1 minute read
Dr. S. Dwight Vaught
Throat problems are common. From strep throat to tonsillitis, most problems are minor and go away on their own. However, some conditions such as voice and swallowing disorders can arise that may require the care of a trained professional.
Lake ENT employs the most state-of-the-art technology to evaluate, diagnose, and treat a variety of voice and swallowing conditions such as laryngeal cancer, vocal fold lesions, acid reflux, and vocal fold weakness or paralysis. “We offer in-office diagnostic testing,” says Dr. Vaught. “For example, we use video laryngeal stroboscopy to evaluate the movement of your vocal cords and the condition of your larynx. With the flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) test, we can assess the source of pain, hoarseness, or other problems a patient is experiencing with the swallowing process.”
Once a diagnosis is complete, Lake ENT provides a stellar continuum of care by offering various treatment options. “Services may include speech/voice therapy, as well as surgical therapy and medication management,” explains Dr. Vaught.
In the world of thyroid and parathyroid conditions, thyroid nodules are fairly common. “Most nodules are benign,” explains Dr. Milstead. “However, if they are larger than one centimeter (about half an inch), we always perform further diagnostic studies followed by serial ultrasounds to make sure the condition remains under control. If the nodule grows, it can cause difficulty swallowing and breathing. And if it becomes cancerous, we can perform surgery to remove the entire thyroid. We always say nodules are nothing to worry about, but you shouldn’t ignore them either.”
In addition, the parathyroid glands, which keeps the right balance of calcium and phosphorous in your body, can be affected by a number of disorders such as hyperparathyroidism.
At Lake ENT, Dr. Milstead and her team can order tests to