 30s. SATMAR PRECURSORS: THE MALACHIM In the 1920s, a meshugana Rabbi with delusions of grandeur arrived in New York by the name of Rabbi Chaim Avraham Ber Hacohen Levine (d. 1938). An immigrant from Ilya, White Russia, Levine was known as the Malach (“Angel”). The Malach established himself as Rabbi of a synagogue in the Bronx. In White Russia, the Malach had been a follower of the Zemach Zedek and the appointed tutor for the latter's grandson, Yosef Yitzchok (he became sixth Lubavicher Rabbi, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn). However, the Malach left this duty, reportedly because of dissatisfaction over his pupil's interest in secular works. In the aftermath of this parting, the Malach was expelled from Chabad. The Malach attracted a small following in the Bronx, coming to him from the Lower East Side, Williamsburg, and more distant locations, seeking learning and spiritual advice. Moshe, Ben Zion and Ben Zion's sons Meir Weberman (seen on the left) and Judah Weberman became followers of the Malach and soon formed the Malachim - the precursor to the Israel-hating Neturei Karta. The Malach was an impressive mystical figure: Rabbi Mendelowitz of Torah Vodaas, although a believer in secular education (unlike the Malach) encouraged groups of his yeshiva students to visit the Malach, along with other European Jewish luminaries who visited or came to
reside in New York City. Ben Zion's son Meir Weberman recalls the Malach as a person with enormous charisma. Meir Weberman recounted, Grandfather Moshe Weberman told my father, "I’ve found someone who must be seen.” That was the Malach. Everyone began going to him. Especially we young boys. We began changing our way of life. I recall one time as a small boy, I said to my father, "Tell the rabbi to bless me." He took me between his holy knees, placed his hands on my head, and blessed me. Our outlook on life changed drastically, but imperceptibly. I wouldn't say day after day; I'd month after month. After a period of six months I'd look back and wouldn't recognize myself. The truth of the matter is that we used to go once a week until Mendlowitz (who wore pais and tstis) stopped the thing, every Tuesday. The Malach taught us how to pray, how to pour forth the heart to the Holy One. His conversations led us to understand that the purpose of the world was only by praying properly, by performing the laws the way they should we would reach our eventual goal. He did tell us which books to learn: Likutei Torah, Derekh Mizvoseha. I asked him once why to some he tells one way, with others differently. He told us, "In a stable, every horse has its own training." He told me one time, "I can tell by your appearance if you have studied today or not.” My father told me he felt he was a ha’ara (ray) of Mashiach Zidkenu (Messiah). The people at that time accused Rabbi Levine of farkishefen (ensorcelling - bewitching) the young men. And they were right, but not in the sense they meant it. We changed totally. There was substance there. It was like food and drink. You can have someone explain a difficult Maimonides, help me out with that, but that doesn't mean he's my Rabbi. We had decided at the time as a group that we would cleave to Rabbi Levine, that we would accept no other person as a Rabbi. That's what we decided. The closest example I can give you is Ben Kalba Savua, who went in hungry as a dog, and came out satiated. His way of service was totally different from people we knew at the time. One time, during a weekday, he stood shmone esrei (the standing prayer) for two hours. The followers of the Malach were not numerous (less than a hundred, including several converts); the movement, however, is of negative historical significance, being the very first known instance of an anti-Zionist Chassidic movement developing on American soil. The sick branch of the Weberman family, Nechemya Weberman, followers of the
Malach, the Weberman children, and grandchildren still gather on 3 times a day and on Sabbaths and Jewish holidays at the Nesivos Olum Synagogue in Brooklyn (the Malachim Shul), currently led by Ben Zion's son Rabbi Meir Weberman. But cousin Meyer is ill (he has been described as a vegetable) and so he has William Mordechai Weberman, a Nazi collaborator, running the shul where Jews pray for the destruction of Israel. Billy Weberman (AKA Billy the Yid as that is what Satmar’s call each other; Yids) is not an ordained Rabbi – he is a self-ordained Rabbi without simichas - he is as much of a Rabbi as I am an Eskimo. By the 1930s a rift had developed between the Malach and Rabbi Mendelowitz. A group of Torah Vodaas students, including Meir and Judah Weberman (encouraged by their father, and then in their early teens), had been strongly influenced by the Malach. They began to change their dress, growing long sidelocks, and wearing their talis katan (ritual fringed garment) on top of their shirts, and displaying the tsitsis (fringes) outside of their garments. This was normal and expected practice among many Orthodox Jews in East Europe and Russia, but not at that period in New York. The Webermans were instrumental in convincing Jews to wear the clothing of Polish nobility as they did in the ghettos of Poland as a tribute to the nobility that protected them from the bloodthirsty Polish peasants. Rabbi Mendelowitz was concerned that the Old World dress would alienate the majority of students and school supporters. He had been hoping to create a New World version of Orthodoxy which blended Torah and worldly ways, in accordance with the teaching of Rabbi Hirsh of Germany. Encouraged by the Malach, who now saw Mendelowitz as having dangerous, heretical views, a group of Torah Vodaas students began to openly defy their principal. Faced with a potential rebellion, Rabbi Mendelowitz began seeking external support. Mendelowitz drafted letters of inquiry to the greatest of the European Rabbis, dealing with the variety of topics under dispute between his New World Orthodoxy and the Malach's followers' attempt to reinstitute Old World Orthodoxy. This included such questions as whether, in a non-Jewish environment, the talis katan and tsitsis should be worn openly or "modestly"; if secular studies are appropriately taught within a yeshiva; and if students could be punished for adopting religious practices that were "excessive", and "arrogant". In 1936, having received support for his views from at least some of the respondents, Rabbi Mendelowitz decided to have a group of fanatical students with a ghetto mentality expelled from the yeshiva, including Ben Zion's two sons, Meir and Judah Weberman.[29] Family members recall an epic confrontation between Mendelowitz and Ben Zion Weberman. Ben Zion had confronted Rebbe Mendelowitz, asking him how he could oppose the boys way of dress when he wore pais (side locks)
and a long beard himself. Pinchas Aaron, who was five years old at the time, tells the story as follows: We had a two story apartment. We three little ones were supposed to be sleeping, but there was a lot of noise coming from downstairs. So I sneaked down the staircase and peeked into the living room. I saw Rabbi Mendelovich standing up and my father and him yelling at each other. I saw Mendelovich getting a hold of his beard, [saying] "Here, you can have my beard!" The impression is very clear in my mind. For Ben Zion Weberman, one of the founders of the yeshiva, the expulsion of his children was a painful blow, personally and socially. His neighbors began to alienate him. His close relatives encouraged his wife to divorce him, and his daughter to leave her father. His clients deserted him and his legal practice foundered. There were reportedly death threats. For a time, he thought of taking up another occupation, or migrating to Palestine, but the Malach dissuaded him from doing so. His view that the Nazis were instruments of God also didn’t endear him to the Jewish community. In 1940 Ben Zion Weberman moved to the Bronx, along with his family, hoping to rebuild his business and community life. His sons, then well into their teens, lived at the Malachim yeshiva in Williamsburg, attempting to hold their own against Torah Vodaas and its supporters. While Ben Zion Weberman was a follower of the Malach and supported his sons in their acceptance of the Malach as their rabbi, Ben Zion Weberman dressed in a short, double-breasted jacket and "derby". He did not wear long sidelocks; he shaved his beard, and wore a small goatee. He immersed himself in the Talmud, rising at 2 AM prior to his law practice. He did not study Chabad. Despite this anomaly Ben Zion Weberman was intensely religious and did not hesitate to criticize Jewish individuals and organizations, members and rabbis alike, when he considered them to be mistaken--in either ideology or morals, and was often at odds with other members of the Orthodox Jewish community in New York. He pointed to the Biblical example of Pinchas, who took the lives of adulterers by his own hand, encouraging his progeny to be zealots in God's service. The fiercest rhetoric was reserved for Zionism. Because of his objections to Zionism, Ben Zion Weberman never visited Israel. BEN ZION WEBERMAN BRINGS JOEL TEITELBAUM, THE SATMAR REBBE, FROM ISRAEL TO BROOKLYN AND THE SATMAR SECT IN AMERICA BEGINS
Nechemya Weberman was the driver for Aron and Zalman Teitelbaum’s late father Grand Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum the son of Joel Teitelbaum, the first Satmar Rebbe. In 1947 Ben-Zion Weberman was the immigration attorney who did the paperwork to bring Rabbi Teitelbaum to America. Teitelbaum settled in Brooklyn, New York and in 1953 became rabbi of the Neturei Karta community in Jerusalem although he remained in New York and only visited Israel every few years. Later his ties with the Neturei Karta weakened but his book Vayoel Moshe is still extensively quoted: Everyone ignores the fact that it has been these Zionist groups that have attracted the Jewish people and have violated the Oath against establishing a Jewish entity before the arrival of the Messiah. It is because of the Zionists that six million Jews were killed. The fact is that this is the bitter punishment stipulated in the Talmud that results in the payment of a spiritual and physical debt from the Jewish People...if we place all the immodesty and promiscuity of the generation and the many sins of the world on one side of the scale, and the Zionist state on the other side of the scale by itself, it would outweigh them all. Zionism is the greatest form of spiritual impurity in the entire world. They are polluting the entire world. They have polluted the Jewish people with their heresy, Heaven help us. It is no surprise why God's anger comes down from heaven. It is necessary to repent and escape from them more than from a lion who is chasing a person to kill him. It has been explained that before the coming of the Messiah this regime will come to an end, as Messiah cannot come any other way, since the Zionist state holds up the redemption of the world. We need God's mercies that divine intervention should bring about the end of the state. May God have mercy on us all. For a time, Ben Zion and Joel maintained good relations, but a disagreement soon ensued. The Satmar Rabbi agreed to give a talk at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, at the invitation of Rabbi Mendelowitz. Ben Zion Weberman considered Mendelowitz to be a maskil (a follower of the Enlightenment), and castigated the Satmar Rabbi for
accepting the invitation. A loud argument reportedly ensued in the rabbi's office, and Ben Zion Weberman was asked to leave. The deaths of the Malach (1938) and Mendelowitz (1948) passed with little notice, except by their close cult followers. Following the war, there was a noticeable ideological shift away from the assimilationist Hirshian views; and toward an exclusionist Orthodoxy derivative and characteristic of the ghettos of East Europe. Chassidic dynasties and Lithuanian yeshivas were transplanted to the U.S., and began to undergo a period of vigorous growth, particularly in New York. Ben Zion Weberman moved yet again in 1950, this time to Crown Heights, following his daughter and son-in-law. By this time, Chassidic rabbis had become well established throughout Brooklyn, and Torah Vodaas was no longer the only, or even the most important yeshiva. The masses of new Jewish immigrants knew nothing of the expulsion of the boys from Torah Vodaas, and Ben Zion Weberman was able to gradually rebuild neighborly and family relations. He rebuilt his law practice, but he never became rich. Much of his law fees were given away as charity, or as loans that were never repaid. I will give him this much; he was a spiritualist, not a materialist. Ben Zion Weberman kept up his self-hating ways well into his later years, deeply critical of Zionism, even after some form of the movement had been embraced the Orthodox Jewish community (as in the case of the Agudah, which back faced from its earlier position opposing Zionism). He championed the right of the Malachim yeshiva, headed by his son Meir Weberman, to engage in purely religious education, and to exclude secular education altogether. The battle was waged up to the State Supreme Court level. The case was lost (1952), but the yeshiva has not compromised its stance of keeping Jews ignorant. This divorce and court case helped drive my cousin William Mordechai Weberman over the edge. When I met him at my Grandfather Herman Weberman’s place at 474 Brooklyn Avenue and I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up he replied “A gangster.” But Mordechai out did any gangster when it came to killing as he aids and abets those who want to commit genocide against the Jews. As for Ben Zion – he wouldn’t eat at my Bar Mitzvah because it was not kosher enough for him. The case (that Rabbi Willy denies exists and that he claims I made up) that helped turn Mordechai into a self-hating, Jew hating, mental case can be found in the appendix of this document. Ben Zion Weberman lived long enough to see the widespread contagion of many of the Satmar ideas he had espoused a half century prior. Black fur trimmed hats, long black coats, hair covering by women, arranged marriages, abandonment of mixed dancing, the adoption of various humras (strict observances), advanced Torah study, rejection of higher education, religious separatism, and opposition to Zionism had now become increasingly common among self-hating Satmar Jews.[39]
As stated they spawned the American branch of Neturei Karta, a group that supported the massacre of Jews and others in Mumbai. The Satmar has throughout many years driven a campaign in Yemen with the purpose of persuading Yemeni, Sephardic Jews to immigrate to the United States, and not Israel. When they arrive in the community of Monroe, New York, their children are taken away from them and put in custody of the Satmar and must give up their Sephardic ways. They have no love of Jews other than other Satmar. Their spokesman is Rabbi Mayer Schiller, who is aligned with numerous Nazis and Neo-Nazis. Now everyone realizes how off the wall they are after they had a benefit for a child molester. The poster that they put out advertising the benefit has anti-Israeli overtones as rockets are being fired into Israel by its enemies. THE ZIONIST SIDE OF THE WEBERMAN FAMILY
All praise to Allah my parents were not Satmar and were pro-Israel and sent me there in 1959. I was the president of the local chapter a liberal Zionist group, Young Judea. There are many Webermans living in Israel and my cousin Pinchus Weberman is a pro-Israel Rabbi in Miami. 3 My grandfather, Herman Weberman, was a SpanishAmerican war veteran. He was married to Lena Weberman and had two sons, Danny “Dudy” Weberman, Ezra Weberman, my father, and a daughter Blossom Weberman, who died of cancer when I was six. Blossom never got married and lived at home with Herman and Lena until her tragic death. She was good people and turned me on to the song, Old Man River. Danny Weberman fought in World War I and World War II. He was the original Sad Sack in the movies, was the star of the TV Series for Doctor Posner’s Shoes (he never invited me to the studio to sit with the rest of the kids because it involved travelling on the Sabbath) he produced a mystery series on NBC entitled Ellery Queen and also produced the NBC-TV version of the Macy’s thanksgiving day parade. He gave me a swastika armband covered with blood. He had killed a Nazi. This guy was a fucking mench but he never got married because the women he introduced to his parents were not religious enough for them. He slept on a cot in my grandparent’s dining room. My father spent at lot of time at his parents’ house which upset my mother. My father hated my maternal grandmother and grandfather because
they were not religious enough and would not associate with them. This was a sick freakin’ family. Of course Grandpa Herman hated me because I could not read Hebrew and had skinny arms. He abused me for this, made me cry, but I lived through it, it retrospect I might have deserved it. Herman got all upset when men and women were first allowed to swim together in Jerusalem in the late 1950’s but he never visited Israel so what was it his business? The Webermans often have a holier than thou mentality and was dysfunctional and definitely exhibited pathology but the Neturei Karta side of the Weberman family are lowest scum on earth as they collaborate with the Nazis and Islamist terrorists to kill Jews. You can say the messy divorce, the court case, turned Mordechai Weberman into a mental basket case but there is also a component of evil there. Other members of Neturei Karta have histories of mental disorders and acted out evil scenarios. One member tied his mother up and tortured her for several days. When confronted with this other NK members didn’t not deny that it happened but said it was a luchen hora – a sin because Jews are not suppose to degrade other Jews. How did Neturi Krackpot come about? A HISTORY OF NETURI KRACKPOT In 1937 Rabbis Amram Blau and Aharon Katzenelbogen, Hungarian Jews who had moved to Jerusalem to study Torah founded Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta, which means Guardians of the City (Jerusalem) in Aramaic, started out as an umbrella group of Torah scholars living in Safat who moved to Meah Shearim in the Old City because of natural disasters and Muslim attacks. In order to survive in a hostile environment, Neturei Karta members transformed itself into a group of fervently Orthodox Jews who opposed Zionism ostensibly on theological grounds. Neturei Karta cites this passage from the Bible to justify its belief that Israel should not exist: It will be that when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse that I have presented to you, then you will reflect upon it among all the nations where HaShem your God has scattered you. And you will return to HaShem your God and you will obey His voice according to everything I have commanded you today, you and your children with all your heart and with all your soul. And HaShem your God will bring back your remnants and have mercy on you, and He will gather you in from all the peoples to which HaShem your God has scattered you. If your dispersed will be at the ends of the heavens from there HaShem your God will gather you and from there He will take you. And HaShem your God will bring you to the land your fathers inhabited and you shall inhabit it, and He will be good to you and you will increase even more than your fathers. HaShem your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your
offspring to love HaShem your God with all your heart and with all your soul that you may live. HaShem your God will place these curses upon your enemies and upon your haters who pursued you. And you will return and listen to the voice of HaShem and you will do all His commandments which I have commanded you today. (Deuteronomy 30) What this means to me is that the God of the Jews will gather up every Hebrew exile from the most remote corners of the earth and bring them to the land of Israel. Nowhere does this passage forbid the establishment of the Zionist state, but it is a promise to every exile to bring them back to the “Promised Land.” But the Neturei Karta theologians’ exegesis proved most expedient, as it made them much less of a threat to the Muslim population and insured their safety to a point. Ironically, the founders of Neturei Karta were descendants of the students of the Vilna Gaon, the Lithuanian antiHaredi 4 (Those Who Fear God” – the ultra-Orthodox Jews who have beards, sidecurls, and special dress) who regarded Hassidism as heresy. In accordance with the Vilna Gaon's wishes, three groups of his disciples and their families, numbering over 500, immigrated to Palestine between 1808 and 1812. This immigration is considered to be the beginning of the modern settlement of Israel. Neturei Karta also cites the Talmud (Tractate Kesubos 111a or Ketuvot 111a) which teaches that that god foreswore Jews with three oaths – One: that Jews are not to go up en mass to the Land of Israel. Two: that Jews are forbidden to take up arms against any nation. Three: we should not attempt to bring about the redemption before its proper time. In order to better understand these Jews I had its scholar’s translate the Tractate, (1) The Jewish people must not ascend from the nations of the Exile to the Land of Israel, forcibly, en masse; (2) The Jewish people must not rebel against the nations of the Exile; and (3) The nations of the Exile must not overly persecute the Jewish people (111a). However, in a messianic reference to the future ingathering of the Jewish people to, and the resurrection of a sovereign Jewish nation-state in, the Land of Palestine, the Midrash (a method of exegesis) of a Biblical text warns that if the gentile nations should overly persecute the Jewish people in violation of the Three Oaths, then "they cause the End of Days to come prematurely." (Shir HaShirim Rabba, 2: [7]1) For some, the
Holocaust, the murder of at least six million Jews, might qualify as “over persecution” but not for these Jews. As stated many of Neturei Karta leaders have evidenced bizarre behavior, as one must have a degree of mental illness to advocate what is ultimately one’s own extermination. When Rabbi Amram Blau urged Orthodox females to commit suicide rather than accept conscription in the IDF some began to wonder about his sanity. Ruth Ben David who was born in Calais, France, of Catholic parents brought Rabbi Blau’s psychosis in the public eye. Ruth was an actress who married during the war and had a son, then got divorced and entered the French Resistance. In 1951 she and her son converted to Judaism. After her son went to study in Israel she secretly visited Hebron, which was part of Jordan, a daring journey for a Jew at that time. In 1961 it was arranged that Ruth Ben David would marry the Rabbi Amram Blau. By this time he was 65 years old, was widowed and had ten children, the majority already married and she was 45. Why did he choose her for a bride? In the 1950s, during one of the anti-Israeli demonstrations, Blau suffered a blow to his testicles that rendered him sterile. There is a biblical commandment that forbids a man with permanent damage to his genitals to marry a daughter of Israel, but marriage to a convert is permissible. During a very long period, many obstacles prevented this marriage: such a union, with one of the leaders of the Hasidic community, was indeed startling for the Jews of Meah Shearim who did not swallow the broken testicles story. A beautiful French convert to Judaism who had been an actress and a resistance fighter against the Nazis marrying a decrepit old Jew? Blau's two grown sons opposed the match. They argued that such a marriage - to a foreigner who was also an actress - was inappropriate for a public figure. The couple was married in 1964. They endured stonings and were forced to take refuge in the city of B’nai Berak for a year until tempers cooled. Ruth Blau continued to act as her own independent wing of Neturei Karta even after her husband died in 1974. If Zionism is the greatest sin on earth because it is preventing the return on the Messiah than the Jewish illegitimate State of Israel must be wiped off the map. But some Jews must be saved, namely the non-Zionists. Neturei Karta believes it has immunity from jihadi attacks. This was generally the case however residents of Meah Shearim were saved in March 2001 from a huge explosion from a bomb planted in a parked car that was dismantled before it could explode. This was the fourth such incident in two months. The first bomb was neutralized on Shivtei Yisroel Street, the second on Shomrei Emunim Street. The third bomb, placed in a car in the Beis Yisroel neighborhood, actually exploded, but there were no casualties. Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hirsch explained, That was Hamas. I called up then Hamas political leader Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi after it happened. He said it was a terrible sin, a mistake. He said that he didn't mean to do this to the Jews. We have contact with Hamas.
Although lately, there doesn't seem to be anybody in charge! If I had been alive at the time, I would have gone to Hitler. He got enraged when the Zionist leaders called for a boycott of him…This boycott hurt Germany like a fly attacking an elephant – but it brought calamity upon the Jews of Europe. At a time when America and England were at peace with the mad-dog Hitler, the Zionist ‘statesmen’ forsook the only plausible method of political amenability; and with their boycott incensed the leader of Germany to a frenzy. He banged on the table and said, 'I'll show those Jews!' What if we had tried to appease him, instead? The Neturei Karta run paid advertisements in Nazi publications denouncing Zionism in the belief that if the Nazis come to power again they will be spared. I first came across their ads in the New York Times then in the Nazi rag Spotlight. I couldn’t believe my eyes – Jews placing an ad in a Nazi newspaper. After her husband died Ruth Blau cultivated a friendship with the Ayatollah Khomeni. When four rabbis from Neturei Karta visited Iran in the late 1980’s some of them said that the thirteen Jews on trial there for espionage had been duped by the Zionist entity, which tantamount to saying that they were guilty. Rabbi Yisrael Weiss, the head of the delegation, told Yusef Hamadani-Cohen, the leader of Iran’s 30,000-strong Jewish community, the thirteen suspects had been “tricked” by the Zionist entity into collecting sensitive information on Iran. “Zionism is separate from the Jewish faith, and whoever becomes involved in Zionism ends up the loser,” Rabbi Weiss said. Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Moshe Hirsch stated. "We say Iran is an autonomous state; why shouldn't they be a nuclear power? Why is it permissible for France and not for them?" Hirsch was born in New York’s Lower East Side but has lived in Israel for most of his sixty years calls himself a Jewish Palestinian and writes Palestine as his country of residence. He was designated a cabinet minister and Yassir Arafat’s advisor on Jewish affairs when Arafat arrived in the West Bank city of Jericho in 1994 after Arafat signed interim peace accords with Israel. Hirsch, now in his seventies, wears a glass eye, blue like his good one. About ten years ago, a Kahanist attacked him after he left morning prayers. Rabbi Cohn was asked about an upcoming Holocaust Revisionist Conference that was being planned by the Government of Iran, “I don't find it offensive at all. If people want to debate the details of the Holocaust, they're welcome to. We happen to know. We were involved.” In December 2006 the Iranian Government held the conference in Tehran.
In the Matter of the Application of Rose Auster, Petitioner, for a Writ of Habeas Corpus to Determine the Custody of William M. Weberman, an Infant. Myron Weberman, Respondent [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL] Supreme Court of New York, Special Term, Kings County 198 Misc. 1055; 100 N.Y.S.2d 60; 1950 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 2078 September 27, 1950 SUBSEQUENT HISTORY: [***1] Order Affirmed February 5, 1951; See 102 N.Y.S.2d 418 PRIOR HISTORY: Habeas corpus proceeding.
HEADNOTES: Constitutional law -- freedom of religion -- (1) in proceeding by mother to acquire custody of boy from father, it appears that boy is being educated in parochial school whose curriculum does not comply with Education Law; regulation of curriculum of parochial school by Legislature constitutional -- (2) if father does not comply with Education Law by sending boy to school teaching curriculum required by Education Law, custody of boy should be awarded to mother -- (3) court will not pass upon wearing by child of long hair and of certain apparel, which are religious matters.
1. In a habeas corpus proceeding by a mother seeking custody of her son, who is of the age of seven and a half years and presently in the custody of the father, it appears that the son is being educated in a parochial school whose curriculum does not comply with the Education Law. The curriculum of a parochial school may properly be regulated by the Legislature of the State for the common good and the Legislature may provide that certain studies plainly essential to good citizenship must be taught. Such laws are [***2] constitutional. 2. If the father wishes to retain custody of his son he must comply with the State Education Law (ยง 3204, subds. 2, 3; ยง 3205) and provide a systematic secular education in the eleven basic subjects required by section 3204 and if he is not sent to a school which teaches the subjects required by such law, the custody of the boy should be given to the mother. 3. The court will not pass upon the wearing by the child of long hair or the matter of his wearing apparel which are religious matters. COUNSEL: George M. Aronwald for petitioner. Benjamin Ben Zion Weberman for respondent. JUDGES: Murphy, J. OPINION BY: MURPHY OPINION: [*1055] [**61] There are some judicial determinations which so closely touch the hearts and minds of those affected that they assume extraordinary significance. Of such is this decision, for it deals
with delicate, sensitive and vital matters, arising out of the care and education of a boy who is the product of a broken home. The facts are these: The petitioner is the mother of William Mordecai Weberman, now just over seven and a half years old. She seeks his custody in this habeas corpus proceeding. Her former husband is the respondent, as he [***3] now has custody of the boy. The petitioner mother and the respondent father were [*1056] divorced in 1947, and by an agreement entered into at that time the custody of a younger child, their daughter Barbara, was given to the mother, and that of the aforesaid boy to the father. Both the mother and the father have since remarried. In March of this year this court awarded custody of the daughter to the mother, but this action has little or no bearing on the instant proceeding. The petitioner mother here seeks custody of her son on the following grounds: 1. That the boy is now enrolled by his father in a Yeshiva (a Jewish parochial school) which is not approved by the Board of Regents of the State of New York or the board of education of the city of New York; 2. That the aforesaid Yeshiva is being maintained in violation of article 17 of the State Education Law and does not include in its curriculum subjects required by said law in article 65; 3. That both the petitioner and the respondent husband are liable to prosecution because of their failure to enroll their son in a school or Yeshiva complying with said State Education Law; 4. That since October, 1949, the father has [***4] refused the mother all rights of visitation and that the father wrongfully restrains and detains the boy from seeing his mother and his sister Barbara; 5. That as a result of such alleged detention by the father the son does not have the companionship of other children, which a normal child should have; 6. That the father insists upon the enrollment of the subject son in the aforesaid school because it is almost entirely devoted to the teaching of religion and that he is fearful that said infant, if permitted to be in the custody of his mother, would be brought up as an agnostic or a nonbeliever;
[**62] 7. That the said infant is clothed by the father in a manner different from that of normal American Orthodox Jewish children and that he wears his hair long (Payas) and is therefore subject to ridicule on the part of other children; and 8. That the father is fanatical in his religious beliefs and insists upon bringing up the said infant in the same fashion. On the basis of the foregoing charges the mother seeks an order of this court giving her custody of the son. The father's answer substantially denies all of the mother's aforesaid allegations. Three separate hearings were [***5] held by the court in this matter, 316 pages of testimony were taken from nine witnesses, including the petitioner and the respondent, two Rabbis and two officials [*1057] of the city's board of education. Several exhibits were introduced into evidence by each party. Because of the nature of this proceeding and the delicate questions involved the court purposely allowed a wide latitude to both sides in their presentations. The most vital charge made by the mother is that which states that the boy is not receiving the education required by the New York State Education Law. That law requires that "each minor from seven to sixteen years of age shall attend upon full time day instruction" (Education Law, art. 65, ยง 3205, subd. 1). The subject boy does not come within any of the exceptions of the aforesaid requirement. The State Education Law also provides that the course of study shall provide for instruction "in at least the eleven common school branches of arithmetic, reading, spelling, writing, the English language, geography, United States history, civics, hygiene, physical training and the history of New York State" (Education Law, art. 65, ยง 3204, subd. 3). Subdivision [***6] 5 of the aforesaid section was added by the Legislature of 1950 (L. 1950, ch. 135) and provides that a pupil may be excused from the study of health and hygiene by the Board of Regents if such study conflicts with the religion of his parents or guardian. Section 3204 of the State Education Law also provides that a minor may attend a public school or elsewhere but that the requirements of the section, as quoted above, shall apply to such a minor irrespective of the place of instruction. The section also provides that instruction may be given only by a competent teacher and that English shall be the
language of instruction and the text books used shall be written in English. Subdivision 2 of said section provides: "Instruction given to a minor elsewhere than at a public school shall be at least substantially equivalent to the instruction given to minors of like age and attainments at the public schools of the city or district where the minor resides." Counsel for the respondent, who, incidentally, is respondent's father, conceded at the first hearing that of the eleven basic subjects required to be taught to minors by the State Education Law, only arithmetic is [**63] taught [***7] at the Yeshiva or school which the subject boy attends. Arithmetic is taught to him only as he learns it from the study of his religious subjects. That means that the lad has no systematic education in reading, spelling, writing, the English language, geography, United States history, civics, hygiene, physical training and the history of the State of New York. [*1058] The respondent claims that the Yeshiva which the boy attends is a religious institution, that it does not come within the purview of the State Education Law or the regulations of the board of education of the city of New York; that the court has not the right to require the boy to receive systematic secular education as that is forbidden by the laws of the Jewish Orthodox religion. In this regard the father invokes the provisions of the Constitution of the United States which secures to every citizen of this country the right of religious worship and the freedom to follow the dictates of his conscience in religious matters. As to this constitutional question raised by the respondent father, the court feels that the great weight of authority is to the effect that the State has the power to legislate for the common [***8] good. In Pierce v. Society of Sisters (268 U.S. 510, 69 L. Ed. 1070, 45 S. Ct. 571) the court considered an Oregon law which provided that all children must go to public schools and held that this interfered with the fundamental freedom of parents in selecting the type of schools in which their children should be educated. At page 534 the court stated: "No question is raised concerning the power of the State reasonably to regulate all schools, to inspect, supervise and examine them, their teachers and pupils; to require that all children of proper age attend some school, that teachers shall be of good moral character and patriotic disposition, that certain studies plainly essential to good citizenship must be taught, and that nothing be taught which is manifestly inimical to the public welfare." (Italics added.) See, also, on this constitutional question People v. Sandstrom (279 N. Y. 523, 18
N.E.2d 840); De Lease v. Nolan (185 App. Div. 82, 172 N.Y.S. 552); and People ex rel. Vollmar v. Stanley (81 Col. 276, 255 P. 610). It appears to be the plain duty of this court to enforce the provisions of the State Education Law. This law was enacted to [***9] protect and to strengthen the youth of our State, to insure the adequate preparation of our children for useful and productive lives, and to set up standards of education which the Legislature, in its wisdom, determined to be the minimum for each minor from seven to sixteen years of age. When this law was enacted, and from time to time since when it was amended, the Legislature of our State was composed of members with various religious backgrounds; some were Orthodox Jews, some were Catholics, some were Protestants. Surely, they intentionally would enact no law [**64] which would require a child to receive instruction that would be offensive to his religious belief or the religious belief of his parents; nor would this court condone such a practice were it attempted, for we all personally and collectively [*1059] cherish the right to practice our respective religions according to the dictates of our consciences and according to our religious teachings. I do not believe that it is my duty to determine in this case whether or not the Orthodox Jewish law prohibits systematic secular education. Both the petitioner mother and the respondent father are Orthodox Jews, loyal [***10] to their faith and its precepts, as they understand them to be. But they disagree on this matter, the mother contending that the Orthodox Jewish law does not forbid systematic secular education; the father claiming that it does. The mother produced two Rabbis as witnesses, both of whom maintained that the Orthodox Jewish law does not forbid systematic secular education. The father, on the other hand, introduced into evidence quotations from profound Jewish theologians which, he contends, prove unequivocally that systematic secular education is prohibited by Orthodox Jewish law. This phase of the matter, however, is an ecclesiastical question which rightfully belongs to an ecclesiastical tribunal. In fact, the court respectfully suggested that the parties submit this question to a Rabbinical committee, composed of one Rabbi selected by the petitioner, one by the respondent, and one by the court, all to be Rabbis in the Orthodox Jewish faith. The proposal was rejected by the respondent, which, of course, was his civil-law right. Parenthetically, it might be said that both parties to this proceeding state that in the eyes
of Orthodox Jewish law it is sinful to have a matter of [***11] this kind placed before a civil court. If, in its wisdom, a Rabbinical committee were to decide that systematic secular education is forbidden by Orthodox Jewish law, then a presentation of such findings could be made to the State Legislature, which, in turn, would undoubtedly give the matter serious consideration in all its aspects. In fact the aforesaid 1950 amendment to the law with respect to the teaching of health and hygiene was passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor at the instance of the Christian Science Church. This court, however, must interpret and enforce the law as it finds the law to be. Hence I reach the conclusion that the boy, William Mordecai Weberman, must be sent to a school where he will have the education in the subjects required by the State Education Law. There are Yeshivas here in Brooklyn, according to the testimony, which are conducted according to the tenets of Orthodox Jewish law and which Yeshivas also comply with the requirements of the State Education [*1060] Law and the rules and regulations of the Board of Education of the City of New York. In fact, the respondent's father was at one time an active officer of such a Yeshiva. [***12] [**65] The testimony of the officials of the board of education of the city of New York, including that of Herman Rosenthal, Esq., as well as the reports of Archie H. Greenberg, acting division supervisor, and Abraham Silverman, the attendance officer, regarding the Yeshiva which the boy attends, leads the court to no other conclusion than that it is not conducted as required by the State Education Law, however sincere its religious training may be. My decision, therefore, is that if the respondent father wishes to retain custody of his son he must comply with the State Education Law and provide for the boy the systematic secular education in the eleven basic subjects required by said law. If this decision is not complied with within two weeks after the signing of the order to be entered hereon, the custody of the boy will be given to the mother. Meanwhile present visitation arrangements of the boy with his mother shall be continued until modified. The court will not pass upon the wearing by the child of Payas or long hair, or the matter of his wearing apparel. That is a matter which should be decided by a Rabbinical committee. The court in all sincerity asks both the mother [***13] and the father to relieve him of this perplexing
burden as it is delicate and theological in nature, and rightly belongs in the realm of the theologians of the Orthodox Jewish faith. Regarding the other allegations of the mother, they would seem to require no determination because they will be resolved in the process of fulfilling the decision reached above. This case went all the way up to the Supreme Court. November 26, 1951 WEBERMAN v. AUSTER AND DONNER ET AL v.NEW YORK ON THE COMPLAINT OF SILVERMAN. Appeals from the Court of Appeals of New York. Reported below: Per Curiam: The appeals are dismissed for the want of a substantial federal question. MR. JUSTICE BLACK and MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS are of the opinion probable jurisdiction should be noted.
REFERENCES – A lot of the history of the Weberman family was written by Moshe Rapaport, and cut, pasted and edited by me. His piece was "Ben Zion Weberman (1896-1968): Life and Legacy of an Orthodox Jewish Attorney in New York City during the Interwar Period and Beyond University of Hawaii. Here are the references he used in his paper:
[1] Nathan Glazer, American Judaism, Chicago and London, 1937; rev. ed. 1972. [2] Jenna Weissman Joeslit, New York's Jewish Jews: the Orthodox community in the interwar years. Indiana University Press, 1990 [3] Jeffrey S. Gurock, American Jewish Orthodoxy in historical perspective, Ktav Publishing House, 1996. Older overviews include David Singer, Voices of Orthodoxy.
Commentary 58:1, 1974, 54-60; and Jacob Katz, Orthodoxy in historical perspective. Studies in Contemporary Jewry, 1986, 3-17. [4] Judah Weberman [5] Among other sources, see Orthodoxy: triumphalism on the right, in The fragmenting world of organized Judaism, 115-136; and Haym Soloveitchik, Rupture and reconstruction: the transformation of contemporary Orthodoxy. Tradition 28(4), 64-132. [6] Brief sketches of the Malachim are provided by G. Sobel, The M'lochim, MA Thesis, New School for Social Research, 1952; and Mintz, Hasidic peoples, 1995. [7] Ben Zion Weberman [8] Meir Weberman [9] M. Samsonowitz. The founding of Torah Vodaas--Rab Binyomin Wilhelm, Torah pioneer in the early twentieth century. Yated Ne'eman 12 Aug. 1999, 34-40. See also A. Sorsky, Shlucha d'rachmana; and DasYidischer Vort, Tishrei, 1982, 35-37. A handwritten diary in Yiddish by Binyomin Wilhelm circulates among his descendents, portions of which are apparently highly sensitive, but has not yet been translated or published. [10] Studies of Prewar Jewish Williamsburgh are lacking. For subsequent depictions, see Gershon Kranzler, The Jewish community of Williamsburgh, PhD dissertation, Columbia University. [11] Binyomin Wilhelm had recently moved to Williamsburg, and needed a yeshiva for the education of his children [12] Samsonwitz, 36 [13] See photo in Samsonowitz, 37 [14] Their children included Meir (b. 1921), Judah (b. 1923), Mirelle (b. 1927), Moshe (b. 1929), and Pinchas Aaron (b. 1931). [15] Having left in order to avoid the military draft [16] Respective authors of the Arugat Habosem, Beer Shmuel, and Shevet Sofer [17] That is to say, the integration of Torah, secular studies, and professional work. [18] Samsonowitz, 39 [19] So-named to differentiate it from the elementary level yeshiva
[20] Samsonowitz, 39-40 [21] An epithet granted to saintly people in White Russia. According to one account, he supported himself in White Russia with a small shop, and averted his eyes downward any time a woman entered the store. See Likutim shonim hanogea bezmanenu misefer Ozer Igros Kodesh, Nizuzei Or, 2(1), 1998, 30-31, footnote 3. [22] To escape the draft, as with Mendelowitz and Wilhelm [23] At the time, America was perceived as (religiously) a land of "darkness" by Orthodox communities in Europe and Russia [24] Third Lubavicher Rabbi, and leader of the Chabad Chassidic school. [25] Quinn maintains that he was "thrown out" of Lubavich; other accounts suggest he left voluntarily [26] He had previously taken groups to study with Rabbi Israel Jacobson, but grew concerned over his growing influence over the students. Israel Jacobson, Zikaron Livnei Yisrael, 192. [27] According to Jacobson (193), another dispute reportedly revolved around the propriety of using Talmudic texts printed by non-religious Jews [28] Aharon Sorsky, 1993. Shlucha d'rachmana, 172-189, discusses this correspondence in some detail, including facsimiles of several responsa. Some of these letters have also been published in various responsacompendia, such as Joshua Boimel, Emek Halacha, Jerusalem, 1976, 272-275. [29] Meir Weberman says they were expelled by Nsanel Quinn, and that Nsnanel later apologized to Meir. When I questioned Nesanel Quinn, however, he said they had left voluntarily, and had never been expelled. [30] The feeling was mutual. "I never met a man whose views are closer to mine", the Malach is reported to have said; Ben Zion Weberman was moreover one of the few people trusted by the Malach to witness marriage contracts [31] Ner Tomid Publishing Company, Broadway, NY, V. 1, 1923 [32] Dated Wednesday of the Parsha R'eh, Rockaway, NY [33] Meir Weberman [34] Judah Weberman
[35] A Lithuanian Rabbi considered to be the greatest of contemporary poskim (religious judges) [36] Nochum Dicker [37] Pinchas Aaron Weberman [38] Auster v. Weberman, Supreme Court of NY, September 27, 1950 [39] See footnote 3, above. [40]
He led prayers on high holy days, first at Anshei Ungaren in the Lower East Side; later at various shtieblach in Brooklyn. Nochum Dicker had served in his choir.
[41] Hoping I would thus be drawn closer to Jewish practice. [42] Department of Religion, University of Vermont [43] Monroe, NY [44] Yeshiva University [45] Yeshiva University [46] Vassar College.
1. Judge Ingram SUNY Maritime College, Adjunct Instructor, 2008 to present Cardozo Law School, AdjunITAP Instructor ct Professor, 1999 to present. New York Law School, Adjunct Professor, 1996 to 2003. Healy & Baillie LLP, Partner, 1996 to 2003. Martocci & Ingram LLP, Partner, 1995 to 1996. Burlingham Underwood, Partner, 1976 to 1995. Burlingham Underwood Wright White & Lord, Associate, 1969 to 1976. NYS Board of Pilot Commissioners, Commissioner, 1989 to 1995. US Navy Reserve, Captain Line, 1964 to 1995. Arbitrator, United States District Court, Eastern District of NY, 1994 to 2003. Arbitrator, Civil Court of the City of New York (Kings), 1999 to 2003. Trustee, Brooklyn Bar Assn, 1989 to 1995. President, Emerald Ass'n of Long Island, 1994 to 1995. Director, The Cathedral Club of Brooklyn, 1992 to 2007. Commissioner, Point Breeze Volunteer Fire Dept., 2003 to 2005. Honorary Battalion Chief, Fire Department City of NY, 2002 to present. 2. Fairway is Where to Get Glatt Kosher All of our kosher meat and poultry is certified Glatt Kosher. Where it comes from: Our Master Butcher Ray Venezia made a terrific arrangement with Murray's Chickens, an industry leader of certified-humane, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free poultry, and Kiryas Joel, our kosher poultry slaughterhouse, to provide you with great quality, fresh kosher chicken. 3. Rabbi Pinchas A. Weberman Rabbi Weberman came to Miami Beach in 1960 from his rabbinic position at First Congregation Anshe Sfard in Averne, New York. He founded Ohev Shalom Congregation in 1960. He has held the position at Ohev Shalom Congregation since then. Rabbi Weberman is the president of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of South Florida. He serves as visiting professor of Talmud and Jewish Law at Landow Lubavitch Center, Talmudic University of Florida, Torah Chaim College, The Kollel at Bal Harbor and at Bais Yaakov of Miami. He serves as police chaplain for the Miami Beach Police Department, Miami-Dade Police Department and the U.S. Department of Justice ATF. He is on the staff of the Miami-Dade county Medical Examiner, serving as the
community liaison. Rabbi Weberman is the recipient of awards from the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, South Florida Institute of Criminal Justice, Jewish War Veterans, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Israel Police, South Florida Shomrim Society, U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Enforcement Services, U.S. Department of Justice ATF, Miami Beach Police Department, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Knights of Columbus, Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Ponevez Yeshiva, Lubavitch Yeshiva, Mesivta of Greater Miami, Bais Yaakov of Miami, Miami Beach Executive Club and the Kiwanis Club. He is the author of the book "The Rabbi's Message: Modern Thoughts On Ancient Philosophy" and the recently published "The Rabbi’s Message Around the Year: Capsules of Wisdom drawn from the Torah, Talmud and Jewish Mystical teachings"