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Summer Shoulders
OPEZ that means a: it’s tank mperatures hat we dress as d make sure our cises ,
Summer is in full swing, and that means one thing in Central Florida: it’s tank top season! With sweltering temperatures and high humidity demanding that we dress as comfortable as possible, we should make sure our arms can look their best. The exercises below will indeed tighten and tone your arms, giving them a sleek, sexy look.
Lateral Raises
1. With feet hip-width apart and arms down by sides, exhale and lift the arms directly to the side with elbows slightly bent.
2. Stop at shoulder height. Be sure to engage your core muscles from your shoulders to your hips to keep your body safely in alignment.
3. Perform 8–12 repetitions for three sets.
• Flex your shoulders by pressing them down and back before you lift.
m down and back avoid ne foot for one set,
• Be sure to keep your elbows soft to avoid hyperextension.
• Ready for a challenge? Stand on one foot for one set, then switch.
TARGETED: Medial deltoid, rotator cuffs, core, and trapezius
About 20 percent of sports injuries involve the shoulder. Problems are generally due to overuse, which loosens the group of tendons and muscles that surround the shoulder. To prevent shoulder injuries, be sure to lightly stretch before your workouts. If you do injure yourself, RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) and take antiinflammatory medication.

Push Ups
1. On toes with hands directly underneath the shoulders and abs pulled in tightly to protect the lower back, inhale and lower your body toward the floor.
2. Exhale while contracting your abs more. Then push up to the start position. This can be done on your knees, as well. Perform three sets of 8–12 repetitions.
• Make it harder: Hover at the bottom of the pushup.

• Make it easier: Start on your knees, keeping them at 90 degrees and directly under your hips.
• Add more tricep: Keep your elbows in by your sides rather than away from your torso.
MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: Pectoralis major, pec minor, anterior and medial deltoids, triceps, and core
Start position
Second position
Stronger pecs give you more momentum when performing activities, such as sports. A boxer with powerful pecs throws a harder punch, and a tennis player with a strong chest muscles hits the ball harder and with more precision.
Bench Press
1. On your back with feet flat and knees at a 90-degree angle, keep your back pressed flat into the bench. Begin with weights over the chest line and palms facing legs.
2. Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells until your elbows are directly off shoulder (no lower). Exhale and then straighten arms out while contracting your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
3. Do this 8–12 times for muscular strength and endurance. Repeat three times

• If necessary, put your feet on blocks in order to keep your back flat into the bench.
• For a challenge, tuck your knees into your chest.
• Do one arm at a time for a bigger challenge!
Wrap Up
Not only do we want to look our best, we want to improve functionality. Our arms do a tremendous amount of work for us, and we need to ensure that they are prepared for the demands we put on them.
o we want to look our best, we want to Our arms do a s amount of work for us, and we need to ensure that are for the we on them.
MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: Pectoralis major, pec minor, anterior deltoids, and triceps