How rats and mice can affect your uk business

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EXPERT TIPS FROM CATCH-­‐IT PEST CONTROL LTD LONDON How Rats And Mice Can Affect Your UK Business Reduce damage to your profits, from London pest control company Catch-­‐It There are a multitude of ways a pest problem could impact your business, from profit loss to lower employee morale to legal action. The negative publicity will affect your reputation that you have w orked so hard to achieve. Here are some pests that can have a poor effect on your business. MICE

-­‐-­‐-­‐ Having mouse droppings on your property, especially if you work with food, is unsanitary and doesn’t comply with health standards. -­‐-­‐-­‐ Mice will eat through your food or products, which will then have to be thrown away, causing loss of earnings. -­‐-­‐-­‐ Mouse sightings by customers will compromise your health and safety standards and damage your good reputation, affecting your business profits. CATCH-­‐IT PEST CONTROL LTD LONDON | | 0208 787 5929

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