Compact City | Place making and Public Spaces | Urban Design Portfolio | Cept University

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Integrated Township Development

Compact City Project Report

Akshat Chadha | PG190076

Disclaimer The information presented in this portfolio has been studied and collected by the author as a part of the “Master Plan� studio, Faculty of Planning, CEPT University. Any omissions and errors are deeply regretted.

Acknowledgment I would like to express my gratitude towards CEPT University, Ahmedabad and Faculty of Planning for conducting Elements of Master Plan Studio over developing the basic understanding on preparing Master Plans for large green field developments in peri urban areas I am grateful to Prof. Vipuja Parmar, Prof Brijesh Bhatha and academic associate Sophiya Islam who have constantly been active in imparting the best of their knowledge and skills to us.

Content Preface

pg. 6

Studio Brief

Case Study

pg. 10

Site Context and Concept Design Strategies Key Learnings

pg. 15

Proposed Master Plan

pg. 64

Location and Site Context Opportunities and Constraints Vision Design Strategies Master Plan Delayering the Master Plan Building Use and Density Neighbourhood Characteristics Urban Block Phasing Strategy Bird’s Eye View

pg. 67

Studio Understanding

pg. 18 pg. 22 pg. 30 pg. 34 pg. 60




UD4001 - Master Plan Studio Tutors:Brijesh Bhatha, Purvi Bhatt, Vipuja Parmar, Tapan Shah The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large green field developments in peri urban areas. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centres, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. The studio operates within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is a typically developer driven activity and involves design on a large tract of land under single ownership. The design of the project will involve preparing a three dimensional urban design master plan with strategies of street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets, defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy. Students will be required to prepare an urban design master plan for these developments with an emphasis on creating liveable neighbourhoods that explore the ideas of future living through their designs. The design process will consistently retain its focus on how these ideas can be translated into reality. The studio outcome will also involve preparing effective representation graphics and persuasive communication strategy for the design project.


Case Study Key aspects involved in learning similar large scale urban design master plan. The emphasis of the case study is to explore the design strategies used to develop the master plan and understanding the relationship of three-dimensional urban design proposal for this area with massing, height, densities, orientation, grids and blocks, movement routes both for pedestrians and vehicles and role of public spaces.

The Connected City, Hamburg Connectivity 15 mins distance from the City center, Hamburg


Site Area: 306 Acres

Key Idea (Concept)

Status: Schematic Design Project By: ADEPT

Livable and attractive, inclusive, affordable resilient and integrated, environmentally friendly and sustainable neighborhood.

Oberbillwerder is located in the region of Bergedorf, 15 minutes from Hamburg city centre and only two stops on the

Enables its residents to live an active and health-

the largest borough district of Hamburg in terms of area, but

are thus key features that characterize the vitality of the new

suburban railway from the centre of Bergedorf. Bergedorf is has the lowest population, with approx. 125,000 residents.

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

conscious lifestyle. Sports activity and social togetherness district of Oberbillwerder.

Case Study Preserving the agriculture loop with respect to context neighborhoods. The basic structure of Oberbillwerder takes its cue from

the landscape and is based on agricultural cultivation in the form of narrow, elongated parcels of land (Hufen)

that run north to south, and the ditches that drain the water from them.

Integrating the historical water ways. This rigid structure is broken up by the vestiges of historic

waterways, which run in an east–west direction. The interlocking of these two elements forms the Green

Loop: a green ring that will interconnect the new district and take on a variety of functions.

Central spine (Metro Station – Anchoring Point) The central axis cuts through mixed use neighbourhoods

where the spine is predominately pedestrian with small plaza at certain intervals where spine is active with commercial activities along it.


Design Strategies

Key Learnings

Street network % of Street Network –


Main Circulation Pedestrian Street

Pedestrian street buffered from Vehicular street. Closed System - Alternate connections increase connectivity.

Amenities Loop Residential Street

Land Use Mixed Use -

24% Residential - 56% Institutes - 9% Public Amenities -11%

Blue and Green Network 23% % of Water Stream – 5% % of Greens –

Livability Index - 22 sq.m

Central square with metro anchoring point is planned as mixed use. Institutes are located with public amenities and near to the each quarters.

Green loops and water loops weaves through the housing typologies and live stream enhances the public realm.

Green Loop Schools

Figure Ground

Built - Fabric -

27% Open Space - 83% Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

The schools are proposed next to the greens where the sports fields can be shared between the residence and school.

Case Study Community Zoning

Blue Quarters Garden Quarters Park Quarters Station Quarters Green Quarters

Building Height and Density

Vision integration – blue quarters which is integrated with water, garden quarters with farm lands, station quarters is high density commercial and mixed use, green quarters with more green spaces and Park but has common green spaces.

Garden Quarters

Blue Quarters

4 - 6 floors 3 - 4 floors

Station Quarters

1 - 3 floors

Building Typology

Town House Multi story Apartments Semi - Detached Houses

Transport and Public Amenities with Walkability

Central square is high FSI, high density square in the township and creates visual connection with agriculture loop where as Low rise development every quarter gets high quality of realm and environment. Smaller block size and strategic location of transport hub such as cycle stand and bus stand – enhances the walkability and connectivity.


Urban Character

Pedestrian Street Safe, buffered and is activ through the day with mixed use developme where ground floor is shopping and abov residence.

Key Takeaways Permeable blocks – variety of choice in terms of connectivity and open space. Integration of water and green loop with respect to land use and building typology. Block size and integrating them with public transport and mobility hubs – Walkability. Central square with mixed use (commercial) and catering to the needs of township bring people around and together. Closed Loop street Network The Central greens are safe and active by schools where the sports fields can also be shared between the residence and school. Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

The live stream is running across the quarters brining residence closure to the water.

ve ent ve

Bird’s-eye View Neighborhood centers are created through the proximity of the Mobility Hubs to the Quarter squares

Green Loop and Sports fields are used as getting around and getting together.

Social and cultural facilities are distributed flexibly throughout the Quarter in order to ensure a diverse urban environment, but they are directly linked to the education and community center or close to the primary schools or Quarter centers.



Master Plan Creating a Sustainable city where compact neighborhood are walkable, safe and are vibrant in living environment. Urban design master plan with strategies of street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets, defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy.

Site Contextualization

Airport - 26 km

Railway Station - 19 km

Metro Station - 10 km

Distance from Site SP Ring Road - 2.5 Km S.G Highway - 5.0 Km Proposed Ring Road - 2.5 Km


Site Area: 335 Acres

Opportunity at city level

Location - Telav, Ahmedabad

The city is rapidly growing and the development is percolating

The proposed site is strategically located within Ahmedabad city.

existing neighborhoods and public spaces with a much

It sits along the Sanand Highway and at a short distance of5km

from S.G highway. The development trend in Ahmedabad has

seen major boost in vicinity and the radial roads in the recent past, hence provides tremendous opportunity to the site.

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

towards the southern-western area. Taking clues from the

larger influence zone like - Kankaria lake, Sabarmati riverfront,

in the same order from east to west, the urban fabric around the site and the public life is in dire need for an selfsustaining neighborhood and open space that caters to a large percentage of residential population.


Proposed 36 m wide DP Road

N Proposed 45 m


wide DP Road


40 20



Opportunity at site level

Development in Vicinity

Automobile development in Sanand Sarkhej Corridor

The site is enveloped by roads on all four sides, one edge being

developed with many Residential townships & some renowned institutes coming up.

The Corridor thus holds the capacity to develop as a Future Residential & Business Corridor.

the Sanand highway and other edge proposed DP roads.

Townships like Gokuldham society and Applewood are predominant residential hubs which high rise apartments and bungalow schemes.


Site Contexuatisation

Proposed 36 m wide DP Road

Proposed 45 m wide DP Road

Canal Edge

Connectivity and Edges

Site frontage more towards canal and act as beneficiary

Robust Street Connectivity - edges develop as Economic

for township

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Integrating Public transport – Strengthening connectivity

Clues from Existing Trails

People oriented city where neighbourhoods are more

evolve to connect neighbourhoods of vicinity.

sustainable and liveable with proximity to transit stops.

Considering the existing patterns of trails which can

N 10 0

40 20


M 21


Vision Creating a Sustainable city where compact neighborhood are walkable, safe and are vibrant in living environment.


Master Plan

Compact Neighbourhoods Facilities and amenities within walkable distance Small block size for easy access to amenities and other community Well connected robust street network yet flexible

Safe In-terms of street and open spaces Lively / Active realm

Vibrant Living Environment Mixed Use Development Diverse open spaces and Integrating them with built fabric

Design Strategies

Connecting to City

Landmark nodes

Central Public Sp

Introducing a central spine running through the

Creating two anchoring points along the

Large central greens w

site continuously.

central spine. These nodes also acts as transit stops.

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

A park for everyday a


which links to canal front.

and big day.

Master Plan

Commercial Development along National Highway and Mixed use along the central spine

Walkable Neighbourhoods

Commercial edge becomes anchoring point


for the township and active nodes along the main spine with mixed used character and public plaza.






and commercial is in walkable distance.

space sharing large green

spaces and acts as beneficiary for the township.


Land Use

Residential - 61% Commercial - 5% Mixed Use - 8% Institutional - 7% Open Space- 21% SEWS Residential - 6% N

10 0

40 20



Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Master Plan City Level Edge

Commercial Development (Anchoring Point) Commercial development along sanand highway acts as

anchoring for the township. Mixed use development with

different characteristics along the spine where the northern side is more of high street shopping - colonnade character and on the southern side mixed use with public plaza where shopping at lower floors and above residential towers.

Residential Spaces (Smaller Block Size) Linked to green trails, Canal edge

Smaller residential neighbourhoods where day to day amenities are in walkable distance. These neighbourhoods

are distinct in character. SEWS neighbourhoods are close to the sanand bypass road and canal edge where spill out of activities can take place as well.

Institutes sharing space with central greens Large greens spaces are safe and activate with schools, clubs house, sports field, small hospital and cafe/ day to day

retail. Activating the greens with such spaces makes them vibrant and safe.


Compact city

100 M

Residential Neighborhood with Day to Day Amenity like Amul Dairy

With pedestrian trail and small green pocket.

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Institute – Schools, Club House , H

Spaces are developed in large green



Concept Illustration

400 M 300 M

– 400

– 600



200 M

Recreational – Celebration Ground - Sports Field

Mixed Use or Commercial Development

market, festivals ground and open air cinema

Cinema house – Bringing people together

Large city level greens such as urban flee, informal

Shopping, Café, Restaurants, offices and


Master Plan Commercial District

Departmental stores, Offices, Small Hospital and Car Showrooms

Neighborhoods Amenities Library, kindergarten, Retail (Amul dairy) and community Hall

Green Trail Network





trail and cycling track connecting the boulevard street, township level large greens and Canal front

Landmark Node - Mobility Hub Node with mixed use development

integrated with transit stops and series of public plaza

Institutional Space – School

Located on the city edge which can be used not only by people residing

in township but also from near by neighbourhoods


10 0

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40 20



Compact City

Commercial – Recreational PVR House, Offices, Banks, Retail

Township level Club House

Community Hall, café and indoor games

Recreational - Sports Field

Sports fields are shared with institutional area (schools) which makes them active and safe through the day

High School

School located along the central spine acts as beneficiary for township

Bungalow’s Integrated with Water channel

Bungalows are zoned between two large greens enhancing the quality and privacy of the residence

Recreational – Celebration Ground

Large city level greens such as urban flee, informal market, festivals ground and open air cinema

SEWS Neighbourhoods

School and Neighbourhoods retail


Delayering the Master Plan Figure Ground

Ration of 1:2 is achieved to create high quality of living with diverse open spaces

Built - Fabric - 45% Open Space - 55%

Street Hierarchy Cross Over Infrastructure - 6% Total % of Roads - 12%

30m - Central Spine 24m - Connector Street 18m - Secondary Street

Cross over


12m to 6m - Residential Street

Open Space Public Greens with schools and commercial

greens which are more towards city side where as common greens are more inclusive.

Common Green - 14% Public Green - 7%

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Open Spaces Public Greens

Public greens linked with institutes

Common Greens

Public greens with celebration ground and informal markets

Private Greens

Neighbourhoods realm with kids play area and play courts


Built Use

Residential - 61% Commercial - 5% Mixed Use - 8% Institutional - 7% Open Space- 21% SEWS Residential - 6% N

10 0

40 20



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Master Plan Commercial Zone

400m to 600m Walking Distance High intensity commercial is located along the arterial

road which is buffered with green trail. Commercial edges completes the concept of live - work - play.

Mixed Use Zone

200m to 400m Walking Distance Activated mixed use buildings m with multilevel retail on the lower floors are linked along the central network spine High shopping street and market plaza.

Institutional Zone

100m to 200m Walking Distance Institution and amenities buildings act as anchor points for the green trail and boulevard street. Institution and amenities buildings makes the green space active and safe.


Building Height and Density

High Density

Med Density

Global FSI - 1.6 Approx High Density Neighbourhoods Med Density Neighbourhoods Low Density Neighbourhoods N

10 0

40 20



Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Low Density

Master Plan High Density | High Rise Neighborhoods Building Height - G+16 (Boulevard) to G+12 FSI - 3.2 | 3.4

High Density neighbourhoods are more close to the city edge and height reduces as we walk away from the central spine.

Mid Density | Mid Rise Neighborhoods Building Height - G+12 to G+8 FSI - 2.2 | 2.4

Mid Density neighbourhoods are more inclusive with diverse open spaces character. The towers facing greens are higher in height than towers facing streets.

Low Density | Low Rise Neighborhoods Building Height - G+4 to G+1, G FSI - 1.2 | 0.5

Character of the spine changes from north to south where the height changes after landmark nodes. Low Density

neighbourhoods are Bungalows where bungalows are well integrated with water channels and large greens spaces.

Site Section 37

Neighbourhoods Character Commercial District Green Pockets and Plaza for events

Green Neighborhood Greens



flowing and





larger greens (Pedestrian Trail); More Amenities – For High Density

Lake View Neighborhood

Neighborhood overlooking lake/fountain with jogging track around it.

Mixed Use Neighborhood Series








10 0

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40 20



Compact City

High Street Neighborhood

Ground floor with covered Arcade shopping wide pathway

and pause points with informal vending and sitting spaces

Canal Front Neighborhood

Facing canal Front with porous edges towards canal seamless flowing of sloping greens towards canal

Bungalows Neighborhood

Integrated with water channel which is flowing through these neighbourhoods and green trail with community amenity and facility building.

Green Neighborhood

Integrated with green trail with day to day retail and food plaza.

SEWS Neighborhood

Spaces for spillovers central green pockets and separate school and day to day retail plaza.


Boulevard street 30 M Street


Wider Walkways


Mixed Use Neighborhood Shopping Street

Key Plan

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

6M Covered Walkway

3M Cycle Track

2.5 M Bus Stop


Street Section


Interactive Edges along the street “Eyes on Street�


9M Carriage Way each

2.5 M Cycle Track

8M Pathway

6M Covered Walkway

Mixed Use Neighborhood Shopping Street

The central axis, active built form along with it. The built form creates a sense of identity and improves the imageability. The vibrant and busy commercial corridor with covered walkway and wide pathways enhances the experience of walking along the street. Outdoor cafe and residential towers above strengthen the eyes on the street. 41

Residential Neighborhood Guidelines

Goal : Safe and walkable neighborhood with different character of neighborhood greens.

Porous Ground floor makes the streets safe

The building should have active ground frontage towards semi public open spaces – such as gym.

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

“Eyes on street” - Balconies and active ground floor facing the greens and green trail along the streets.

Amenities acts as pause poin connecting boulevard and can

The Amenity block within the landscap spaces shall be pro

nt in green trails nal front

ks should be integrated pe and adequate seating ovided.

Design Guidelines

Raised crossovers and continuous trails - Universally accessible.

Diverse characteristics of neighbourhoods greens.

Green Trail – jogging track, kids play, temples and space for street hawkers, vending and cycling – Spaces creating pause points.


Residential Neighborhood Residential units grouped together with central green to provide permeable and fictional urban structures. The green links are directly connected to the activity centre and public transport services. The balconies overlooking the central green and pedestrian streets helps in “eyes on street�.

Block Perimeter Smallest - 120m Largest - 200m

Built V/s Open Built space - 52% Public open space - 12% Private open space - 36%

Bus Stop connected to

neighborhoods through Pedestrian Trial

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Wide Pedestrian and Cycling trail



central greens

Urban Block

Neighborhood Retail and Plaza

Ground Floors used as Gym and Community space

Primary School

Raised Pedestrian Crossing

Kids Play Area


Canal Front Neighbourhoods 12 M Street

Physically & visually connected

Canal front Neighborhood Key Plan

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

18 M Canal front lawn


6M Canal Walk (Deck)

Street Section

The canal front neighborhood has green leisure spine along it. It has two promenades, an upper one for strolling and a lower one as sloping green where residents can relax and interact. The edge of the residential tower is double height stilt which will host seasonal exhibition, cycling stand and (gym) activity spaces.

9M Existing Road

3M Pathway

Existing Canal and Context


Neighborhood Retail

Key Plan

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The residential district is developed to become a self-sustained compact neighbourhood. The pedestrian trail passes through the neighborhood greens in the sector and therefore, connects it to the entire township. Day to day retails becomes a hot-spot to meet and interact, play – Share Ideas. 49

Bungalow’s and Central Neighborhoods 12 M Street

The relationship between housing and landscape has been attempted to seamlessly merge through various leisure and fundamental amenities. This enables visual porosity and develops an eye on the street quality. The quality of life is enhanced by integrating water channel that flow through neighborhoods. Pedestrian and cycling experience are enhanced through landscape.

Integrating Bungalows to W

Bungalows Neighborhood

Key Plan

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Green wate

Street Section

Water channel

n Trail with er channel

3M Pathway

7M Carriage Way

2M Pathway

6M Frontage

Central Neighborhood


Green Trail

Key Plan

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Main pedestrian spine The quality of pedestrian experience is choreographed through a series of social occurrences through parklets, jogging and cycling track and street furniture. The porous nature of residential towers add to the openness of the public realm. 53

Celebration street 24 M Street

Celebration ground which is used as an informal market, exhibitions, open air cinema is a city level open space which is linked to cross over infrastructure street. The 24m wide street connecting the neighborhoods to the city is integrated with a transit stop which helps is strengthening the connectivity.

Celebration Ground Garba, Urban flea and Recreational Key Plan

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

3M Pathway

2.5 M Cycle Track


7M age Way each

Street Section

2.5 M Bus Stop

2.5 M Pathway

6M Frontage

Mid Rise Neighborhood


Lake View Neighborhood

Key Plan

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020


Double Height Balconies facing the large lake with fountains. Edges of lake – Space for cycle and exercise and kids play area. The street furniture is assembled to accommodate people in diverse arrangements to interact with various activity generators. 57

Mixed Use Block Guidelines

Goal : Active and vibrant commercial edge having public plaza as a characteristic identity with safe interconnectivity.

Apart from Ground and first floor, rest all shall be residential.

Seamless flow of activities from inside to outside.

Op res bin

Building use

Built to Line

Safe Connections

Podium Towers where ground floor and 1st floor is used as commercial – retail and cafes.

Atleast 70% of the buildings abutting road to be built to line with a 6m setback on the side facing the boulevard street.

Active commercial frontag connectivity, the public commercial retail.

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

pen space shall respond to retail and staurant use with a specific character nding the space as one.

ge with high visual plaza in front of

Design Guidelines

Tactile cross over an adequate shaded walkway and seating.

Advertisement boards on the shorter side of building facing the boulevard street.

Permeable Connections


Series of Public plazas connected through continuous wide pedestrian ways.

Arcade Colonnade – 4.5m of width – Double Height – 8m


Mixed Use Neighborhood The mixed-use development incorporates active design principles into the street and public realm. The building exteriors are designed to facilitate a pedestrian-friendly urban environment and that include variety and transparency, multiple entries and arcade walkway.

Block Perimeter Smallest - 150m Largest - 240m

Built V/s Open Built space - 58% Public open space - 25% Private open space -18% Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Space for Advisement

Continuous Cycle Track

Landmark Node

Urban Block

Wide Pathway connecting series of Plazas

Raised Cross Overs

Multi-functional Plaza

Covered Arcade shopping Corridor


Phasing Strategy

Phase I

Phase II

Developing Compact city (Anchoring):

Developing Compact city (Neighbourhoods):

High Density (High rise) Canal Front Neighborhood School and Sports Field Commercial (PVR, Offices and Healthcare)

High Density (High rise) Neighborhood Lake View Neighborhood Mid Rise Neighborhoods Large Institutional Space Club House

Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Phase III

Phase IV

Developing Compact city (Facilities):

Developing Compact city (High-end Living):

Mid Rise Neighborhoods Mixed Use Plaza Celebration Ground SEWS Neighborhoods along with school

High End–Bungalows Green Neighborhood SEWS Neighborhoods School and Commercial Development


Bird’s-eye View Landmark Nodes

Entrance to the township - Central Boulevard

Commercial District

Day to Day Facilities and Amenities

City Level Cross-over Infrastructure

Sports Fields

Sustainable city where compact neighborhood are walkable, safe and are vibrant in living environment. Compact City | Master Plan Studio | MUD | 2020

Club House Bringing people together Community Centre for Bungalow Neighborhood Celebration Ground Pedestrian Trail connecting Boulevard - Day to Day Amenities/Facility - Canal Front

School and Facilities for SEWS

Entrance through Sanand Bypass road



Key Learnings

In Indian cities, people generally have to trade off between their housing choices and work (destinations). Hence the neighbourhood is planned for more pedestrianisation by providing amenities at walkable distance. These distances are decided by the day to day needs of the people. Also, to make the neighbourhood self sustaining, mixed use and commercial developments are provided within the site. The universal sustainable concept of live - learn - work - play is achieved through the design process. The studio helped in understanding on how to develop large scale urban design master plans for green field developments. The studio aimed on how people live?, What is the idea of life? and what are the key factors that these large development carter? How to create future communities that are more liveable and are compact in nature.

400 M

300 M 200 M

100 M

– 400


– 600


Akshat Chadha | PG190076 | Master Plan Studio | MUD 2020

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