2 minute read
Somewhere deep within our subconscious mind we secretly “let go” during the holiday season and resign to the myth that we will surely gain weight from October to January. Why not be proactive instead of reactive this year and take control of our calorie input and output?
The largest muscles in our bodies burn more calories than smaller ones, so let us wage war on them and be victorious over the battle of the bulge! The hips, thighs, and seat all host these large, calorie-burning muscles that will help us turn up the metabolism.
Wall Ball Squat
1. With a ball at the top of your hips yet below the small of your back, spread feet out in front of you with knees hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
2. Inhale and lower your body to a 90-degree knee position.
3. Exhale and return to stand while contracting your glutes.
4. Repeat 12–15 times for three sets.
• Challenge yourself. Hold the lower position and count to five.
• Lean into the ball; do not arch your lower back around it.
• Go slowly!
MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings
Eating a few carbs 30 minutes before a workout will help fuel your body. A small apple, mini-bagel, or a handful of banana chips work great!
Holly Homemaker
For moms who are home with small children, this exercise is simple to modify. Find an empty wall and a mediumsized ball from the toy box. Here is what you do:
• Put the ball between your knees with your back against the wall.
• Gently squeeze the ball as you lower yourself to a seated position, minus the chair.

• Make sure that your knees are at a 90-degree angle (no less or you can hurt your knees).
• Hold this position and count as high as you can, or until your legs fatigue.
• As you stand up, squeeze your glutes.
• Repeat 5–8 times to burn the most calories.
Back Lunge
1. Stand tall and take a giant step backward, bending the front knee at a 90-degree angle.
2. Sink your weight onto your back foot with shoulders remaining over hips.
3. Return to start position and alternate legs. Perform 10–20 reps for three sets. Start position

• You do not have to touch your back knee to the ground.
• Go slowly and be precise in your movements.
MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings
Second position
An excellent pre-workout food is oatmeal, particularly one made with whole oats. Your body digests them slowly, and you feel full longer than with a simple carbohydrate cereal.
SOURCE: CookingLight.com
Final position
Second position
Muscle Groups
TARGETED: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings

Static Lunge
This one is perfect for the busy travel times that come with the holidays.
1. Stand tall and take a giant step forward, bending the front knee at a 90-degree angle.
2. Bend your back knee slightly with heel lifted off the ground.
3. Hold this position and count to 10, then step forward. Repeat 5–8 times per leg.
• Add dumbbells in each hand to make it harder.
• Should you experience any discomfort in your knee, discontinue.
• Keep your shoulders directly over your hips.
Wrap Up
Strong legs not only burn more calories but also make you more powerful, stronger, and able to endure activities longer. These tips will put you ahead of the game during the holidays so you can beat the extra pounds before they appear.
Start position
TRACY DRAPER is an AFAA-certified personal trainer with over 12 years’ experience in personal fitness training. As a wife and mom, she discovered a few years ago that she could once again be an athlete, as well. In 2014, she is leading a team of cyclists on a cross-country ride. Visit www. RideAcrossUSA.com for more details.