How CBT Can Help With Public Speaking Anxiety Insights from Harley Street psychologist, Dr Vanessa Ruspoli
Introduction Does your anxiety about speaking in public inhibit you in your work and personal life, and make you adapt your behaviour to avoid certain feared situation and feel safer? Public speaking anxiety is the most common form of social phobia. Most people are nervous about of some forms of public speaking, from giving a presentation at work to talking to a group of our colleagues or friends. This fear may limit you in your personal life to the extent that you find you are nit living life to the full or giving your best.
Fear of Public Speaking • Public speaking anxiety is the most common form of social phobia, and most of us have a fear of some kind of social speaking, like speaking at meetings or interviews. • Even chatting to a group of colleagues or peers can cause social anxiety, but it is very treatable with the use of CBT, a type of very fast intervention therapy. Dr Vanessa Ruspoli | Harley Street Psychology | www.dr-‐ | (+44) 7747-‐ 777361