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The L(eonardo) and the S(alai) Paulo Martins Oliveira __________________________________________________________ The dual nature of Christ was often used as a metaphor for the human condition in general, corrupt by nature, but trying to overcome the sin and reach a higher state. In this context, some painters encoded personal messages regarding themselves and their own sins, constituting veiled admissions and purges. Thus, among other cases, Michelangelo punished himself for his collaboration with the Holy See; Jheronimus Bosch for his sales to the imperial Habsburgs; and Velázquez for his life in the Spanish court of Philip IV. Example
Michelangelo “skinned” by Carafa, but also punishing himself for his collaboration with the Holy See
The construction of the immoral new St. Peter's Basilica (measuring, digging, painting, carving, laying...)
St. Sebastian is also a painter, and his arrows are brushes as well