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Though it has been quiet in the Gulf and Atlantic, hurricanes can still occur in October and November. Central Florida is certainly not immune to hurricanes, as evidenced in 2004 when several came roaring through the area. Here are some precautions you should take to ensure your safety in case we have late season hurricanes this year:
• Compile necessary items for an emergency kit and make a family communications plan.
• Familiarize yourself with hurricane evacuation routes. Determine in advance where you would go and how you would get there if evacuation becomes necessary.
• Cover all windows in your home. The best protection for windows is permanent home shutters. You could also board up windows with marine plywood. Unfortunately, tape is ineffective in keeping windows from breaking.
• To reduce roof damage, install straps or additional clips to securely fasten your roof to the frame structure.
• Bring all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans, and anything else not tied down inside your home.
• Make sure you have flashlights and batteries.
• Keep a stash of bottled water or clean drinking water.
Source: www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/08/28/how-prepare-hurricane-during-and-after
The United States Weather Bureau calls a storm a hurricane when the wind blows faster than 74 miles per hour.
Hurricane Andrew blew across South Florida in 1992 at speeds of 160 miles per hour. It caused $25 billion in damages.
Approximately 90 percent of deaths associated with hurricanes result from drowning in floods.
The worst hurricane in terms of lives lost occurred in 1970 in Bangladesh. The hurricane created a massive flood that killed more than 1 million people. Water temperatures must be 75 to 80 degrees for hurricanes to last. That is why most hurricanes in North America occur over the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico and not on the Pacific coast.
Source: www.siue.edu/MLTE/Thematic%20Units/The%20 Weather%20Around%20Us/hurricane_facts.htm