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FEEL THE BURN The 10 Most Powerful Fat-Burning Superfoods for Weight Loss
Losing weight doesn’t have to be a grueling experience. In order to successfully reach your weight-loss goal, it’s important to consider factors that may contribute to or impede your efforts. The myth that it doesn’t matter what you eat as long as you stay under a certain calorie range is false. It ignores the thermic effect of food, as well as the fact that some foods influence fat-burning hormones. Excessive consumption of fructose, for example, stimulates ‘the hunger hormone,’

Java lovers get ready to rejoice at hearing this often demonized black drink may have health benefits. It makes sense since many weight-loss pills contain caffeine, which suppresses appetite and offers a small metabolism boost. To maximize these benefits, avoid drinking coffee every day; your body adjusts to the metabolic effects after a while and they began to wear off. Excessive consumption of caffeine may impede the quality of your sleep, so keep things moderate. If you don’t like the taste of coffee or can’t consume it for health reasons, substitute green tea as an equally healthy, fat-burning, lower-caffeine alternative. Avoid unhealthy creamers and sweeteners in your coffee, as these cancel out any weight-loss benefits.
Unlike other fats, coconut oil is converted directly into energy by the mitochondria, leading to a hearty metabolic boost. Besides its metabolic benefits, coconut oil is packed with antioxidant and anti-viral properties. These combat inflammation, which can contribute to hormone issues related to weight gain. Try swapping out all or most of the fats in your diet with coconut oil and watch your energy levels hit the roof as the pounds melt away. Coconut oil is delicious added to smoothies or mixed into coffee, pudding, or used on bread or in cooking.

Eggs deserve a mention both as a superfood and as a powerful fatburning food. Low in calories, yet packed with protein and healthy fats, they satiate you and help quiet hunger hormones. These little powerhouses are loaded with vitamins A, D, E, and B, as well as an array of minerals. Eggs are also an excellent source of choline, an undermentioned yet vital substance that supports healthy brain function. leafy ones such as spinach and kale, are packed with a wide array of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, all important factors when it comes to maintaining homeostasis.
Your digestive system and waistline will be happy to hear that leafy greens are packed with fiber. The more healthy kinds of fiber you include in your diet, the fuller you will feel. Your body spends more calories digesting some foods versus others, and leafy greens are happily included in this category. Greens, especially the dark known as ghrelin.

While avocados are high in fat, it’s one of the healthiest kinds of fat, next to coconut oil. Because of their high fat and high fiber content, avocados fill you up and add satiety and density to that fresh green salad. Their benefits don’t stop there though; avocados are also packed with vitamin K, vitamin B-6, and antioxidants.

Other non-food related factors influence weight loss efforts as well. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to the release of ghrelin, so be sure to get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Stress also contributes to fat retention. Try to find healthy ways to alleviate it, such as walking barefoot in the grass or taking a hike in the woods.
This combined with exercise and the consumption of the following fat-burning superfoods will get you well on your way to attaining your weight-loss goal.
Losing weight shouldn’t be a joyless, tasteless experience either. Find delicious ways to prepare the above foods by browsing health food blogs or checking out new cookbooks. Smoothies made with coffee, banana, stevia, coconut oil, and your choice of protein powder make delicious breakfasts.
Leafy greens mixed with sweet potatoes and cayenne pepper make a delicious supper, especially when topped off with chopped avocado. Rotate your foods as well to give your body the widest variety of nutrients. For example, have spinach one day, kale the next, and romaine lettuce the day after. Just keep it interesting and exercise regularly to be surprised how fast the pounds melt away.
Watermelon, like tomatoes, is an excellent source of lycopene, a potent antioxidant that protects your skin from UV damage. It also delivers a hearty dose of magnesium, and vitamins A and C. Magnesium deficiency can contribute to a sluggish metabolism, so chow down on this red fruit. If you’re craving something sweet but need to stay within a certain calorie range, watermelon, made up of more than 90 percent water, is the ideal low-calorie treat.

Add minced cayenne pepper to soups, salads, and dips to rev up your metabolism and taste buds. The capsaicin in hot peppers, that chemical that gives your sinus system that burning feeling after chomping on a hot pepper, increases the production of fat-burning related hormones. The effects of cayenne in and of itself may be small, but everything adds up when combined with the above foods and regular exercise.

If those afternoon cravings have hit and you need a healthy snack to steer you away from the vending machine, look no further than bananas. Bananas are packed with potassium and vitamin C, two important nutrients for electrolyte balance and immunity. The pectin in bananas fills you up and keep you satiated.
This superfood is a celebrity among health enthusiasts, and it’s easy to see why with its long list of health benefits. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar curbs the appetite and helps prevent fat accumulation, while the raw enzymes and potassium boosts energy levels and helps reduce cravings. Mix a couple teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar with water and drink it with heavier meals, especially ones containing meat, to aid digestion and stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. If you’re craving a soda, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and honey for a low calorie, delicious alternative.

Chia seeds, prized for centuries by the Incans for their energy and endurance enhancing properties, are nutritional powerhouses. They have more antioxidants than blueberries and they are packed with vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds are a star when it comes to weight loss; their soluble fiber content fills you up quickly and quenches cravings for unhealthy foods. Chia seeds retain large quantities of water, so it’s not recommended to eat them dry by themselves. To maximize their weight-loss benefits, mix a couple tablespoons with almond milk and your choice of flavorings, and soak overnight for a delicious breakfast pudding.