4 minute read
I always get excited this time of year. One reason is the weather is cooler and that always seems to give me an extra boost of energy and a bit more pep in my step. The other reason is January represents a fresh new year and a fresh new start. It is exciting to think about the idea of a clean slate and a second chance to do things all over again, but to do them better than the first time.
For me, that second chance means reflecting on the past five years of publishing Healthy Living. We typically have months like January where we publish the same topic each year and by doing so, each year we must find creative ways to top the previous year’s issue. I am proud to say we have done just that with this year’s Doctors Issue. In 2013, we made a dedicated effort to improve our editorial content and the stories we choose to feature in the magazine. For a story to make it into the magazine, it must fall in line with Healthy Living’s overall focus on a balanced lifestyle. We have four pillars that guide us through our decision-making process. We feel that if you are healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially, you are living a well-balanced life.
Therefore, our idea for a renewed Doctors Issue was to highlight our area physicians who represent our four pillars. Our main feature story this month is about fit physicians. These physicians don’t just preach health; they make it a daily practice in their own lives. It is interesting to see all of the different ways these busy doctors find time to include physical fitness into their busy work days.
Also, this month we introduce a new contributing writer to the Healthy Living team, John Sotomayor. We wanted to cover the new changes coming about this month with the Affordable Healthcare Act; however, our editorial team was already overloaded with assignments and early deadlines due to the holidays. Therefore, we reached out to John, offered him the opportunity to take it on, and he eagerly said, “Absolutely.” Thank you, John, for bringing this important information to our readers.
My excitement for the New Year inspires me to look forward to 2014 and to think about the great stories we have planned. We are working hard to continually engage our readers and keep them entertained and well informed. I invite you to join us each month by reading the magazine and visiting our website (lakehealthyliving.com) and Facebook page. We appreciate any feedback you would like to offer. That is how we stay on track. Thank you for a great 2013, and here’s to an even better 2014.
TINA MORRISON editorial/community relations director tina@akersmediagroup.com
MARY ANN D ESANTIS editor-at-large maryann@akersmediagroup.com
SHEMIR WILES copy editor/writer shemir@akersmediagroup.com
JAMES COMBS staff writer james@akersmediagroup.com
HEATHER TOOTLE office manager heather@akersmediagroup.com contributing writers
STEVEN J. CODRARO associate creative director steve@akersmediagroup.com
JOSH CLARK senior designer/advertising josh@akersmediagroup.com
ANTHONY CASTO senior designer/editorial anthony@akersmediagroup.com
MICHAEL GAULIN production director michael@akersmediagroup.com
FRED LOPEZ chief photographer fred@akersmediagroup.com
TIM MCRAE vice president of sales and marketing tim@akersmediagroup.com
MIKE STEGALL senior marketing representative mike@akersmediagroup.com
LORI STRONG marketing representative lori@akersmediagroup.com
HEIDI RESSLER marketing representative heidi@akersmediagroup.com
SHAENA CHASTAIN sales assistant shaena@akersmediagroup.com
SCOTT HEGG distribution manager scott.hegg@akersmediagroup.com
Have a hea
Have a happy, healthy New Year!
Kendra Akers Publisher
The Gift Of Life
Start the New Year right by feeling good about yourself and potentially saving a life. January is National Blood Donor Month, a reminder about the importance of blood donations. According to the American Red Cross (ARC), 38 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, but less than 10 percent do so each year— a disheartening statistic when you consider a car accident victim may require as many as 100 pints of blood.
One Blood has four locations in Lake County. For more information, call the Clermont office at 352.241.7543, the Lady Lake office at 352.750.4088, the Leesburg office at 352.728.1223, and the Tavares office at 352.742.2020. Also, visit oneblood.org.
Blood Donation Facts
• Every two seconds someone in this county needs blood.
• More than 41,000 blood donations are needed nationally every day.
• The blood type most requested by hospitals is Type O.
• All donors are given a mini-physical to check the donor’s temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin to ensure it is safe for the donor to give blood.

• A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days.
• The actual blood donation takes 10 to 12 minutes.
• All donated blood is tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and other infectious diseases.
When it comes to orthopaedic procedures as complex as total ankle replacements, reverse shoulder replacement and joint replacements of the hip and knee, why trust anyone besides a specialist?

Our board certified orthopaedic surgeons are specialists who are fellowship trained in their areas of expertise. They are known for their advanced skill, training and experience. It’s their names you will find scrawled on referral notes from physicians from across the state or featured on the front covers of a surgeon’s training manual. From conservative care for sports injuries to advanced ankle, shoulder, hip and knee replacements, trust the specialists trusted by other surgeons.

Source: www.womansday.com/home/organizing/100-Ways-to-Get-Organized
Feast for your eyes
Since 1977, Lake Eye Associates has developed a reputation for providing the most advanced and comprehensive eye care in Central Florida.
Of course, expert ophthalmologists and advanced technology are not the only things cooking at Lake Eye.
The practice’s employees recently published a new cookbook titled Delicious Morsels. The book features a list of recipes assembled by Lake Eye staff, their family members, and friends. The public can purchase the book for
There is no doubt that families today lead chaotic lives. Moms, dads, and kids are all heading in different directions, pursuing many hobbies and interests, and coming home to houses that are in disarray. One way to keep your sanity and make your home more functional is to be more organized. January is National Organization Month, but it also marks the beginning of a new year. What better time to start organizing your life than now? Here are some helpful tips for around the home.
• Consider putting wastebaskets in every room so trash does not accumulate in unwanted places.
• Put CDs and DVDs in a storage wallet to rid the clutter of jewel boxes and CD stands.
clutter of boxes and CD stands.
$10 at Lake Eye’s offices in Tavares, Leesburg, and The Villages.
Proceeds will benefit New Vision for Independence, a nonprofit organization that provides rehabilitation, education, and support services for people with low vision or blindness in Lake and Sumter counties. The cookbook can also be purchased at New Vision for Independence’s office in Leesburg.
For more information, call Lake Eye Associates at 352.750.2020 or New Vision for Independence at 352.435.5040.