Healthy Living January 2017

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January 2017


The magazine you’re holding in your hand marks the 100th issue of Healthy Living. In our inaugural issue, back in October 2008, we ran a feature story titled “10 Steps to Healthy Living.” To commemorate our 100th issue, we’re expanding upon that original story and bringing you “100 Steps to Healthy Living.” From the beginning, we’ve preached about the four pillars of health— mind, body, spirit, and finances. When these four pillars are in balance, you achieve optimal health.





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SHOW YOUR LOVE. Become a fan of Healthy Living, or Lake & Sumter Style by liking our Facebook page, following us on Twitter (@GetStyleMag or @GetHLMag) or visiting our YouTube channel. The latest editions of Healthy Living, Lake and Sumter Style, Village Style and Welcome to Lake County
! subscribe to our e-newsletter Sign up at our website! January 20 VILLAGE EDITION Lake Eye celebrates 40 YEARS OF BRILLIANT VISION Defining the future of eye care Ja AGEVIILLLA An enlightening look at what’s new this new year! THE ISSUE A step in the right direction To celebrate Healthy Living 100th issue, we are providing 100 ways to achieve healthier lifestyle. @


KENDRA AKERS / publisher/editor-in-chief

DOUG AKERS / vice president

JAMIE EZRA MARK / chief creative officer


LEIGH NEELY managing editor

JAMES COMBS staff writer


DEBBI KIDDY staff writer

JASON FUGATE creative director

VOLKAN ULGEN art director

JOSH CLARK senior designer

MICHAEL GAULIN production director

FRED LOPEZ / chief photographer




TIM MCRAE / vice president of sales tim@

DAVID COTÉ advertising executive

SYLVIA DUCOTE advertising executive

We began planning editorial for our 100th issue well over eight months ago. We knew this was a huge milestone for the publication, our advertisers, and our readers, so, we wanted to be sure to encompass all that happened through the years. How do you compress almost nine years of content into one issue? That was our challenge for sure. After multiple editorial meetings and a barrage of different ideas, we decided to go back to our very first issue.

In October 2008, Healthy Living magazine debuted and featured “10 steps to Healthier Living.” In the first issue, we wanted to be sure the focus of Healthy Living was clear. Therefore, we put together an advisory board of local experts representing healthcare, finance, fitness, mental health, and spirituality. These are the areas in which HL would be focused, because we believe if you are healthy mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially, then you are living a well-balanced lifestyle.

The magazine was instantly a hit within our community and throughout the state of Florida. Healthy Living was voted the “Best New Magazine” by the Florida Magazine Association in 2009 and has consistently placed in the Best Overall Magazine category every year since its inception.

MIKE STEGALL advertising executive

TINA MORRISON advertising executive

MELANIE MELVIN / director of client services


DEB MATLOCK / office manager deb @

AUBREY AKERS / marketing coordinator

SHAENA CHASTAIN / receptionist


SCOTT HEGG / distribution manager scot

Through the years we had the ultimate pleasure of representing Lake County and its residents, and were honored to feature individuals that became an inspiration to many of our readers. We shared the challenging journey of B.E. Thompson, who began a path to a healthier lifestyle. Weighing more than 500 pounds, doctors told him if he did not improve his health by losing weight he might not live much longer. We followed B.E.’s journey step-by-step and shared his triumphs and challenges with our readers. His story garnered the attention of national news networks as he lost more than 350 pounds. His amazing accomplishments inspired millions to seek a healthier life.

Another Healthy Living story that went viral was the story of Jaxon Buell. A little boy who was born with multiple complications and a life-threating illness, who touched the hearts of people, not just across the country, but the entire world.

These are just two stories of the thousands of people featured that have impacted the lives of our readers. Healthy Living is a publication of inspiration. I have been so honored to be the publisher of this fantastic magazine during the last 100 issues. And I am looking forward to the next 100 with vigor, excitement, and determination.

I would like to thank our advertisers for the ongoing value they place in Healthy Living. Many of which have been represented in advertising in all 100 issues! Of course, without the readers, the magazine would not have achieved this milestone. Thank you for your loyal following and for consistently reading Living magazine.

Merry Christmas, Christmas

Kendra Akers

Comments or questions for our publisher?


Publisher’s Letter
All contents are copyrighted © 2017 by Akers Media, Inc. DBA Lake County’s Healthy Living Magazine. All reproduction or use of content without written permission is strictly prohibited under penalty of law. The contents of the Lake County’s Healthy Living Magazine are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be an alternative to professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before starting any new diet or exercise program. The ideas and opinions contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of Akers Media.
352.787.4112 // Fax: 352.323.8161 P.O. Box 490088 Leesburg, FL 34749 or 108 5th street, Leesburg FL 34749
goal is to provide you with the best quality publication, so your feedback is vital.


Most people are aware that excessive sitting is a major culprit of low back pain. However, it can also increase your chances of experiencing heart failure. That’s what a 10year study conducted by researchers at Kaiser Permanente concluded after following more than 82,000 men between the ages of 45 and 69. Men who sat five or more hours each day were 34 percent more likely to develop heart failure than those who spend two hours or less sitting. Although it is nearly impossible to avoid sitting at work, here are a few tips to consider.

• If feasible, walk or bike to work. If driving is necessary, park at the far end of the parking lot.

• Try to stand when necessary. For instance, you can stand while talking on the phone, or you can eat snacks or lunch while standing. And instead of calling a coworker, consider walking to his or her desk.

• Take occasional breaks. Avoid the snack lounge and instead, take a brisk walk or engage in gentle stretching.

• If possible, trade your office chair for a stability ball. You will improve balance and tone core muscles while sitting at your desk.

• Bring fitness equipment to work. You could easily store resistance bands in your desk drawer and then perform arm curls between meetings or tasks.



The National Training Center in Clermont is a state-of-the-art facility that has hosted hundreds of collegiate, professional, and Olympic athletes who participate in sports such as swimming, track and field, triathlons, soccer, cycling, rugby, and lacrosse. What year did the National Training Center open? Please make an educated guess before looking at the answer below.


Joshua B. Fleming is the new chief clinical officer and site administrator of Leesburg Regional Medical Center.

He has more than 15 years of healthcare leadership experience and most recently served as chief nurse executive and vice president of patient care services at Indiana University Health West Region.

“Leesburg Regional Medical Center has a long and storied history of making the health and wellness of the people in Lake, Sumter, and Marion counties its top priority,” says Fleming, who earned a master’s degree in health administration from Indiana University. “I am honored to be part of such a great organization and to be part of this rich legacy serving its community. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to focus on patient safety and outstanding clinical outcomes.”

12 // HL // JANUARY 2017
N’ That
Answer: The National Training Center opened in 2001 thanks to a partnership with South Lake Hospital and USA Triathlon.


Lake County Schools (LCS) and CareHere opened their fourth health and wellness center in August. The center serves LCS employees and their dependents (12 and older) who are covered on a LCS health insurance plan.

The new center, located at 788 E. Highland Ave. in Clermont, inspires employees and families to achieve health through innovative, cost-effective health-care solutions. It will seek to meet the needs of the growing population in south Lake County.

Services included sports physicals, acute care visits, small biopsies, laboratory and x-ray services, exercise coaches, dietician support, behavioral health and stress management, and much more.


With near-perfect temperatures and low humidity, January is an ideal time to dust off your bicycle and enjoy the great outdoors. Plenty of back roads, rolling hills, and beautiful scenery, make Lake County a cycling paradise. However, whether you are a novice or experienced cyclist, there are rules you should follow:

• Always ride on the right side of the road and go with traffic flow.

• If you ride with a group, make sure everyone rides single file.

• Realize traffic laws still apply to you. Obey traffic signs, signals, and lane markings.

• Stay alert and be aware of cracks, dips, railroad tracks, and other things that could cause you to lose control of your bike.

• Bring a cellphone in case of a flat tire or mechanical breakdown. However, do not use your cellphone while riding. Watch for parked cars. You certainly want to avoid a car pulling out or a door flying open.

• Consider wearing light-colored, reflective clothing.

• Always wear a helmet to avoid potential head injuries should you fall.

• Rather than riding around town, consider one of the numerous paved bike trails in Central Florida.


14 // HL // JANUARY 2017 Matters This N’ That

When I was diagnosed with melanoma, I asked my doctor about InterCommunity Cancer Center in Lady Lake.

Only five minutes form my home, InterCommunity Cancer Center was amazing from the moment I walked in the door. They treated me like family and made me feel positive about what I was doing and the treatment I was receiving. I would recommend InterCommunity Cancer Center to anyone.

InterCommunity Cancer Center is part of The US Oncology Network, one of the nation’s largest networks of integrated, community-based oncology practices dedicated to advancing high-quality, evidence-based cancer care.


Back when you were a kid and got sick, your parents most likely followed Grandma’s advice to “feed a cold, starve a fever.” If you had a cold, that was great because it meant an extra PBJ sandwich and a chocolate milkshake. If you had a fever, it was terrible since you had to sit there and watch little brother enjoy the PBJ and shake that you wanted.

The advice to “feed a cold, starve a fever” wasn’t invented by Grandma. It goes back hundreds of years. According to Scientific American, “this saying has been traced to a 1574 dictionary by John Withals, which noted that ‘fasting is a great remedy of fever.’ The belief is that eating food may help the body generate warmth during a ‘cold’ and that avoiding food may help it cool down when overheated.”

A report from CNN agreed: “If someone had a cold, the belief went, his or her body became literally colder, according to old wives’ tales. Therefore, to ‘warm up’ someone ill with a cold, food was given. Conversely, if someone was burning with fever, not eating was believed to ‘cool’ the patient down.”

However, little evidence has been produced to show that starving a patient helps cure anything. Dr. Jon S. Abramson, of the Wake Forest Medical School, said he has found no medical evidence to support feeding a cold and


starving a fever. “When we are sick, whether we have a fever or not, our metabolic rates skyrocket, and our bodies need more calories to support that high metabolic rate,” he told CNN. “The hotter a fever becomes, the more energy the body uses, and not replenishing this energy with sugar and electrolytes is extremely dangerous, especially for children, who have less reserved energy than adults.”

“Always feed both colds and fevers,” Abramson says. “Patients should eat chicken soup, juice, anything with calories.” Most importantly, drink lots of liquids, he says. “Dehydration is our key concern when dealing with sicknesses, especially in children, and especially with fevers.”

Dr. Peter Richel, chief of pediatrics at Northern Westchester Hospital in New York State, agrees that we should ignore the old “feed a cold, starve a fever” advice. “What your body needs most when you’re ill is hydration, but there’s no reason to deprive yourself of solids if you have an appetite. If you’re in the mood to eat, even if your temperature is soaring, go for it. Don’t feel hungry when you have a cold? Focus on getting plenty of fluids and you’ll be just fine.”

Next time you feel a sneeze coming on, run out and grab a PBJ and chocolate shake.

“Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever?” Cold, Flu & Cough Health Center, reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD, WebMD, January 20, 2015,

“The Truth Behind Mom’s Cold and Flu Advice,” Cold, Flu & Cough Health Center, by Barbara Brody, reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS, WebMD

“Fact or Fiction?: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever,” by Mark Fischetti, senior editor, Scientific American, January 3, 2014,

“Should you feed a cold and starve a fever? Study investigates,” by Honor Whiteman, MNT, MediLexicon International Limited, September 8, 2016,

18 // HL // JANUARY 2017
you really feed a cold and starve a fever?” by Halley Middlebrook, Special to CNN, Turner Broadcasting System, Sept. 16, 2016,

a new start

Give a Child in the New Year

Adopt a Local Child and Make a Difference for Life.

Throughout our community there are many children who have spent much of their youth in unsafe environments before being taken into foster care. As the New Year dawns, they need a safe, loving home and caring family to help them achieve a brighter future.

Please read more about them and ask yourself if you feel called to open your heart and home to give a forever family:

abigail is a sweet young lady who loves simple pleasures like riding a bike and signing songs. What she wants more than anything is “a family who will never give up on me and will always love me.”

beau is a truly wonderful child with a big smile who gets along well with others. Among his favorite things are SpongeBob and playing catch. Beau needs a family that is committed to his lifelong success.

mekdes is a beautiful young lady with a cultural background stemming from Africa. She would love new siblings, a mother who enjoys shopping, and a father with a passion for travel and learning.

moise was born in Haiti and entered the foster care system here at a young age. He has lost a lot, but not his sense of humor or his love of animal and sports. Moise (who prefers to be called Moe) is Haitian for Moses, and he hopes for a loving home for the New Year.

olivia is an engaging young lady who describes herself as a “girly girl.” She loves fashion, but also enjoys signing, dancing, school, and church. She says that her most prized possessions are her friends, with her biggest wish being to have a permanent family.

logan is very optimistic and loves life. He enjoys hunting, fishing, horses, sports, school, and church. He says the hardest thing he has ever had to do is leave his family, and looks forward to having a permanent one.

These are just a few of the children who seek a new beginning with a new family, and the greatest need is for loving adoptive homes for youth ages 9-15. Please ask yourself if you feel called to give a child a new start in the New Year—and make a difference for life.

felicity loves to write, read, and watch movies, and she dreams of becoming a published author. The perfect next chapter in her biography would be for her to have a loving home and a forever family.

To learn more, please call Paula Mealy of Kids Central at 352.387.3487, or visit for videos and information. Kids Central is the nonprofit lead agency charged with caring for abused, neglected and abandoned children in Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties.



Wow, does time fly! This marks the 100th issue of Healthy Living Magazine. In our inaugural issue back in October 2008, we ran a feature story titled “10 Steps to Healthier Living.” Now, we are significantly expanding on that story to bring you a more in-depth, well-rounded look on how you can achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle.


Imagine waking up each morning with abundant energy and a lasersharp mind. You rise out of bed without any aches or pains. You glance at your lean body in the mirror and smile because you’re at an ideal weight. You excitedly dress for work and cannot wait to arrive there because you are stress-free and positive.

This can be much more than an exercise in imagination. While improving your health requires hard work, determination, and stamina on your part, the rewards are invaluable. Your thinking will be improved, you will have more creativity and energy to pursue your goals, and you will feel more confident and in control of your life.

That begs the question: What steps can you take to improve your health?

Since this is the 100th issue of Healthy Living, we are providing readers with 100 ways they can achieve a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. We’ve included valuable tips and advice from locally and nationally renowned doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, psychiatrists, and health enthusiasts. We also talked to ordinary, everyday people who are in the process of transitioning to a healthier lifestyle.

“100 Steps to Healthier Living” touches on four core pillars—body, mind, spirit, and finance. When these pillars are in balance, you maintain long-term success and happiness.


Improving your overall health is impossible if you cannot muster a little faith in yourself. Of course, maintaining a healthy outlook can be difficult in today’s world, especially with the stagnant economy, public shootings, and a long list of other problems. Despite all that, you still have to maintain a positive attitude and remain confident in who you are as a person.

A negative attitude leads to negative results. Conversely, believing in who you are and what you can accomplish helps you navigate through difficult times. You can reinforce positive thoughts by telling yourself you are beautiful, intelligent, and fun-loving. A positive attitude garners respect from others and makes them want to be near you. According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking results in numerous health benefits, including increased life span, lower rates of depression, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and better coping skills during times of stress.

“The reason saying ‘I can’ is so powerful is because of what it represents when you say it to yourself,” says Wendy Lyn Phillips, a professional image and personal branding expert who frequently serves as a guest speaker at large conferences and events. “It’s personal, it’s a commitment statement, and it’s empowering. It is not safe or easy, and it certainly does not belong in the same verbiage that excuses do. Unlike ‘I’ll

try’ or ‘maybe,’ saying ‘I can’ causes a stirring to rise up from the one who is speaking, producing energy for completion of the task at hand. It has always served me well to use this kind of discipline to be my own best cheerleader and set a positive tone for those in my space. Taking steps out of your comfort zone are uncomfortable but worth it. Saying ‘I can’ will help.”


Goal setting is the second step in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure levels? Decide what you want to achieve for your health for the next month and the next year and map out a realistic plan to meet those goals. One good goal that’s easily attainable is bringing a healthy lunch to work four days a week instead of eating lunch in restaurants.

“Oftentimes, when people decide to improve their health, they have no idea what they’re getting into,” said Lady Lake resident Larry Cooksey, a professional bodybuilder and personal trainer. “They set unachievable goals, grow frustrated, and give up. Learn what you want to accomplish for your health and thoroughly educate yourself on how to go about it. That’s when you can set realistic goals and work hard to achieve them.”


Many people beginning a weight-loss program overexert themselves physically and make wholesale changes to their diets before their bodies can successfully adapt. Remember, weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. Chris Powell, trainer and host of the hit ABC show “Extreme Weight Loss,” offers the following tips for people beginning a weight-loss journey.

• “Eat within 30 minutes of waking up and every three hours afterward.”

• “Drink an extra quart of water every day. Ultimately, you should be drinking one gallon of water each day.”

• “With each meal, eat protein first. Protein makes you feel full and slows down your digestion, and as a result, prevents you from overeating.”

• “Reduce your sugar and salt intake significantly. Also, try to eliminate foods high in sodium, such as canned food and microwave dinners.”

• “Move for five minutes a day. Even if you simply stand up and march in place, that’s better than doing nothing. Remember, though, if you only march in place for fourand-a-half minutes then you’re not ready for transformation. It’s not about the exercise; it’s about the commitment.”


It hits every day at 2:30 p.m.—the droopy eyes, slouched posture, and long yawns. Acquiring seven or eight hours of sleep each night is vital. According to WebMD, the benefits of obtaining enough sleep include clearer thinking, better mood, increased memory, and a stronger immune system.

“There are many benefits to better sleep, including increased productivity at home and at work, improved personal relationships, and prevention of cardiovascular disease,” says Dr. Ahmad Jalloul, a pulmonologist with Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Specialists of Lake County. “It can also help prevent automobile accidents. After all, a sleepy driver is as impaired as a drunk driver.”

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There was a time in Gidget Blunt’s life when she ate microwave dinners or “whatever was convenient and easy.” Five years ago she weighed 240 pounds, had breathing problems, and suffered pain in her back and knees. However, life changed for the better after she changed her dietary habits. She eliminated processed food and dairy products while consuming more vegetables and fruit. In addition, she adds coconut oil and apple cider vinegar to every meal. The change has paid big dividends. In the past few years, she completed two full marathons, zip lined across a Guatemalan jungle, and got down and dirty in mud races.

“I feel much better at 40 than I did when I was 30,” says Blunt, who is now the owner of No Limit Fitness in Tavares. “I have much more self-confidence than I ever did before. Exercising not only gives you strength in your muscles, but on the inside as well. I want other people to discover the health benefits because their lives will change for the better.”



Of course, junking the junk food has little impact if you cannot distinguish between what’s healthy and what’s not. Furthermore, all the exercise in the world will yield little to no results if you continue satisfying your hunger cravings with grease-filled cheeseburgers and pizza. If you’re like B.E. Thompson, a Eustis resident who lost 320 pounds, here is what you’d eat throughout the course of a day.

Breakfast: General Mills Cheerios cereal. Lowfat organic milk. 1 banana. (205 calories).

Lunch: Boiled green beans. Tea sweetened with Splenda. Tyson boneless chicken breasts. (293 calories).

Dinner: Loin pork. Boiled sliced summer squash.

Crystal Light sugar-free lemonade. (375 calories).

Late Snack: Low-fat cottage cheese. (81 calories).


Intimate relationships are worth maintaining. Studies show people are healthier, have fewer diseases, endure stress better, and live longer if they are engaged in an intimate relationship.

“Being in love matters,” according to Dr. W. Steven Saunders, psychologist and owner of Central Florida Psychological Consultants in Clermont. “The economy could be failing and the world could be in flames, but having that one special person in your life means something to you in an endearing way. When we are in a loving state, the two halves of the autonomic nervous system are in sync and operating much more efficiently together.”


Walking represents the easiest, most convenient way to lower blood pressure, tone muscles, reduce stress, and maintain healthy bones and joints.

“If you want to enjoy the full benefits of walking, it has to be part of your daily routine,” says Debra Dabney, who served 37 years as physical education instructor at Lake-Sumter State College. “You don’t have it make it a marathon trek, and it doesn’t have to take a huge chunk out of your day. But you should walk a minimum of 30 minutes each day.”

Dabney strongly recommends purchasing properfitting walking shoes.

“Buy comfortable shoes that give support to your feet and make walking a delightful experience. Don’t put on just any pair of shoes; make sure you wear shoes that fit your foot size and meet your walking needs. This way you can avoid foot-related problems and injuries.”

There are several venues in Lake County that offer outdoor wellness stations strategically placed along walking trails.

Palatlakaha Environmental & Agricultural Reserve (PEAR) Park

4800 University Ave. / Leesburg

Magnolia Trail

1195 W. Magnolia St. /Leesburg

North Lake Community Park

40730 Roger Giles Road / Umatilla

Lake Okahumpka Park

6085 E. State Road 44 / Wildwood

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We’d all like to strengthen our hearts, increase our stamina, and boost our mood. Aerobic exercise and aerobic sports represent excellent ways to achieve these goals. One of the most popular aerobic sports is tennis, a game where participants easily burn between 400 and 600 calories an hour. A 2005 issue of Consumer Reports ranks tennis as one of the top five calorie-burning activities.

“I try to play tennis often because tennis releases endorphins and makes me happy,” says Leesburg resident Sally Bosshardt, a tennis player of 27 years. “When I’m out there playing on a beautiful day and getting plenty of exercise, it puts everything else in a different light. I feel like the rest of my day is a great day.”



The world we live in can be depressing and disheartening. We watch the news and hear stories about murder, corrupt politicians, and accusations of racism. Feeding our minds and hearts with spiritual things can bring inner

peace, true happiness, and a full purpose to our lives. Faith can give you the willpower and strength to reach health and fitness goals.

“The healthier our spiritual lives, the more abundant will be the fruits of our love, hope, joy, and kindness,” says Bill Hartman, senior adult ministry pastor at Lady Lake Assembly of God. “Having strong faith can help you in all aspects of your life. Just stick with that faith, and you’ll see yourself changing for the better. Having faith is perhaps the best thing we can do for our emotional and physical health.”



Social interaction keeps us connected, gives us a sense of belonging, and helps us make a difference in the lives of others. There is nothing wrong with using Facebook to locate a long, lost friend. That said, wouldn’t your time be better spent strengthening relationships with close friends instead of constantly checking on the status update of someone you have not spoken to in years and will likely never see again?

Moreover, you may have 600 “friends” on Facebook, but how many of them are truly important friends — friends who provide a

listening ear and a shoulder to lean on during difficult times? Personal interaction helps you build strong communication skills and a healthy, lasting self-esteem. In addition, having the ability to hold a conversation, influence others, and build rapport are skills we must possess to succeed in the workplace.

“Typed black words cannot properly convey the meaning of your message,” says Betsy Barbieux, a professional development coach and certified image consultant who owns Image Inside and Out in Leesburg. “Take away the body language and the meaning of your message is not clear. People have become discouraged, angry, hurt, alienated, and frustrated by messages conveyed via social media. Business dealings have gone wrong because neither party picked up the telephone. People have ‘fallen in love’ with someone they met over the Internet — really? Without face-to-face interaction over time, you cannot truly love someone you have never met. I suggest stepping away from the keyboard, engaging your people skills, and talking. Communication is the giving and receiving of information with understanding.”

28 // HL // JANUARY 2017


Addictions come in many forms—nicotine, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, gambling, and materialism. Eliminating addictions helps reduce physical and mental stress on your body.

“Addictions create dependency and weakness in people and interferes with the formation and nurturing of relationships,” says Dr. Patrick Ward, a psychologist at NCS Counseling and Development Center in Tavares. “People need to understand that quitting something only leaves a void and is often substituted with another addiction. Once you stop something, you have to fully recover, which means reconciling personal issues, reconstructing relationships, and accepting personal responsibility.”


No is a simple word that many people have a difficult time saying. Around the holidays, for example, people commit to too many things. They plan parties, attend parties, buy Christmas gifts, and clean the house because family is visiting. This often leaves them feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

“Identify what you can do and what you can’t do,” said Dr. Nick Ungson, a psychiatrist and owner of Lake Center for Hope. “And then live with that decision. If you say yes only to what you really want to do, you’ll avoid feeling resentful and bitter.”



Look around your home. Do you see piles of laundry, dishes, bills, and overdue library books? Clutter and disorganization are serious problems because they add frustration to your life, family, and home. In contrast, being organized and maintaining a clean home has numerous benefits. “It simplifies life rather than being in disarray all the time,” says Ed Seabrook, an interior designer who owns Seabrook Interior Design in Mount Dora. “If you live in disarray at home, there’s a good chance your personal life is in even more disarray. Also, dirty homes— especially ones that are dusty—can trigger

allergies. Living in a cleaner environment is healthier and can reduce overall stress.”

The most effective way of organizing your home, he says, is simply put things back where they belong. For instance, designate specific places for cell phones, keys, wallets, and everything else you take when you leave home. Keep all bills, checkbooks, and receipts in a central location. Keep shoes in the closet rather than lining them up along the kitchen wall. Put dirty clothes in a laundry basket instead of throwing them on a couch or bed.

“Instead of giving some things a permanent home, we end up moving them from place to place. Then, we become confused as to where it actually belongs.”


Planting a garden can sprout health benefits. At least that’s the case for Bob Denis, owner of Stanley Pond Farm in Astatula. On his 20-acre property are endless rows of daylilies that come in all sizes and colors, including orange, yellow, pink, and creamy white. He believes his garden has been instrumental in helping him overcome high blood pressure.

“When you’re spending time outdoors in the peace and tranquility of the beautiful countryside the worries of the world melt away,” he says. “There’s nothing like being outside and enjoying the soothing colors and scents of the daylilies.”

Another fun-filled outdoor activity is cycling. Since it’s an aerobic activity, your heart, blood vessels, and lungs all receive a workout. Your muscles get a boost, too, because cycling strengthens your thighs, hips, and buttocks.

“Riding your bicycle makes you feel like a kid again,” said John Elder, an 80-year-old Groveland resident who has enjoyed cycling on both a recreational and competitive level. “It rekindles memories of when we used to race our friends, pedal our way to school, or ride down our favorite trails.”

Fortunately, Central Florida is blessed with some of the state’s most popular cycling trails.

*The James Van Fleet State Trail is 29.2 miles and is considered one of Florida’s most rural and remote trails. It cuts through swampland, forests, flatwoods, retired citrus lands, cattle ranches, and several rivers.

*The 5.5-mile Lake Minneola Scenic Trail and 4-mile South Lake Trail connect in Clermont. Cyclists will enjoy stunning views of picturesque lakes and rolling hills. In fact, the Lake Minneola Scenic Trail features the highest elevation of all Florida Rails-to-Trails projects.

*Spanning 46 miles and three counties, the Withlacoochee State Trail is the longest paved rail trail in Florida. Along the way, cyclists will pedal past numerous small towns, beautiful wetlands brimming with wild flowers, and the historic Fort Cooper State Park.



Alcohol is hard on the body, causing liver damage, stomach distress, muscle cramps, and sexual dysfunction, among other problems. If you have an alcohol dependency, do not be afraid or ashamed to seek help. Going through recovery with other struggling alcoholics yields positive results.

“You’re never alone at Alcoholics Anonymous,” says Bernice Walker, a Mount Dora resident who continues attending meetings despite being sober for three decades. “We’ve all been down that same road, and therefore we can relate to what everyone is going through. We’re like a family that loves each other and would do anything in the world for each other.”



In her 20s, Theresa Morris was a single mother of two children trying to juggle her time between family and career. That did not stop her from becoming the county’s top-producing real estate agent in the county’s top-producing real estate office. In her 40s, she divorced her second husband and once again found herself raising a young child by herself. That did not stop her from opening her own company—Morris Realty and Investments.

“There is always going to be negativity and drama around you,” she says. “However, happiness is a choice. You should put a smile on your face every day and along the way maintain hope, faith, and confidence in your abilities.”


Having a positive attitude is the most important decision you make on a day-to-day basis. The attitude you choose either promotes progress or cripples you. It is more important than your job, circumstances, and education. It either ignites your fire or banishes your hopes. With the right attitude, there is no mountain too tall, no dream too big, and no challenge too small.

“Get rid of self-defeating words,” says Lori Esarey, founder of Total Nutrition and Therapeutics, who specializes in nutritional and metabolic medicine. “Compliment and encourage yourself. Even the small accomplishments matter, so you should make a big deal out of them. Also, focus on your abilities instead of your disabilities. Develop a support system of family, friends, and health professionals who have a healthy attitude and will support you in your efforts to improve your health.”



Don’t feel discouraged or frustrated if you’re not head over heels in love after the first or second date. Some experts feel those in the dating game give up too easily if they don’t feel a romantic spark on the first date, leaving many good men and women shunned.

“Dating shouldn’t be about looking for a soul mate,” says Dr. John Gray, a relationship counselor and author of the New York Times bestselling book, “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.” “Instead of looking for a soul mate, look first for companionship and friendship. That way you give yourself a better chance of going through the relationship process.”


Smoking cigarettes can lead to many adverse health effects—emphysema, bronchitis, heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. For some people, quitting cold turkey or even weaning themselves off cigarettes has proven ineffective. For nearly 16 years, Diane Ackerman, owner of Alternate Pathways in Tavares, has used hypnosis to help people stop smoking. Using breathing and visualization techniques, she puts new ideas across to the client to discourage smoking. These could be ideas about the benefits of quitting or about the health hazards of not quitting.

“Hypnosis is not intrusive and it is relaxing, therefore, addressing stress,” she says. “Most people who smoke do so because of stress. So hypnosis is a dual tool. As they breathe in through the nose, they visualize their cells filling up with clean, clear oxygen that rejuvenates the body. As they exhale, they push out all the toxins in their body, including nicotine from cigarettes. They can utilize these breathing techniques whenever they feel anxiety or stress and have a strong urge to smoke.”

There are other effective ways to quit smoking. Lady Lake resident Corey Chancellor smoked for 15 years. He had developed the dreaded smoker’s cough and occasionally had high blood pressure. Kicking the habit proved difficult. He tried quitting cold turkey, chewing nicotine gum, and even wearing nicotine patches. Nothing worked.

Then, three years ago, he purchased a batteryoperated device that delivers flavorful vaporized nicotine with the simple touch of a button. This latest alternative to smoking, known as e-cigarettes or vaping, does not include tobacco, tar, and other dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes. For the first time, he discovered an effective solution that not only allowed him to quit smoking cigarettes but also yielded positive results.

“I haven’t smoked a real cigarette in three years,” says Chancellor, a graduate of Leesburg High School. “Within months, I regained my sense of smell and taste and stopped hacking up mucus. My blood pressure is lower.”


What’s the definition of normal? Normal is being the person you are rather than the person you think others want you to be. Rather than worrying about how other people perceive you, it’s important to march to the beat of your own drum in life. Simply put, making choices to impress others may ensure their happiness while potentially negating your own. Life is too short for that.

“People should express their gifts, but our own feelings of inadequacy often keep them from doing that,” says Dr. Bowen White, a nationally acclaimed physician, author, and speaker. “Part of what we learned to do on the road to becoming an adult is to pretend and become focused on our image in the eyes of other people. As a result, we end up doing what we consider to be appropriate and that means we’re not being real with each other. Is that really living?”


Raising a child with autism presents many challenges for Dr. Kristina McLean. Her son, Cole, has a tendency to wander aimlessly. The family placed video cameras inside and outside their home, and all doors have dead bolts and alarms. He cannot verbally communicate or form emotional bonds with his family. Still, Dr. McLean focuses on the positives.

“It’s natural for human beings to take things for granted, but with Cole you don’t take anything for granted because his successes are

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Diseases and illnesses can be potentially lifethreatening if we don’t seek professional help. That was the case for Allison Kreiger, former Miss Florida 2006, who found herself in a vicious battle with bulimia and anorexia. The diseases controlled her life.

“I was consumed by my bulimia. I thought about it all times of the day. I knew where all the restrooms were on my way to school and where all the private restrooms were located at my high school. I knew the best times I could get sick and hide it.”

Starving for help, she ultimately sought treatment from a team of physicians, including a psychologist, psychiatrist, nutritionist, and her family doctor.

“The road to recovery is often long and frustrating, but it can also be a time of great hope and great relief. You experience a wide range of emotions: fear, impatience, and frustration on one hand, and determination, confidence, and empowerment on the other.”

Kreiger overcame her battle to become director of business development at Umatilla-based Recovery Village, a 67,000 square-foot facility that treats people with bulimia and anorexia, as well as addiction and mental health problems.

“If you live through something like this, it is your responsibility to help others who are struggling. Although recovery is a long road, enjoying your life again is absolutely possible. I’m a breathing, living example.”

Many people become bulimic and anorexic in hopes of remaining thin and beautiful. In Kreiger’s mind, society has a very narrowminded definition of beauty. Although her eating disorders were not triggered by a quest to become more beautiful, she has a message for women who feel fat or ugly.

“Embrace who you are and let your inner beauty shine through. Your personal worth and value far outweigh your size or how beautiful you are. Place important value on academics, friends and all the wonderful things you have in life. Remember, our body is a vehicle for life, so don’t let it run down to fumes.”


Bet you didn’t think that public transportation could help you improve your health. However, bus trips usually entail walking to and from stops, meaning users are more likely to meet the American Heart Association’s recommended 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise each day. Just ask Eustis resident Mary McCoy, who faithfully rides LakeXpress to go shopping in The Villages. While she’s shopping, she spends several hours on her feet before walking back to the bus stop.

“It’s not a strenuous workout, but at least I’m getting some form of exercise,” she says. “I feel good at the end of the day. Actually, it is probably a good thing I don’t drive a car because I might be tempted to stop at a fast-food restaurant, which I’d obviously regret later.”

Public transportation is also economical. Rene Bass rides the bus to and from her Lady Lake home and the Lake County Agricultural Center in Tavares, where she is employed as an office associate.

“When I was driving to my job every day I was filling up my gas tank about twice a week,” she says. “Now, I’m filling up about once every two weeks. Obviously, this allows me to save money or spend it on things other than gas.”

According to McCoy, taking public transportation has also widened her social circle.

“The travel experience is not as lonely because there are other people with you. I’ve met complete strangers who I ultimately befriended and exchanged phone numbers with or invited them to my church. I’ve also become reacquainted with old friends who I had lost contact with over the years. It’s always fun to catch up with them and see how they’re doing.”


Never assume your child is too young to develop dental problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease. Be sure to start early teaching your child to brush and floss regularly.

“Many children who come to my office have rapid decay of their teeth,” says Oscar Palau, coordinator of Lake County Children’s Dentistry.


“Some even have cavities on every tooth. We’ve even seen young teenagers who need to have all their teeth pulled and have dentures put in.”


The benefits of fueling ourselves with water are endless. Water aids in weight loss, flushes out toxins, helps with digestion, relieves fatigue, and helps maximize physical performance, among a host of other benefits.

“Everyone should drink a minimum of 64 ounces of fresh, pure-as-possible water each day and more if you are exercising, doing strenuous activities, or working in the sun,” says Jaime Alonso, a health coach and nutritionist at Total Nutrition and Therapeutics. “Don’t drink it all at once. Drink small amounts throughout the day. Be sure to start at 7 a.m. rather than 7 p.m.”


Food is fuel. What we put into our body affects how we feel, how we think, and how we function. Yet, we often fail to make changes to our eating habits because they are just that, habits. A nutritionist provides a personalized, structured dietary program for you while also helping you with education and support.

“The biggest adversary I see people succumb to in an effort to change their eating habits is lack of support,” says Jeff Wittman, a licensed nutritionist and owner of Jeff’s Health and Nutrition in Leesburg. “Generally speaking, most people can identify the changes that need to be made in their diet. They have the knowledge, but they don’t have the accountability and encouragement to see it through.”


Flip-flops are wildly popular, comfortable, and easy to slip on. However, they can be dangerous to the overall health of your feet. Dr. Johnny Wu, a podiatrist at Tri-County Podiatry, recommends wearing laced tennis shoes because of their superior shock absorption and arch support.

“Flip-fl ops do not have nearly enough shock and absorption support. In turn, it

puts strain on your tendons and ligaments to absorb the shock of weight bearing. This leads to tendons becoming infl amed and putting pressure on nerves.”


Each year, many people spend approximately 2,000 hours working in an office. Being sedentary leads to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Fortunately, pioneering businessmen realize healthy workers make healthy businesses and look for ways to improve the overall well being of their employees. One such company is Eustis-based Vann Gannaway Chevrolet, which pays monthly membership fees for employees who work out at the Golden Triangle YMCA more than 10 times each month.

“Our workers will come in and say, ‘Look how much weight I have lost,’ or ‘Look how many inches I’ve lost,’” says Chip Gannaway, owner of the dealership. “We give them a big hug and congratulate them.”


Research shows that individuals who log their nutritional intake are two times more successful in maintaining healthy habits. It is preferable to use a computer-based software to log everything you’ve eaten; many are available at low cost. The information you obtain by logging helps you learn about and develop healthy eating patterns that last. Remember to log everything that goes into your mouth. Be honest, because if it goes past your lips it goes to your hips.

“Logging has many benefits,” says Lori Esarey, founder of Total Nutrition and Therapeutics who specializes in nutritional and metabolic medicine. “The most obvious benefit is that logging intake gives true insight. Often individuals think they don’t eat much. But when logging they notice what seemed small in quantity was a lot in terms of calories. Logging serves as a deterrent, especially for mindless munching that can result in hundreds to even thousands of excess calories per day.”



The body is designed to move, and even pain sufferers need some form of exercise. The late Donald Harshbarger was an avid rollerskating enthusiast well into his mid-90s before he died in December 2015. He had arthritis in his lower back and shoulders and suffered from emphysema. He also underwent a knee replacement and survived colon cancer.

“I typically skate six miles a day,” he said in a 2010 interview with Healthy Living Magazine “People wave at me, while others stop and talk to me. Roller skating helps with my arthritis. When you have arthritis, you cannot stop moving. Otherwise, you will be confined to a chair all the time.”


You don’t have to go hungry before bedtime, but do avoid stuffing yourself with calorie-filled sweets and candy.

“My pre-bedtime snack usually consists of a bowl of whole-grain oat cereal with natural yogurt, cottage cheese, dried blueberries, a scoop of whey protein, and low-fat milk,” says Leesburg native and national fitness model Max Wettstein. “Other times, I’ll have an all-natural, chocolate protein bar and a glass of organic milk. I feel satisfied when I lie down, and it helps me get a good night’s sleep.”


Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of the television munching on snacks or eating when you aren’t hungry? How about when you’re bored or anxious? This is known as mindless eating and is a common problem everyone faces at one time or another. Conversely, mindful eating is eating with attention to help notice and enjoy food and its effects on the body. It is not a diet; it is simply about being more aware of what you eat. When you are eating mindfully, you enjoy your food, savor your food, and feel more in control. In other words, it is the polar opposite of binging.

“A mindful eater is nonjudgmental, compassionate, and above all, aware of the taste, texture, and process of eating,” says Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist for the Cleveland Clinic who conducts mindful eating workshops throughout the country. “Being mindful means knowing exactly how your body feels at all times. You are so closely in touch with what is going on inside that you know the exact moment you are satisfied, rather than stuffed or starving, by learning the why, what, when, and how you eat.”


Exercise is extremely important, but sometimes going about it alone can be detrimental. Injuries can result from improper use of exercise equipment or ill-fitting shoes. A good personal trainer teaches you how to exercise safely, provides support and motivation, and offers fresh perspectives on the latest trends in fitness, health, and nutrition.

“A personal trainer offers assistance for those looking to become physically fit, lose excess body fat, and achieve a fitness goal, while providing the tools needed to live a healthy life,” says Kerry Macias, an Ocala-based certified personal trainer. “Word of mouth is one of the best ways to find someone to work with because, more than likely, the person referring will be able to give you reasons as to why they like their trainer and what kind of success they’ve experienced with their trainer.”



Having a workout partner provides extra motivation to help you achieve exercise goals. It is certainly beneficial for Dottie Beebe, who frequently competes in 5k races and marathons.

“If you want to start running, make sure you have a friend to run with for encouragement,” says Beebe, a registered nurse at Florida Hospital Waterman. “Sometimes you don’t feel like running, so it’s beneficial when a friend comes to your door and says, ‘Come on, let’s go run!’ It’s nice to have someone encourage you, and you can probably run an additional mile because you have someone to talk with.”


Joy Packard Scroggie of Belleview hasn’t suffered from a cold or flu in several decades. As a matter of fact, it has been nearly 36 years since she last visited a doctor. She has spent most of her adult life enjoying what she calls “vibrant health.” Her secret? Eighty-five percent of everything she eats is raw, organic food. Her organic garden outside her home features a variety of fruits and vegetables, including broccoli, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, celery, lettuce, butternut squash, strawberries, and pumpkin.

“More and more, people understand we must provide our bodies with food God gave us to remain strong and healthy,” she says. “Those who rely on doctors for their health and well-being need to realize medication can mask problems. At 24, I was diagnosed with a kidney disease and taking handfuls of medication. I felt like I was 90 years old. Fortunately, I was introduced to organic foods and began eating raw vegetables and quit eating commercially grown food. I gained more energy and stopped taking all medication.”


Tanya Senseney certainly knows the value of coupons. In 2010, she saved her family $15,800. During one shopping trip, she purchased $457 worth of groceries and paid only $45. She began religiously using coupons 14 years ago after a tornado destroyed her home shortly after her first child was born.

“I learned that coupons were like another form of currency,” says Senseney, who launched the company Divine Deal Diva and travels around the country teaching others how they can save thousands of dollars by using coupons. “Throwing coupons away is like throwing money away.”


Many women suffer from varicose veins. Wearing compression stockings is a non-surgical way to combat this problem. Compression stockings apply gentle pressure to your lower

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legs, which helps maintain blood flow and reduce discomfort and swelling.

“Pregnancy is an important time to wear these stockings,” says Dr. Samuel Martin, owner of Vascular Vein Centers. “When a woman is pregnant, the fluid volume in her veins is increased by 50 percent. Even when the pregnancy is over veins never return to their former state. Thirty percent of women will develop varicose veins after their first pregnancy. With subsequent pregnancies, that figure increases to 50 percent.”



You’re stopped at a red light. Suddenly, a vehicle traveling 15 miles per hour rear ends you. Because the damage to your car is minimal and you feel no pain whatsoever, you assume it is pointless to seek medical attention. Little do you know that a minor automobile accident can result in soft tissue injury or whiplash. Months or even years later, the debilitating effects of whiplash— headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain—will eventually rear its ugly heads. Dr. Tige Buchanan, a Lake County chiropractor for more than 15 years, has seen more than his fair share of automobile-related injuries.

“These accidents, no matter how minor, can cause injury. If the injuries are not corrected, they can lead to long-term problems. Some of the patients I’m currently treating suffered automobile-related injuries years ago.”



Coming out of a relationship where you ended up heartbroken? Don’t rush to meet that new man or woman in your life. Chrisann Reid, owner of Central Florida Counseling and Psychological Services in Leesburg, recommends a six-month “cooling-off” period before seeking a new relationship.

“What I mean by this is that bad relationships can skew your self-esteem,” she says. “They can alter what you come to believe as being reasonable and appropriate expectations in a healthy relationship. Return to that place where you no longer overreact or feel defensive because of how you assume your partner is going to react to you.”


The 2010 documentary “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” featured two obese, unhealthy men who used juicing to tap into their body’s

natural healing ability and help them achieve better health. Since the release of the movie, the popularity of juicing has skyrocketed. By juicing, we are not talking about taking steroids. Juicing is using a blender to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. So, instead of eating them, you are drinking them. All the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients from fruit and vegetables end up in the juice and enter your bloodstream immediately, an obvious advantage over digesting them. Thus, you end up with a healthy and tasty drink.

“Juicing is a great way to achieve a balanced diet,” says Jeff Wittman, a licensed nutritionist and owner of Jeff’s Health and Nutrition in Leesburg. “Everyone in the health field strongly suggests that we consume numerous servings of vegetables and fruits per day. I’ve been juicing on and off for 25 years, and to me, this is the best way to ensure I consume three green vegetables and two to four fruits on a daily basis. When we juice, we absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. The shape and chemical composition of the nutrients are not altered like they are in cooked or processed food.”



Too many people suffer fatal heart attacks because they ignore warning signs. Some think they’re suffering from indigestion, while others assume they have a bout of acid reflux. Acting promptly is a matter of life and death.

“Every minute counts when a patient suffers a severe heart attack,” says J. Henry Lesmes, a cardiologist with Cardiovascular Associates in Tavares. “Indeed, time is muscle—for every minute blood flow to the heart is blocked, the heart muscle is being deprived of oxygen. The faster we can open up a blocked artery, the better chance we have of preserving the heart muscle.”



Research indicates that a healthy, lasting marriage reduces the chances of a heart attack or stroke, lowers stress levels, helps people get better sleep, and helps ward off mental illness. Communication is a vital component to any healthy marriage.

“Clear communication is not negotiable,” says Sean Cort, an ordained minister and motivational speaker. “If you keep your partner guessing and in the dark, you open the door for a battery of questions and suspicions to sneak in the back door of your relationship. Lack of communication is as frustrating as trying to operate a life-saving defibrillator with instructions in a foreign language. Share what’s going on in your heart in the same kind and respectful manner you wish your spouse would share with you.”


Many people assume that brushing their teeth two or three times a day is enough to maintain maximum dental health. However, to significantly reduce periodontal disease and cavity-causing bacteria, flossing must be part of the dental care regimen.

“Every time you eat something there are little pieces of debris that get stuck in-between your teeth, and the bristles on your tooth brush simply do not touch them,” says Dr. Timothy Pruett,

dentist and owner of Lakeview Comprehensive Dentistry in Tavares. “This is where plaque and tartar often builds up, leading to oral health problems such as cavities, gingivitis, tooth decay, gum disease, and even heart disease.”



Home is where the heart is. Unfortunately, it’s also a place where mold, mildew, and bacteria can be found in every nook and cranny. Denise Berlin, owner of Wildwood Kitchen and Bath, cleans her refrigerator on a weekly basis; steam mops her porcelain floors, cleans her faucets with a special paste consisting of baking soda, lemon juice, and water; and ventilates her utility room to keep mold from growing around the washer and dryer.

“I enjoy coming home to a clean house every day,” she says. “We like to entertain in our home, and it is rewarding to have family and friends appreciate the efforts I do in keeping a clean environment.”


Men have a tendency to put their wallet in their back pocket. Sitting with one butt cheek higher than the other throws off spinal alignment, resulting in back pain, hip pain, and shoulder pain. In addition, wallets cause pressure on a little-known muscle called the piriformis. When that happens, men often experience numbness, burning, and tingling in their lower back and leg.

“It’s a muscle under the gluteus maximus, and what happens is the wallet pushes up on that muscle and causes it to spasm, triggering inflammation of the sciatic nerve root,” says Dr. Jeffrey Glover, owner of Glover Chiropractic Clinic in Leesburg. “Don’t forget to move your wallet to the front of your pants. “


You know the old saying: “If you love your job, you won’t work a day in our life.” That’s certainly the case for Chelsea Eubank.

“After my father died, I developed a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. I wanted to wear clothing that showed my faith in a subtle way, but I couldn’t find anything on the market.”

So as a high school senior, she combined her strong faith and love of clothes by forming an online, Christian-based clothing company called Faithful Fish. While attending Beacon College in Leesburg, Eubank served as president of the company and formulated designs for all clothing apparel, which includes polo shirts, hats, t-shirts, and baby clothes.

Eubank’s entrepreneurial spirit captured the hearts of many, landing her in the national spotlight. She appeared on Dave Ramsey’s radio show and “Fox and Friends”. In addition, she was featured in publications such as Atlanta Christian Family Magazine and Ignite Your Faith

That exposure helped Faithful Fish enjoy a 68 percent increase in sales volume. Her company has been going strong for more than a decade.

“I wake up so excited because I love coming up with new ideas and designs for my clothing apparel,” she says. “The Christian market is a very difficult market to be successful in, but I relish that challenge. I feel very fortunate that my company is not in debt and that I haven’t had to take out any loans.”


Jenny Ducharme of Lady Lake incorporates healthy habits into the daily routines of her two children—Kayleigh, 10, and Christian, 7. A fulltime yoga instructor in Ocala, Ducharme allowed her children to embrace the yoga lifestyle.

“I don’t make them practice yoga, but I do encourage them to practice when I am practicing,” says Ducharme, who spent 13 years as a gymnast and ballet dancer. “They see me doing it and usually will just join in. I feel that yoga helps them bring peace, stillness, and grounding to their lives. It also helps them with flexibility and allows them to find comfort in their own skin and body.”

From a nutritional standpoint, Ducharme introduced vegetables and fruits into their diets when they were both infants. Today, grilled or steamed vegetables come with every meal.

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“Ninety percent of the time vegetables are the first thing gone on their plates,” she says. “We do not have pizza very often, but their favorite topping is mushrooms. And believe it or not, their Easter baskets are still full because our family is not very big on sweets.”


Consistency is more important than intensity when it comes to exercise. Thirty minutes of exercise every day is going to pay off more than going crazy the first day and not being able to move the rest of the week.

“Exercise is important for all people of all ages,” says Mike Brashear, a personal trainer who owns multiple Anytime Fitness gyms throughout Lake and Sumter counties. “Consistent exercise keeps us feeling good about ourselves both physically and mentally. When we feel good about our appearance, we’re more productive, which leads to greater success.”


The brilliance behind CrossFit is simple: It combines cardio, gymnastics, and weightlifting movements into one powerful, whole-body workout. Clint Lowery is a CrossFit enthusiast who owns Sweat Factory CrossFit in Minneola. As an instructor, he loves helping clients get into shape through this high-intensity fitness program.

“CrossFit is a well-rounded workout program and helps you become fit and functional for everything in life,” says Lowery, a resident of Clermont and paramedic for Lake Emergency Medical Services. “Clients are tired by the end of a workout, but at the same time, they feel like they’ve accomplished something significant. The hardest step is taking the first step to get here. If you can get through the first day and make it to the second day, you will have confidence that you can follow through. It takes discipline.”


There are numerous perks to joining a gym: state-of-the-art equipment to enhance your workout, various classes that help members achieve well-rounded workouts, 24-hour accessibility, and even on-site nutritionists who can help you formulate a food plan. Of course, some people feel uneasy about joining a gym because they are not as fit and toned as other gym members.

“People fear that others might talk about them when they enter the gym,” said B.E. Thompson, director of development at LifeStream Behavioral Center who joined a gym weighing 540 pounds. “If they do, they do. Don’t let it bother you. They are probably going to find something to talk about anyway.”



For decades, a deep tan was synonymous with healthy skin, but now we know the price of continued tanning is premature aging. Prevent early skin aging by wearing sunscreen daily.

“The most important thing I try to teach people about sun protection is there is no healthy tan,” says Ruth Ann Byrd, a licensed aesthetician with Aesthetic Skin Solutions in The Villages. “A tan is a sign of sun-damaged skin, and when the skin sustains enough sun damage over a long period, the skin cells become permanently damaged.”


When you endure difficult times causing stress and anxiety, consider talking to a friend, family member, or a professional. Often, an unbiased ear can help you make sense of complicated situations and guide you to a path of resolution.

“Counseling is like cancer treatment; if signs and symptoms are dealt with early, the prognosis is excellent,” says Dr. Steven VanGelder, who provides adult counseling and psychotherapy at Adult Counseling and Psychotherapy of Lake County. “If allowed to progress into late-stage toxicity, the prognosis for improvement decreases with time and may become untreatable.”


Don Ledbetter moved from Texas to Eustis to be a caregiver for his mother, who was suffering from emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). After she passed away, Ledbetter suffered depression. He needed a way to effectively cope. At the urging of a friend, he began taking yoga classes and meditation at WindHorse Wellness Center in Eustis.

“I lost eight pounds, and I have also experienced an increase in muscle tone and endurance,” he says. “I also feel mentally sharper and more connected to the people around me.”

Meditation has numerous physical benefits, including lower blood pressure and heart rate, increased airflow to the lungs, and a decrease in chemicals that trigger stress.

“When we meditate we are making a complete break with how we normally operate,” says Mark Winwood, founder and resident teacher of the Chenrezig Project, a Tibetan Buddhist study group in Yalaha. “We enter into a mind state that is free of all cares and concerns, in which there is no competition, no desire to possess or grasp at anything, and no hunger to achieve. There is no acceptance or rejection; no hope or fear.

And through it all we slowly begin to release all the judgments and emotions that have imprisoned us. It is only when we have removed the harm in ourselves that we become truly useful to others.”

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Many people who feel they’ve been blessed in life display their gratitude by exhibiting acts of kindness to improve the lives of others. It’s an act of purity, and nothing is expected in return. In 2010, Healthy Living Magazine challenged B.E. Thompson to embark on an incredible journey— one that would challenge him to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. At the time, Thompson weighed 520 pounds. The magazine recruited a team of nutritionists, exercise coaches, and personal trainers to work with Thompson on a weekly basis. In addition, Healthy Living Magazine provided bi-monthly updates of his progress. Thompson ultimately lost 320 pounds. Since then, he has inspired and encouraged countless Lake County residents to embark on their own weight-loss journey.

One of them was Jason Kilcrease of Tavares.

“B.E. is the Tiger Woods of weight loss. I work out with him daily and he’s a machine that just doesn’t stop. He motivates me to move my butt, and that’s why I’m down 32 pounds in 45 days.”

For Thompson, the best part about paying it forward is the mutually shared joy between giver and receiver.

“My best advice in recent years came from my primary care physician, Dr. Dan Boggus. After noticing my considerable weight loss and reviewing the significant improvements in my lab results, he said, ‘You have your life back. Pay it forward. Share your experiences with others who struggle to overcome obesity.’ Many have repeated this sentiment to me. I try to pay it forward daily and inspire others to achieve their personal goals.”


Life can be chaotic, so it’s important to fit in a little quiet time to examine your thoughts, feelings, and relationships. Daily reflective time can be spiritually rewarding.

“Take time every day to be reflective, focusing your attention on spiritual things,” advises Dr. Isaac Deas, interfaith chaplain for Cornerstone Hospice. “Too many people end the day mindlessly in front of the television.

Try to spend some time being humble, apologetic, and contemplating what you can do to be a better person.”


Traci Oliver, a teacher at The Villages Charter School, lost 100 pounds in the span of 13 months. Achieving this extraordinary feat required an immense amount of willpower. She vividly remembers her willpower being put to the test during a family dinner at Crabby Joe’s Deck and Grill. For dessert, her husband ordered an orange cake, which made Oliver’s mouth water. This occurred in the middle of her weight-loss journey.

“They brought it out, and it looked amazing. I told my husband to just let me smell it and I’ll be fine. I have discovered that smelling food can satisfy my craving. Plus, I had eaten so clean that I probably would have been in a diabetic coma had I taken a bite.”

For Oliver, willpower played an instrumental role in helping her tip the scales toward a healthier lifestyle.

“For me, it is a great feeling knowing that I’m no longer restricted by my obesity. When you’re obese, it controls every moment and thought. I am now in control of my life. I feel like I have been liberated and can do almost anything I want.”

As a result of her weight loss, this longtime teacher moves sprightlier, keeps pace with her students, and feels more confi dent in the classroom.

“I’m able to get down on the floor and play games with my students,” she says enthusiastically. “What a wonderful feeling that is!”


Between a mortgage, automobile payments, and student loans, Ethan and Lindsey Green of Mount Dora found themselves $44,086.55 in debt. They attended a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class in Tavares to learn how to manage their money more efficiently. After living within their means and carefully budgeting every penny, they became debt-free in three years.

“Doing this is not easy and it takes lots of discipline,” Ethan says. “However, when you realize sacrifice is for a reason, you do not feel

like it’s a sacrifice. We are trading the niceties of now for a financially stable future.”


Saying you don’t have enough time to exercise is a pathetic excuse when you look at the athletic accomplishments of Dr. Richard Bosshardt, a plastic surgeon in Tavares. He trained for and competed in numerous marathons, Olympic-distance triathlons, and even the daunting Ironman triathlon. That’s rather impressive for someone who operates a busy medical practice.

“We all have 24 hours in a day, and everyone has time if they make time,” Bosshardt says. “I also believe that everyone is capable of doing more than they do. In one year, you can be in a completely different place.”


Not only does volunteering allow you to help others; it actually boosts your physical health, as well. Studies show that volunteering decreases your risk of depression, increases your brain functioning, and reduces stress levels. Avid cycling enthusiast Tracy Draper knows about the benefits of volunteering. During her crosscountry bicycle ride in 2014, she raised $30,000 for Hope for the Warriors, which assists military men and women who sustain injuries in the line of duty.

“Doing this was very important to me because I have a deep appreciation for our military,” she says. “My father is a Vietnam veteran and my son is attending the U.S. Air Force Academy. The cross-country bicycle ride helped me grow as a person in an emotional, spiritual, and physical sense. Doing good for others makes you feel very good about yourself.”


Every single step you take beyond your comfort zone will have a profound effect on your self-confidence. Just ask Dr. Ishbel Nieves, who never envisioned herself competing in mud


races. Getting down and dirty simply wasn’t her thing. However, after some encouragement from friends, she entered a mud race and actually enjoyed submerging herself in an ice water bath, hurdling over fire, crawling under barbed wire, and climbing over cargo nets.

“I compete with my husband and a group of friends,” says Nieves, owner of Highland Lakes Dental in Leesburg. “Exercising and staying healthy gives me an outlet to do something other than dentistry.”



A study conducted by researchers at Brigham Young University concluded that strong bonds between adult siblings make people more selfless, improves their physical and mental health, and helps them live longer. Sibling bonds are strong at Fross and Fross Wealth Management, which is owned by twin brothers Robert and Thomas Fross and their older brother Patrick.

“Working alongside two people you have known your entire life is a blessing,” Patrick says. “In a sense, we’re like a married couple because we always seem to know what the other person is thinking. That kind of chemistry is hard to generate between two strangers who might open a company together.”



Your nose is often the hangout for all sorts of allergens. Allergies—and particularly a stuffy nose—can leave you feeling downright miserable. Thus, using a nasal spray to clean your nose regularly is important.

“Everyone cleans the filter inside their homes to reduce the amount of dust they’re exposed to,” says Dr. Ed Neuzil, owner of Allergy, Sinus and Asthma Family Health Center in Lady Lake. “Your nose is a filter also and it is important to clean the filter from time to time. Essentially, we’re rinsing out pollen and dirt while at the same time providing freshness and relief through the use of essential oils. Maintaining a clean nose is very important. When your nose is stuffed up, you breathe through your mouth and take dirt and other contaminates down to your lungs.”


Heart disease does not only attack elderly men. Just ask Eustis resident Susie Burrow, who suffered a major heart attack at age 27 and underwent quadruple bypass surgery. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading killer of women and is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined.

“Women should not assume that their age or gender makes them immune to heart disease,” Burrow said. “The only risk factor I had was a family history of heart disease. I did not smoke, I was never obese, and I never battled high cholesterol.”


A combination of gentle and firm strokes from a licensed massage therapist increases blood flow, stimulates nerves, and reduces pain and muscle tension. Michelle LaFever, owner of Healing LifeCare Center in Leesburg, often finds herself treating clients suffering from headaches, neck pain, muscle spasms, and sciatic nerve pain.

“I give more therapeutic massages than I do relaxation massages. Massage has healing benefits for both the mind and body.”


Sharing a common activity the entire family can enjoy brings about bonding and togetherness. At least that’s what Mark and Lisa Coffman of Eustis discovered. When their children were infants, Mark attached a two-seat bike trailer to his mountain bike and took the kids along for a ride. Now that Justin and Hannah are older, the family embarks on a weekly cycling trip around their neighborhood or local parks.

“We all love getting some fresh air and exercising together,” Lisa says. “We do this primarily because we want the kids to feel loved and know that they are a priority in our lives. We’re a close-knit family, and I think one of the reasons for that is we share a common activity.”


There was a time when Jason and Tricia Merill of Umatilla foolishly spent money. However, their money management skills drastically improved when they purchased the accounting software QuickBooks.

“I love how I can run a report and see how much we’re spending on things like eating out, gas, and groceries,” Merill says. “It gives you ways to measure your spending and helps you make better decisions. Finances can be very stressful for a marriage, and this helps lift that burden.”


While you should never go against your doctor’s orders, people often experience great success through holistic medicine. Linda Cieri of The Villages constantly battled bronchitis for 15 years. Like clockwork, the illness would strike immediately after the holidays and also during her yearly long-distance flight to California to visit family. Fortunately for Cieri, life has become a breath of fresh air since she began visiting The Salt Room nearly two-and-a-half years ago. Her treatment at The Villages-based company consists of lying peacefully in a saltcovered room for 45 minutes while listening to soft background music. During that time, she breathes in salt particles, which act as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent and help remove mucus and pollutants inside her respiratory tract.

“I haven’t had bronchitis since I began receiving treatment at The Salt Room. I go several times a week to be preventative and stay on top of it. I think salt therapy is wonderful because it’s noninvasive, therapeutic, and risk free. Also, the décor and music are so calming that sometimes I close my eyes and peacefully drift to sleep. When you’re so relaxed it helps heal the body.”

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While our pets provide us with loyal companionship, they often do not receive the credit they’re due. Research indicates pets help lower stress, improve our self-esteem, and even reduce the risk of heart disease, according to studies conducted by the American Heart Association. But the one thing some people don’t realize is that pets can be exercise partners in our journey to better health. Just ask Umatilla resident Rhonda McMillan. She and her 4-yearold miniature dachshund, Ryder, hike local trails in Umatilla, swim in the ocean, and stroll the streets of downtown Eustis and Mount Dora.

It doesn’t stop there. The two companions engage in a unique workout together known as doga, a popular fitness craze where yoga enthusiasts perform traditional exercises and stretches with their furry friends.

“When I’m lying on my back, I put Ryder on my stomach and she goes up in the air with me,” McMillan says. “Or while I’m sitting and stretching I’ll pet Ryder and put her in a relaxed, Zen-like state.”

McMillan and Ryder are beach buddies who frequently visit Smyrna Dunes Park, a pet-friendly beach in New Smyrna. They walk and jog along the beach and take occasional swims together.

“Ryder is my best friend. Exercising together allows us to have an even stronger bond and trust factor between us. Our relationship is amazing. Exercise can be stressful, but when you have a dog at your side you can walk three or four miles stress-free.”


A large study involving 2,300 elderly adults found that those who maintained a positive outlook were more likely to stay healthy and remain independent than their less cheerful counterparts.

“Studies have consistently shown cancer patients who approach their treatment with optimism do measurably better than those who don’t,” says Dr. Richard Bosshardt, a plastic surgeon in Tavares. “Much the same can be said for almost any medical condition. As a physician, I have seen it countless times. Pessimism is a self-fulfilling prophecy.”


Your credit score is one of the most important digits associated with your name. A credit history and a good credit score are vital to a healthy financial life. Among other things, it determines whether financial institutions will approve a loan and how much interest you pay on a loan.

“Employers have started to incorporate credit checks as part of a background investigation, which means poor credit can affect your ability to get a job,” says Thomas Fross, a financial advisor and owner of Fross and Fross Wealth Management.


You’ve decided you need a financial advisor to navigate this complex financial world. When selecting a financial advisor, one of the most important things to do is ascertain the fee structure.

“It’s important that your advisor provides you a written estimate of the fees and charges you will pay on an ongoing basis,” says Joe Dykes, a retired financial advisor with Edward Jones. “The advisor should also thoroughly explain

those costs to you. Be sure you understand these costs because there are advisors out there who will sell you anything for a commission, whether it’s right or wrong.”

He also says to make sure there are no conflicts of interest regarding investment strategies.

“For example, if you’re semi-conservative with your money, your advisor should not make a risky investment just because it gives him or her a high payout. Conversely, when clients desired to make an investment I felt was wrong for them, I had them sign a letter that the investment went against my advice.”

Finally, ask all potential financial advisors about their education, certifications, and experience.

“Ask them if they have any special designations, such as certified financial planner or chartered financial consultant. Also, ask if they receive any ongoing training or education so that they’re up to speed on the latest changes and trends in the financial industry.”


Pre-packaging your meals helps you avoid those unnecessary and unhealthy trips to fast-food restaurants and convenience stores. On Sundays and Wednesdays, Wildwood resident and health enthusiast Phil Stokes grills 12 chicken breasts, fills his oven with sweet potatoes, and sautés kale in a pan. He then packages the food in containers and brings them to work. Without fail, he eats three meals at the same time each day while at work.

“I am very dedicated about staying healthy because I don’t want to deal with heart problems, diabetes, or knee and back pain down the road,” he says.


In a world of commercialism, materialism, and secularism, it can be difficult to keep our soul spiritually nourished. Plus, taking a leap of faith is difficult in our hectic, chaotic lives. Perhaps the best thing to do is meet other spiritually healthy people. You’ll find that they are magnets for happiness, freedom, and generosity. In addition, they have a unique ability to enjoy the present moment and appreciate the

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small things in life. Fred Rahming of Eustis finds spiritually nourishment by being a member of Citadel of Hope in Leesburg.

“Attending church helps you to cope with everyday life in a number of ways. Coming together with friends and family who believe in the same faith as you builds and motivates you. As children, we attend school for 13 years and learn how to read, spell, count, etc. It’s the same as attending church. We grow spiritually, and by doing so, we’re better equipped to handle the stressors of everyday life.”


Many researchers and doctors have championed fish oil for its positive role in brain and heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids even help reduce chronic inflammation in diabetes patients.

“Fish oil is very beneficial for cardiovascular health, cognitive function, eye function, and for healthy joints and skin,” says Evan Dupont, manager of Vitamin Shoppe in Clermont. “Of course, your doctor should be aware of any supplement you’re taking so there are no adverse reactions.”


Chances are that shiny red apple you’re eating was grown with synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, and fungicides. This can present adverse health risks. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 90 percent of fungicides, 60 percent of herbicides, and 30 percent of insecticides are carcinogenic, meaning they’re a cancer-causing substance or agent.

“To be certified organic, food cannot be grown with synthetic chemicals and cannot be exposed to radiation,” said Pam Blue, who serves as director of the health educator program at Hippocrates Health Institute. “In addition, animals must be raised without antibiotics or growth hormones. For me, the best thing about eating organic is that my head feels clear and my body feels energized.”



There used to be a time when open-heart bypass patients were encouraged to slow down, lead sedentary lifestyles, and consider leaving work. Times have changed. Nowadays, bypass patients are mobilized as soon as possible and enter a cardiac rehab program, where they undergo supervised exercises.

“Patients who have just undergone bypass surgery should begin exercising by doing little things, such as walking for five minutes and then resting,” says Dr. Mark Rothschild, a cardiologist with Heart of The Villages. “They should attempt to walk every day and gradually build up their endurance. Once their endurance has increased, they can participate in other exercises. They should exercise for the rest of their lives because it helps slow down further progression of heart disease.”

Eustis resident De Burkholder would certainly agree. After undergoing bypass surgery in 1999, he has spent the past 16 years exercising religiously and eating healthy. In fact, he frequents the Golden Triangle YMCA to engage in strength and aerobic training, spends several days each week tending to his beautifully landscaped yard, and engages in ballroom dancing every Saturday night in Leesburg.

His decision to live a healthy lifestyle following open-heart surgery has paid big dividends.

“Other than heavy lifting, I can participate in most physical activities,” he says. “My level of physical fitness is much better than other people I know who are my age.”


Located in Clermont, Lakeridge Winery is the largest winery in Florida. The company typically produces 2 million bottles of wine each year. Not only is the wine tasty; it’s healthy, as well. Lakeridge’s wines are made of native muscadine grapes, which contain high amounts of resveratrol. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against cancer and heart disease.

“Research has indicated that muscadine grapes contain 10 times as much resveratrol than other varieties of grapes,” says Charles Cox, owner of Lakeridge Winery.


As psychiatrist and medical director of LifeStream Behavioral Center, Dr. Thomas Valente has seen many patients with mental health problems enter remission and successfully transition back into society. Much like heart disease or breast cancer, early recognition and


treatment of a mental illness are vitally important to help patients recover and prevent recurrence.

“With treatment, mental illness can have a high success rate,” he says. “Many of my patients have recovered. They realized they had a problem, sought professional help, and underwent treatment. If left untreated, mental illness is disabling because it leads to cognitive deficits and impairs your ability to make logical decisions.”


Bernice Prek has a look of confidence as she walks onto stage. The bikini she’s wearing barely covers her tanned, golden-oak skin, rock-hard abs, and muscular biceps. She is a female bodybuilder with perfectly sculpted anatomy. It wasn’t until she was 36 that she decided to undergo a life transformation and become a bodybuilder. This happened on a whim in February 2015 when she accompanied Mia Finnegan, the 1995 Fitness Olympia champion, to a bodybuilding competition in Tampa.

“I instantly fell in love with the sport,” says Prek, a resident of Ocala. “When I was at the competition, I was able to meet many of the female competitors backstage. Seeing how good they looked in their bikinis made me realize that I could also look that good.”

Prek made her bodybuilding debut in October 2015. Competing in the NPC Ocala Cup Classic, she muscled her way to firstplace finishes in three categories: Masters Bikini, Open Class B Bikini, and Novice Bikini.

“I was very surprised that I did so well at and letting people see all the hard work I put in 12 weeks leading up to the competition. I practiced posing every single day.”

One month later, Prek competed in the Amanda Marinelli Classic in West Palm Beach. She won third place in her open bikini class, which qualified her to compete in the NPC Team Universe competition in July.

“With each show, I come up with a better physique and package to showcase to judges. Undergoing competition prep makes you a more committed and stronger person. You grow in so many ways.”


Most of us already know that mind-boggling puzzle books are a great way to stimulate your brain health. However, brain-healthy food is also beneficial for your noggin. Avocados, beets, blueberries, broccoli, celery, salmon, and green vegetables are among the foods known to boost brainpower.

“Your diet choices affect your brain health both directly and indirectly,” says Kim BadenKristensen, founder of the Danish-based company Brain+. “It has a direct impact because your brain needs raw materials to fuel it and to build new cells like any other part of the body. Your diet indirectly affects your brain because it greatly affects the overall health of your body. A healthy diet can lower the rate of cognitive decline from aging and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”


Stress can have an adverse effect on our mental and physical health. One of the best ways to combat stress is to engage in activities that reduce tension and help us relax. Those activities include listening to music, performing breathing exercises, visiting a day spa, exercising, and sex.

“De-stressing is very important because stress is a major issue in our society and a much overlooked part of health,” says Dr. Michael Holloway, owner of Lifestyle Solutions MedSpa in The Villages. “Stress affects all aspects of one’s health, including struggles with weight, blood pressure, diabetes, energy levels, and mood.”


Like exercise, laughter actually causes physical changes in brain chemicals, your heart rate, and blood pressure that relive stress. Just ask Pona Dos and his wife, Ginger, who spearheaded the Laughing Yoga Club in The Villages.

“Laughing releases endorphins that help you with pain, stress, and depression,” Ginger says. “It also helps expel dead air so you can get more oxygen.”


Sometimes, adversity is a blessing in disguise. That’s certainly the case for Brandon and Brittany Buell, who in August 2014 gave birth to a child born with a rare brain disease. Their son, Jaxon, has a brain that is one-fifth the size of a normal human brain.

Since his birth, Jaxon has been hospitalized three times for rhinitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane that makes breathing difficult. Brittany must also closely monitor him when he suffers from light seizures—he sometimes has 10 episodes a day—that cause his arms to tremble and legs to kick simultaneously.

He has periodic check-ups with a neurologist to control his seizures and regularly visits another specialist to treat severe gastrointestinal issues. Because Jaxon cannot swallow, he is hooked 20 hours each day to a feeding tube that delivers hypoallergenic baby formula. He also undergoes regular physical therapy sessions to learn tasks like sitting up straight without leaning over and falling.

“Sometimes I have to take him to a doctor as many as three times a week,” Brittany said. “When unexpected things like rashes or infections pop up, I have to take him to a pediatrician. Raising a child with special needs is difficult. Right now the house needs to be cleaned, and I have six loads of laundry that need to be done. Taking care of him is a job for sure.”

While raising a child with special needs is demanding, the Buells consider themselves fortunate to have Jaxon in their lives.

“One of Jaxon’s favorite activities is snuggling with us while we read a book to him,” Brandon said. “We cherish moments like those and take one day at a time. We feel blessed by each day we get to spend with Jaxon because we don’t know what the future holds.”


Some people teach their dogs to heel. Eustis resident Ryna LaValle teaches her golden retriever to heal. And she has a doggone good time putting smiles on the faces of people who are sick or lonely. LaValle is founder of Caring

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Canines Therapy Dogs, a nonprofit organization comprised of dog owners who take their pet dogs to nursing homes and assisted-living facilities.

“I’ve always been a dog lover, and this is my way of helping other people,” she says. “Some of the patients we see at nursing homes seldom have any other visitors. When I show up with my dog, you can instantly see the expression on their face turn from a frown to a smile. Helping others brings me lasting happiness, and I’ll continue sharing my dogs until I can no longer do so.”


Each year, there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancers combined, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. That’s something Tavares resident Glenn Cowham learned the hard way. All those shirtless summers he spent as a boy in Alabama caught up to him later in life.

Since 2001, he has had melanoma—the deadliest form of skin cancer—removed from his body on five occasions. He developed two lesions on his back, one on his shoulder, one on his chest, and a precancerous lesion on his right hand. These days, he takes extreme caution. He visits his dermatologist every three to six months for regular screenings. And he never mows the lawn or takes a fishing trip without lathering up with sunscreen consisting of a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher.

“There’s a price to be paid for those hoping to have the ultimate suntan,” he says. “You’ve got to be proactive and smart by covering up.”

Too much sunlight can also leave people covered in clusters of sunspots.

“Sunspots can be dangerous because they ultimately can turn into skin cancer,” says Halah Ismail, owner of Alani Medical Spa in Lady Lake. “They also cause white and dark spots to appear on the skin. They are common in fairskinned people and those who spend lots of time outdoors and do not protect their skin.”


When breast cancer is detected early, the five-year survival rate exceeds 96 percent, according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. That’s why mammograms are extremely important.

“Women should have their first mammogram at age 35 and start performing monthly breast exams,” says Dr. Ram Krishnan, head of Florida Hospital Waterman’s imaging services department. “Once they reach 40, they should have a mammogram at least once a year.”




We know protein is popular among bodybuilders and weight lifters, but it does so much more than build muscle mass. Protein also helps regulate blood pressure, increases cardiovascular health, and reduces body fat. Good sources of protein include eggs, milk, fish, turkey, pistachio nuts, and yogurt.

“Every time you eat a meal with protein, it’s broken down into essential amino acids your body uses to repair, build up, and maintain itself,” says Jaime Alonso, a health coach and nutritionist at Total Nutrition and Therapeutics. “Another benefit of protein is that it keeps you fuller longer and helps with weight management.”


An unhealthy obsession with body image as a high school student triggered Emily Middleton’s seven-year battle with bulimia. For Middleton, discovering the power of self-love proved one of the most important tools in her road to recovery. Today, she is helping others as an intake coordinator of The Recovery Village, a residential treatment facility in Umatilla for people suffering from drug addiction, mental health issues, and eating disorders.

“When you discover self-love, you celebrate all that is good about life and recognize your own worth, beauty, and strength,” she says.



Unless you spend ample time in the sunlight, acquiring proper levels of Vitamin D is difficult because it is not abundant in food. Deficiency in Vitamin D levels can lead to osteoporosis, rickets, psoriasis, obesity, and diabetes.

“Vitamin D has always been known for supporting healthy teeth and bones,” says Lori Esarey, owner of Lady Lake-based Total Nutrition and Therapeutics, who earned a master’s degree in nutrition and metabolic medicine. “But in the past 15 years studies have indicated that it is also beneficial for neurologic health and in the treatment of skin

conditions. It is important for people to take Vitamin D supplements so they can achieve maximum health.”


During a Sunday church service in 2007, daredevil Lon Dowis demonstrated his faith by jumping off a tall ladder. The harness broke; he fell 16 feet, 2 inches and landed on his chest. That unexpected fall gave him new life. Instead of succumbing to fear, the 51-year-old man competes in mud runs, frequents the gym, and dreams of one day opening his own zip line.

“That accident made me realize that life is too short to just go to work every day then go home and sleep. It was time to add some excitement to my life. People often ask me what I would do if money were no object. I tell them I’d build a zip line and swing through the redwood trees in California for an entire week.”


Children are never too young to learn about dollars and cents. Tom Ruggie, a certified financial planner and owner of Ruggie Wealth Management, had his two children put a portion of their allowance into stocks when they were five.

“I made a list of stocks they would be familiar with, such as McDonald’s and Walt Disney World,” he says. “I let them make the decision of which stock they wanted to invest in. Then I showed them how to make an Excel spreadsheet and track how their stocks were doing. People need to understand that sometimes they’re going to lose in the stock market. I wanted my children to realize that at an early age so they wouldn’t put blinders on and make emotional decisions.”


Sometimes, unforeseen medical events arise. That doesn’t mean your life is over, but it does mean that your life may need to be re-directed and have new purpose. Such is the case for Calista Bennett, a 16-year-old Leesburg High School junior who dreamed of following in her older sister’s footsteps and playing volleyball at

the collegiate level. Unfortunately, she’ll never play sports again after undergoing two back surgeries to treat degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. Now, she hopes to attend college and become a nurse to help others who, like herself, are hurting.

“Life can be difficult and challenging, but you’ve got to maintain a positive attitude and get through the tough times,” she says. “I’m so blessed to have a supportive family that listened to me when I was first experiencing my pain. Other parents would’ve told their kids to suck it up and keep going.”



Living in Florida, our air conditioners work overtime during the sizzling summer heat. However, we don’t want air conditioners to overheat our bank accounts. David MacDonald, owner of Fruitland Park-based M & S Air Conditioning, provides helpful tips to keep people from being hot under the collar when that monthly utility bill arrives.

• “If you want to balance comfort and cost, be sure the lowest you set your thermostat is 78 degrees. Anything under 78 degrees represents more money. Since it cools down somewhat at night, you may want to consider setting the thermostat around 82 degrees.”

• “People spend one-third of their lives in their bedrooms. It would be wise to have a separate air conditioning unit for your master bedroom. That way, you can keep your bedroom temperature at 78, while the rest of the house—which you’re not using when you are asleep—can be set at 85 degrees. It costs less money to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature as opposed to an entire 2,000 square-foot house.”

• “Have maintenance performed on your air conditioner at least two times each year. Dirty filters and debris-filled coils cause more strain on your unit. A well-maintained air conditioning unit will keep your utility bill down and prolong the life of your unit.”

• “Consider purchasing a solar attic fan. It helps vent hot air outside while drawing cool air into the attic. Plus, they are energy efficient because their power comes from the sun.”


Vaginal dryness putting

you through a sexual dry spell? The FemTouch treatment is a fast, simple, in-office procedure that uses a vaginal laser to address several, vaginal heath-related issues. During the procedure, the CO2 fractional laser gently ablates the vaginal lining to help stimulate collagen production and remodel vaginal tissue. Improved overall vaginal health is restored along with a stronger, tighter vaginal wall. Learn more about our FemTouch treatment for improved vaginal health. 352.391.6000 ///


WARNING: Finding the right doctor is essential to good health. The 2016 Health Pros Guide is designed to help make that decision easier. Categorized by PRACTICE, PROCEDURE, and PROFILE, it’s an easy-to-use directory of the best health care providers in their field.



Everyone regards eyesight as a precious gift. Dr. Albert R. Ducharme, Dr. James K Berry, John Naumann, and the staff at Beacon Advanced Eyecare Center dedicate themselves to providing patients the best possible eye care as reflected in their mission statement: Focusing on You with Quality Care.

Beacon Advanced Eyecare Center, started in 1986, is a full-service vision care provider for scheduled appointments and emergency eye care too. For more than 25 years, they’ve consistently received excellent ratings from the Better Business Bureau.

Shannon Leafers, office manager, has been with the practice 10 years. “I am proud to be a member of this practice because I know patients who come to see Dr. Berry or Dr. Ducharme get the best care. And if they need or want new

glasses, there’s no one better in the business than our master optician, John Naumann.”

Patients benefit from Beacon Advanced Eyecare Center for many reasons:

• Two locations—Leesburg and Lady Lake

• Leesburg opens Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

• Patients can see either Dr. Ducharme or Dr. Berry

• Complete eye exams for glasses or contact lenses

• Testing for glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration

• Pre- and post-operative care

Both doctors promote a warm, trusting, and professional relationship with patients and think of patients as extended family.

Dr. Albert R. Ducharme says his main goal for patients is, “The most thorough eye exam possible in a friendly and courteous atmosphere, and provide the best vision attainable.”

When asked what gives him the most pleasure in serving his patients, John says, “I love it when patients smile and say they can see well again.”


Leesburg - 352.728.8318

Lady Lake - 352.750.2414



Advanced Gastroenterology and Surgery Associates is a cohesive team of knowledgeable and skilled professionals with advanced training who share a common goal—to always have the patient’s best interest at heart. The practice specializes in the diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of a variety of issues in digestive, gastrointestinal, and liver diseases. Doctors in the practice include: gastroenterologists Dr. Lily Tran, Dr. Garth George, and Dr. Tri Huynh; general and thoracic surgeon, Dr. MaoHao Charlie Han; and pathologist, Dr. Thomas Techman.

Because of the variety of the doctors’ specialties in the practice, Advanced Gastroenterology and Surgery Associates are uniquely qualified to assess, diagnose through collaboration, and treat colon cancer, diverticular disease, chronic HCV infection, chronic HBV infection, various liver diseases, GERD/Barrett’s esophagus/PUD, IBS, chronic constipation or diarrhea, biliary/pancreatic problems, and many other digestive issues.

“Having a pathologist in the practice allows for faster return of results and obtaining an expedient surgical consult, if necessary, could be a matter of life and death,” says Dr. Tran.

According to Dr. George, “One of the most common conditions we find is colon cancer. Screening for colon cancer actually saves lives. There are few diseases out there that can be effectively prevented with screening. Colon cancer is one of them. Being a part of the effort to reduce the death rate for the No. 2 cancer killer in America is very gratifying.”

Patients of Advanced Gastroenterology and Surgery Associates are treated like family. “The culture of our practice is to treat patients with kindness, respect, and excellence. We like to think of each patient as a family member and ask ourselves, ’What would we do if this was my father, my mother, my sister, or brother?’” says Dr. Huynh.

The practice prides itself on its personal approach to patients’ needs through accessibility. “We are always available to

address any question from our patients. This is very important. When someone is sick, they should be able to access medical care and answers as soon as possible. Our patients have the ability to access their medical records via internet, and they can communicate with physicians and staff directly online,” says Dr. Huynh.

The practice has three offices with a broad coverage of Lake County including The Villages, Leesburg, and Clermont. The offices have fully accredited endoscopy centers with full anesthesia capabilities and our physicians are privileged at three hospitals: South Lake Hospital, Leesburg Regional Medical Center, and The Villages Regional Hospital.




Clermont - 352.404.4334

Lady Lake - 352.753.1612

Leesburg - 352.323.8868



Thetechnology for hearing has come a long way from the ear trumpet to the tiny, unseen hearing aids available today. Kirk Malone, president of The Villages Ear, knows all about the tiny wonders that bring the world of sound back to his patients. He also knows a great deal about the most important element in helping his patients—compassion.

That’s why the company serves nearly 5,000 active patients and typically sees 12,000 patients each year. In addition, approximately 70 percent of new patients come via referral, a glowing testament to The Village Ear’s emphasis on patient satisfaction.

Because Kirk focuses on providing superior customer service, The Villages Ear is The Villages’ largest and most trusted name in hearing healthcare. As a result, Kirk takes pride in sharing his company’s success by giving back to the community where he lives, works, and plays.

Perhaps The Villages Ear has this distinction because Kirk and his staff are always taking things one step further. For example, they opened a new office in the Brownwood area. This office is as far from the typical medical office as it can be. Instead, the waiting room resembles an upscale living room, complete with comfortable furniture and warm pendant lighting. The overall brightness and spaciousness of the reception area soothes, calms, and cheers the spirit, preparing patients for an overall pleasant experience.

“You will not find a more caring and friendly staff, and we always put the needs of our patients first—that is our GUARANTEE!

Our impeccable reputation is proof of that commitment,” Kirk says. “In addition, we pride ourselves on treating our patients with the most advanced and up-to-date technology that the industry offers.”

A board-certified hearing instrument specialist, Kirk knows patients are more relaxed in this attractive, comforting environment, which makes the process of having their hearing screening and being fitted with hearing instruments smoother and easier.

Another way The Villages Ear makes getting care easier for patients is with three golf-cart approved locations. No matter what part of The Villages you make your home in, you can access one of the offices of The Villages Ear within a short distance.

“I’m also very excited about having a presence in Brownwood because it’s the fastest growing part of The Villages,” Kirk says. “We’re on the outskirts of Wildwood and only four miles from Leesburg and Fruitland Park. Residents from these towns have convenient access to us now, and we look forward to developing relationships with them.”

Having lived in this area for 34 years, Kirk is not only passionate about helping his patients, he’s passionate about helping his community. He and his staff have many goals toward strengthening the community and improving the quality of life for their friends and neighbors.

“I’m a firm believer that you are blessed so you can be a blessing,” he says. “The minute you stop giving back is the minute you stop receiving. I think it’s important to be openminded about helping others who need help.”

Local entities that have benefitted from Kirk’s kindness include the American Cancer Society of Lake/Sumter counties, the Boys and Girls Club of Lake and Sumter Counties, Beacon College, Buffalo scholarship foundation, the PGA Junior Golf League, Quantum Leap Horse Therapy Farm, Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Meadowbrook Church, The Father’s House Church, New Life Presbyterian Church, New Life Presbyterian Church and Corporate Sponsor of The Villages Parrotheads.

“I take lots of pride in doing whatever I can to help the community,” Kirk says. “People

in this community have been gracious in supporting The Villages Ear, so it’s only fitting to give back. Our community is our livelihood; therefore it’s important to give back to our community and invest in the future.”

You may run into Kirk around town as he makes his home on a farm in Oxford, where he enjoys raising a number of pets, including four rescue dogs. It’s obvious that compassion and caring he exhibits at work is simply a part of who he is.

“I wake up every day excited about going to work,” he said. “Not only do I get to meet so many wonderful people from The Villages and surrounding communities, I also provide them with the gift of hearing. There’s nothing more gratifying that that.”


3 convenient golf-cart-approved locations in The Villages:

2951 Traverse Trail | 352.259.8976 (Grand Traverse Plaza west of Brownwood)

3399 Wedgewood Lane | 352.259.8070 (in the Southern Trace Professional Plaza)

314 LaGrande Blvd. | 352.753.3033 (U.S. Hwy. 441 across from Wendy’s)



When health-related problems are discussed, it seems as though heart attacks, strokes and cancer receive the lion’s share of attention.

Yet, more than 80 million people in the United States have problems with their leg veins. Perhaps you experience swelling and discomfort in your legs. Or maybe unsightly varicose or spider veins have reared their ugly head, causing you grief and embarrassment.

Fortunately for residents of Central Florida and The Villages, Vascular Vein Centers has set the standard for vein and vascular care. Under the direction of Dr. Samuel Martin, the first fellowship-trained vascular surgeon in Central Florida, the practice offers the latest and most advanced techniques that produce excellent outcomes and results.

With nearly 40 years of experience focused on vein and vascular medicine, Dr. Martin has a unique and clear understanding of the complexities of the vascular system and can translate this knowledge into customized,

comprehensive treatment plans. The scope of the practice extends from spider and varicose veins to leg swelling and ulceration.

Today, numerous specialists treat venous disease in the legs by unnecessarily placing stents abdominal and pelvic veins. Sadly, many lack the proper knowledge and training to treat venous disease. At the Vascular Vein Centers, patients receive treatment from a team dedicated to vein disease who possess the credentials, experience and background to provide them with the top-notch, comprehensive care.

“If patients see a doctor who recommends a leg vein procedure that isn’t from the groin down, then I highly recommend seeking a second opinion,” Dr. Martin says. “That’s especially true if they want to do something in the pelvis. Having unnecessary stent procedures sets patients up for problems for the rest of their lives. Once stents have been placed, they cannot be removed.”

Simply put, there is a standard of care for vein treatment, and Dr. Martin and his staff

have the knowledge and years of experience in treating each individual patient.

“Venous disease is not a cosmetic issue; it’s a medical condition,” he says. “Having started the first wound care center in Central Florida, I can appreciate how venous disease has a gradual, destructive effect on the lower legs.”

Rather than implement a one-time, hit-andrun procedure, Dr. Martin cares for patients throughout the duration of their lifetime.

“We cannot cure veins; we control them. You have to have a methodical approach. The keys to success are follow-up care and getting patients to be compliant in wearing compression stockings and living healthier lifestyles.”


Six locations throughout Central Florida 352.750.6191

L-R: Dr. Daniel Arnold, MD, FACS, Dr. Samuel Martin, MD, FACS, Dr. Hugo Hart, MD, FACS


You’ve undoubtedly heard the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Without question, this holds true when it comes to our beloved pets. In fact, the cost of prevention is much less than the cost of treating a disease or illness, especially one in its advanced stages.

At Belleview Veterinary Hospital, Drs. Cara Oliver and Rick Erwin take a multi-faceted approach that includes evaluation of a pet’s overall health and risk of disease or other health problems. Over time, they monitor and track all facets of a pet’s wellness, including dental care, parasite control, nutrition, and vaccinations.

“It’s all about keeping pets healthy and happy,” said Dr. Oliver, a veterinarian of 15 years. “Through preventive care, we can help save pets from needless suffering and save pet owners from large financial burdens.”

She is particularly adamant about heartworm prevention. After all, a single mosquito bite can prove fatal to your pet.

“Heartworm prevention also eliminates intestinal parasites such as hookworms and roundworms,” she said. “They are both zoonotic diseases, which means they can be contagious to humans and especially children.”

Dr. Oliver also recommends a yearly blood profile to monitor your pets overall health. We are able to evaluate liver and kidney function, monitor glucose levels and health and function of the red and white blood cells in the body.

“By doing this annually, we’re able to see minor changes in a pet’s organ function before it becomes apparent on the outside. If need be we can put your pet on a nutritional supplement or nutraceutical and effectively treat the problem before it worsens.”

Flea and tick control is another preventive measure that Dr. Oliver says is vitally important.

“Ticks carry a lot of diseases that can cause your pet to become very sick. Fleas are rampant in Florida and cause death in many animals. Fleas can cause your pet to become

so anemic they cannot survive without a blood transfusion. Fleas are a major cause of skin disease in pets in Florida and cause severe secondary skin infections that can easily be prevented with monthly flea control.”

Another component of preventive health care is making sure pets maintain healthy body weights. An obese animal has potential risk for joint disease, heart disease, respiratory diseases, and diabetes.

“When it comes to the longevity and health of your pet, preventive health care is extremely important,” she said. When animals do not receive the recommended routine care required to maintain a healthy active lifestyle through their early years, they are more susceptible to illness and premature aging complications into their golden (geriatric) years that can significantly shorten their lifespan.

The practice is located at 10725 SE 36th Ave in Belleview. For more information, call 352.347.3900.



Health Center provides the “one-stop” facility for people of all ages to receive wellness, medical, and chiropractic care that could optimize their health, and starting this month two new services will be launched—stem cell injections to help patients with musculoskeletal issues and a new weight-loss program.

“A lot of feedback we get is that we are really the only practice in the area that offers a comprehensive level of care,” says Dr. Tige Buchanan, who has maintained a successful practice for more than 16 years. “We can provide a lot of different providers together to benefit our patients from everything that they may need—primary care to hormone replacement, medicines, massage, and rehab— we’re the only practice in the area that is able to offer all of these services under one roof.”

He is joined by the center’s board-certified nurse practitioner Dana Carroll, ARNP, in being pleased to bring stem cell injections to this area.

“The stem cell injections will be tied with primarily musculoskeletal issues, small and large joints, knees, shoulders, hips,” says Carroll, “and the stem cell injections actually will restore the tissues within the joints so that we can avoid knee replacement surgery, hip replacement surgery, shoulder surgery, so patients will have another option that does not involve surgery.”

Dr. Buchanan says his center’s practice is unique in the way services are performed. All new patients are first evaluated by the medical team.

“We are able to work together as a team to determine the best course of action to get our patients well and then to keep them well after they see us,” he says. “We want people to have a higher quality of life, and if we get to a problem

early, then the chance of correcting and fixing that problem to where they are not having long-term problems in their future is really paramount to what we do.”

Some of their happy patients are in their late 80s; the center is accepting new patients.

Carroll joined the center after working 20 years in the hospital field of managing diseases, and she now treasures being able to help patients, including those who learned hormone imbalances had zapped their energy and affected their moods.

“That really is our goal here to keep people well and to help them if they are heading in a direction that we know they are going to have health problems and complications so that we can really intervene early and get them on the right track so that they can stay well, enjoy their life, and do the things that they love to do,” says Carroll.

She finds it rewarding when patients report they can now work without pain, walk around theme parks, or get down on the floor to play with their grandchildren.

“It really ultimately changes their life,” she says.

To experience optimum health, it all begins with a medical exam, medical assessment, and bloodwork. These are performed in the office, along with X-rays that are also in-house.

“If you wait until you have a problem, a lot of times you are really so far into the process

that it is a lot more difficult to correct and treat things,” Carroll says. “So we really want to be proactive to when it comes to our healthcare. It’s very simple to come in and get bloodwork done; it’s a great place to start and see what we can do to try to keep people healthy.”

In additional to family medical and chiropractic care, the center also provides therapeutic massage therapy, nutritional counseling, cholesterol testing, age-specific testing and diagnostics, women’s services of pap smears, blood work, breast exams with referrals for mammograms, birth control, and BioTe hormone replacement, a popular type of hormone replacement therapy.

As the old saying goes, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Dr. Buchanan and his team’s holistic approach to health care and personalized treatment plans have helped many patients enjoy and maintain a healthy lifestyle—and it may be what you need too.


9836 U.S. Highway 441, Leesburg, FL 34748 352.787.8531

Monday - Thursday: 9a.m.-6p.m. Friday - 8a.m.-1p.m.

Medical & Chiropractic Services


W. Young, III, M.D., grew up in a small town in Arkansas, moved to Eustis in 1982, and has been a highly respected practicing urologist in Lake County for more than 33 years. He is a single father to 3-year-old Grace Genevieve.

His caring and respectful attitude toward patients is evidenced by his continuous commitment to innovation in his field, as well as just down-home courtesy—he doesn’t make patients wait hours to see him. Dr. Young believes it is important for men to receive the best care possible—and says the first step should be PSA Screening.

The PSA is a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing for Prostate Cancer, and the current controversy regarding PSAs is one that continues.

“When everybody was getting PSA’s, rarely would we diagnose someone with prostate cancer before it had spread—because prostate cancer has no symptoms,” says Dr. Young.

Dr. Young explains further, “The problem was, as we started detecting prostate cancers earlier and earlier, there were a lot of men who had a small number of non-aggressive prostate cancers that were treated who probably didn’t need to be treated. We know that now. We didn’t know that then. There were men who were treated with radiation or surgery, who could have simply been followed with watchful waiting also known as active surveillance and done well.”

“Due to these issues, the pendulum swung too far the other way where governmental agencies came out in favor of PSAs not being recommended, which, to me, is very foolish,” says Dr. Young.

Even though the PSA is, admittedly, not a perfect test, the fact remains that it indicates whether you need to go one step further for an ultrasound, and then possibly a biopsy. Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer killer of men in the U.S. today and since PSA’s have come out, 30,000 fewer men die of prostate cancer in the United States each year. It appears logical that the PSA continues to be a worthy tool in the fight against this silent killer.

Dr. Young advises all men be PSA tested by age 50, and if you are African American, or have a family history of prostate cancer, by age 40.

What happens if a man is diagnosed with BPH, or a nonmalignant enlarged prostate?

For many years, there were two options to treat BPH: surgical excision via an open operation (incision) or the more common procedure of TURP, which is a transurethral resection of the prostate. Both required hospitalization as well as major anesthesia and carried possible complications such as infection, bleeding, loss of bladder control, and even death.

Medications came as a later option for the symptoms of BPH, such as a need to urinate frequently, even at night. However, these medications brought negative side effects of their own. The longer one took the medications, the less effective they became. Additionally many caused sexual side effects.

In 2005 Dr Young began an in office procedure TUNA, later known as Prostiva RF therapy, which was an in office procedure that used low frequency radio waves to destroy the obstructing component of the prostate using conductive energy, or heat. Dr Young performed over 3000 of these procedures, more than anyone in the world.

More recently, an innovative new treatment is being practiced in the office of the Prostate Evaluation Center by Dr. Young, called Rezum.

Rezum is a transurethral needle ablation procedure to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) that Dr. Young performs in his office using local pain relievers. Rezum uses radiofrequency heated water vapor thermal energy to destroy prostate tissue with convective energy, which destroys even more prostate tissue that obstructs the flow of urine causing symptoms such as hesitancy, frequency,

urgency, irregular flow, weak stream, straining, and getting up at night to urinate. Using a hand-held device, radiofrequency energy is applied to a few drops of water to create vapor (steam). The water vapor is injected into the prostate tissue that is blocking the flow of urine from the bladder, where it immediately turns back to water, releasing the energy stored in the vapor into the cell membranes. At this point, the cells are gently and immediately damaged, causing cell death. Over time, the body absorbs the treated tissue through its natural healing response. Dr. Young says, “I am very happy with the results I have achieved for my patients using Rezum therapy.”


• Potential alternative to BPH medications

• Relieves symptoms safely and effectively

• Provides noticeable symptom improvement within two weeks

• Simple in-office/outpatient therapy

• Does not require general anesthesia

• Preserves sexual and urinary functions

• Allows patients to return to regular activities within a few days

If you want to hear more about issues regarding men’s health, you’re invited to Dr. Young’s free educational event at The Waterfront Inn at 1105 Lake Shore Drive, in The Villages on Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. He will discuss the importance of PSA screening, as well as the revolutionary treatment for nonmalignant, enlarged prostate (BPH) called Rezum. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP to 352.480.1001.


808 Highway 466, Lady Lake, FL 32159




Women know it’s important to take an active role in their personal health care, especially issues specifically related to obstetrics and gynecology. The physicians at Lake Wellness for Women OB/ GYN are dedicated to providing the best care by forming a partnership with each patient that ensures their needs are met in a caring and timely manner.

“We want our office to be the premier OB/ GYN location where patients can get the treatment they need and the care they deserve,” Dr. Hallam said.

Lake Wellness for Women OB/GYN includes 3 physicians: Marilyn Mayne, D.O., FACOOG, Mamie Rogers, M.D., FACOG, and M. Joel Hallam, D.O. By keeping current with the latest developments in obstetrics and gynecology, these experienced physicians deliver new

therapies and diagnostics to ensure that area women receive the care they need. Developing trusting relationships with patients is a vital part of patient care for these doctors, and they truly understand the significance of this.

“We take time to get to know our patients and families so we may gain an understanding of your lifestyle, family history, and other critical factors important in providing quality health care and meeting our patients’ needs,” Dr. Hallam said.

Your health begins with YOU, this is why it is very important to take the necessary steps to ensure you practice a healthy lifestyle. One way the doctors help you achieve this goal is by providing resources and information in the field of women’s health, so you can stay up to date on the latest medical breakthroughs and know about local events related to women’s health issues.

“It is our mission to provide the highest quality obstetrical and gynecology care available in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere,” Dr. Hallam said. “Our friendly staff helps guide our patients through every step of care.”


3340 Waterman Way

Tavares, FL 32778




When Dr. Norman Novis and his wife, Alona, opened Patients First Primary Care in December 2012, they had a vision in mind: develop strong relationships with patients and utilize a family-centered approach by treating patients like they would treat members of their own family. Both Dr. Novis and Alona, who serves as manager of the practice, enjoy going the extra mile to satisfy all your health care needs.

That is a big reason why the practice has grown considerably. In fact, Norman S. Novis MD, PA, moved into a 3,000 square-foot office in March 2015. The new office, located off County Road 466 in Sunset Professional Center, allows Dr. Novis to offer additional services such as allergy testing, cardiac care, echocardiogram, pulmonary functioning tests, cancer screening, and venous and arterial ultrasound.

“Patients love the layout and architecture of our building,” he said.

“They also like the fact that we can get them to the office faster and they experience less wait time.”

Dr. Novis not only treats patients at his facility; he personally visits patients at hospitals, including The Villages Regional Hospital, Florida Hospital Waterman, and Leesburg Regional Medical Center.

“This is a better way of treating patients,” he said. “I already know their medical background, and visiting them at health care facilities allows me to check on their condition and ensure they are receiving adequate treatment. It also allows me to know them on a more personal level.”

While many doctors focus on a particular part of the body or a specific disease, Dr. Novis provides comprehensive care to patients with all sorts of conditions. He treats patients with diseases ranging from diabetes and heart conditions to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and osteoporosis.

“We are about total wellness and offer patients both conventional and preventive approaches to medicine,” he said. “I have been working in the area for ten years and understand the population and how to best treat patients here.”

NORMAN S. NOVIS MD, PA 801 CR 466 Suite 101 Sunset Professional Center Lady Lake, Fl 32159 352-633-7659 SPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE


“Florida Cancer Specialists is like my family!” That’s an often-heard sentiment expressed by grateful patients undergoing treatment at one of the more than 20 Central Florida locations of Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (FCS). It may also be a surprising statement, given that, in most people’s minds, cancer is probably the greatest-feared disease imaginable. So, how can one account for this positive, even affectionate, response from so many? It’s because these patients realize several facts not usually known by the general public

First, FCS cancer patients know that, while cancer is still an extremely serious disease, for the majority of patients there are many options that were not available 20 or 30 years ago. Second, patients know that at FCS they will receive expert care and the most advanced and personalized treatments, even if they do not live in a large city.

“The heart of the FCS mission is to bring world-class care to communities, both large and small, throughout the state of Florida,” explained Dr. Roy Ambinder, a Yltiddillithtiith Yale-trained medical oncologist who practices in the Tavares office. Dr. Ralph Gousse, who practices in Apopka and Tavares, added, “We want our patients to be

able to receive the highest quality cancer treatment in a setting close to home, where they can be surrounded by family and friends.”

FCS is nationally-recognized for setting the benchmark in community-based oncology. Founded in 1984, the statewide practice offers advanced treatments, such as targeted therapies developed through genetic research and immunotherapies, which use the body’s immune system to fight cancer.

“One of the benefits of seeing an FCS specialist is continuity of care,” said Dr. Sandeep Thaper, who sees patients in Leesburg and The Villages. “Patients are usually seen by the same physician, nurses and staffers on each visit to the office. That allows our patients to build trusted relationships with their doctors that can be very comforting at a stressful time in their lives.”

“Having advanced forms of treatment available close to home means a lot to our patients,” said Dr. Imad El-Jassous,s who also practices in Leesburg and The Villages. Dr. PabloReyesadded “Theyspendlesstimetraveling Pablo Reyes, added, They spend less time traveling and more time with family members and doing things they enjoy.”

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Cancer Florida

Finding Tomorrow’s Cancer Treatments


Cancer treatments have improved dramatically in the past decade, thanks to medical research. Florida Cancer Specialists (FCS) is involved in more than 100 clinical trials for most types of adult cancers.

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Cancer treatments have improved dramatically in the past decade, thanks to medical research. Florida Cancer Specialists (FCS) is involved in more than 100 clinical trials for most types of adult cancers. “Clinical trials can provide an opportunity for patients to have access to new medications not yet on the market,” said Dr. Ahmed Al-Hazzouri, who sees patients in Clermont and Tavares.

“Clinical trials can provide an opportunity for patients to have access to new medications not yet on the market,” said Dr. Ahmed Al-Hazzouri, who sees patients in Clermont and Tavares.

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FCS board member Dr. Maen Hussein, who practices in Leesburg, Tavares and The Villages, agrees. “Some of the new immunotherapies currently being studied are producing results that far exceed our expectations.”

FCS board member Dr. Maen Hussein, who practices in Leesburg, Tavares and The Villages, agrees. “Some of the new immunotherapies currently studied are producing results that far exceed our expectations.”

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Cancer Treatments A Collaborative Approach

Dr. Patrick Acevedo, who practices in The Villages (as well as Ocala and Inverness), added, “Every cancer drug that we have today began as a clinical trial study – and every promising new treatment and cure for cancer tomorrow will first be studied in a clinical trial. If you are fighting cancer, that’s a powerful incentive for seeking a clinical trial.”

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Dr. Patrick Acevedo, who practices in The Villages (as well as Ocala and Inverness), added, “Every cancer drug that we have today began as a clinical trial study – and every promising new treatment and cure for cancer tomorrow will first be studied in a clinical trial. If you are fighting cancer, that’s a powerful incentive for seeking a clinical trial.”

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A Collaborative Approach

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Radiation is an integral part of many types of cancer treatments, according to Dr. Sachin Kamath, a radiation oncologist who sees patients at the Cancer Center. “With radiation, we can improve outcomes for our patients,” he said. The FCS medical team uses advanced technology, such as the state-of-the-art Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator, shown here, to treat cancerous lesions with pinpoint precision. A second linear accelerator has been recently added in the Villages Cancer Center to better accommodate patients.

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Radiation is an integral part of many types of cancer treatments, according to Dr. Sachin Kamath, a radiation oncologist who sees patients at the Villages Cancer Center. “With radiation, we can improve outcomes for our patients,” he said. The FCS medical team uses advanced technology, such as the state-of-the-art Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator, shown here, to treat cancerous lesions with pinpoint precision. A second linear accelerator has been recently added in the Villages Cancer Center to better accommodate patients.

In addition, Dr. Kamath works closely with FCS medical oncologists to patients with the highest quality of care available across multiple therapies. Having radiation treatment under the same roof as medical oncology increases patient convenience and optimizes communication among team members.

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In addition, Dr. Kamath works closely with FCS medical oncologists to provide patients with the highest quality of care available across multiple therapies. Having radiation treatment under the same roof as medical oncology increases patient convenience and optimizes communication among team members.


Ahmed Al-Hazzouri, MD
IN LAKE AND SUMTER COUNTIES Patrick Acevedo, MD Roy M. Ambinder, MDJennifer L. Cultrera, MDImad El-Jassous, MD
Dr. Maen Hussein discusses the benefits of a clinical trial with all his patients. Dr. Maen Hussein discusses the a clinical trial with all his patients. Radiation Oncologist Dr. Sachin Kamath, The Villages Cancer Dr. Sachin Kamath Center, offers patients cutting-edge -edge radiation th amath, The Villa on therapy.
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Patrick Acevedo, MD Roy M. Ambinder, MDJennifer L. Cultrera, MDImad El-Jassous, MD Dr. Maen Hussein discusses the benefits of a clinical trial with all his patients. Radiation Oncologist Dr. Sachin Kamath, The Villages Cancer Center, offers patients cutting-edge radiation therapy.

Improving Survival Rates in Cervical Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 12,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year and over a third of them will eventually die from the disease. However, the good news is that survival rates are slowly increasing for cervical cancer due to the fact that more women are getting an annual PAP test, which allows abnormalities to be detected early.

Early detection is critical to improving outcomes for cervical cancer, according to mother/daughter medical oncologists Dr. Vasundhara Iyengar and Dr. Meera Iyengar, who both see patients in Clermont.

“It is extremely important that women continue to be screened with an annual PAP test until they reach age 70, or older in some cases,” says the elder Dr. Iyengar. “Because cervical cancer develops slowly over time, it is one of the most preventable types of cancer.”

Dr. Meera Iyengar adds, “Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is found in about 80% of all women over age 50. There are over 100 different types of HPV, most of which are considered low-risk and do not cause cervical cancer.”

Dr. Marays Veliz, who practices in Leesburg and The Villages, says that many women find it comforting to discuss their issues related to cervical, ovarian or other gynecological cancers with a female physician, since cancer is such a personal experience. “Being seen by an experienced woman oncologist can be reassuring for many patients,” she said. “It’s also important for the physician to be a good listener.”

Rakesh Rohatgi, MD Maen Hussein, MD Pablo C. Reyes Jr., MD Ralph Gousse, MD Sandeep K. Thaper, MD Meera Iyengar, MD Ram Tummala, MD Vasundhara G. Iyengar, MD, FACP Marays Veliz, MD Sachin Kamath, MD Iyengar, encourage women to get their annual PAP test in order to detect cancer early. r,

Lake and Sumter Counties Office Locations

Clermont South

1920 Don Wickham Way Suite 100

Clermont, FL 34711-1977

Phone: (352) 394-1150

Fax: (866) 446-1410


Ahmed Al-Hazzouri, MD

Meera Iyengar, MD

Vasundhara G. Iyengar, MD, FACP


110 North Boulevard East

Leesburg, FL 34748

Phone: (352) 323-8022

Fax: (866) 445-8571


Jennifer L. Cultrera, MD

Maen Hussein, MD

Leesburg North

9832 US Hwy 441 Suite 101

Leesburg, FL 34788-3984

Phone: (352) 787-3341

Fax: (844) 717-0685


Ram Tummala, MD

Leesburg South 601 E Dixie Ave Suite 1001

Leesburg, FL 34748

Phone: (352) 787-9448

Fax: (352) 787-3250

Physicians: Sandeep K. Thaper, MD

Marays Veliz, MD

Leesburg West

1600 West Main Street

Leesburg, FL 34748-2811

Phone: (352) 530-2189

Fax: (352) 435-7687

Physicians: Imad El-Jassous, MD

Pablo C. Reyes Jr., MD



4100 Waterman Way

Tavares, FL 32778

Phone: (352) 343-1117

Fax: (866) 445-2968


Ahmed Al-Hazzouri, MD

Roy M. Ambinder, MD

Ralph Gousse, MD

Maen Hussein, MD

Villages Buenos Aires

1503 Buenos Aires Blvd

Bldg 140

The Villages, FL 32162

Phone: (352) 750-5105

Fax: (352) 750-5138

Physician: Rakesh Rohatgi, MD

Villages Cancer Center 1400 N US Highway 441

Suite 540

The Villages, FL 32159

Phone: (352) 561-3290

Fax: (352) 561-3291


Patrick Acevedo, MD

Jennifer Cultrera, MD

Maen Hussein, MD

Vasundhara G. Iyengar, MD, FACP

Sachin Kamath, MD

Sandeep Thaper, MD

Ram Tummala, MD

Marays Veliz, MD

Villages North

1400 US Highway 441 North Suite 924

Lady Lake, FL 32159-6812

Phone: (352) 633-8319

Fax: (352) 633-8434

Physicians: Imad El-Jassous, MD

Pablo C. Reyes Jr., MD

*Prior to approval

70% of new cancer drugs approved in 2015 for use in the U.S. were studied in clilinical trials conducted with Florida Cancer Specialists


Chronic sinus problems and allergies are a nuisance, or even more, to many people, greatly impacting the quality of their life. In central Florida, there are a host of allergy and sinus producing triggers. Many are taking some form of allergy or sinus medication too often, or all of the time. Frequently, medication can manage the symptoms enough of the time. Many, though, have chronic headaches, congestion, drainage problems, and even a lack of a sense of smell and taste which affects the quality of their life such as time missed from work or the enjoyment of daily activities. Most chronic sinus and nasal problems begin because the sinus openings become narrowed or blocked. Medication is designed to re-open those passageways. Sometimes medication does not work. Many people believe that they will have to live with their sinus problems.

Options for people whose sinus infection symptoms do not improve with maximum medical therapy include traditional telescopic sinus surgery to open the sinuses to improve ventilation and congestion symptoms which requires general anesthesia and having this performed in a hospital. Balloon sinus dilatation was developed as a more minimally invasive method to provide the same relief which can be performed in the office with local anesthesia.

Balloon sinuplasty is an FDA approved, insurance approved, catheter based system

for providing an “angioplasty” to the narrow sinus openings, re-establishing improved ventilation and drainage. When the balloon is inflated, it gently restructures the passageways of the sinus openings without damaging the surrounding tissue. This procedure is frequently performed in the office, with just topical and local anesthesia, thus eliminating the need to go to the hospital for general anesthesia, minimal time away from work or regular activities, minimal discomfort, and no need for sinus packing as with some traditional procedures. There is long term follow-up that

reveals excellent reduction in symptoms and high patient satisfaction. The doctors at Lake ENT have been performing balloon sinuplasty for more than 5 years, achieving excellent results for their patients, enabling them to return to a better quality of life, literally smelling the roses in their life again.


THE VILLAGES | 352.753.8448

LEESBURG | 352.728.2404

TAVARES | 352.343.7279



FemTouchTM is the name that Lumenis, the industry leader in and inventor of CO2 technology, gives to its new CO2 fractional laser. FemTouch is used by Advanced Urology Institute to treat a variety of vaginal, health-related issues. When applied to the vaginal wall, the revolutionary laser gently ablates the mucous epithelium layer. The process helps stimulate collagen production, enhance vascular flow and remodel vaginal tissue. Improved overall vaginal health is restored along with a stronger, tighter vaginal wall.

The procedure is fast—it only takes a few minutes. It works efficiently and completely— three treatments with one annual touch up treatment are all that Advanced Urology recommends to achieve an optimum outcome. And what may be most significant, absolutely no anesthesia is required and there are no post-procedure care hassles to worry about.

So, how does it work? Simply, after a patient receives a pelvic exam, the FemTouch laser is inserted only four to six cm. into the vagina. The laser is activated and the beam penetrates about .5 millimeters into the vaginal wall. That’s just deep enough to effect collagenforming skin levels. The patient may feel a bit of pressure but no discomfort whatsoever.

Results of the FemTouch treatment vary per individual, of course. But Advanced Urology physicians report that the treatment can significantly tighten vaginal walls with the corresponding benefits of enhanced sexual pleasure, restored tissue tone and increased blood flow. For those patients who suffer from vaginal dryness, the treatment increases lubrication. Those who suffer from urinary stress incontinence may have their symptoms reduced because the FemTouch procedure can

also strengthen the ligaments that support and surround the bladder and urethra.

How long do the effects of the treatment last? There have been no long-term studies to definitively answer that question, but anecdotal evidence suggests for 2 to 3 years at least, the tightening and continence effects of the laser treatment will remain.



Experiencing lower back pain, a pinched nerve, sciatica, neck pain, or a variety of symptoms related to damaged or degenerative discs?

Dr. Jeffrey Glover of Glover Chiropractic Clinic personally understands how debilitating it can be because he has experienced back issues, and as a result, he found relief from the pain-free, non-surgical, DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy—the same treatment he provides his patients.

“This is what was used to fix my back,” he says. “When I was in chiropractic school, I suffered from low back pain and was unable to get out of bed for three days.”

DTS Therapy eliminated his pain.

“It’s what got me back to being able to go to the gym and do more things,” Dr. Glover says, adding many of his patients are thrilled

after a few treatments to feel great and be able to play golf, go shopping, perform household chores, and do activities they enjoy again.

“This increases a patient’s quality of life to live as pain free as possible,” he says. Patients appreciate DTS Therapy as an alternative to surgery, and they feel comfortable knowing Dr. Glover understands what they’ve been experiencing.

“To sympathize is good, but being able to empathize is just as important,” he says.

DTS Therapy is a major part of Glover Chiropractic Clinic, and Dr. Glover shares with patients the pain-free treatment creates decompression by gently stretching the spine to relieve pressure from the discs, joints, and muscular tissues while the patient is in a comfortable position

GLOVER CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 312 N. 14th St., Leesburg, FL. 34748 Phone: 352-787-9995


How does the machine work?

What are the benefits of using this device?

People that have Obstructed Sleep Apnea (OSA) experience interruptions in breathing for a few seconds at a time while they are asleep. Depending on the severity of one’s OSA, sufferers may experience as few as five to 100 interruptions a night.

The CPAP device is a small compressor that draws in room temperature air and pressurizes it to deliver the prescribed pressure you need to clear the obstruction and open the airway. Newer CPAPs are quiet and have humidifiers that provide moisture to the air you breathe in, preventing dryness in the mouth, throat, or nasal cavity.

Florida Hospital Respiratory & Equipment (FHRE) provides the latest CPAP devices on the market. The machines are very easy to use and can monitor your OSA while you sleep. The new machines also have built in WIFI so data can be reviewed with the patient and doctor at any given time.

Patients are fitted with a CPAP mask based on the recommendation from the sleep lab or the physician. Each patient is different so there are a variety of masks available on the market designed to fit the specific needs of the patient. FHRE has highly trained Respiratory Therapists (RT’s) that provide setup with complete instruction and mask fitting for all CPAP patients. Our RT’s also are available to the patients for questions, concerns and follow up care as needed.

Most insurance provides reimbursement for these machines and all related supplies. They may begin the process by authorizing a threemonth compliance period to see if the patient uses and benefits from the therapy. Once compliance is met, insurance continues paying the remaining rental period until the machine meets their guidelines of a purchase price.

FHRE has a dedicated team of people to reach out to patients on a monthly basis to monitor how they are adapting to the machine, review compliance, and see if any

new supplies are needed. Our team works very closely with all sleep labs, facilities, and physicians to ensure patients receive the best care. Our goal is for all patients to be successful, benefit from the therapy, and stay on the road to better health.


Mount Dora 4855 North Hwy 19A, Mt Dora, FL 32757 352.253.2326

Longwood 556 Florida Central Parkway, Suite 1060, Longwood, FL 32750 407-830-1938



Having a cardiologist in the Vein Center adds an extra measure of high quality care for the patients. Kalpesh, Solanki, DO, FACC, originally from Sarasota, is not only has a general cardiovascular specialty, he works with heart failure and hypertension management, peripheral catheterization for peripheral artery disease, and device implantation—pacemaker, defibrillator (AICD), cardiac resynchronization therapy (bi-ventricular). He also does catheterization as well as non-invasive cardiology—nuclear stress testing, peripheral vascular studies, and echocardiography. Dr. Solanki is board certified in general cardiology and internal medicine and is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. Dr Solanki has offices in The Villages and Ocala and is accepting new patients and most major health insurance plans. It’s interesting to note before he went into medicine, Dr. Solanki received a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering.


3515 SE 17th St, Suite 100, Ocala

1050 Old Camp Road, Suite 202, The Villages 352.245.7788 (Cardiology main number)


Tom Tran, PA-C and Michael Richards, PA-C have more than 20 combined years of experience in the field of Phlebology, the treatment of vein disease. They are the founding members of Comprehensive Vein Center treating patients in the Villages and Ocala for over 9 years. They feature highly specialized treatment for varicose veins. They perform the latest minimally invasive procedures that replaced surgeries for varicose veins— EndoVenous Laser Treatment and Radiofrequency ablations as well as ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy and cosmetic vein treatments. The treatment includes a detailed ultrasound evaluation by a certified vascular sonographer. These procedures require no hospitalization and only local anesthesia. “We close off the vein, with Laser or RF heat and the body absorbs the vein with no scaring or surgical wounds. Everything is done here in our offices, so there’s no need to worry about doing tests elsewhere,” Michael says. “We are dedicated vein specialists.” The staff understands you want your legs to feel and look good. They have now joined with Solanki Cardiology and Associates to offer comprehensive care and are currently accepting new patients.


1050 Old Camp Road, Suite 202, The Villages

3515 SE 17th St #100, Ocala

352.259.5960 (Vein Center)



Michael Branch, MD, a board-certified otolaryngologist, specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of the ear, nose and throat. He has advanced experience in endoscopic sinus surgery, rhinology, hearing loss and chronic ear surgery. He practices at The Villages® Regional Hospital. Dr. Branch earned his MD at Wake Forest University, Bowman Gray School of Medicine; and then completed a six year residency in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Tennessee, Memphis. He served as an active duty Otolaryngologist with the United States Navy for three years. He then practiced in the Orlando area for 20 years and joined Central Florida Health in January 2016. He has participated in over 20 medical missions to Pucallpa, Peru performing ear, nose and sinus surgeries for the poor of that community. He is a fellow of the American Board of Otolaryngology.

1501 U.S. Highway 441 N, Suite 1830

The Villages, FL 32159 352.751.8960


Harry C. Weiser, MD, diplomate, American Board of Neurological Surgery, is a board-certified neuroAsurgeon with Central Florida Health, where he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cranial and spinal disorders, pain management and procedures, and cranial/spinal surgery. Dr. Weiser also has advanced training in stereotactic navigation of both the spine and brain. Comparable to the way a GPS works in a vehicle, stereotactic technology provides 3-D navigation by mapping the location of an abnormality and sending information to the MRI system in real time, giving Dr. Weiser a clear image of the precise position that needs treatment. Stereotactic surgery is touted as ideal for patients with tumors deep in the brain, and the minimally invasive procedure often means a quicker recovery time.

1501 U.S. Highway 441 N., Suite 1832

The Villages, FL 32159




Aboard-certified surgeon with Central Florida Health, Yin “Tammy” Luk, MD, performs hernia repairs and does surgeries on the gallbladder, breast, stomach, bowel, and wounds at Leesburg Regional Medical Center and The Villages® Regional Hospital. She praises the “team approach” in treating patients. “From the nursing staff to the technical support/equipment, we are able to give patients the best possible outcomes,” she says. Hernia repair is the most common surgical procedure, and Dr. Luk performs several a week. She uses a laparoscopic, minimally invasive method that allows patients to experience less pain, swelling, or scarring. Patients are generally able to go home the same day as their surgery. “Many of the cases that I perform are life-saving and it is very rewarding to see the immediate and positive result,” she says.

1400 US Hwy 441 N.

Sharon Morse Building, Suite 526

The Villages, FL 32159


601 E. Dixie Ave., Suite 801 Leesburg, FL 34748


Our strategy is to acknowledge the patients and listen to their needs and concerns; a crucial approach to defining an accurate diagnosis and planning its management,” says Tarek Bakdash, MD, a board-certified neurologist with Central Florida Health. To provide optimal care for his patients, Dr. Bakdash practices the entire field of neurology and its disorders of the brain, spinal cord and neuromuscular systems. In addition to being certified in neurology, he is also certified in performing neurodiagnostic studies (EEG, and EMG studies) and treatment of muscles and nerves. Extensive dialogue with patients and their families is imperative to reaching an accurate diagnosis and management. Dr. Bakdash wants his patients to know he is here to help. “I take my time and provide compassionate care because I am dealing with the huge responsibility of another human life.”

1400 U.S. Highway 441 N

Sharon Morse Building, Suite 524

The Villages, FL 32159




Aphysician who loves his work and focuses on patients’ needs. Board certified in general surgery, Dr. Dan Nicolas Tran has been practicing in Lake County for over a decade, and he’s the only general surgeon with fellowship training in minimally invasive surgery at Florida Hospital Waterman.

Some of his research has been published in major medical journals.

“I do a lot of laparoscopic surgeries,” says Dr. Tran. “It’s a minimal invasive surgery with little, tiny incisions and less pain. People are able to go home earlier and back to work sooner than the traditional open surgical techniques.”

He specializes in hernia repair, bowel resection, gallbladder removal, anti-reflux surgery, and surgical procedures to address skin, breast and colorectal cancers.

Hernia repair is a major part of his practice.

“We usually diagnose it just from the pain alone,” says Dr. Tran. “We explain that a hernia is very common and something we see all the time, and we can fix it. It’s something that can be done as an outpatient.”

Some patients are able to return to work the day after surgery.

Dr. Tran received his medical degree from the University of Florida College of Medicine. He completed a General Surgery residency at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Kentucky, followed by a fellowship program at the school’s Center for Advanced Surgical Technology.

Dr. Tran says his staff members are dedicated to serving patients. “We strive to be the gold standard for patient care, comfort, and practicing quality outcomes,” he says.

Dr. Tran says patients appreciate it.

“We have long-term experience of doing this for over a decade,” says Dr. Tran. “We have a very friendly staff who gets people in quickly, and we get good results. Everybody is happy.” LAKE

1290 Waterman Way Tavares, FL 32778 352.742.0054


In the late 90s a new trend emerged in hospital care. Normally a patients’ primary care physician would monitor their care and treatment during a hospital stay. However, a hospitalist now handles that care—a doctor who specializes in treating those who are in the hospital.

Lake County Hospitalist Care is a group of highly trained, board-certified physicians and advanced registered nurse practitioners who oversee and coordinate the medical care of Florida Hospital Waterman patients. They are, essentially, the experts in taking care of those who are hospitalized. Haseeb Ben Kazim, MD, is medical director of the group and has 14 years of experience in internal medicine.

“Our primary focus is twofold,” Dr. Kazim says. “We offer the highest level of care along with compassion for all our patients.”

The family and the patient are included in all discussions, and time is taken to outline tests, procedures, medications, or surgery that is needed. This doctor becomes the patient’s physician of record during the hospital stay and is consulted for information and answering questions.

“Our group of highly trained physicians are happy to serve the Waterman community,” Dr. Kazim adds.

These doctors know being in the hospital is a stressful time, and they are intent on easing that stress and assuring the family that everything needed is being done. “We want our patients to feel comfort able and informed during their hospital stay.”

Dr. Kazim and his associates know that a patient’s view of their hospital care comes from their relationship with the doctor. This care includes overseeing and coordinating all the medical care, working directly with surgeons or other specialists involved in patient care, and easing the transition from inpatient to outpatient.

“We consult with the specialists about the patient’s health history and medications, and determine when the patient is well enough to be discharged,” Dr. Kazim says. “It is our mission to make sure our patients are provided with the best medical care while a patient at Florida Hospital Waterman.”

Following the patient’s release from the hospital, this connection returns to the primary care physician. Lake County Hospitalist Care sees more patients admitted to the hospital than any other group so they are leaders in this field.


1737 David Walker Drive Tavares, FL 32778



Azure® Alkaline

Spring Water


Our water is fresh, native, balanced, pure spring water and is guaranteed to be 100% bottled from the source without any artificial modifications or alterations to acquire its unique and special qualities.

Our w and is without its uniq


• Super Hydrating & Detoxifying

• Boosts Immune System

• Anti-Oxidant/Anti-Aging

• Improves Digestion

• Increases Energy

• Replenishes Essential Minerals

• Enhances Circulation & Metabolism

1903 GREENLEAF LN, LEESBURG, FL 34748 ll 352.728.5646 46 www
Azure® Alkaline Spring Water comes from Heatherwood Spring which is a part of the Crystal River Springs Complex in West Central Florida.
TYPICAL WATER ANALYSIS (mg/liter) Ca 36 Mg18 K 1 Na 5 pH 8. tds 98
AZURE BEN • • • • • •
FUN FACTOID: Drink 8 -16 oz of regular water and jump up and down. You will hear and feel the water slosh in your stomach. Drink the equivalent amount of Azure® Alkaline Water and try jumping. Nothing happens! It is immediately absorbed on the way down. 3
LAKEHEALTHYLIVING.COM // 83 Hot Box Detox Skin Care Hydro-Derma Fusion Automated Massage Teeth Whitening Sunless Spray Tan UV Therapy Red Light Therapy Automated Facial RELAX, GLOW, AND RENEW with our amazing services and products! 3 35 5 522.772299..2222445 5 // w www.Pl .P a aneettB B Beeacchh.c c coom 1 17 7 711995 5 U US S H Hw w wy y 441, Sui S ite 1 1044, , Moouunnt Dorra a Where do our graduates go from here? Everywhere. Skye Nosbisch Class of '12 FULL SERVICE CAR WASH. AUTO DETAILING. OIL CHANGE AND LUBE. 352.787.2013 /// 10601 Us Highway 441, Leesburg, FL Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm /// Sunday Carwash 11am-4pm OFF OIL CHANGES FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY WHEN YOU MENTION THIS AD. $3
86 // HL // JANUARY 2017 Residential Lending Team Natasha Dykes, Amy Bolt and Margarita McCartney Let us help you get the lowest rate on your home loan. pay Serving the community for over 90 years. Call Today 352-383-2111

• Always watch kids around water

• Fence all pools

• Stay away from drains

You never know which step might save a life, until it does.


My New Year’s resolution is to kick a bad addiction. No, it’s not junk food or nicotine. Those can wait until 2018.

I’m talking about Facebook. Much like a drug addict with a needle, I must receive my daily injection of Facebook. Thing is, it gives me a natural low rather than a high.

I thought Facebook would be an ideal outlet to keep in touch with family members and friends. I wanted to learn about their amazing adventures, their fascinating careers, their life accomplishments, and their beautiful children.

Unfortunately, my Facebook friends are not posting about any of that stuff. Instead, I receive a daily dose of hard-core political opinions, dramatic relationship troubles, boring status updates, goofy selfies, annoying invites, and fake news stories.

Doubt me for second-guessing my Facebook fanaticism? Here’s what my News Feed looked like today.

7:43 a.m. Rebecca took a driving selfie to let everyone know how beautiful she looks this morning. Hopefully, she’ll look just as pretty after wrecking her car.

8:56 a.m. Wilma wrote a somber and incomplete message on her wall: “I’ll never understand why people are so insensitive and mean.” Give us an explanation or don’t say anything at all.

9:27 a.m. Pamela took a pregnant belly mirror selfie for the 75th straight day. I’ll be happier than Pamela when her child is finally born.

9:31 a.m. Tabitha posted a TimeHop photo to remind us she visited Daytona Beach exactly three years ago today. I didn’t care about her post then. Why would I care about it now?

9:40 a.m. Rosie woke up with an upset stomach. The day before that her dog suffered from diarrhea. The day before that her vehicle caught on fire. Rosie’s posts are always real downers. I’m “unfriending” her.

10:14 a.m. Carrie made the all-important, life-changing announcement that she’s narrowing her friend list. Yeah, I’m sure all 675 of her “friends” are nervously wondering whether they’ll make the cut.

12:03 p.m. Samuel checked into Cracker Barrel. I’ve spent my entire morning wondering where he might grab lunch today.

12:56 p.m. Michelle was depressed and used a frowning emoticon to reinforce her mental state. When worried friends asked her what’s wrong, she responded, “I don’t want to talk about it.” What????

1:47 p.m. Kevin went on an anger-filled rant and dropped several F-bombs because he was mistreated by employees at a local retail store. Note to self: Never post on Facebook when you’re angry.

2:20 p.m. Mike posted a picture of his car’s thermometer and provided earth-shattering news: Florida is hot in the summertime.

3:15 p.m. Jackie posted on my timeline to deliver bad news: Facebook is going to start charging me unless I copy and paste a legal notice and share it with my friends.

4:18 p.m. Ryan posted a far-fetched yet attentiongrabbing story. Apparently, a silverback gorilla wandered from Africa to England and uncovered enough evidence to reveal the true identity of Jack the Ripper. Note to self: Don’t believe everything you read on Facebook.

6:10 p.m. Jay posted he “only” ran 10 miles today and vows to do better tomorrow. Humble braggers get no sympathy from me.

7:11 p.m. Bob, a staunch conservative, referred to Hillary Clinton as a “career criminal.” An intense political debate ensues.

8:13 p.m. Katherine, a bleeding-heart liberal, called Donald Trump a “sexist, racist pig.” An intense political debate ensues.

8:56 p.m. Lucy posted a picture of her half-eaten cheeseburger she’s enjoying at a popular chain restaurant. Please, get your food off my News Feed!

9 p.m. Terry invited me to take the “Are You Crazy?” quiz. I took the quiz. It concluded that I’m certifiably insane. That’s hardly surprising considering the nonsense and crap I sifted through on Facebook today.

I’ve had enough. I’m deleting my Facebook account. I promise.

Right after I comment on Jack’s status and congratulate him for no longer being constipated.

Final Impression

Not Your Average Retirement Community Fare…

Bland, institutional food? Nothing could be further from the truth at Osprey Lodge, a beautiful assisted living and memory care community in Tavares.

Osprey Lodge’s newly hired chef, Jose Severino, believes in healthy food with distinctive flavors and fresh ingredients. With vast experience in the restaurant and hotel food industries, he’s looking forward to leading the way in redefining senior dining.

“My take on food is different,” says Severino, a 2005 graduate of Le Cordon Bleu, one of the nation’s most respected culinary schools. “Everything is cooked in its own sauces without using lots of oils. I have very high standards in my kitchen. For instance, we only use fresh fish, never frozen. All of our ingredients are of the highest quality.”

Severino is introducing the French style of cooking known as sous-vide, a healthy way of cooking meats, fish and chicken. The technique involves sealing the meat in bags, submerging it in a water bath, and holding it at a precisely controlled temperature. It enhances the flavor, meaning no additional salt or fat is needed during cooking. Moreover, sealing the food ensures vitamins and minerals are not lost during the cooking process.

“We want our residents to experience the highest quality of life possible,” he says. “I play a big role in that by ensuring they eat healthy, nutritious meals. That’s a responsibility I do not take lightly.”

Chef Jose also wants residents to enjoy a restaurant-like dining experience.

“Presentation is key. People eat with their eyes. If food is unappealing, they are not going to eat it. I pride myself in making food look clean, garnished and amazing. When it comes to being successful in the food industry, consistency is the key.”

For a taste of Osprey Lodge life, call for an appointment at 352.253.5100, and receive a free Osprey Lodge signature gift with your tour.

III PAID PROMOTIONAL FEATURE III 352.253.5100 1761 Nightingale Lane, Tavares, FL 32778 AL license #12259
Visit From Straight A’s to Top Hospital. Florida Hospital Waterman has been named a 2016 Top General Hospital by the Leapfrog Group. A designation that places us among the top 3% of hospitals nationally, and the only hospital in Central Florida to be named a Top General Hospital and achieve straight A’s for safety since 2013. We’re committed to delivering quality, compassionate care in an environment focused on safety and improving the health and well-being of Lake County residents. Lake County’s leading hospital for safety is now one of the Nation’s Top Hospitals. Amazing.

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