Built Form and Regulations | Transit Oriented Development | Central Delhi | CBD

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Form Based Codes

Transit Orientated Street Built form & Regulations | UP 4608

CEPT University Faculty of Planning

Akshat Chadha PG190076

Content Part A Existing Regulations Analysis

A.1 Context | Zoning | Urban form A.2 Past Planning effect A.3 Existing Built form A.4 Observation and Inference

Part B Envisioning the Built Form B.1 Vision B.2 The Setting Street Network Plots Sizes Plot Ownership Proposed Zoning Proposed Built & Open Envisaged Built Character

Part C Planning Regulations

C.1 Definitions C.2 High – Rise Commercial Zone C.3 Mid – Rise Mixed Use Zone

Part D Group Synthesis

D.1 Suggestions and Comments by peers D.2 Learning and Outcomes

Part A Existing Regulations Analysis

A.1 Context | Zoning | Urban form A.2 Past Planning effect A.3 Existing Built form A.4 Observation and Inference


Existing Regulations Analysis

A.1 Context | Zoning | Urban form Sansad marg is iconic streets which runs perpendicular to the Rajpath road and ends at Connaught Place Circle. Street is dominated by commercial, government offices and semi public facilities. Today the street comes under central business district, Zone D as per MPD 2021.

Aerial View of Street

MPD 2021 Connaught Place

Parliament House

800 m Commercial Public - Semi Public Government Recreational

Land use zoning of the Street

Source : Etv, Rajeev Chadha

View of Urban form


Existing Regulations Analysis

A.2 Past Planning Effects MPD - 1962

MPD - 2001

MPD - 2021

Delhi first Master Plan (MPD) came in 1961, as prescribed in Delhi Development Act, 1957 prepared by DDA.

Based on the implementation experience of the MPD 1962 and to cater the need of Government buildings and changing requirement of the city, modification were made.

Considering urban environment precarious and superfluous provision of MPD - 2001, DDA carried out a review to come up with new road map for 2021 in the form of Master Plan - 2021.

Case of Commercial

Ground Coverage


Ground Coverage


Ground Coverage


50 +5%

ECS not Defined


1.67ECS @ 100 sq. m


2ECS @ 100 sq. m


Maximum Height


Maximum Height


Maximum Height


Not Defined





Parking was not envisaged and relationship between FAR and Building Height.

FAR and ground coverage reduced drastically.

No change else from the height restriction


Jeevan Deep

Police Headquaters

office Building

Setback and Plot Typical Section

Path 3 m Wide

Carriage way 18 m Wide

Path 4.5 m Wide

Setback and Plot



Existing Regulations Analysis

A.3 Existing Built Form Palika kendra

As per MPD 2021, It building comes under G2 - Government land use zoning. Achieved



41 m


Site Area : 46702 sq. m

Part of the Campus build-

Ground Coverage



Maximum Height




88m (20 floors)

Parking 1.8ECS @ 100

F.A.R 200

Maximum Height No Restrictions

Permissible Ground Coverage 30%

Setbacks in green is used as hard and softscape with few ground floor parking.

The site is developed as per the MPD 1962 and is accordance to the byelaws but over the years the demand for parking has increased and lack to meet.

The Park Hotel

As per MPD 2021, It building comes under C3 - Commercial land use zoning. Achieved

40m 12m


9m 9m

Ground Coverage



Maximum Height




40m (12 floors)

Parking 3ECS @ 100

F.A.R 150

Maximum Height No Restrictions

Site Area : 3200 sq. m Setbacks in green is used as hard and softscape with few ground floor parking and storage space.

Permissible Ground Coverage 30%

YMCA - Guest House

As per MPD 2021, It building comes under RD - Residential land use zoning. Achieved 15m

9m 9m



Site Area : 6000 sq. m Set backs were used as greens - softscape but as the demand in parking is increasing the open space is shifting to the use of ground floor parking.

Ground Coverage



Maximum Height




15m (5 floors)

Parking 2ECS @ 100

F.A.R 120

Maximum Height 15 m

Permissible Ground Coverage 30%

Note: Plots shall be located on roads with 18 m ROW.


Existing Regulations Analysis

A.4 Observation | Inference Urban Character changing over the years

MPD - 1962


High F.A.R and ground coverage and no height restriction.

YMCA Guest House

MPD - 2001


F.A.R and ground coverage reduced and height was restricted.

Office Building

Office Building

MPD - 2021

Less F.A.R and ground coverage and no height restriction.

Civic Centre

Promoting Vertical Development Floor area ratio, ground coverage increased in Delhi; move to benefit buyers (incase of residential) Vertical developments in Delhi rather than going for an urban sprawl and this move will help improve utilization of space.


Vertical Development - reducing the ground cover - more open space within the plot.

50% 25%

Parking To overcome the shortage of parking, green spaces where converted into parking. After 2012 the law states to seek permission and is increasing connectivity with public transport and proposal for making dedicated area for parking in this zone.

Ground Cover vs F.A.R vs Height

Urban Design


Detailed Urban Design and Landscape Schemes integrating safe pedestrian walkways, parking areas and recreational spaces. Enhancing the pedestrianization with wider pathways, cycle tracks and street furniture.

Additional F.A.R will be allowed to go higher with flexibility in fire norms.

Proposal - Concept of “no compound wall and share open space”and Integrating MRTS station, safe pedestrian walkways, parking areas, recreational spaces, cycle tracks and street furniture.

Compound walls make streets boring

Vague No % reservation on soft scape - openscape, only setbacks are considered as open space.


Ambiguity Alot of things are dependent of MPD and are “refer”. No Compound walls shared greens and streets

Part B Envisioning the Built Form B.1 Vision B.2 The Setting Street Network Plots Sizes Plot Ownership Proposed Zoning Proposed Built & Open Envisaged Built Character

Envisioning the Built Form


B.1 Vision High Density Compact Development Delhi has an active core closely integrated with vibrant mix of commercial, retail and offices developments located in the heart of the city with robust public transport connectivity. Land development regulation that fosters predictable built results and a high-quality public realm by using physical form (rather than separation of uses) as the organizing principle for the code. Form-based codes address the relationship between building facades and the public realm, the form and mass of buildings in relation to one another, and the scale and types of streets and blocks.

Central Business district integrated well with public realm and public transport.

Source: Yash | MUD


Envisioning the Built Form

B.2 Setting Street (Base Map)

Selected Area Road Width - 24 m

Street Network and Transport Lines

Arterial Road – 24 m Collector Road – 12m Local Street – 8 m



100 M


Envisioning the Built Form

B.2 Setting Plots Sizes

10,000 Sq.m

11,600 Sq.m

25,000 Sq.m 5,000 Sq.m

9,120 Sq.m

Plot Ownership

Arterial Road – 24 m Collector Road – 12m Local Street – 8 m



100 M


Envisioning the Built Form

B.2 Setting Proposed Zoning

High Rise - Commercial zone Mid Rise - Mixed Use zone

Proposed Built vs open

Envisaged Built Built to Line - Frontage 0


100 M


Envisioning the Built Form

B.2 Setting Envisaged Built Character Central Business district Creating a economic center for Delhi as the site lies near central Delhi.

Transit Oriented Development High Density Compact Development

Built to line – Uniform Frontage Boulevard Street – wide footpaths with mixed use activities making the street vibrant.

High Rise Development More Space in public domain

No compound wall and front setback

Sharing greens and parking between the plots Covered/ Colonnade Walkway for active street edge.


Envisioning the Built Form

B.2 Setting Envisaged Built Character Central Business Centre

High Rise Commercial Towers

No compound walls

Frontage for Arched walkways

Open to sky greens

Mixed Used Tower – (Office Buildings, Hotels and Retails Built to Line – High Rise Development

Mixed Use

Mixed Use



Parking Typical Section

ROW - 24 m


Envisioning the Built Form


B.2 Setting Envisaged Views

Source – Pinterest

Part C Planning Regulations

C.1 Definitions C.2 High – Rise Commercial Zone C.3 Mid – Rise Mixed Use Zone


Planning Regulations

C.1 (A) Definitions C.1.1 TOD Influence Zone 100m from BRTs (plots only along the BRTS corridor) and 200m from the MRTs is considered as High density - High rise commercial development. As the radius from Transit Stop increases i.e. 400m the zone is developed as Mid rise mixed use development.

MRTS Influential Zone

MRTS influential Zone BRTS influential Zone High Rise - Commercial zone Mid Rise - Mixed Use zone

C.1.2 High-rise Commercial Zone It is like CBD area where 70% of commercial use is mandatory. If not 100% Commercial use, residential use upto 30% is permitted.

C.1.3 Mid-rise Mixed Use Zone

High-rise Commercial

Where commercial, institutional and residential is allowed. Independent Institutional complex is not permitted in this zone. 50% built up of residential is mandatory and 30% built up of commercial is mandatory. Remaining 20% can be used for Institutional or commercial or residential.

70% to 100% Commercial

High-rise Commercial

Mid-rise Mixed

70% to 100% Commercial

Upto max. 50% Commercial


Upto m Comm


Upto m Com


Planning Regulations

C.1 (B) Definitions C.1.1 Arcade Walkway Covered walkway providing access to commercial front.

Covered Walkway


C.1.2 Amalgamation The joining of two or more adjoining plots to make a single plot for the building purpose. C.1.3 Basement The lower story of a building that is below the ground level. C.1.4 Building Line The line upto which a plinth adjoining a street could be extended. C.1.5 Built to Line A line to be followed for construction building on site.


Built to Line

C.1.6 Built-up Area The quotient of the ratio of the combined gross built-up area of all floors, to the total area of the building unit. C.1.7 Floor Space Index Floor Space Index means the quotient by diving the total covered area (plinth) on all floors excepting the areas specifically exempted under these rules, by the Plot Area. Few exemptions are stair well, left well, service rooms, basements, parking etc.


Planning Regulations

C.1 Definitions C.1.8 Ground Coverage The ratio of the land within a plot directly under building footprint or in a case of still, under the maximum footprint of the immediately upper floor, to the total plot area expressed as percentage. C.1.9 Green terrace Green terrace or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely with vegetarian and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing irrigation system. C.1.10 Step Back Setback to be left after Built to line height specified from ground.


C.1.11 Margins Shall mean space fully open to sky provided at the plot level from the edge of the building wherein built upon area shall not be permitted except specifically permitted projection under these regulations. Reserved Margins

C.1.12Open Space An are forming an integral part of the plot, left permanently open to spy. C.1.13 Open Space Reservation OSR stands for Open Space Reservation, 10 percent of the area should be reserves as communal and recreational open space before the actual approval of any layout.

Reserved Open space


Planning Regulations

C.1 Definitions C.1.14 Parking Spaces Parking Spaces means an enclosed or unenclosed covered or open area sufficient in size to park vehicles, which is serves by a driveway connecting to a street or alley and permitting ingress and egress of vehicles. C.1.15 Parking Utility Buildings Parking Utility Buildings means any building which is essential to the proper provision include Post Office, Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Dispensary and Telephone Exchange, Substation, Water Works, Taxi Stand, Bus Terminals etc. C.1.16 Permitted Typology Percentage of built up for commercial and residential.

High-rise Commercial

Mid-rise Mixed

Low-rise Mixed

70% to 100% Commercial

Upto max. 50% Commercial

Upto max. 20% Commercial

C.1.17 Plots Plots means the area of a contiguous parcel of the land enclosed by definite boundaries over which the applicant has legal right for the development and includes part of the site used as exclusive passage, open space reservation area internal roads within the boundaries. C.1.18 Zones Zoning is method of urban planning where the land is into areas called zones each if which has set of regulations for a new development that differs from other zone. Zone may be defined as a single use (e.g. residential, industrial), they may combine several compatible activities by use, or in the case of form-based zoning, the differing regulations may govern the density, size and shape of allowed building whatever their use.


Planning Regulations

C.2 High - Rise Commercial Zone C.2.1 Definition It is like CBD area where 70% of commercial use is mandatory. If not 100% Commercial use, Residential use upto 30% is permitted.

C.2.2 Permissible Use Zone

Permissible Use


Shopping, Restaurants, Retail Shops, Restaurants, Multiplex, Hi - tech parks, IT offices, other offices,


Residential Apartments

30% Built up allowed for residential


C.2.3 Permissible Use according to ROW ROW 18 Meters 24 Meters

12m of Colonnade walkway

Permissible Use Shopping, Restaurants, Retail Shops, Restaurants, Multiplex, Hi - tech parks, IT offices, other offices, Residential Apartments

Note: High rise commercial is only permitted on streets where ROW is 18m and 24m. This zone is not applicable to streets where ROW is smaller than above mentioned.

C.2.4 Plot Size ROW

Minimum Plot Dimension

Minimum Plot Size

18 Meters

20 m

500 Sq. m

24 Meters

25 m

750 Sq. m

Note: a. In case of plots less than mentioned above the plots might go for amalgamations. b. The higher plot dimension should face the abutting road.

n. Mi




Min. Plot size 750 Sq.m








Planning Regulations

C.2 High - Rise Commercial Zone C.2.5 Margins and Setbacks ROW

Front Margins Rear and Side Margins

18 Meters

No road side margins. (Mandatory)

24 Meters

Minimum of 3m margins

Minimum of 3.5m margins

Note: a. No compound wall permitted in setbacks. b. Margins should not consist basement ramps or OSR provisions. c. Built to Line development on the front side (road side) of the plot is mandatory.

3.5m from plot boundary

3.5m from plot boundary

Permitted Ground Coverage

18 Meters

Ground Cover Upto 50% Only

24 Meters



C.2.6 Ground Cover ROW

3.5m from plot boundary


No front Margins

Ground Cover Upto 50%

Note: Internal roads, swimming pool, sump tank, pump house, substation and other utilities are not included in ground Coverage.




C.2.7 Open Space Reservation ROW 18 Meters 24 Meters

OSR % Reservation 10% - of the plot to should be kept open to sky for public access.

Note: a. Parking is not allowed in OSR b. The location of OSR should be as such, it could be cumulatively amalgamated to make a Public Space. c. OSR is mandatory - to be kept open to sky and should be publically accessible.

10% Greens

Public open space shall not be considered as setback.





Planning Regulations

C.2 High - Rise Commercial Zone C.2.8 Floor Space Index ROW

Base FSI

Purchasable FSI

Permissible FSI

18 Meters




24 Meters




Note: a. Plots within 100 meters of the BRTS corridor, should have incentive of higher F.S.I which can contribute to high commercial density. b. Incase of green terrace, 0.3 FSI is incentive (refer C.2.10). c. FSI shall exempt the floor are used as staircase room, lift shaft and ramps, ventilation ducts and overhead tank.





C.2.9 Building Height ROW


Permissible Height

18 Meters

Mandatory upto 8m

upto 30m

24 Meters

Mandatory upto 12m

upto 45m

Green Roof

0.3 FSI Additional

Note: a. To achieve the high rise category, minimum height restriction would be 24m. b. For plot more than 5000 sq.m , the whole building could be of commercial use.

C.2.10 Green Terrace ( Incentives FSI) a. Incase of green terrace, additional 0.3 FSI is incentive. b. Green Terrace - Additional FSI is only applicable for ROW - 18m and 24m.

1.6 FSI

2.4 FSI





Planning Regulations

C.2 High - Rise Commercial Zone C.2.11 Built to Line Covered Walkway (In-front - Mandatory)

Built to Line (Mandatory)

18 Meters

3m wide and 8m high colonnade walkway

Height upto 15m

24 Meters

4.5m wide and 12m high colonnade walkway

Height Upto 18m


Note: a. Building can step-back or can be in same line, as per mentioned Built to line height.

C.2.12 Parking Use

Parking Standards


For every 200 Sq.m - 1 car & 0.5 Two wheeler


For every 150 Sq.m - 1 car & 0.5 Two wheeler



18 Meters

Parking allowed only upto 2 levels.

Max. Permissible Height 45m

10% -OSR



4.5m wide & 12m high colonnade walkway mandatory


Ground Cover Upto 50%

24 Meters Note: a. Basement shall be used only as parking. b. Location of the ramp should not be from front facing side of the plot. It is recommended to give at rear end of the plot (secondary street).

C.2.13 Amalgamation of Plots a. For plots less than 250 m, Plot amalgamation would be incentive on betterment charges and premium FSI. b. Incase of subdivision, plot size should not be lesser than the mentioned plot size mentioned in “C.2.4�.

Plot Boundary 1st Floor

G Floor

Rear side of the plot

Basement 1 Basement 2 Sunken B2 only can be built upto the line of site boundary


Planning Regulations

C.3 Mid - Rise Mixed Use Zone C.3.1 Definition Where commercial, institutional and residential is allowed. Independent Institutional complex is not permitted in this zone. 50% built up of residential is mandatory and 30% built up of commercial is mandatory. Remaining 20% can be used for Instituional or commercial or residential.

C.3.2 Permissible Use Zone

Permissible Use


Shopping, Restaurants, Retail Shops, Restaurants, Multiplex, Hi - tech parks, IT offices, other offices,


Residential Apartment


Education centers, Research center and Training institutes

C.3.3 Permissible Use according to ROW ROW

Permissible Use

12 Meters

Small scale commercial use, Residential apartments

18 Meters

24 Meters

Shopping, Restaurants, Retail Shops, Restaurants, Multiplex, Hi - tech parks, IT offices, other offices, Education centers, Research center and Training institutes and Residential apartments

Note: Mid rise Mixed use is only permitted on streets where ROW is 12m, 18m and 24m. This zone is not applicable to streets where ROW is smaller than above mentioned.

50% Built up is mandatory for Residential

30% Built up mandatory for Commercial 12m of Colonnade walkway


Planning Regulations

C.3 Mid - Rise Mixed Use Zone C.3.4 Plot Size ROW

Minimum Plot Dimension

Minimum Plot Size

12 Meters

15 m

250 Sq.m

18 Meters

20 m

500 Sq. m

24 Meters

25 m

750 Sq. m

Note: a. In case of plots less than mentioned above the plots might go for amalgamations. b. The higher plot dimension should face the abutting road.



n. Mi

Min. Plot size 750 Sq.m Mi







C.3.5 Margins and Setbacks ROW

Front Margins

Rear and Side Margins

12 Meters

No Mandate Margins

Min. of 1.5m margins

No road side margins. (Mandatory)

Min. of 3m margins

18 Meters 24 Meters

Min. of 3.5m margins

3.5m from plot boundary

3.5m from plot boundary No front Margins

3.5m from plot boundary




Note: a. No compound wall permitted in setbacks. b. Margins should not consist basement ramps or OSR provisions. c. Built to Line development on the front side (road side) of the plot is mandatory.

C.3.6 Ground Cover ROW

Permitted Ground Coverage

12 Meters

Not Mandate

18 Meters 24 Meters

Ground Cover Upto 60% only

Note: Internal roads, pump house, substation and other utilities are not included in ground Coverage.

Ground Cover Upto 60% 4m




Planning Regulations

C.3 Mid - Rise Mixed Use Zone C.3.7 Open Space Reservation ROW

Permissible Use

12 Meters

Not Mandate

18 Meters 24 Meters

10% Greens

Public open space shall not be considered as setback.

10% - of the plot to should be kept open to sky for public access.




Note: a. Parking is not allowed in OSR b. The location of OSR should be as such, it could be cumulatively amalgamated to make a Public Space. c. OSR is mandatory - to be kept open to sky and should be publically accessible.

C.3.8 Floor Space Index ROW

Base FSI

Purchasable FSI

Permissible FSI

18 Meters




18 Meters




24 Meters




Note: a. Plots within 100 meters of the BRTS corridor, should have incentive of higher F.S.I which can contribute to high commercial density. b. c c. FSI shall exempt the floor are used as staircase room, lift shaft and ramps, ventilation ducts and overhead tank.

FSI 2.4





Planning Regulations

C.3 Mid - Rise Mixed Use Zone C.3.9 Building Height ROW


Permissible Height

12 Meters

Mandatory upto 6m

upto 18m

0.3 FSI Additional

18 Meters

Mandatory upto 8m

upto 24m

0.4 FSI

24 Meters

Mandatory upto 12m

upto 24m

2.4 FSI

Green Roof

Note: a. For plot more than 5000 sq.m , the whole building could be of commercial use.



C.3.10 Green Terrace ( Incentives FSI)


a. Not applicable for ROW smaller than 18m. b. Incase of green terrace, additional 0.3 FSI is incentivised. c. Green Terrace - Additional FSI is only applicable for ROW above 18m.

C.3.11 Built to Line ROW

Covered Walkway (In-front Mandatory)

Built to Line (Mandatory)

12 Meters

3m wide and 6m high colonnade walkway

Height 6m


18 Meters

3m wide and 8m high colonnade walkway

Height 15m


24 Meters

4.5m wide and 12m high Height Upto colonnade 18m walkway

Note: a. Building can step-back or can be in same line, as per mentioned Built to line height.

Max. Permissible Height 24m 10% -OSR


4.5m wide & 12m high colonnade walkway mandatory



Ground Cover Upto 60%


Planning Regulations

C.3 Mid - Rise Mixed Use Zone C.3.12 Parking Use

Parking Standards


For every 200 Sq.m - 1 car & 0.5 Two wheeler


For every 150 Sq.m - 1 car & 0.5 Two wheeler



18 Meters

Parking allowed only upto 2 levels.

24 Meters

Note: a. Basement shall be used only as parking. b. Location of the ramp should not be from front facing side of the plot. It is recommended to give at rear end of the plot (secondary street).

C.3.13 Amalgamation of Plots a. For plots less than 250 m, Plot amalgamation would be incentivied on betterment charges and premium FSI. b. Incase of subdivision, plot size should not be lesser than the mentioned plot size mentioned in “C.3.4�.

Plot Boundary 1st Floor

G Floor

Rear side of the plot

Basement 1 Basement 2 Sunken B2 only can be built upto the line of site boundary

Part D Group Synthesis

D.1 Suggestions and Comments by peers D.2 Learning and Outcomes


Group Synthesis

D.1 Suggestions and Comments by peers Built to Line ROW

Built to Line

Built to Height

18 Meters

4.5m wide and 8m high colonnade walkway

Setback Permitted after 32m and shall be min. 6m setback

24 Meters

4.5m wide and 12m high colonnade walkway

Setback Permitted after 48mand shall be min. 6m setback

Covered Walkway (In-front Mandatory)


18 Meters

24 Meters

Built to Line (Mandatory)

3m wide and 8m high Height upto colonnade 15m walkway 4.5m wide and 12m high colonnade walkway

Height Upto 18m


Revised Built to Line (Mandatory Missing)

Let the market decide the step back and shouldn’t be mandatory


Plot Boundary 1st


G Floor

Plot Boundary 1st Floor

Rear side of the plot

G Floor

Basement 1

Basement 1

Basement 2

Basement 2

Sunken B2 only can be built upto the line of site boundary


No need to extended Basement level 1

Rear side of the plot

Sunken B2 only can be built upto the line of site boundary



Group Synthesis

D.2 Learning Outcome Floor Space Index - Intensify FSI Green Roof can be one of the factors for giving additional FSI as insentive. Sky Terrace

Green Roof

Additional Building Height

0.3 FSI Additional 0.4 FSI

2.4 FSI





Revised So many floors can’t be provide by just giving sky terrace

Incase of green terrace, additional 0.3 FSI is incentivised.

Look for FSI incentive examples.

Learning Outcome • The regulations and standards in form-based codes are presented in both words and clearly drawn diagrams and other visuals. They are keyed to a regulating plan that designates the appropriate form and scale (and therefore, character) of development, rather than only distinctions in land-use types. • The TOD benefits cannot be realized with the kind of developments that encourage the use of personalized vehicles so by reducing the parking numbers - Concept can be enhanced more. • Ground Cover and FSI has direct relation to achievable height - Increase in FSI benifts buyers and developers. • Intensifying FSI is a tool - Which help in vertical expansion and can help in compact city rather than sprawl city. • Vertical Development - reducing the ground cover - more open space within the plot and more space which can be in public domain. • This approach contrasts with conventional zoning’s focus on the micromanagement and segregation of land uses, and the control of development intensity through abstract and uncoordinated parameters (e.g., FSI, dwellings per acre, setbacks, parking ratios), to the neglect of an integrated built form. Ultimately, a form-based code is a tool; the quality of development outcomes depends on the quality and objectives of the community plan that a code implements.

CEPT University Faculty of Planning

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