Local Area Planning | Place Making and Public Spaces | Transit Oriented Development | Ahmedabad

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Urban Transformation Shreyas District

Akshat Chadha PG190076

Disclaimer The information presented in this portfolio has been studied and collected by the author as a part of the “Urban Transformation” studio, Faculty of Planning, CEPT University. Any omissions and errors are deeply regretted.

Acknowledgement I would like to express my gratitude towards CEPT University, Ahmedabad and Faculty of Planning for conducting Urban Transformation Studio over developing the basic understanding on preparing Local Area Plan for core city. I am grateful to Prof. Aparna Joshi, Prof Brijesh Bhatha and academic associate Kinjal Ribadia who have constantly been active in imparting the best of their knowledge and skills to us.

This studio will focus on the design aspect rapidly in terms of population and therefor more built-floor space in cities accompanie on infrastructure, resources and public ser

As an attempt to address these concerns, t for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformatio planning for developing infrastructure in t typically include those parts of the city tha


Students will work on the projects that are the methods of integration of the physical urban areas. The projects will have a strong models, project finance, and implementati

The learning outcome of the studio will be 1. Prepare strategic framework plan o 2. Detail design of the identified urba 3. Prepare building regulations for th 4. Prepare a planning model for execu 5. Prepare Detailed Project Report to

ts of urban transformations within the existing urban areas. The underlying context is that Indian cities are growing re expanding physically. Increasing urban population and the growing urban incomes will fuel demand for more and ed by a demand for infrastructure. Many urban areas within these cities are dealing with unsustainable levels of stress rvices and are becoming increasingly unlivable.

the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoUHA) has initiated various schemes such as AMRUT (Atal Mission on), SMART CITIES MISSION and HRIDAY (Heritage City Development and Augmentation). These schemes enable the brownfield areas through mechanisms such as Local Area Plans (LAP) and Town Planning schemes (TPS). These at area already developed but are not able to sustain the pressure of existing infrastructure

e emerging out of these initiatives defined by their studio tutors. Through their design projects, students will explore design with the regulatory frameworks (TPS, LAP) in creating liveable, functional, memorable, safe and sustainable g design focus on the physical setting, however issues of private ownership and social equity, land economics, planning ion strategies will also be addressed.

e to: of delineated areas with identified design projects an design projects he intended urban form outcome for the project areas uting the proposed framework plan and carrying out various public place design project o communicate effectively all the aspects of the project


Contextualizing TOZ Development & Situating the Site What the city is talking about? Establishing the city context Image of the Place

Site Documentation & Analysis Major events and Policy Developments Accessibility and Connectivity Morphology (Analyzing land and it’s potential Public realm Opportunities and Constrains Need for Lap

Vision & Design Strategies Spatial objectives for Proposed LAP framework Movement Network Creating more public spaces High intensity of uses Overall LAP framework

Demonstration through Shreyas District Shreyas District (Delineated Boundary) Site Characteristic Design intent Design Strategies Demonstration Area

Key Learnings Studio Learnings


Contextualizing TOZ Development & Situating the Site

What the city is talking about ?

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

How it benefits the City ?

Urban Context

AMC Boundary

Site Area - 102 Hectare The site is located in central western of Ahmedabad city which is 6km from railway station and 13km from airport. Site has location advantages where it is in heart of the city and in close proximity to major city level landmarks like proposed CBD, BRTS Corridor and Sabarmati Riverfront, Also job centers like Prahlad Nagar and Institutional area like IIM and Gujarat University. The site is a part of North - South metro corridor of Ahmedabad and has two proposed stations planned on the site. Additionally, BRTs and AMTs corridor passing along the site makes it a well connected area via public transit. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

SG Highway

Situating the Site

Towards Motera

NH228 132ft Ring Road BRTS Corridor AMTS Route

Proposed Ashram Road CBD

Proposed Metro Line

From Gyaspur Depot

LAP Site Proposed Metro Line

Ahmedabad City, Gujarat

Regional Context The site is well connected via road networks, with 120 feet ring road, BRTS corridor adjacent to the site, and with two primary roads - CG road and Netaji road crossing in north - south direction. There is an - on grade railway on the site, connecting the Sabarmati Junction to Botad District. The site is primarily a residential hub, with the effect of CG road trickling down into the site, with commercial developments along the primary roads. The proposed metro corridor is planned along the land of western railway, and also have multiple AMTs stops, with BRTs corridor passing adjacent to the site. City level open spaces in vicinity like Parimal Garden, Law Garden and we also have the proposed CBD of Ahmedabad, well within a 2km radius of the site. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Situating the Site

Image of the Place

Proposed Paldi Metro Station

Commercial Development along CG Road

Railway Line

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mal Garden

Situating the Site

Low Density Built Development Proposed Paldi Metro Station

Paldi Area


Site Documentation & Analysis

Major events & Policy Developments that influenced the development

Land Rates Rs/sft

2L 1L 8k 6k


125000 75000



Distribution of 12 Changes no. of buildings

New Buildings Redeveloped Demolished

10 8 6 4 2



TP scheme TP scheme implemented and region falls under R1 zone

FSI All residential R-1 zones upgraded to an FSI of 1.8

2009 Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS)Started

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Bhudarpura Redevelopment of informal settlement to build 876 houses in Bhudarpura

2012 Sabarmati River front started opening for people

2013 Gujarat Slum Rehabilitation Policy - PPP

Land Rates Increased land rates in Paldi and Ambavadi

LAP Proposed TOZ along the transit corridor.

2015 TOZ zone Identified along the Transit Corridors

FSI Intensive FSI of Transit Oriented Zone further increased to 4.0

2015 Construction of Ahmedabad Metro started on 14 March

Accessibility and Connectivity Street Network

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Railway Line 36m - 19m 18m - 13m 12m - 10m 9m - 3m

Currently area under the public ROW is 24% which forms the street network. Internals roads are narrow which less than <9m.

Dead ends towards Railway line

Lack of street hierarchy

It is observed that most of the streets of 9m - 12m form deads ends towards the railway line but not effectively connecting major roads across the sites.


Existing Street Character

Commercial Development

Sidewalk 3m

Carriageway 12m

Carriageway 12m

Sidewalk Commercial 2.5m Development

CG Road - 30m

Bhudarpura Informal Settlement

Railway Line

Bhudarpura Street - 12m Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Metro Corridor

Carriageway 12m

Sidewalk 1.5m

Residential Development

Accessibility and Connectivity Existing Edge Conditions

Varying plinth levels & Building Frontages used for Planters & Parking.

Vending activities on main carriageway & insufficient footpath widths.

Netaji Road

Internal Streets

Lack of pedestrian pathways and porous edges.

Street along the metro corridor

Streets are the veins of the city facilitating all types of movement for various people. Similarly its of various public activities such as gathering, walking, shopping, sitting, parking, cycling and so on. The section shows the existing conditions of streets in LAP to understand the current level of services and prevailing issues which leads to congestion of traffic, discourage walking and streetscape.

Morphology Majority of the area is private in nature with no access to people. Only 4% of the area is public park. 24% of the area are under streets


34 %


66 %

Built vs Open

Parks Private Realm Buildings

The precinct is predominantly residential (81%), with commercial uses (12%) along the CG Road, and smaller institutions spread across the residential neighbourhoods Commercial Mixed Use Institute Religious Public Utility

Built Use

Apartments are the predominant residential typology with 59% as apartments typology. Apartments Detached Houses Informal Settlement Semi - Detached Row Houses Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Residential Typology

Analysing Land and it’s Potential Majority of development is low-rise, low density while there are limited no. of buildings that are using maximum permissible height as per GDCR. Buildings abutting the proposed metro line are low rise and are more as informal settlements. Till 4 floors 5 - 10 floors More than 10 floors

Building Height

Underutilized land parcels that could achieve full development potential using the available TOZ permissible FSI.

0.3 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.8 1.8 - 2.7 Above 2.8

Jantri rate and Market rate vary depending on the access of primary street. Jantri rates and Market rates are higher at parcels adjacent to the primary streets and closer to the CBD, and reduces as it moves towards east and the west .

Plot Size

Jantri Rate 34,073 Rs/ sq. m

Market Price 1,25,000 Rs/ sq. m Jantri Rate 26,000 Rs/ sq. m Market Price 52,000 Rs/ sq. m Jantri Rate 31,173 Rs/ sq. m Jantri Rate 37,618 Rs/ sq. m Market Price 1,21,618 Rs/ sq. m

Market Price 86,000 Rs/ sq. m

Jantri and Market Rate

Morphology Commercial

High rise commercial development along the CG road and netaji road where the streets are active because of the retail and commercial edge. Front margins are used as parking and footpath are encouraged by vending activities. The lack in streetscape and varying plinth height makes an uncomfortable walking experience along the street.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Mixed Use

Retail and commercial edge towards active and safe. Front margins are use side margins are not efficiently used discontinued footpath creates a disco

the streets which makes the street ed more for parking as well rear and d. Due to jagged front margins and omfort in walking.

Character of the Area Apartments

Gated communities with high compound walls which encourages on street parking and discourages the residents to walk, buildings and streets don’t respond to each and with such density, the streets are more automobile oriented than people centric.

Morphology Row Houses

Detached houses along the secondary street where streets are unsafe and not active because of the high compound walls. The streets also lack in the human experience because of the building scale and proportions. The dead compound walls along the street encourages on-street parking and discourages residents to walk.

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Detached Houses

Low density neighborhood with no makes streets as gathering spaces b The street is safe because of the bu because of the opening towards the

compound wall and margins which by people and play areas by children. uildings scale and proportions, and street (eyes on street).

Character of the Area Bhudarpura Informal Settlement

Dense Neighbourhood with no margins and thus streets act as open spaces. The streets are active throughout the day because of the retail character and houses along the streets. The streets are used as vending activities, kids playing and parking. Junction edges used as sitting spaces.


Open space under margins

Open Space


Private Realm

04 % 24 % 57 %

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Around 50% of area under margin and internal roads can be optimized to increase open space for public or could be harnessed into marketable floorspace. Open space in high rise and in dense areas it is not efficiently used thus lack in people friendly spaces and in low rise the margins are more active and interactive. The spaces are more related to people friendly.

Analysing Land and it’s Potential

Selected Area: 250m x 250m Area under roads: 15% Area under buildings: 46% Area under margins: 18% Area under private open excluding margins: 24%

Selected Area: 250m x 250m Area under roads: 18% Area under buildings: 35% Area under margins: 21% Area under private open excluding margins: 38%

FSI Consumed: 0.9

FSI Consumed: 1.4

Streets are major component of public realm People and activities which defines the quality of public spaces in the city. A landmark informal market is situated along the underpass of CG road.

Market at the primary street

Footpaths acting as a resting spaces along the secondary street. Streets along the bungalow without compound walls results to spilling of activities making the street active. Residents around the site visit neighbourhoods garden on daily basis. Informal vending activities at the varies junctions. And few social interaction happening under the shade, all the activities clearly depicts that streets are the major components of public realm. Urban Green Available (Inclusive of proposed)

Urban Green Available


9 sq m/ person

3.2 %

0.8 %



4 sq m/ person Available

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Informal gathering spaces

Vendors at the junction

Public Realm Types of Activities and Public places Secondary street along the Institution edge

Tertiary street along the bungalows

Neighborhood garden

Assets Significant districts such as Institutions, proposed Metro Stations, City level open spaces and Residential land prove as assets to Paldi and Ambavadi.

1. Development along primary

roads is transforming into commercial uses.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021


to CBD and Institutional Job Centers

Offering potential for residential development around the transit corridor.

3.Diverse Neighborhoods

Opportunities 1.Street network & upcoming Metro stations The site is well connected via street network and upcoming metro stations acts as anchoring point and enable us to further densify and promotes efficient land development.


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2.Presence of old

housing stock

The site also has a lot of old buildings, 70% of buildings older than 20 years/30 years, thus observable scope of redevelopment. Amalgamation of plots with multiple owners, to achieve higher FSI will be a challenge.

More than 40 years

More than 10 years

Constraints 1.Metro divides the site into 2. The on grade rail network currently act as a barrier and is dividing the site into 2, which results in multiple dead ends along the railway corridor.

2.Large block size because

of railway corridor

Additionally, there are only 3 crossover points on site, which results in larger block sizes towards the rail line and discourages walkability and also disconnects north and southern part of the neighborhoods.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Constraints 3.Multiple Stakeholders

Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited

Land is partially owned by the GMRCL & Indian Railways, Where the space be maintained by AMC which will coordinate & liaison with both the bodies (AMRC & Railway). Similarly the adjoining areas should also be governed (plot amalgamation) by AMC for the faster approvals & smooth development of the area in accordance to the needs.

Indian Railway


4.Smaller plot size As the site is predominantly residential, 65% of the plots are smaller than 1000 sq.m, which brings its own set of challenges when it comes to densification and significant contribution to the public realm.

Largest plot size 163226 sq.m Smallest plot size 8 sq.m


Even though the site has great potential to transform into an excellent residential neighborhood due to its location advantage and other assets, with less dependence on private automobiles, the poor utilization of land parcels, the disconnect caused by the on-grade rail and lack of integration between the different modes of transit. Lap enable to overcome to challenges and make the neighborhood more livable and sustainable.

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Need for LAP


Vision & Design Strategies


“Transforming Paldi and Ambavadi to a well connecte and vibrant environment responding to the future de

Movement Network

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Creating more

Spatial Objectives for Proposed LAP Framework

ed high density neighborhood with diverse evelopment potentials along the metro line”.

e public spaces

Encourage high intensity of uses

Movement Network



Carve out more streets from abutting private plots Improve street hierarchy Connect broken links Improve walkability and enhance walking experience Create Multi modal transit interchange

Appropriating block sizes Pedestrian friendly streets design Active edges as catalyst to activate streets Connect MRT to AMT stops Incorporate NMT into mobility network Regulate on-street parking; impose congestion charges

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

LAP framework Strategies Existing 582 m

Average Block Perimeter


% of Streets under Public Domain

Highly Walkable Perimeter: 50 - 250m Walkable Perimeter: 250 - 400m Acceptable Perimeter: 400 - 800m Not Walkable Perimeter: above 800m

Proposed 359 m

Average Block Perimeter


% of Streets under Public Domain

Highly Walkable Perimeter: 50 - 250m Walkable Perimeter: 250 - 400m Acceptable Perimeter: 400 - 800m Not Walkable Perimeter: above 800m

Movement Network

Map 1: Existing Street Network

Map 2: Adding DP Roads

The existing block size of the TOZ corridor is large, with an average perimeter of 582m. Currently, the area under public ROW is 24% which forms a street network of 104 blocks. The following exercise is focused to prepare walkable street blocks structure and increase the percentage of area under the public domain by adding new streets within the TOZ area.

Area under Roads


Area under Roads

No. of Blocks Sq. mts


No. of Blocks Sq. mts

Average block perimeter


Average block perimeter

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

LAP framework Strategies

Map 3: Adding Street along the Railway line | Metro corridor Due to the existing railway track there are a lot of dead ends making the block sizes along the railway corridor unwalkable. These are the large blocks on the site due to absence of street along railway corridor, so in the northern part of the site, we propose a shared street prioritizing pedestrian accessibility along the railway corridor. In the southern part there is already a parallel road which has vehicular access, so along the railway corridor we should have NMT street to directly access the metro stations.


Area under Roads



No. of Blocks Sq. mts



Average block perimeter


Movement Network

Map 4: Connecting the missing links

Map 5: Street Widening

Street will go for widening as other than the only street connecting the north south provision for NMT accessibility to the me directly connects cg road to the metro stat this will go for street widening, these two so to insert pedestrian infrastructure alon widening.

Area under Roads


Area under Roads

No. of Blocks Sq. mts


No. of Blocks Sq. mts

Average block perimeter


Average block perimeter

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

LAP framework Strategies

Map 3: NMT Integration

the two primary roads, hirabaug road is h part of the site and it will accommodate etro stations. In southern part, this street tion and to accommodate NMT provision o streets has ROW ranging from 4 to 8 m, ng these streets, these have to go for street

We see that the area lacks in pedestrian infrastructure making it difficult to access the metro stations. Also parking encroachment creates an unpleasant environment for walking, so if we propose NMT provision along the streets, it will improve the pedestrian accessibility and last mile connectivity. The primary roads will have dedicated lanes for NMT, which connects to the nearby destinations like Gujarat college, parimal garden, law garden. the internal NMT lanes will connect to the primary roads as well as the proposed shared street.


Area under Roads



No. of Blocks Sq. mts



Average block perimeter


Creating more public spaces



Activate the under-space of metro corridor by linear park Improve the existing public open spaces Effective utilization of under-space below metro corridor Increasing area under public realm

Visually and physically connect public open space to neighborhoods Establish connections between open space and streets. More permeable edges around the open space Dedicated spaces for informal vending and spillover spaces along the metro corridor

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Giving more open spaces to people

Park 200m radius 500m radius More than 500m radius

There are only 2 parks in the area with limited plots accessible to the public open spaces. As per ITDP national TOD standards there should be an accessible open space withing 500m of walking distance. Also, only 4% of the open spaces in the region is public in nature as shown here which comprises of parks.

Potential open spaces along proposed metro line

Park 200m radius 500m radius More than 500m radius

To add to the public realm, open areas like the proposed shared streets and green spine along the metro line can be proposed as potential public open spaces with public plazas around the proposed metro stations. These potential public open spaces give more plots the advantage of public areas in neighborhood proximity. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Junctions to potential public open spaces

Park 200m radius 500m radius More than 500m radius

Additionally, certain junctions and few shared streets connecting green spine could act as potential public spaces incorporating and encouraging exiting active nature of the nodes in the area. The image below shows the character image of the node with active public open spaces integrated with the built form. This gesture will further ensure that all the plots in the area are accessible to public open spaces and also strengthen the sense of public realm in the region.

Encourage high intensity of uses


Humane built form with active edges Connecting built form with public domain Context responsive built form


Promote high density mixed use around metro stations and corridor Improving the built form along the primary roads Ensure active residential neighbourhoods Activating the shared streets through built regulations

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Analysing the current built form Developments around primary street

Relatively larger plots sizes along the primary road, except for Only few of the parcels are achieving the permissible FSI of 2.7, few <750 sq m. which results in underutilized land parcels.

Additionally, the current GDCR only mentions the minimum setback according to the width of the road, which results in jagged front margins.

The front margins are currently poorly utilized, resulting in haphazard parking in the front, which hinders walking.

Analysing the current built form Developments around secondary street

Relatively smaller plot sizes in the residential neighborhoods, The land parcels in the residential neighbourhoods are severely which will affect densification, and carving out space for public underutilized, which in turns results in lack of supply of spaces in the street. residential units in the city centers.

Tall boundary wall around the plot affects walkability in the neighborhood.

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The marginal spaces are not used efficiently.

Analysing the current built form

As the ROW within the residential neighborhoods are not more than 12 meters, this restricts the height of buildings to 16.5m or less. In the commercial areas, apart from the smaller plots, all plots are able to achieve permissible FSI of 4.0 before reaching the permissible height of 45m.

The current GDCR dictates height restrictions based on the ROWs, which is not ideal for maximum utilization of permissible FSI.

The margins in the commercial and residential areas are poorly utilized.

Overall LAP Framework

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Demonstration through Shreyas District

From Railway to Greenway Delineated Boundary

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Shreyas District

Shreyas District Character Connectivity Shreyas district has good Amts and MRT connectivity, where aerial roads CG road and 120 feet ring road with BRTS has major impact on the neighborhood. Due to the Railway line which acts as a barrier in north south connections, makes dead ends streets or cul de sac towards the edge.

Urban Form Predominantly apartments as the residential typology.

Open Space Lacking in neighborhood level open spaces for the residential communities. Educational institutes in vicinity acts as important anchors around.

Metro Plug in However, with metro plug in and integrated transport strategy that allows for last mile connectivity, this area shows the most potential for densification due to close proximity to station – inducing high development potential, possibility of transformation to a denser neighborhood.

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CN Vidy

Gujarat Collage


Vandana School

Vinay Mandir School

Sukhipura Garden

Design Intent

“To enable the transformation of this neigh district, that integrates tra

Connectivity Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021


Development Strategies

hborhood INTO a vibrant and more livable ansit AND open spaces”.


Connectivity Street network strategies to reconnect with the Transit Corridor and community park for more walkable core.

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Strengthening the Connectivity

Appropriating Blocks

For strengthening street network, the overall block sizes are reduced by adding new streets through side and rear margins and modifying the street hierarchy.

Existing 682 m

Average Block Perimeter


% of Streets under Public Domain

Highly Walkable Perimeter: 50 - 300m Walkable Perimeter: 350 - 600m Not Walkable Perimeter: More than 600m

Proposed 384 m

Average Block Perimeter


% of Streets under Public Domain

Scooping out marginal spaces from private plots Streets connecting the metro station is widen through scoping out margin’s spaces and connecting perpendicular connections to the transit corridor which will strengthen the connection to transit under space and parallel connection to complete the street loop.

Shared Street

Existing Street Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Existing Road Network

Road under Widening

Missing Links

Strengthening the Connectivity

Proposed Street Character Streets acts a catalyst for transformation focused on improving user experience and elevating the spatial quality of public realm. So, having one key new connection is a continuous street to the north south of the metro corridor. On the southern side, this street will be along the new linear park. The street scape is widened by including road side margins of adjoining properties into the public realm and accommodating wider walkways and cycleways along with the guidelines for more responsive edges.



Transit Boulevard Neighborhood Main Street Neighborhood Connector Greenway, NMT Street Neighborhood Local streets

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Strengthening the Connectivity








Av e


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Av e

Sharadha Ave (Transit Boulevard)

Street Widening and adding new streets to establish a efficient street hierarchy to commute easily. Strengthening the street hierarchy with better pedestrian infrastructure promoting safe walking and cycling.

Permissible Height 25m (8 floors)

Existing Section

Private Plot

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

15 M ROW


12M Carriage way


Private Plot

Strengthening the Connectivity Street Sections

Permissible Height 45m (15 floors)

Proposed Section

Private Plot

21 M ROW


12M Carriage way


Private Plot

Ghanshyam Ave (Neighborhood Main Street)

Scooping out marginal spaces from private plots to merge in public domain and activate the connections. The relationship between housing and landscape has been attempted to seamlessly merge and enhancing experience of Pedestrian and cycling experience through landscape.

Permissible Height 25m (8 floors)

Existing Section

Private Plot

12 M ROW


Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

9M Carriage way


Private Plot

Strengthening the Connectivity Street Sections

Permissible Height 45m (15 floors)

Proposed Section

Private Plot

18 M ROW


9M Carriage way


Private Plot

Shared Street

Incorporating predominant pedestrian streets to establish easy accessibility to transit, Connecting the neighbourhoods to metro station and green spine promoting safe connections for all age groups.

Existing Building Height

Existing Section

Private Plot Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Rear Margins

Private Plot

Strengthening the Connectivity Street Sections

Existing Building Height

Proposed Section

Private Plot


6M Shared Street

Private Plot

Intensity Re-imaging the existing built form that support the magnets for higher density and activate the edges.

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Built form Strategies Retail uses and ground floor activities at key locations along primary streets

Block envelope responding to the existing city’s built form beyond the LAP boundaries.

Continuous building frontage along the primary streets

Activating ground floor connecting to enhance the experience of pedestrian and cyclist.

Create a dialogue between streetscape and Built form.

The overall built mass will tapper down towards the existing neighborhoods and shall be more responsive with streetscape.

Common strategies for built form

Present common plot DCRs with no qualitative control. Encouraging orientation and regulation of common plots for a more public ownership.

Common plots maybe combined to make meaningful open spaces in the residential neighborhoods.

1. Promote high density mixed use around metro stations and corridor.

The buildings around metro stations will have a mandatory built to line and the ground floor uses shall be commercial/retail uses, and the ground floor will form a double height shaded walkway. Front margins to be used under public domain to have more vibrant character while walking. Specific step back for the subsequent floors to maintain human experience. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Strategies to improve the built form 2. Improving the

built form along the primary roads.

Mandatory built to line with ground floor and first floor being restricted to commercial/retail uses. There shall be no mandatory parking requirement in the front margin, and the on street parking and parking in the rear margins shall be promoted. The subsequent floors have to step back to form podium towers and to maintain a humane scale on the street.

3. Ensure active

residential neighborhoods

The streets of residential neighborhoods can be kept safe and eyes on the street can be ensured by ensuring maximum opening to the road front and restricting the height of boundary walls.

Existing Built Form

Highlighted potentials, the plots abutting the transit corridor have high intensity of development were will be anticipated first for redevelopment. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Development Potential

Built Form

High intensity of development were the built form can be more in response to the context. Aligning the built form to create continuous street edge would help to create threshold between public and private realm. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Development Potential

Smaller Plot sizes

However, to achieve this, there is a challenge when it comes to densification and significant contribution to the public realm because there are the plots sizes in this neighborhood which are smaller than 750 sqm. Amalgamation - Along Metro Corridor Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Plot Amalgamation

So, achieve the maximum potential some of these plots will have to undergo plot amalgamation and should enable carving out necessary public realm and also to achieve the maximum potential of FSI. Amalgamation - Along Secondary streets

Built form along Metro Corridor

Datum to Control Built Form

Public realm orientation

- Active retail frontage (commercial upto 3 floors) and Public activity on the podiums. - Pedestrian connections through the parcels to ensure the walkability - Front margins in public domain

- Podium upto 12m which will maint - 5-10% of open space facing the roa public uses.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

tain the human scale at the street level. ad at podium terraces to accommodate

Envisaged Built Form Urban Design Guidelines

Transfer of Development 4



Permissible FSI

Purchasable FSI

Additional FSI

Built form

Looking at existing built form which will be gradually transform first the high intensity and when the development potential is realized the whole neighborhood will develop. Once the neighborhood is undergoing development and densification, there is also potential for responsive built form along the major street with new street hierarchy where sharadha street and Ghanshyam ave will also undergo development. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Envisaged Built Form

Built form along Sharadha street (Transit Boulevard)

Goal: Looking at the built form guidelines along the sharadha street, where these are contributing to public domain and built form shall be responsive and these are the main highlights.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Envisaged Built Form Urban Design Guidelines

Datum to Control Built Form Active retail frontage (commercial upto 2 floors) and Public activity on the podiums.

Public Access to buildings along Transit

Public realm orientation

Pedestrian connections through the parcels to ensure the walkability.

Podium of 8m which will maintain the human scale at the street level.

Front margins in public domain.

5% of open space facing the road at podium terraces to accommodate public uses.

Built form along Ghanshyam Ave (Residential Street)

Goal: Ghanshyam ave and internal streets the idea being is the common open spaces can be bought adjoining for any new development so that the streets are activated and safe.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Envisaged Built Form Urban Design Guidelines

Public realm orientation

Datum to Control Built Form

Private open spaces opening towards the primary streets to maintain active and eyes on street.

Building openings towards the pedestrian street and primary street should have more openings/balconies to keep streets safe by eyes on street.

Minimum 25% porous open to sky green space so that site’s ecology can be taken Care of by recharging the ground water.

The building should have active ground frontage towards semi public open spaces – such as gym.

Identity Creating continuous realm with pause points and safe transition spaces for a more inclusive public realm.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Open Space Lack in open space To strengthening the identity of the neighborhood, which currently lack in open spaces for this neighborhood.

AMC Park



Linear urban green trail Element the green spine will reconnect and the new park will also become major asset of this neighborhood.

Linear Park

AMC Park

What can be done?

There is this huge potential to utilize this new vacant land under metro, adjoining the railway and through the LAP create a framework for a responsive built form that enables more people to live, work and play in Shreyas District.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

What other cities are doing ?

Miami urban trail

Grand Central Mimico Buckingham

Reclaiming under space of transit corridor for people, where kid play and people interact. Engaging community to urban trail and built form which responds to the edges.

Open Space Linear urban grenn trail The green spine has been programmed in a way that space below the station is dedicated as movement space and along the transit corridor its as opportunity space where zones can be vending, kids play area and pedestrian plaza.

Station spill over spaces Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Vending and plaz


Metro Under Space Zoning

Playing and interactive zone

Junction – Pedestrian Plaza

Open Space

Strategies Wide Continuous pedestrian sidewalks along the ground floor commercial use and podium overlooking area.

Drop off zone and Parklets – eating joints and seating

Public responsive built form at the nodes with built to line, enhanced legibility and character. Location of the AMTs bus stop on edge near the junction. Parklets along the green spine., in response to mixed used built form. Continuous cycle track with a green buffer and provision of bicycle stand near to bus top and intermediate pause points, connecting neighborhood as well.


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AMTS stop

Kids play area/ Sculpt and seating

Raised Crossings

Parklets as pause points

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Wide Junction edges

Metro Under Space

Drop off zone and Parklets – eating joints and seating

Cycle stand

– Public Toilets

Raised Crossing

Green Mounds and Professional Working Space

p AMC Parks

tures Community Park

Open Space

Wide Junction edges as pause points (Space to gather,with activities like street art, craft installation, performance area and kiosk)

Porous Edges & Interactive Edges with green buffer and Seating spaces

Street vehicl the ju

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Metro Under Space


Parklets (Cluster seating & Kids play area - acts as small pockets connecting large plaza) Integrated Amts Bus stops and Public Toilets

t elements like bollards which will restrict le entry and Cycle stands are provided at unctions for easy accessibility.

Contentious cycle track Buffer between street and Pathway

Open Space

Making the built form more responsive towards the transit edges and bring people more closure to greens and urban green trail. Green spine which has public amenities like public toilets and linear parks. Dedicated vending spaces and elements like metal structure, seating parklets and shaded walkways reconnect the neighborhood to this new urban trail and transit corridor.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Metro Under Space

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Space below Metro Station

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Public Plaza

View - 3

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Recreational Space

Character of street connecting Shreyas station Sharadha street (Transit Boulevard)

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Cycle track Pedestrians way

Carriage way

Pedestrians way

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Dialogue between the streetscape and built form is created through continuous frontage along the street connecting the Shreyas station. Activating ground floor through retail and other commercial activities promotes walking and cycling to station. The buildings abutting have setback after 8m with podium terraces overlooking the streets which enhances the experience of pedestrian and cyclist, also makes the street from vibrant and safe. Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Character of street connecting Shreyas station

Ghanshyam Ave (Residential Street)

Cycle track

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Pedestrians way

Carriage way

Pedestrians way

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Dialogue between the streetscape and residential typologies is created through wider pedestrian ways and cycle track shaded with thick rows of trees. Raised crossover further makes the pedestrian connections safe and make the street for all age groups. Crossovers also becomes a point to gather with dedicated vending spaces along the street. Residential apartments share 15% of open space towards the street which enrich the experience of pedestrian and cyclist.

Bird’s-eye View

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021

Shared Street

Proposed High Density Redevelopment Implementing the built form guidelines which responds to the context and utilizing maximum land potential, transforming neighborhood to highdensity transit-oriented neighborhood with more open space into public domain.

Shreyas District | Transformation Studio | MUD | 2021


Key Learnings

Rapidly growing cities in terms of population and therefore demanding for more built-floor space is stressing existing infrastructure and thus leading to our cities to unsustainable and unlivable conditions. Local Area Planning is a mechanism to improve the city infrastructure in terms of connectivity, open space and built form. “Urban Transformation Studio” helps in dealing and exploring the methods of framework to improve the practical issues the city is facing and through LAP improving the physical setting of the neighborhoods along the metro transit. The studio enables us to prepare a module via an understanding of urban land as a potential city resource, land markets driving development, robust city network as a potential way to support city and addressing the challenges like smaller plot sizes, built form not responding to context and lack of street hierarchy when it comes to densification and significant contribution to the public realm. Streets acts a catalyst for transformation focused on improving user experience and elevating the spatial quality of public realm. So, having key new connection promotes neighbourhoods to walk and cycle to transit stations. Also, high intensity of development along the metro corridor which is more responsive to the context and enables us to further achieve the desired density. Aligning the built form to create continuous street edge help to create threshold between public and private realm. Utilizing the underutilized space below metro corridor further creating livable, functional, memorable, safe and sustainable spaces make the area more vibrant and active.

Akshat Chadha | PG 190076 UT4002- Urban Transformation Studio Master of Urban Design

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