1 minute read
When it comes to health and fitness, Dr. Ishbel Nieves has no problem getting down and dirty.
A local dentist, Dr. Nieves, 32, puts her athletic ability and endurance to the test by competing in 5- and 13-mile mud runs sponsored by companies like Savage Race and Tough Mudder. During these races, she conquers numerous obstacles, such as submerging herself in an ice water bath, hurdling over fire, crawling under barbed wire, and climbing over cargo nets.
She typically fi nishes a 13-mile mud run in three hours. However, she says the competitions are more about camaraderie and teamwork than trying to set personal records. “I compete with my husband, Eric Diaz, and a group of friends,” says Dr. Nieves, who owns Highland Lakes Dental in Leesburg. “There are some obstacles I would not be able to complete without their encouragement and help. My husband and I do not have any family in Florida, so competing in these events has been a wonderful way to meet new friends.”
In addition to mud runs, Dr. Nieves also competes in 5Ks, 10Ks, and half marathons. She and Eric are also owners of South Lake Crossfit and Barbell Club.
“Exercising and staying healthy gives me an outlet to do something other than dentistry. It frees my mind.”