1 minute read
For some, summertime doesn’t mean endless trips to the beach or fun-filled pool parties with friends. Humidity and sizzling heat force many to “hibernate” in their air-conditioned homes.
Hopefully, that doesn’t mean the TV remote is their summertime pal. There are numerous mind-stimulating activities “shut-ins” can participate in. Here are a few indoor activities to consider:
*Crossword puzzles, sudoku or other brain teasers.
*It may be too hot to fish, but you can still consume store-bought fish. Fish contains essential fatty acids critical to brain function.
*Drink coffee. Research suggests a caffeine habit may decrease the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease by 30 to 60 percent.
*Get enough sleep. Studies indicate that a midday nap dramatically boosts and restores brainpower.
*Listen to music. Music has been associated with enhanced cognitive function and improved mental focus.

Sources: livescience.com/12915-10-ways-mind-sharp.html articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/05/17/ good-brain-health-tips.aspx