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Saving money is important, but it is also difficult to do. In a perfect world we would have the discipline needed to save for the future, but in the real world things are not that easy. Sometimes the best way to put money aside is to trick yourself into doing the right thing. Here are some simple but effective tricks you can use to save for the future today.
Bank your grocery store savings—Many stores offer bonus buys and special offers to help you save money. When you check out, the amount you saved is printed on the receipt. Make those savings real by immediately transferring that exact amount into your savings account.
Set up a coin jar—Piggy banks are not just for kids. Create the adult equivalent by placing a jar or cup by the front door. Empty your pockets as soon as you come in and deposit those coins in the bank when the jar or cup fills up.
Challenge yourself to save a dollar more each week—Set up a dollar bill challenge by vowing to save a dollar this week, two dollars next week, three dollars the next, and so on.
Bank your dollars When you get a dollar as change, put it in a separate part of your wallet and transfer it to an envelope when you get home. When that envelope fills up with dollars, take it to the bank and add it to your savings account.
Put your savings on automatic—If you have direct deposit at work, split your paycheck between checking and savings. Start by allocating 5 percent of your paycheck to savings, then slowly ramp it up over time.
Send yourself an invoice—The pay-yourself-first strategy is time-tested and very effective. Why not formalize it by sending yourself a monthly invoice? Just decide how much you want to save this month and send yourself an invoice for that amount the first day of every month.
Bank found money—If you find yourself with a monetary windfall, bank part of that money. Take half of your found money and treat yourself to something fun, and then put the rest in your savings account.
Financial experts stress the importance of having a solid emergency fund and savings account in place. If you are having trouble building that account and saving the amount you need, the tips and tricks listed above can get it started.