1 minute read
Falling dominos
Neverhas the phrase “domino effect” been used more appropriatelythanto represent theimpact of ourweightand physicalactivityonourhealth. It is the prescriptionverbalized at everyvisit toyour doctor, the topic of mostconsumerhealthstories, and the topic of this month’s Impulse.
It mayseemrepetitive, butitisimportant.Andit is the reasonwhyI putalarge amountof mytime into patient education.Thatiswhywe provide Impulse,whyI hire the best specialists,whyI ensure that mypatients have materials relevant to theirillness, andwhyI started the ICE Walk, which is comingup onNov. 16!
The ideal domino effect that Iwant to seeinmy communitybeginswithalittle physical activitylike risingand sittinginachair,walkingaroundyour home for10 minutes, stretchingdownto touch yourtoesinthe morningand beforeyougo to bed.The persistence and the determinationto get up and get movingwillinevitablyimproveyour qualityof life.Youwillgainstrength, stability, and muchmore.Theideais to keep movingatyour pace, speed, and strength, and asyou progressyou will soon discover the reward.
Atthe end of the trailof fallingdominos, the rewardis qualityof life. Itmeansyouwillbe able to dowhatyouwant onaday-to-daybasis like hold yourgrandchildren,walk around the park, doyour ownfood shopping, ordanceinyourlivingroom!