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Health Center provides the “one-stop” facility for people of all ages to receive wellness, medical, and chiropractic care that could optimize their health, and starting this month two new services will be launched—stem cell injections to help patients with musculoskeletal issues and a new weight-loss program.
“A lot of feedback we get is that we are really the only practice in the area that offers a comprehensive level of care,” says Dr. Tige Buchanan, who has maintained a successful practice for more than 16 years. “We can provide a lot of different providers together to benefit our patients from everything that they may need—primary care to hormone replacement, medicines, massage, and rehab— we’re the only practice in the area that is able to offer all of these services under one roof.”
He is joined by the center’s board-certified nurse practitioner Dana Carroll, ARNP, in being pleased to bring stem cell injections to this area.
“The stem cell injections will be tied with primarily musculoskeletal issues, small and large joints, knees, shoulders, hips,” says Carroll, “and the stem cell injections actually will restore the tissues within the joints so that we can avoid knee replacement surgery, hip replacement surgery, shoulder surgery, so patients will have another option that does not involve surgery.”
Dr. Buchanan says his center’s practice is unique in the way services are performed. All new patients are first evaluated by the medical team.
“We are able to work together as a team to determine the best course of action to get our patients well and then to keep them well after they see us,” he says. “We want people to have a higher quality of life, and if we get to a problem early, then the chance of correcting and fixing that problem to where they are not having long-term problems in their future is really paramount to what we do.”
Some of their happy patients are in their late 80s; the center is accepting new patients.
Carroll joined the center after working 20 years in the hospital field of managing diseases, and she now treasures being able to help patients, including those who learned hormone imbalances had zapped their energy and affected their moods.
“That really is our goal here to keep people well and to help them if they are heading in a direction that we know they are going to have health problems and complications so that we can really intervene early and get them on the right track so that they can stay well, enjoy their life, and do the things that they love to do,” says Carroll.
She finds it rewarding when patients report they can now work without pain, walk around theme parks, or get down on the floor to play with their grandchildren.
“It really ultimately changes their life,” she says.
To experience optimum health, it all begins with a medical exam, medical assessment, and bloodwork. These are performed in the office, along with X-rays that are also in-house.
“If you wait until you have a problem, a lot of times you are really so far into the process that it is a lot more difficult to correct and treat things,” Carroll says. “So we really want to be proactive to when it comes to our healthcare. It’s very simple to come in and get bloodwork done; it’s a great place to start and see what we can do to try to keep people healthy.”
In additional to family medical and chiropractic care, the center also provides therapeutic massage therapy, nutritional counseling, cholesterol testing, age-specific testing and diagnostics, women’s services of pap smears, blood work, breast exams with referrals for mammograms, birth control, and BioTe hormone replacement, a popular type of hormone replacement therapy.
As the old saying goes, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Dr. Buchanan and his team’s holistic approach to health care and personalized treatment plans have helped many patients enjoy and maintain a healthy lifestyle—and it may be what you need too.
9836 U.S. Highway 441, Leesburg, FL 34748
BuchanHealth.com 352.787.8531
Monday - Thursday: 9a.m.-6p.m. Friday - 8a.m.-1p.m.