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According to the American Diabetes Association, two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke — both preventable complications.
But there’s no need to become a statistic. Florida Hospital Waterman is partnering with the Florida Hospital Diabetes Institute (FHDI) to help provide patients with information they need to manage their diabetes daily and make positive lifestyle changes.
Each month, Florida Hospital Waterman will host the only American Diabetes Association certified education courses of its kind available in Lake County. The two-day class will feature meal and exercise planning, blood glucose monitoring, and disease management education.
The next course is June 11 from 9:30a.m. to 4p.m. at Conry CREATION Health Center, Florida Hospital Waterman 1000, Waterman Way, Tavares. Call 407.303.2822 for referral information.
Diabetes education is covered by most insurances and Medicare, usually with a small co-payment. A physician referral is required to attend classes. Visit FHWaterman.com for more information.
“While receiving treatment with Dr. Wu, he discovered I had poor circulation in both legs. After undergoing a bypass, I was wheelchair-bound and immobile for more than six months. Gangrene set in my toes and I had to have several amputated on my feet, but now I am back to playing golf and walking again thanks to Dr. Wu. He is fantastic; his innovation and patience gave me my life back. I probably wouldn’t be alive if not for Dr. Wu.” not Dr.

—Harvey Beringhause
Florida Hospital Waterman earned an “A” grade in the Spring 2014 update to the Hospital Safety Score, which rates how well hospitals protect patients from accidents, errors, injuries, and infections.
Florida Hospital Waterman was the only Lake County hospital to earn an “A” Hospital Safety Score. Waterman also received an “A” in 2013.
“Protecting the patients in our community and providing them with a safe environment for healing is central to our mission,” said David Ottati, president and CEO at Florida Hospital Waterman. “Once again earning the distinction of being the only hospital in Lake County to receive this honor is reflective of our team’s dedication and hard work toward providing the highest quality care.”
The Hospital Safety Score, administered by independent industry watchdog The Leapfrog Group, uses 28 measures of publicly available hospital safety data to produce a single “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” score representing a hospital’s overall capacity to keep patients safe from preventable harm.

The Florida Department of Health recently named Healthy Living magazine publisher Kendra Akers a Florida Public Health Hero.
The health department recognized one person from each county who “tirelessly sought to improve health and quality of life for the people of Florida.” Akers was the lone media professional honored. Most recipients were physicians, nurses, and health care administrators.
“Being healthy means living your life in balance,” Akers said. “With that in mind, each month Healthy Living magazine encourages over 100,000 of its readers to live healthy by providing articles that are focused on a healthy mind, body, spirit, and finance. Each article is carefully planned with our community in mind.”
Hope Springs For Lifestream Clients
LifeStream Behavioral Center recently held a ribbon-cutting and open house for Hope Springs Villas at 1171 Bentley Road in Leesburg.
The roughly $2 million project largely funded by the Lake County Board of Commissioners through the HUD Neighborhood Stablization Program provides 34 one- and two-bedroom affordable housing units.
Local physicians Sijo Parekattil and Jamin Brahmbhatt will be strapping themselves into a TESLA sports car and taking off for New York City on June 12 in an effort to promote men’s health. Experts will give educational talks about men’s health every 150 miles when the car stops for recharging during a 23-hour drive from Clermont to Manhattan.
For more information about the TESLA Drive 4 Mens Health 2014 event, visit driveformenshealth.com.