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summer shape-up

All winter long, we worked hard in preparation for those summer bod goals. Are we right, ladies? Don’t worry—we’re laughing, too.

› By Laurel Gillum

Here are some weight loss tips that can easily be implemented into your day-to-day life.

Don’t detox. Avoid products that promote a “seven-day detoxification” or a “30-day colon cleanse.” A healthy, well-balanced diet is the best cleanse.

Less is more. Rather than banning yourself from eating your favorite late-night snacks altogether, consume them in moderation. The same idea applies for eating out. Generally, if you cook at home, your meal will contain far less calories. Save restaurant runs for special occasions only.

One meal at a time. There is no need to change your whole diet all at once. Why not start with breakfast? It’s the most important meal of the day, after all. Wake up and enjoy a couple of whole eggs, a piece of fruit or half a cup of roasted potatoes.

Snack less. Be mindful of what you are snacking on and why. Stray away from eating just to pass the time. If you really do need a pick-me-up snack, try munching on these tasty treats:

An apple and skim milk

Cottage cheese-filled avocado

Tuna on whole-wheat crackers

Green tea smoothie

Warm pear with cinnamon and ricotta

Replace the fizz. Instead of reaching for a soda, reach for a bottle of water. Water not only aids in digestion, but will also make you feel great. If you don’t care for the lack of taste, try fruit-infused water for a touch of sweetness.

Start a checklist. Make a daily to-do list, and add your exercise plan to the top of that list. If you have the mindset that exercise is something you plan to do, instead of something you hope to do, there is a better chance you will accomplish it.

Strength training. Strength training helps you build lean muscle, which in turn increases your metabolism and ability to burn calories. Once you become a regular gym junkie, try to implement a few days of strength exercise to the mix.

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