Is This the Bus for Us? Text © 2023 Harriet Ziefert, Illustrations © 1988 Richard Brown
The illustrations in this book first appeared in Here Comes the Bus in 1988.
This edition published in 2023 by Red Comet Press, LLC, Brooklyn, NY
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022938264
ISBN (HB): 978-1-63655-058-9
ISBN (EBOOK): 978-1-63655-059-6


Leo and his sisters are waiting for a bus to the park.

Is this the bus for us?

Our bus is blue. This bus is red, and it's going to the farm.

Here comes another bus! Is this the bus for us?

Look! Another bus!

Look! Look! Here comes a bus. Is this the bus for us?

Here comes another bus! Is this the bus for us?

No, it's not our bright blue bus. This bus is purple, and it stops at the dog park!

Another bus is stopping now.

Is this the bus for us?

No! No! This bus is not for us! This bus is green, and it's going to the museum.

Leo, you've been waiting for a long time.
Patiently waiting for a bright blue bus.

And here it comes.

passengers Want

bus driver windshield

Draw a picture of a bus.
Color your picture.

Where is your bus going?
Tell a story.
Is there a bus in your town? Where does it go?

Do you take a bus to school?

What color is your school bus?
Talk about it.