1 minute read
Advice is everywhere, but great advice can sometimes be hard to find. From the people who love to give it to those searching for it, Healthy Living is highlighting local advice-givers and giving you, the advice-takers, some information that’s sure to get you inspired and motivated.
Tackling goals:
Before beginning to move toward your goal, make sure you are aware of the challenges that lie ahead.
Growing older:
We’ve dug deep and gathered some fun yet insightful information to give you 58 pieces of our greatest (and not-so-great) advice. 7
“Age is only a mindset; no matter how old you are, never stop moving.”
— the late Charlie Futrell, Ironman competitor and triathlete
Shattering negativity:
Never let negative thoughts hold you back; if you think positive and live positive, you will be positive!
Getting the most out of coupon books:
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Store the books in a convenient place. This way, you will always have them handy when you go to places where you can use them.
Making time for yourself:
Whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a stay-athome mom, always find the “me” in “me time.” It’s important, it’s life-changing, it’s necessary.
Living life on the edge:
Becoming healthier:
“…health is about a lifestyle. You have to be consistent.”
Be daring enough to open your world to new possibilities.
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Selecting homeowners insurance:
Choose an insurer of sound reputation and unquestionable integrity to help evaluate your situation and who will offer a fitting solution.