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WE GET IT. You live in a small town, so you think you need to drive to a big city to get the care you need. But did you know TriCounty Orthopaedic Center is home to some of the nation’s leading orthopaedic surgeons, including partial knee replacement specialist Dr. J. Mandume Kerina. Dr. Kerina is the nations leading outpatient partial knee replacement surgeon and he is the go-to surgeon for physicians — across the nation. He has developed surgical instruments and techniques as well as trained surgeons both national and internationally for the world’s largest Orthopedic company. Last year he and his team at TLC Surgery Center performed the nations first outpatient partial knee replacement utilizing the Uni-path process. Although his training is big city (he completed his residency at SUNY down state medical center), Dr. Kerina prefers the small town life just like you. The next time you need an orthopaedic surgeon, save your gas money. Get world-class care right here at home.

You’re in good hands with Dr. Kerina. Call today to schedule your appointment.