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For many, when sickness strikes or a sudden injury occurs, the automatic response is to go to the emergency room.

However, there are other choices, such as Lake Regional Urgent Care.

“We try to replicate emergency room services as closely as possible,” says Dr. Raymond Dominick, medical director of all three LRUC locations (Leesburg, The Villages and, most recently, Mount Dora). “I would say we can perform about 95 percent of the same services the ER provides — and at a fraction of the cost.”

In addition to fast, affordable, and first-rate medicine, Dr. Dominick has an extensive emergency medicine background, which speaks to his level of expertise and care. A board-certified internist, he earned his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

From managing ER’s in Pennsylvania to working locally at both Leesburg Regional Medical Center and Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford, Dr. Dominick has spent the majority of his medical care in emergency medicine. He was even instrumental in establishing and developing the ER at West Marion Community Hospital in Ocala.

Dr. Dominick credits technology for changing the face of medicine. Now, emergency rooms aren’t the only place for immediate care.

“We have full labs, EKGs, X-rays, crash carts, pacemakers … LRUC is a true alternative,” he says. “I can do an EKG and in one minute tell if you’re having a heart attack. From there we can go right to the cath lab.”

For Dr. Dominick, medicine is his calling. He’s a longtime admirer of its process and his passion is evident in the quality of care he and his staff provide patients.

Dr. Dominick is also licensed to treat chronic pain and administer hormone replacement therapy. All locations are open seven days a week from 8:30a.m. to 7p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30a.m. to 5p.m. Saturday and Sunday.


Ladies SelfDefense Class

The Grappling Mastery Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA Academy will teach free self-defense techniques to women. Current NAGA Pan American champion Brian Ruscio hosts the free class at 19051 U.S. Hwy. 441 Suite #220 in Mount Dora. Information: 352.702.5689 or visit www. grapplingmastery.com


Cool Summer Mornings 5k Series #1

This walk/run begins on residential streets of Clermont and continues on the South Lake Trail. The event concludes with an awards ceremony. Start time: 8a.m. at Clermont’s Waterfront Park. Information: www. sommersports.com/Events


Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Emotional support and education for Parkinson’s Disease patients and their families. 1-2:30p.m. Conroy CREATION Health Center at Florida

Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way in Tavares. Information: 352.253.3685.


Better Breathers Support Group

Interact with others who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases while learning tips and techniques to better manage the disease. National Training Center, 1935 Don Wickham Drive, Clermont. 1-3p.m. Information: 352.241.7109.


Newborn Care Class

Expectant parents learn the basics of newborn care such as bathing, diapering and infant CPR. They’ll also tour the Life Center for Women at Leesburg Regional Medical Center. 6:30-8:30p.m. Cost: $15. 600 E. Dixie Ave., Leesburg. Information: Contact Karen Lynn at 352.323.5960 or email KLynn@CFHAlliance.org.


Chair Yoga With Nancy

Learn stretching and flexibility exercises, breathing and simple meditations. No special equipment required. Cost: $5 per person. Information: Call Eileen Tramontana at 352.357.7536 or email her at tinc.director@gmail.com


Breastfeeding Class

Learn the basics of breastfeeding, such as getting started in the hospital, positioning and breastfeeding management.

6:30-8:30p.m. Cost: $15. Leesburg Regional Medical Center, 600 E. Dixie Ave. Information:

Contact Karen Lynn at 352.323.5960 or email KLynn@CFHAlliance.org.

JUNE 12-14

25th Annual Harvest Festival

Lakeridge Winery’s flagship festival celebrates grapes, which are said to reduce risk of cancer and decrease blood pressure. Enjoy a grape-stomping contest and live entertainment.

Cost: $2 donation to benefit Hospice Foundation.

10a.m. to 5p.m. Friday and Saturday; 11a.m. to 5p.m. Sunday. 19239 U.S. Hwy.

27 Clermont. Information: 1.800.768.WINE or visit www.lakeridgewinery.com


Multiple Sclerosis Support Group

Multiple sclerosis patients reach out to others with similar challenges and discuss improved lifestyle management techniques. National Training Center, 1935 Don Wickham Drive, Clermont. 10a.m. to noon. Cost: Free.

Information: 352.242.2350.


Diabetes SelfManagement Support Group

Certified diabetes educator

Debra Dudley helps prediabetics and diabetics learn how to manage the disease. 5-6p.m. Conroy CREATION Health Center at Florida Hospital Waterman, 1000 Waterman Way, Tavares. Cost: Free. Information: 352.253.3685.

JUNE 20-21

Learn to Row

Learn how to row or rediscover the joys of rowing with the Lake County Rowing Association. Clermont Boathouse, 1050 Lake Minneola Drive in Clermont. Cost: $99 per person. Information: Call Wendy Burkett at 303.656.8816 or email emailmembership@ RowLCRA.org.

Honoring Heroes

Nearly 100 veterans and 50 surviving spouses were honored during a “Salute to Veterans” event at Lake Port Square in Leesburg. The local chapter of We Honor Veterans organized the event, which included a Color Guard and choir. Veterans received pins and certificates, while widows received flowers.

Shining Stars

The South Lake Hospital Foundation celebrated its inaugural Starry Night Gala. The elegant, fun event attracted more than 200 people—including physicians, business owners and community leaders—and featured live entertainment, food and beverages. Proceeds helped support the South Lake Hospital Center for Robotic Surgery, the Centre for Women’s Health and youth fitness initiatives on the LiveWell campus.


Institute of Cardiovascular Excellence (ICE) recently held an open house to celebrate its new location at 3515 SE 17th St. in Ocala. Attendees toured the new facility and received refreshments. Several ICE physicians attended the event, including Dr. Norman Weinstein and Dr. Donald Liebelt. The new office is ICE’s seventh location.


The inaugural Business and Health Expo was held at the Tavares Pavilion on the Lake. Attendees had an opportunity to meet local business owners and learn about the wealth of products they offer. They also got to see inside the beautiful $6.3 million, 8,000 square-foot pavilion, which features a winding staircase and scenic pier over Lake Dora.

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